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Webinar : “Building an embedded VoIP network for video intercom systems”

By Lou

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This webinar is presented by Jehan Monnier, the cofounder of Belledonne Communications involved in Linphone’s development since 2010.

This webinar takes place in 4 steps :

I. Video intercom use cases

II. Introduction to SIP-based VoIP technologies

III. Belledonne’s software for intercom systems

IV. Why choosing us

Our goal is to help manufacturers, integrators and developers of home automation systems leverage open VoIP standards, such as SIP, to bring advanced audio and video capabilities to their products.

An extract from what you will find in the webinar : 

I. Video intercom use cases :
First of all, we will talk about the different usecasessimple, multi-device and remote access.

Our VoIP software solutions can be used for a wide range of door entry use cases: from simple scenarios, such as peer-to-peer voice communication through a local network, to complex architectures with several devices located inside and outside of the home network

II. Introduction to SIP-based VoIP technologies :

VoIP technologies are based on 2 main IETF standards :

  • Session Initiation Protocol (RFC3261)
  • Real Time Transport (RFC3550)

For this item, we will also speak about SIP RFC3261 in short and RTP RFC3550 in short

III. Belledonne’s software for intercom systems :

​Now, this point will present you the different options available to you with our solutions : Mobile app connected to the public Internet, Liblinphone (a powerful VoIP SDK providing all audio/video calling features), Linhome mobile App for Intercom, Flexisip SIP proxy (a server for intercoms), Flexisip account manager and Security Considerations.

For example, for Flexisip SIP proxy :

  • Transport protocols: SIP/UDP, SIP/TCP and SIP/TLS
  • NAT-aware with a built-in media relay module and ICE/STUN/TURN support
  • Early media call forking (display of the caller’s video preview to all ringing devices)
  • Interconnected with push notification systems for reliably notifyingmobile apps of incoming calls
  • Modular architecture and limited number of dependencies: suitable for integration into low-footprint embedded systems, OR for large cloud deployments in high availability or cluster mode
  • Possible integration in front of legacy embedded SIP servers

IV. Why choosing us :

  • Communication protocols (SIP, RTP, ICE, STUN/TURN, codecs)
  • Software development in C++, C, C#, Java, and Swift
  • Secure communications (SIP TLS, SRTP, ZRTP, SRTP-DTLS)
  • Media streaming and signal processing (voice and video)
  • Mobile and desktop apps (iOS, Android, Qt)

To learn more, we let you watch the webinar : https://youtu.be/xKXIKV41Bwc

You can also consult our brochure : /sites/default/files/brochure_linhome.pdf