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Linphone 3.7 for Windows Desktop, Mac OSX and Linux

By Lou

We are pleased to announce the release of Linphone 3.7.0 for Linux, Mac OS and Windows (desktop version).

Here is an overview of the changes:

  • It is now possible to configure multiple proxy accounts with different transports (UDP, TCP, TLS)
  • Video HD formats support added, leveraging on multiple cores for encoding if available
  • Faster and highly responsive UI thanks to fully asynchronous operation of the liblinphone.
  • Add On of opus codec
  • Possibility to specify a remote provisioning http URI for configuration
  • LDAP search integration for Linux and MacOSX
  • is-composing notification in chat area
  • User can choose video rendering method on Linux (OpenGL or Xv)
  • Keyboard can be used for DTMF input


Source code:

And of course everything is on our git repositories.

Mac OS bundle:

Windows installer: