Liblinphone  5.3.0
Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
Call control

Placing and receiving calls. More...


typedef void(* LinphonePlayerCbsEofReachedCb) (LinphonePlayer *player)
 Callback for notifying end of play (file). More...
typedef enum _LinphoneRecorderFileFormat LinphoneRecorderFileFormat
 Enum representing the file format of a recording.
typedef enum _LinphoneRecorderState LinphoneRecorderState
 Enum representing the state of a recording.
typedef enum _LinphoneVideoSourceType LinphoneVideoSourceType
 Enum representing the type of a video source.
typedef enum _LinphoneMediaDirection LinphoneMediaDirection
 Indicates for a given media the stream direction.
typedef struct _LinphonePlayer LinphonePlayer
 Player interface.
typedef struct _LinphonePlayerCbs LinphonePlayerCbs
 An object to handle the callbacks for the handling a LinphonePlayer objects.
typedef enum LinphonePlayerState LinphonePlayerState
 The state of a LinphonePlayer.
typedef enum _LinphonePrivacy LinphonePrivacy
 Defines privacy policy to apply as described by rfc3323.
typedef unsigned int LinphonePrivacyMask
 A mask of LinphonePrivacy values.
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsDtmfReceivedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, int dtmf)
 Callback for being notified of received DTMFs. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsGoClearAckSentCb) (LinphoneCall *call)
 GoClear ACK sent callback. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsEncryptionChangedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, bool_t on, const char *authentication_token)
 Call encryption changed callback. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsSendMasterKeyChangedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, const char *send_master_key)
 Call send master key changed callback. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, const char *receive_master_key)
 Call receive master key changed callback. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsInfoMessageReceivedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneInfoMessage *message)
 Callback for receiving info messages. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneCallState state, const char *message)
 Call state notification callback. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsStatsUpdatedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneCallStats *stats)
 Callback for receiving quality statistics for calls. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsTransferStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneCallState state)
 Callback for notifying progresses of transfers. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsAckProcessingCb) (LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneHeaders *ack, bool_t is_received)
 Callback for notifying the processing SIP ACK messages. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsTmmbrReceivedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, int stream_index, int tmmbr)
 Callback for notifying a received TMMBR. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsSnapshotTakenCb) (LinphoneCall *call, const char *file_path)
 Callback for notifying a snapshot taken. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsNextVideoFrameDecodedCb) (LinphoneCall *call)
 Callback to notify a next video frame has been decoded. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsCameraNotWorkingCb) (LinphoneCall *call, const char *camera_name)
 Callback to notify that the camera is not working and has been changed to "No Webcam". More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsVideoDisplayErrorOccurredCb) (LinphoneCall *call, int error_code)
 Callback to notify that there are errors from the video rendering. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneAudioDevice *audio_device)
 Callback to notify that the audio device has been changed. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsRemoteRecordingCb) (LinphoneCall *call, bool_t recording)
 Callback to notify that the call is being recorded by the remote. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneCall LinphoneCall
 This object represents a call issued or received by the LinphoneCore. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneCallCbs LinphoneCallCbs
 That class holds all the callbacks which are called by LinphoneCall objects. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneCallParams LinphoneCallParams
 An object containing various parameters of a LinphoneCall. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneRecorder LinphoneRecorder
 Object used to record the audio or video of a call.
typedef struct _LinphoneRecorderParams LinphoneRecorderParams
 Object containing various parameters of a LinphoneRecorder.
typedef struct _LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor
 Object that is used to describe a video source.
typedef enum _LinphoneCallState LinphoneCallState
 LinphoneCallState enum represents the different states a call can reach into. More...


enum  _LinphoneRecorderFileFormat {
 Enum representing the file format of a recording.
enum  _LinphoneRecorderState {
 Enum representing the state of a recording. More...
enum  _LinphoneVideoSourceType {
 Enum representing the type of a video source. More...
enum  _LinphoneMediaDirection {
  LinphoneMediaDirectionInvalid = -1,
  LinphoneMediaDirectionInactive = 0,
  LinphoneMediaDirectionSendOnly = 1,
  LinphoneMediaDirectionRecvOnly = 2,
  LinphoneMediaDirectionSendRecv = 3
 Indicates for a given media the stream direction. More...
enum  LinphonePlayerState {
  LinphonePlayerClosed = 0,
  LinphonePlayerPaused = 1,
  LinphonePlayerPlaying = 2
 The state of a LinphonePlayer. More...
enum  _LinphonePrivacy {
  LinphonePrivacyNone = 0x0,
  LinphonePrivacyUser = 0x1,
  LinphonePrivacyHeader = 0x2,
  LinphonePrivacySession = 0x4,
  LinphonePrivacyId = 0x8,
  LinphonePrivacyCritical = 0x10,
  LinphonePrivacyDefault = 0x8000
 Defines privacy policy to apply as described by rfc3323. More...
enum  _LinphoneCallState {
  LinphoneCallStateIdle = 0,
  LinphoneCallStateIncomingReceived = 1,
  LinphoneCallStatePushIncomingReceived = 2,
  LinphoneCallStateOutgoingInit = 3,
  LinphoneCallStateOutgoingProgress = 4,
  LinphoneCallStateOutgoingRinging = 5,
  LinphoneCallStateOutgoingEarlyMedia = 6,
  LinphoneCallStateConnected = 7,
  LinphoneCallStateStreamsRunning = 8,
  LinphoneCallStatePausing = 9,
  LinphoneCallStatePaused = 10,
  LinphoneCallStateResuming = 11,
  LinphoneCallStateReferred = 12,
  LinphoneCallStateError = 13,
  LinphoneCallStateEnd = 14,
  LinphoneCallStatePausedByRemote = 15,
  LinphoneCallStateIncomingEarlyMedia = 17,
  LinphoneCallStateUpdating = 18,
  LinphoneCallStateReleased = 19,
 LinphoneCallState enum represents the different states a call can reach into. More...


void linphone_call_params_add_custom_header (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, const char *header_name, const char *header_value)
 Add a custom SIP header in the INVITE for a call. More...
const char * linphone_call_params_get_custom_header (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params, const char *header_name)
 Get a custom SIP header. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCallParamslinphone_call_params_copy (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Copy an existing LinphoneCallParams object to a new LinphoneCallParams object. More...
bool_t linphone_call_params_early_media_sending_enabled (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Indicate whether sending of early media was enabled. More...
void linphone_call_params_enable_early_media_sending (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, bool_t enabled)
 Enable sending of real early media (during outgoing calls). More...
void linphone_call_params_enable_low_bandwidth (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, bool_t enabled)
 Indicate low bandwith mode. More...
void linphone_call_params_enable_audio (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, bool_t enabled)
 Enable audio stream. More...
void linphone_call_params_enable_capability_negotiations (LinphoneCallParams *params, bool_t enabled)
 Enable capability negotiations (RFC5939). More...
void linphone_call_params_enable_cfg_lines_merging (LinphoneCallParams *params, bool_t enabled)
 Enable merging of cfg lines with consecutive indexes if capability negotiations (RFC5939) is enabled. More...
void linphone_call_params_enable_tcap_line_merging (LinphoneCallParams *params, bool_t enabled)
 Enable merging of tcap lines with consecutive indexes if capability negotiations (RFC5939) is enabled. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_supported_encryptions (LinphoneCallParams *params, bctbx_list_t *encs)
 Sets the list of supported encryptions. More...
void linphone_call_params_enable_video (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, bool_t enabled)
 Enable video stream. More...
LinphoneConferenceLayout linphone_call_params_get_conference_video_layout (const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Set video layout for conference. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_conference_video_layout (LinphoneCallParams *params, LinphoneConferenceLayout layout)
 Set video layout for conference. More...
bool_t linphone_call_params_get_local_conference_mode (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Tell whether the call is part of the locally managed conference. More...
LinphoneMediaEncryption linphone_call_params_get_media_encryption (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the kind of media encryption selected for the call. More...
LinphonePrivacyMask linphone_call_params_get_privacy (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get requested level of privacy for the call. More...
float linphone_call_params_get_received_framerate (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the framerate of the video that is received. More...
const LinphoneVideoDefinitionlinphone_call_params_get_received_video_definition (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the definition of the received video. More...
const char * linphone_call_params_get_record_file (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the path for the audio recording of the call. More...
const char * linphone_call_params_get_rtp_profile (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the RTP profile being used. More...
float linphone_call_params_get_sent_framerate (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the framerate of the video that is sent. More...
const LinphoneVideoDefinitionlinphone_call_params_get_sent_video_definition (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the definition of the sent video. More...
const char * linphone_call_params_get_session_name (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the session name of the media session (ie in SDP). More...
const LinphonePayloadTypelinphone_call_params_get_used_audio_payload_type (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the audio payload type that has been selected by a call. More...
const LinphonePayloadTypelinphone_call_params_get_used_video_payload_type (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the video payload type that has been selected by a call. More...
const LinphonePayloadTypelinphone_call_params_get_used_text_payload_type (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the text payload type that has been selected by a call. More...
bool_t linphone_call_params_low_bandwidth_enabled (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Tell whether the call has been configured in low bandwidth mode or not. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_audio_bandwidth_limit (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, int bandwidth)
 Refine bandwidth settings for this call by setting a bandwidth limit for audio streams. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_media_encryption (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, LinphoneMediaEncryption encryption)
 Set requested media encryption for a call. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_privacy (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, LinphonePrivacyMask privacy)
 Set requested level of privacy for the call. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_record_file (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, const char *path)
 Enable recording of the call. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_session_name (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, const char *name)
 Set the session name of the media session (ie in SDP). More...
bool_t linphone_call_params_audio_enabled (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Tell whether audio is enabled or not. More...
bool_t linphone_call_params_video_enabled (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Tell whether video is enabled or not. More...
LinphoneMediaDirection linphone_call_params_get_audio_direction (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the audio stream direction. More...
LinphoneMediaDirection linphone_call_params_get_video_direction (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the video stream direction. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_audio_direction (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, LinphoneMediaDirection direction)
 Set the audio stream direction. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_video_direction (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, LinphoneMediaDirection direction)
 Set the video stream direction. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_account (LinphoneCallParams *params, LinphoneAccount *account)
 Set the LinphoneAccount to use for the call. More...
LinphoneAccountlinphone_call_params_get_account (const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Get the LinphoneAccount that is used for the call. More...
void linphone_call_params_enable_avpf (LinphoneCallParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Toggle feedback extension for AVP. More...
bool_t linphone_call_params_avpf_enabled (const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Whether or not the feedback extension will be used for AVP. More...
bool_t linphone_call_params_is_recording (const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Indicates whether the call is being recorded. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_from_header (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, const char *from_value)
 Force the from header of a call when instanciating it (if set, it precludes the search in proxy and primary contact) More...
const char * linphone_call_params_get_from_header (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the from header in the CallParams. More...
int linphone_call_params_get_audio_bandwidth_limit (const LinphoneCallParams *params)
bool_t linphone_call_params_real_early_media_enabled (const LinphoneCallParams *params)
bool_t linphone_call_params_has_avpf_enabled_been_set (const LinphoneCallParams *params)
bool_t linphone_call_params_mandatory_media_encryption_enabled (const LinphoneCallParams *params)
void linphone_call_params_enable_mandatory_media_encryption (LinphoneCallParams *params, bool_t value)
uint16_t linphone_call_params_get_avpf_rr_interval (const LinphoneCallParams *params)
void linphone_call_params_set_avpf_rr_interval (LinphoneCallParams *params, uint16_t value)
void * linphone_call_params_get_user_data (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the user data associated with the call params. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_user_data (LinphoneCallParams *call_params, void *user_data)
 Assign a user data to the call params. More...
LinphoneCallParamslinphone_call_params_ref (LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Acquire a reference to the call params. More...
void linphone_call_params_unref (LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Release a reference to the call params. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_input_audio_device (LinphoneCallParams *params, LinphoneAudioDevice *audio_device)
 Sets the given LinphoneAudioDevice as default input for a call to be created later. More...
void linphone_call_params_set_output_audio_device (LinphoneCallParams *params, LinphoneAudioDevice *audio_device)
 Sets the given LinphoneAudioDevice as default output for a call to be created later. More...
const LinphoneAudioDevicelinphone_call_params_get_input_audio_device (const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Gets the default input audio device for a call that will be created using this call params. More...
const LinphoneAudioDevicelinphone_call_params_get_output_audio_device (const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Gets the default output audio device for a call that will be created using this call params. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED MSVideoSize linphone_call_params_get_received_video_size (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Get the size of the video that is received. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED MSVideoSize linphone_call_params_get_sent_video_size (const LinphoneCallParams *call_params)
 Gets the size of the video that is sent. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_call_params_set_proxy_config (LinphoneCallParams *params, LinphoneProxyConfig *proxy_config)
 Set the LinphoneProxyConfig to use for the call. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneProxyConfiglinphone_call_params_get_proxy_config (const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Get the LinphoneProxyConfig that is used for the call. More...
LinphoneConferenceParamslinphone_conference_params_new (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Create an object of type a LinphoneConferenceParams. More...
LinphoneConferenceParamslinphone_conference_params_ref (LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Take a reference on a LinphoneConferenceParams. More...
void linphone_conference_params_unref (LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Release a LinphoneConferenceParams. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_params_free (LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Free a LinphoneConferenceParams. More...
LinphoneConferenceParamslinphone_conference_params_clone (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Clone a LinphoneConferenceParams. More...
void linphone_conference_params_set_subject (LinphoneConferenceParams *params, const char *subject)
 Set the conference subject. More...
const char * linphone_conference_params_get_subject (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Get the conference subject. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_params_set_audio_enabled (LinphoneConferenceParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Enable audio capabilities. More...
void linphone_conference_params_enable_audio (LinphoneConferenceParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Enable audio capabilities. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_conference_params_is_audio_enabled (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Check whether audio capabilities are enabled. More...
bool_t linphone_conference_params_audio_enabled (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Check whether audio capabilities are enabled. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_params_set_video_enabled (LinphoneConferenceParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Enable video capabilities. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_conference_params_is_video_enabled (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Check whether video capabilities are enabled. More...
void linphone_conference_params_enable_video (LinphoneConferenceParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Enable video capabilities. More...
bool_t linphone_conference_params_video_enabled (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Check whether video capabilities are enabled. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_params_set_chat_enabled (LinphoneConferenceParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Enable chat capabilities. More...
void linphone_conference_params_enable_chat (LinphoneConferenceParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Enable chat capabilities. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_conference_params_is_chat_enabled (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Check whether chat capabilities are enabled. More...
bool_t linphone_conference_params_chat_enabled (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Check whether chat capabilities are enabled. More...
LinphoneAccountlinphone_conference_params_get_account (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Returns the account for the conference. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneProxyConfiglinphone_conference_params_get_proxy_cfg (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Returns the proxy configuration for the conference. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_params_set_local_participant_enabled (LinphoneConferenceParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Enable local participant to enter the conference. More...
void linphone_conference_params_enable_local_participant (LinphoneConferenceParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Enable local participant to enter the conference. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_conference_params_is_local_participant_enabled (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Returns whether local participant has to enter the conference. More...
bool_t linphone_conference_params_local_participant_enabled (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Returns whether local participant has to enter the conference. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_params_set_one_participant_conference_enabled (LinphoneConferenceParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Enable conference with one participant. More...
void linphone_conference_params_enable_one_participant_conference (LinphoneConferenceParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Enable conference with one participant. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_conference_params_is_one_participant_conference_enabled (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Returns whether conference can have only one participant. More...
bool_t linphone_conference_params_one_participant_conference_enabled (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Returns whether conference can have only one participant. More...
LinphoneConferenceSecurityLevel linphone_conference_params_get_security_level (const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Retrieve the desired security level of the conference. More...
void linphone_conference_params_set_security_level (LinphoneConferenceParams *params, LinphoneConferenceSecurityLevel security_level)
 Set the desired security level of the conference. More...
LinphoneConferencelinphone_conference_ref (LinphoneConference *conference)
 Take a reference on a LinphoneConference. More...
void linphone_conference_unref (LinphoneConference *conference)
 Release a LinphoneConference. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED bctbx_list_t * linphone_conference_get_participants (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Get URIs of all participants of one conference The returned bctbx_list_t contains URIs of all participants. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_conference_get_participant_list (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Get list of all participants of a conference. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_conference_get_participant_device_list (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Get list of all participant devices of a conference including me if it is in. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_remove_participant (LinphoneConference *conference, const LinphoneAddress *uri)
LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_remove_participant_2 (LinphoneConference *conference, LinphoneParticipant *participant)
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_remove_participant_3 (LinphoneConference *conference, LinphoneCall *call)
LinphoneParticipantlinphone_conference_find_participant (LinphoneConference *conference, const LinphoneAddress *uri)
 Find a participant from a conference. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_invite_participants (LinphoneConference *conference, const bctbx_list_t *addresses, const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Invite participants to the conference, by supplying a list of LinphoneAddress If the conference is in the state LinphoneConferenceStateCreationPending, then the conference will start on the input and output audio devices used for the currently active call, if any. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_add_participants (LinphoneConference *conference, const bctbx_list_t *calls)
 Add participants to the conference, by supplying a list of LinphoneCall. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_add_participants_2 (LinphoneConference *conference, const bctbx_list_t *addresses)
 Add participants to the conference, by supplying a list of LinphoneAddress. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_add_participant (LinphoneConference *conference, LinphoneCall *call)
 Join an existing call to the conference. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_add_participant_2 (LinphoneConference *conference, const LinphoneAddress *uri)
 Join a participant to the conference. More...
int linphone_conference_update_params (LinphoneConference *conference, const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
 Update parameters of the conference. More...
const LinphoneConferenceParamslinphone_conference_get_current_params (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Get current parameters of the conference. More...
const char * linphone_conference_get_subject (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Get the conference subject. More...
void linphone_conference_set_subject (LinphoneConference *conference, const char *subject)
 Set the conference subject. More...
const char * linphone_conference_get_username (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Get the conference username. More...
void linphone_conference_set_username (LinphoneConference *conference, const char *username)
 Set the conference username. More...
void linphone_conference_set_local_participant_stream_capability (LinphoneConference *conference, const LinphoneMediaDirection direction, const LinphoneStreamType type)
 Set stream capability on me device of a local conference. More...
int linphone_conference_get_duration (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Get the conference duration. More...
time_t linphone_conference_get_start_time (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Get the conference start time. More...
int linphone_conference_get_participant_count (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Get number of participants without me. More...
LinphoneParticipantlinphone_conference_get_me (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 For a local audio video conference, this function returns the participant hosting the conference For a remote audio video conference, this function returns the local participant of the conference. More...
int linphone_conference_terminate (LinphoneConference *conference)
 Terminates conference. More...
void linphone_conference_set_participant_admin_status (LinphoneConference *conference, LinphoneParticipant *participant, bool_t is_admin)
 Change the admin status of a participant of a conference (you need to be an admin yourself to do this). More...
int linphone_conference_enter (LinphoneConference *conference)
 For a local conference, the local participant joins the conference For a remote conference, the participant rejoins the conference after leaving it earlier on. More...
int linphone_conference_leave (LinphoneConference *conference)
 For a local conference, the local participant leaves the conference For a remote conference, the participant leaves the conference after joining it earlier on. More...
bool_t linphone_conference_is_me (const LinphoneConference *conference, const LinphoneAddress *uri)
 For a local audio video conference, this function compares the address provided as argument with that of participant hosting the conference For a remote audio video conference, this function compares the address provided as argument with that of the local participant of the conference. More...
bool_t linphone_conference_is_in (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 For a local conference, it returns whether the local participant is enabled For a remote conference, it return whether the remote participant has left the conference without bein removed from it. More...
void linphone_conference_set_input_audio_device (LinphoneConference *conference, LinphoneAudioDevice *audio_device)
 Sets the given LinphoneAudioDevice as input for this conference only. More...
void linphone_conference_set_output_audio_device (LinphoneConference *conference, LinphoneAudioDevice *audio_device)
 Sets the given LinphoneAudioDevice as output for this conference only. More...
const LinphoneAudioDevicelinphone_conference_get_input_audio_device (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Gets the current input device for this conference. More...
const LinphoneAudioDevicelinphone_conference_get_output_audio_device (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Gets the current output device for this conference. More...
int linphone_conference_get_participant_device_volume (LinphoneConference *conference, LinphoneParticipantDevice *device)
 Retrieves the volume of a specific participant. More...
int linphone_conference_start_recording (LinphoneConference *conference, const char *path)
 Starts recording the conference. More...
int linphone_conference_stop_recording (LinphoneConference *conference)
 Stops the conference recording. More...
bool_t linphone_conference_is_recording (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Gets whether the conference is currently being recorded. More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_conference_get_call (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Gets the call that is controlling a conference. More...
bool_t linphone_conference_get_microphone_muted (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Retrieves the volume of a specific participant. More...
void linphone_conference_set_microphone_muted (LinphoneConference *conference, bool_t muted)
 Get microphone muted state. More...
float linphone_conference_get_input_volume (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Retrieves the volume of a specific participant. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED const char * linphone_conference_get_ID (const LinphoneConference *conference)
 Get the conference id as string. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_set_ID (LinphoneConference *conference, const char *conference_id)
 Set the conference id as string. More...
LinphoneConferencelinphone_local_conference_new (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAddress *addr)
LinphoneConferencelinphone_local_conference_new_with_params (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAddress *addr, const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
LinphoneConferencelinphone_remote_conference_new (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAddress *addr)
LinphoneConferencelinphone_remote_conference_new_with_params (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAddress *focus, LinphoneAddress *addr, const LinphoneConferenceParams *params)
AudioStream * linphone_conference_get_audio_stream (LinphoneConference *conference)
void linphone_conference_on_call_terminating (LinphoneConference *conference, LinphoneCall *call)
bool_t linphone_conference_check_class (LinphoneConference *conference, LinphoneConferenceClass _class)
void linphone_conference_notify_audio_device_changed (LinphoneConference *conference, LinphoneAudioDevice *audio_device)
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_core_get_current_call_remote_address (LinphoneCore *core)
 Get the remote address of the current call. More...
LinphoneSupportLevel linphone_core_get_tag_100rel_support_level (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Get the support level of the 100rel attribute. More...
void linphone_core_set_tag_100rel_support_level (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneSupportLevel level)
 Define what level of support is provided to the 100rel attribute. More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_core_invite (LinphoneCore *core, const char *url)
 Initiates an outgoing call. More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_core_invite_address (LinphoneCore *core, const LinphoneAddress *addr)
 Initiates an outgoing call given a destination LinphoneAddress The LinphoneAddress can be constructed directly using linphone_factory_create_address(), or created by linphone_core_interpret_url_2(). More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_core_invite_with_params (LinphoneCore *core, const char *url, const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Initiates an outgoing call according to supplied call parameters The application doesn't own a reference to the returned LinphoneCall object. More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_core_invite_address_with_params (LinphoneCore *core, const LinphoneAddress *addr, const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Initiates an outgoing call given a destination LinphoneAddress The LinphoneAddress can be constructed directly using linphone_factory_create_address(), or created by linphone_core_interpret_url_2(). More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_core_invite_address_with_params_2 (LinphoneCore *lc, const LinphoneAddress *addr, const LinphoneCallParams *params, const char *subject, const LinphoneContent *content)
 Initiates an outgoing call given a destination LinphoneAddress The LinphoneAddress can be constructed directly using linphone_factory_create_address(), or created by linphone_core_interpret_url_2(). More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_incoming_invite_pending (LinphoneCore *core)
 Tells whether there is an incoming invite pending. More...
bool_t linphone_core_in_call (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Tells whether there is a call running. More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_core_get_current_call (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the current call. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_core_terminate_all_calls (LinphoneCore *core)
 Terminates all the calls. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_core_pause_all_calls (LinphoneCore *core)
 Pause all currently running calls. More...
LinphoneCallParamslinphone_core_create_call_params (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call)
 Create a LinphoneCallParams suitable for linphone_core_invite_with_params(), linphone_core_accept_call_with_params(), linphone_core_accept_early_media_with_params() or linphone_core_accept_call_update(). More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_core_get_call_by_remote_address2 (const LinphoneCore *core, const LinphoneAddress *remote_address)
 Get the call with the specified LinphoneAddress. More...
void linphone_core_set_inc_timeout (LinphoneCore *core, int seconds)
 Set the incoming call timeout in seconds. More...
int linphone_core_get_inc_timeout (LinphoneCore *core)
 Returns the incoming call timeout See linphone_core_set_inc_timeout() for details. More...
void linphone_core_set_push_incoming_call_timeout (LinphoneCore *core, int seconds)
 Configure the minimum interval between a push notification and the corresponding incoming INVITE. More...
int linphone_core_get_push_incoming_call_timeout (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Returns the push incoming call timeout See linphone_core_set_push_incoming_call_timeout() for details. More...
void linphone_core_set_in_call_timeout (LinphoneCore *core, int seconds)
 Set the in call timeout in seconds. More...
int linphone_core_get_in_call_timeout (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the in call timeout See linphone_core_set_in_call_timeout() for details. More...
void linphone_core_set_delayed_timeout (LinphoneCore *core, int seconds)
 Set the in delayed timeout in seconds. More...
int linphone_core_get_delayed_timeout (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the delayed timeout See linphone_core_set_delayed_timeout() for details. More...
int linphone_core_get_calls_nb (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Get the number of Call. More...
const bctbx_list_t * linphone_core_get_calls (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the current list of calls. More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_core_get_call_by_callid (const LinphoneCore *core, const char *call_id)
 Get the call by callid. More...
int linphone_core_preempt_sound_resources (LinphoneCore *core)
 Empties sound resources to allow a new call to be accepted. More...
void linphone_core_set_media_resource_mode (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneMediaResourceMode mode)
 Sets the media resources mode. More...
LinphoneMediaResourceMode linphone_core_get_media_resource_mode (const LinphoneCore *core)
 This function returns the media resource mode for this core. More...
bool_t linphone_core_sound_resources_locked (LinphoneCore *core)
 Check if a call will need the sound resources in near future (typically an outgoing call that is awaiting response). More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_core_find_call_from_uri (const LinphoneCore *core, const char *uri)
 Search from the list of current calls if a remote address match uri. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_transfer_call (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const char *refer_to)
 Performs a simple call transfer to the specified destination. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_transfer_call_to_another (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneCall *dest)
 Transfers a call to destination of another running call. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_accept_call (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call)
 Accept an incoming call. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_accept_call_with_params (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Accept an incoming call, with parameters. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_accept_early_media_with_params (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 When receiving an incoming, accept to start a media session as early-media. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_accept_early_media (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call)
 Accept an early media session for an incoming call. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_terminate_call (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call)
 Terminates a call. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_redirect_call (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const char *redirect_uri)
 Redirect the specified call to the given redirect URI. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_decline_call (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneReason reason)
 Decline a pending incoming call, with a reason. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_pause_call (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call)
 Pauses the call. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_resume_call (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call)
 Resumes a call. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_update_call (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Updates a running call according to supplied call parameters or parameters changed in the LinphoneCore. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_defer_call_update (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call)
 When receiving a #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote state notification, prevent LinphoneCore from performing an automatic answer. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_accept_call_update (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Accept call modifications initiated by other end. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCalllinphone_core_get_call_by_remote_address (const LinphoneCore *core, const char *remote_address)
 Get the call with the remote_address specified. More...
LinphonePlayerlinphone_player_ref (LinphonePlayer *player)
 Acquire a reference to the player. More...
void linphone_player_unref (LinphonePlayer *player)
 Release reference to the player. More...
void * linphone_player_get_user_data (const LinphonePlayer *player)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the player. More...
void linphone_player_set_user_data (LinphonePlayer *player, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the player. More...
void linphone_player_add_callbacks (LinphonePlayer *player, LinphonePlayerCbs *cbs)
 Adds a LinphonePlayerCbs object associated to the LinphonePlayer. More...
void linphone_player_remove_callbacks (LinphonePlayer *player, LinphonePlayerCbs *cbs)
 Removes a LinphonePlayerCbs object associated to the LinphonePlayer. More...
LinphonePlayerCbslinphone_player_get_current_callbacks (const LinphonePlayer *player)
 Returns the current LinphonePlayerCbsCbs object. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_player_open (LinphonePlayer *player, const char *filename)
 Open a file for playing. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_player_start (LinphonePlayer *player)
 Start playing a file that has been opened with linphone_player_open(). More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_player_pause (LinphonePlayer *player)
 Pause the playing of a file. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_player_seek (LinphonePlayer *player, int time_ms)
 Seek in an opened file. More...
LinphonePlayerState linphone_player_get_state (LinphonePlayer *player)
 Get the current state of a player. More...
int linphone_player_get_duration (LinphonePlayer *player)
 Get the duration of the opened file. More...
int linphone_player_get_current_position (LinphonePlayer *player)
 Get the current position in the opened file. More...
void linphone_player_close (LinphonePlayer *player)
 Close the opened file. More...
void linphone_player_set_window_id (LinphonePlayer *player, void *window_id)
 Sets a window id to be used to display video if any. More...
void * linphone_player_create_window_id (LinphonePlayer *player)
 Create a window id to be used to display video if any. More...
bool_t linphone_player_get_is_video_available (LinphonePlayer *player)
 Returns whether the file has video and if it can be displayed. More...
void linphone_player_set_volume_gain (LinphonePlayer *player, float gain)
 Set the volume gain of the player. More...
float linphone_player_get_volume_gain (LinphonePlayer *player)
 Get the volume gain of the player. More...
LinphoneCorelinphone_player_get_core (const LinphonePlayer *player)
 Returns the LinphoneCore object managing this player's call, if any. More...
LinphonePlayerCbslinphone_player_cbs_ref (LinphonePlayerCbs *cbs)
 Acquire a reference to the LinphonePlayerCbs object. More...
void linphone_player_cbs_unref (LinphonePlayerCbs *cbs)
 Release reference to the LinphonePlayerCbs object. More...
void * linphone_player_cbs_get_user_data (const LinphonePlayerCbs *cbs)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the LinphonePlayerCbs object. More...
void linphone_player_cbs_set_user_data (LinphonePlayerCbs *cbs, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the LinphonePlayerCbs object. More...
LinphonePlayerCbsEofReachedCb linphone_player_cbs_get_eof_reached (const LinphonePlayerCbs *cbs)
 Get the end-of-file reached callback. More...
void linphone_player_cbs_set_eof_reached (LinphonePlayerCbs *cbs, LinphonePlayerCbsEofReachedCb cb)
 Set the end-of-file reached callback. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphonePlayerCbslinphone_player_get_callbacks (const LinphonePlayer *player)
 Get the LinphonePlayerCbs object associated with the LinphonePlayer. More...
LinphoneCallCbslinphone_call_cbs_ref (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Acquire a reference to the LinphoneCallCbs object. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_unref (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Release reference to the LinphoneCallCbs object. More...
void * linphone_call_cbs_get_user_data (const LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the LinphoneCallCbs object. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_user_data (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the LinphoneCallCbs object. More...
LinphoneCallCbsDtmfReceivedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_dtmf_received (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the dtmf received callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_dtmf_received (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsDtmfReceivedCb cb)
 Set the dtmf received callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsGoClearAckSentCb linphone_call_cbs_get_goclear_ack_sent (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the GoClear Ack sent callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_goclear_ack_sent (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsGoClearAckSentCb cb)
 Set the GoClear Ack sent callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsEncryptionChangedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_encryption_changed (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the encryption changed callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_encryption_changed (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsEncryptionChangedCb cb)
 Set the encryption changed callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsSendMasterKeyChangedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_send_master_key_changed (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the send master key changed callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_send_master_key_changed (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsSendMasterKeyChangedCb cb)
 Set the send master key changed callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_receive_master_key_changed (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the receive master key changed callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_receive_master_key_changed (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb cb)
 Set the receive master key changed callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsInfoMessageReceivedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_info_message_received (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the info message received callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_info_message_received (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsInfoMessageReceivedCb cb)
 Set the info message received callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsStateChangedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_state_changed (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the state changed callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_state_changed (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the state changed callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsStatsUpdatedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_stats_updated (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the stats updated callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_stats_updated (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsStatsUpdatedCb cb)
 Set the stats updated callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsTransferStateChangedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_transfer_state_changed (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the transfer state changed callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_transfer_state_changed (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsTransferStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the transfer state changed callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsAckProcessingCb linphone_call_cbs_get_ack_processing (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the ACK processing callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_ack_processing (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsAckProcessingCb cb)
 Set ACK processing callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsTmmbrReceivedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_tmmbr_received (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the TMMBR received callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_tmmbr_received (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsTmmbrReceivedCb cb)
 Set the TMMBR received callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsSnapshotTakenCb linphone_call_cbs_get_snapshot_taken (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the snapshot taken callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_snapshot_taken (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsSnapshotTakenCb cb)
 Set the snapshot taken callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsNextVideoFrameDecodedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_next_video_frame_decoded (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the next video frame decoded callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_next_video_frame_decoded (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsNextVideoFrameDecodedCb cb)
 Set the next video frame decoded callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsCameraNotWorkingCb linphone_call_cbs_get_camera_not_working (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the camera not working callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_camera_not_working (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsCameraNotWorkingCb cb)
 Set the camera not working callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsVideoDisplayErrorOccurredCb linphone_call_cbs_get_video_display_error_occurred (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the callback that will be used to notify that there are errors from the video rendering. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_video_display_error_occurred (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsVideoDisplayErrorOccurredCb cb)
 Set the callback that will be used to notify that there are errors from the video rendering. More...
LinphoneCallCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_audio_device_changed (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the audio device changed callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_audio_device_changed (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb cb)
 Set the audio device changed callback. More...
void linphone_call_cbs_set_remote_recording (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs, LinphoneCallCbsRemoteRecordingCb cb)
 Set the call remote recording callback. More...
LinphoneCallCbsRemoteRecordingCb linphone_call_cbs_get_remote_recording (LinphoneCallCbs *cbs)
 Get the call remote recording callback. More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_call_ref (LinphoneCall *call)
 Acquire a reference to the call. More...
void linphone_call_unref (LinphoneCall *call)
 Release reference to the call. More...
void * linphone_call_get_user_data (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the call. More...
void linphone_call_set_user_data (LinphoneCall *call, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the call. More...
LinphoneCorelinphone_call_get_core (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Get the core that has created the specified call. More...
LinphoneCallState linphone_call_get_state (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Retrieves the call's current state. More...
bool_t linphone_call_asked_to_autoanswer (LinphoneCall *call)
 Tell whether a call has been asked to autoanswer. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_call_get_remote_address (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns the remote address associated to this call. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_call_get_to_address (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns the to address with its headers associated to this call. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_call_get_request_address (const LinphoneCall *call)
 The address to which the call has been sent, taken directly from the SIP URI of the INVITE. More...
const char * linphone_call_get_to_header (const LinphoneCall *call, const char *header_name)
 Returns the value of the header name. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_call_get_diversion_address (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns the diversion address associated to this call. More...
LinphoneCallDir linphone_call_get_dir (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns direction of the call (incoming or outgoing). More...
LinphoneCallLoglinphone_call_get_call_log (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Gets the call log associated to this call. More...
const char * linphone_call_get_refer_to (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Gets the refer-to uri (if the call was transfered). More...
bool_t linphone_call_has_transfer_pending (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns if this calls has received a transfer that has not been executed yet. More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_call_get_transferer_call (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Gets the transferer if this call was started automatically as a result of an incoming transfer request. More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_call_get_transfer_target_call (const LinphoneCall *call)
 When this call has received a transfer request, returns the new call that was automatically created as a result of the transfer. More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_call_get_replaced_call (LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns the call object this call is replacing, if any. More...
int linphone_call_get_duration (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns call's duration in seconds. More...
const LinphoneCallParamslinphone_call_get_current_params (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns current parameters associated to the call. More...
const LinphoneCallParamslinphone_call_get_remote_params (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns call parameters proposed by remote. More...
void linphone_call_enable_camera (LinphoneCall *call, bool_t enabled)
 Indicate whether camera input should be sent to remote end. More...
bool_t linphone_call_camera_enabled (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns if camera pictures are allowed to be sent to the remote party. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_take_video_snapshot (LinphoneCall *call, const char *file_path)
 Take a photo of currently received video and write it into a jpeg file. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_take_preview_snapshot (LinphoneCall *call, const char *file_path)
 Take a photo of currently captured video and write it into a jpeg file. More...
LinphoneReason linphone_call_get_reason (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns the reason for a call termination (either error or normal termination) More...
const LinphoneErrorInfolinphone_call_get_error_info (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns full details about call errors or termination reasons. More...
const char * linphone_call_get_remote_user_agent (LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns the far end's user agent description string, if available. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_call_get_remote_contact_address (LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns the far end's sip contact as an address, if available. More...
const char * linphone_call_get_remote_contact (LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns the far end's sip contact as a string, if available. More...
const char * linphone_call_get_authentication_token (LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns the ZRTP authentication token to verify. More...
bool_t linphone_call_get_authentication_token_verified (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns whether ZRTP authentication token is verified. More...
void linphone_call_set_authentication_token_verified (LinphoneCall *call, bool_t verified)
 Set the result of ZRTP short code verification by user. More...
void linphone_call_send_vfu_request (LinphoneCall *call)
 Request remote side to send us a Video Fast Update. More...
void linphone_call_request_notify_next_video_frame_decoded (LinphoneCall *call)
 Request the callback passed to linphone_call_cbs_set_next_video_frame_decoded() to be called the next time the video decoder properly decodes a video frame. More...
LinphoneCallState linphone_call_get_transfer_state (LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns the current transfer state, if a transfer has been initiated from this call. More...
void linphone_call_zoom (LinphoneCall *call, float zoom_factor, float cx, float cy)
 Perform a zoom of the video displayed during a call. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_send_dtmf (LinphoneCall *call, char dtmf)
 Send the specified dtmf. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_send_dtmfs (LinphoneCall *call, const char *dtmfs)
 Send a list of dtmf. More...
void linphone_call_cancel_dtmfs (LinphoneCall *call)
 Stop current DTMF sequence sending. More...
LinphoneConferencelinphone_call_get_conference (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Return the associated conference object. More...
int linphone_call_get_stream_count (const LinphoneCall *call)
 Returns the number of stream for the given call. More...
MSFormatType linphone_call_get_stream_type (const LinphoneCall *call, int stream_index)
 Returns the type of stream for the given stream index. More...
RtpTransport * linphone_call_get_meta_rtp_transport (const LinphoneCall *call, int stream_index)
 Returns the meta rtp transport for the given stream index. More...
RtpTransport * linphone_call_get_meta_rtcp_transport (const LinphoneCall *call, int stream_index)
 Returns the meta rtcp transport for the given stream index. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_pause (LinphoneCall *call)
 Pauses the call. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_resume (LinphoneCall *call)
 Resumes a call. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_terminate (LinphoneCall *call)
 Terminates a call. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_terminate_with_error_info (LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneErrorInfo *ei)
 Terminates a call. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_redirect_to (LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneAddress *redirect_address)
 Redirect the specified call to the given redirect Address. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_decline (LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneReason reason)
 Decline a pending incoming call, with a reason. More...
int linphone_call_decline_with_error_info (LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneErrorInfo *ei)
 Decline a pending incoming call, with a LinphoneErrorInfo object. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_accept (LinphoneCall *call)
 Accept an incoming call. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_accept_with_params (LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Accept an incoming call, with parameters. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_accept_early_media (LinphoneCall *call)
 Accept an early media session for an incoming call. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_accept_early_media_with_params (LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 When receiving an incoming, accept to start a media session as early-media. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_update (LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Updates a running call according to supplied call parameters or parameters changed in the LinphoneCore. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_defer_update (LinphoneCall *call)
 When receiving a #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote state notification, prevent LinphoneCore from performing an automatic answer. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_accept_update (LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneCallParams *params)
 Accept call modifications initiated by other end. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_transfer_to (LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneAddress *refer_to)
 Performs a simple call transfer to the specified destination. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_call_transfer_to_another (LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneCall *dest)
 Transfers a call to destination of another running call. More...
LinphoneEventCbslinphone_event_cbs_new (void)
LinphoneEventCbslinphone_event_cbs_ref (LinphoneEventCbs *cbs)
 Acquire a reference to a LinphoneEventCbs object. More...
void linphone_event_cbs_unref (LinphoneEventCbs *cbs)
 Release a reference to a LinphoneEventCbs object. More...
void * linphone_event_cbs_get_user_data (const LinphoneEventCbs *cbs)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with a LinphoneEventCbs object. More...
void linphone_event_cbs_set_user_data (LinphoneEventCbs *cbs, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to a LinphoneEventCbs object. More...
LinphoneEventCbsNotifyResponseCb linphone_event_cbs_get_notify_response (const LinphoneEventCbs *cbs)
 Get the notify response callback. More...
void linphone_event_cbs_set_notify_response (LinphoneEventCbs *cbs, LinphoneEventCbsNotifyResponseCb cb)
 Set the notify response callback. More...
LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptorlinphone_video_source_descriptor_new (void)
 Create a new LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object. More...
LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptorlinphone_video_source_descriptor_clone (const LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor *descriptor)
 Instantiate a new video source descriptor with values from source. More...
LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptorlinphone_video_source_descriptor_ref (LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor *descriptor)
 Take a reference on a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor. More...
void linphone_video_source_descriptor_unref (LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor *descriptor)
 Release a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor. More...
LinphoneVideoSourceType linphone_video_source_descriptor_get_type (const LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor *descriptor)
 Gets the type of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor. More...
LinphoneCalllinphone_video_source_descriptor_get_call (const LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor *descriptor)
 Gets the call of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor. More...
void linphone_video_source_descriptor_set_call (LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor *descriptor, LinphoneCall *call)
 Sets the source of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor with a call. More...
const char * linphone_video_source_descriptor_get_camera_id (const LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor *descriptor)
 Gets the camera id of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor. More...
void linphone_video_source_descriptor_set_camera_id (LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor *descriptor, const char *camera_id)
 Sets the source of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor with a camera id. More...
const char * linphone_video_source_descriptor_get_image (const LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor *descriptor)
 Gets the image path of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor. More...
void linphone_video_source_descriptor_set_image (LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor *descriptor, const char *image_path)
 Sets the source of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor with an image path. More...

Detailed Description

Placing and receiving calls.

The LinphoneCall object represents an incoming or outgoing call managed by the LinphoneCore.

Typedef Documentation

◆ LinphoneCall

typedef struct _LinphoneCall LinphoneCall

This object represents a call issued or received by the LinphoneCore.

Linphone only allows at most one active call at any given time and it will be in LinphoneCallStateStreamsRunning. However, if the core is locally hosting a LinphoneConference, you may have some or all the calls in the conference in LinphoneCallStateStreamsRunning as well as an additional active call outside of the conference in LinphoneCallStateStreamsRunning if the local participant of the LinphoneConference is not part of it.

You can get the LinphoneCallState of the call using linphone_call_get_state(), it's current LinphoneCallParams with linphone_call_get_current_params() and the latest statistics by calling linphone_call_get_audio_stats() or linphone_call_get_video_stats().

◆ LinphoneCallCbs

typedef struct _LinphoneCallCbs LinphoneCallCbs

That class holds all the callbacks which are called by LinphoneCall objects.

Use linphone_factory_create_call_cbs() to create an instance. Then, call the callback setters on the events you need to monitor and pass the object to a LinphoneCall instance through linphone_call_add_callbacks().

◆ LinphoneCallCbsAckProcessingCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsAckProcessingCb) (LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneHeaders *ack, bool_t is_received)

Callback for notifying the processing SIP ACK messages.

callLinphoneCall for which an ACK is being received or sent
ackthe ACK LinphoneHeaders
is_receivedif TRUE this ACK is an incoming one, otherwise it is an ACK about to be sent.

◆ LinphoneCallCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneAudioDevice *audio_device)

Callback to notify that the audio device has been changed.

callLinphoneCall for which the audio device has changed
audio_devicethe new audio device used for this call

◆ LinphoneCallCbsCameraNotWorkingCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsCameraNotWorkingCb) (LinphoneCall *call, const char *camera_name)

Callback to notify that the camera is not working and has been changed to "No Webcam".

A camera is detected as mis-functionning as soon as it outputs no frames at all during a period of 5 seconds. This check is only performed on desktop platforms, in the purpose of notifying camera failures, for example if when a usb cable gets disconnected.

callLinphoneCall for which the next video frame has been decoded
camera_namethe name of the non-working camera

◆ LinphoneCallCbsDtmfReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsDtmfReceivedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, int dtmf)

Callback for being notified of received DTMFs.

callLinphoneCall object that received the dtmf
dtmfThe ascii code of the dtmf

◆ LinphoneCallCbsEncryptionChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsEncryptionChangedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, bool_t on, const char *authentication_token)

Call encryption changed callback.

callLinphoneCall object whose encryption is changed.
onWhether encryption is activated.
authentication_tokenAn authentication_token, currently set for ZRTP kind of encryption only.

◆ LinphoneCallCbsGoClearAckSentCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsGoClearAckSentCb) (LinphoneCall *call)

GoClear ACK sent callback.

callthe LinphoneCall on which the GoClear ACK was sent.

◆ LinphoneCallCbsInfoMessageReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsInfoMessageReceivedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneInfoMessage *message)

Callback for receiving info messages.

callLinphoneCall whose info message belongs to.
messageLinphoneInfoMessage object.

◆ LinphoneCallCbsNextVideoFrameDecodedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsNextVideoFrameDecodedCb) (LinphoneCall *call)

Callback to notify a next video frame has been decoded.

callLinphoneCall for which the next video frame has been decoded

◆ LinphoneCallCbsReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, const char *receive_master_key)

Call receive master key changed callback.

callLinphoneCall object whose encryption is changed.
master_keyThe receive master key of the SRTP session.

◆ LinphoneCallCbsRemoteRecordingCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsRemoteRecordingCb) (LinphoneCall *call, bool_t recording)

Callback to notify that the call is being recorded by the remote.

callLinphoneCall for which the audio is recorded
recordingTRUE if the call is being recorded by the remote, FALSE otherwise

◆ LinphoneCallCbsSendMasterKeyChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsSendMasterKeyChangedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, const char *send_master_key)

Call send master key changed callback.

callLinphoneCall object whose encryption is changed.
master_keyThe send master key of the SRTP session.

◆ LinphoneCallCbsSnapshotTakenCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsSnapshotTakenCb) (LinphoneCall *call, const char *file_path)

Callback for notifying a snapshot taken.

callLinphoneCall for which the snapshot was taken
file_paththe name of the saved file

◆ LinphoneCallCbsStateChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneCallState state, const char *message)

Call state notification callback.

callLinphoneCall whose state is changed.
stateThe new LinphoneCallState of the call
messageAn informational message about the state.

◆ LinphoneCallCbsStatsUpdatedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsStatsUpdatedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, const LinphoneCallStats *stats)

Callback for receiving quality statistics for calls.

callLinphoneCall object whose statistics are notified
statsLinphoneCallStats object

◆ LinphoneCallCbsTmmbrReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsTmmbrReceivedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, int stream_index, int tmmbr)

Callback for notifying a received TMMBR.

callLinphoneCall for which the TMMBR has changed
stream_indexthe index of the current stream
tmmbrthe value of the received TMMBR

◆ LinphoneCallCbsTransferStateChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsTransferStateChangedCb) (LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneCallState state)

Callback for notifying progresses of transfers.

callLinphoneCall that was transfered
stateThe LinphoneCallState of the call to transfer target at the far end.

◆ LinphoneCallCbsVideoDisplayErrorOccurredCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCallCbsVideoDisplayErrorOccurredCb) (LinphoneCall *call, int error_code)

Callback to notify that there are errors from the video rendering.

The error code depends of the implementation.

error_codeerror code from render. It depends of the renderer.

◆ LinphoneCallParams

typedef struct _LinphoneCallParams LinphoneCallParams

An object containing various parameters of a LinphoneCall.

You can specify your params while answering an incoming call using linphone_call_accept_with_params() or while initiating an outgoing call with linphone_core_invite_address_with_params().

This object can be created using linphone_core_create_call_params(), using NULL for the call pointer if you plan to use it for an outgoing call.

For each call, three LinphoneCallParams are available: yours, your correspondent's and the one that describe the current state of the call that is the result of the negociation between the previous two. For example, you might enable a certain feature in your call param but this feature can be denied in the remote's configuration, hence the difference.

See also
linphone_call_get_current_params(), linphone_call_get_remote_params() and linphone_call_get_params().

◆ LinphoneCallState

LinphoneCallState enum represents the different states a call can reach into.

The application is notified of a state change through the LinphoneCoreVTable::call_state_changed callback.

◆ LinphonePlayerCbsEofReachedCb

typedef void(* LinphonePlayerCbsEofReachedCb) (LinphonePlayer *player)

Callback for notifying end of play (file).

playerThe LinphonePlayer object

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _LinphoneCallState

LinphoneCallState enum represents the different states a call can reach into.

The application is notified of a state change through the LinphoneCoreVTable::call_state_changed callback.


Initial state.


Incoming call received.


PushIncoming call received.


Outgoing call initialized.


Outgoing call in progress.


Outgoing call ringing.


Outgoing call early media.




Streams running.












Call end.


Paused by remote.


The call's parameters are updated for example when video is asked by remote.


We are proposing early media to an incoming call.


We have initiated a call update.


The call object is now released.


The call is updated by remote while not yet answered (SIP UPDATE in early dialog received)


We are updating the call while not yet answered (SIP UPDATE in early dialog sent)

◆ _LinphoneMediaDirection

Indicates for a given media the stream direction.


Default value, shouldn't be used.


No active media not supported yet.


Media is only being sent, it won't be received.


Media will only be received, nothing will be sent.


Media will be sent and received.

◆ _LinphonePrivacy

Defines privacy policy to apply as described by rfc3323.


Privacy services must not perform any privacy function.


Request that privacy services provide a user-level privacy function.

With this mode, "from" header is hidden, usually replaced by From: "Anonymous" <sip:anony.nosp@m.mous.nosp@m.@anon.nosp@m.ymou.nosp@m.s.inv.nosp@m.alid>


Request that privacy services modify headers that cannot be set arbitrarily by the user (Contact/Via).


Request that privacy services provide privacy for session media.


rfc3325 The presence of this privacy type in a Privacy header field indicates that the user would like the Network Asserted Identity to be kept private with respect to SIP entities outside the Trust Domain with which the user authenticated.

Note that a user requesting multiple types of privacy MUST include all of the requested privacy types in its Privacy header field value


Privacy service must perform the specified services or fail the request.


Special keyword to use privacy as defined either globally or by proxy using linphone_proxy_config_set_privacy()

◆ _LinphoneRecorderState

Enum representing the state of a recording.


No file is opened for recording.


The recorder is paused.


The recorder is running.

◆ _LinphoneVideoSourceType

Enum representing the type of a video source.


The video source is another call.


The video source is a camera.


The video source is an image.

◆ LinphonePlayerState

The state of a LinphonePlayer.


No file is opened for playing.


The player is paused.


The player is playing.

Function Documentation

◆ linphone_call_accept()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_accept ( LinphoneCall call)

Accept an incoming call.

Basically the application is notified of incoming calls within the call_state_changed callback of the LinphoneCoreVTable structure, where it will receive a LinphoneCallIncoming event with the associated LinphoneCall object. The application can later accept the call using this method.

callThe LinphoneCall object
0 on success, -1 on failure

◆ linphone_call_accept_early_media()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_accept_early_media ( LinphoneCall call)

Accept an early media session for an incoming call.

This is identical as calling linphone_call_accept_early_media_with_params() with NULL parameters.

callA LinphoneCall object
0 if successful, -1 otherwise
See also

◆ linphone_call_accept_early_media_with_params()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_accept_early_media_with_params ( LinphoneCall call,
const LinphoneCallParams params 

When receiving an incoming, accept to start a media session as early-media.

This means the call is not accepted but audio & video streams can be established if the remote party supports early media. However, unlike after call acceptance, mic and camera input are not sent during early-media, though received audio & video are played normally. The call can then later be fully accepted using linphone_call_accept() or linphone_call_accept_with_params().

callA LinphoneCall object
paramsThe call parameters to use (can be NULL).
0 if successful, -1 otherwise

◆ linphone_call_accept_update()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_accept_update ( LinphoneCall call,
const LinphoneCallParams params 

Accept call modifications initiated by other end.

This call may be performed in response to a #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote state notification. When such notification arrives, the application can decide to call linphone_call_defer_update() so that it can have the time to prompt the user. linphone_call_get_remote_params() can be used to get information about the call parameters requested by the other party, such as whether a video stream is requested.

When the user accepts or refuse the change, linphone_call_accept_update() can be done to answer to the other party. If params is NULL, then the same call parameters established before the update request will continue to be used (no change). If params is not NULL, then the update will be accepted according to the parameters passed. Typical example is when a user accepts to start video, then params should indicate that video stream should be used (see linphone_call_params_enable_video()).

callA LinphoneCall object
paramsA LinphoneCallParams object describing the call parameters to accept.
0 if successful, -1 otherwise (actually when this function call is performed outside ot #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote state)

◆ linphone_call_accept_with_params()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_accept_with_params ( LinphoneCall call,
const LinphoneCallParams params 

Accept an incoming call, with parameters.

Basically the application is notified of incoming calls within the call_state_changed callback of the LinphoneCoreVTable structure, where it will receive a LinphoneCallIncoming event with the associated LinphoneCall object. The application can later accept the call using this method.

callA LinphoneCall object
paramsThe specific parameters for this call, for example whether video is accepted or not. Use NULL to use default parameters.
0 on success, -1 on failure

◆ linphone_call_asked_to_autoanswer()

bool_t linphone_call_asked_to_autoanswer ( LinphoneCall call)

Tell whether a call has been asked to autoanswer.

callLinphoneCall object.
A boolean value telling whether the call has been asked to autoanswer

◆ linphone_call_camera_enabled()

bool_t linphone_call_camera_enabled ( const LinphoneCall call)

Returns if camera pictures are allowed to be sent to the remote party.

callLinphoneCall object.
TRUE if local video stream is being sent, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_call_cancel_dtmfs()

void linphone_call_cancel_dtmfs ( LinphoneCall call)

Stop current DTMF sequence sending.

Please note that some DTMF could be already sent, depending on when this function call is delayed from linphone_call_send_dtmfs(). This function will be automatically called if call state change to anything but LinphoneCallStreamsRunning.

callThe LinphoneCall object

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_ack_processing()

LinphoneCallCbsAckProcessingCb linphone_call_cbs_get_ack_processing ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the ACK processing callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
The current ack processing callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_audio_device_changed()

LinphoneCallCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_audio_device_changed ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the audio device changed callback.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
The audio device changed callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_camera_not_working()

LinphoneCallCbsCameraNotWorkingCb linphone_call_cbs_get_camera_not_working ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the camera not working callback.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
The camera not working callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_dtmf_received()

LinphoneCallCbsDtmfReceivedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_dtmf_received ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the dtmf received callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
The current dtmf received callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_encryption_changed()

LinphoneCallCbsEncryptionChangedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_encryption_changed ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the encryption changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
The current encryption changed callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_goclear_ack_sent()

LinphoneCallCbsGoClearAckSentCb linphone_call_cbs_get_goclear_ack_sent ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the GoClear Ack sent callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
The GoClear Ack sent callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_info_message_received()

LinphoneCallCbsInfoMessageReceivedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_info_message_received ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the info message received callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
The current info message received callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_next_video_frame_decoded()

LinphoneCallCbsNextVideoFrameDecodedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_next_video_frame_decoded ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the next video frame decoded callback.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
The current next video frame decoded callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_receive_master_key_changed()

LinphoneCallCbsReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_receive_master_key_changed ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the receive master key changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
The current receive master key changed callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_remote_recording()

LinphoneCallCbsRemoteRecordingCb linphone_call_cbs_get_remote_recording ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the call remote recording callback.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
The call remote recording callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_send_master_key_changed()

LinphoneCallCbsSendMasterKeyChangedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_send_master_key_changed ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the send master key changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
The current send master key changed callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_snapshot_taken()

LinphoneCallCbsSnapshotTakenCb linphone_call_cbs_get_snapshot_taken ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the snapshot taken callback.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
The current snapshot taken callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_state_changed()

LinphoneCallCbsStateChangedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_state_changed ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the state changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
The current state changed callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_stats_updated()

LinphoneCallCbsStatsUpdatedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_stats_updated ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the stats updated callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
The current stats updated callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_tmmbr_received()

LinphoneCallCbsTmmbrReceivedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_tmmbr_received ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the TMMBR received callback.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
The current TMMBR received callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_transfer_state_changed()

LinphoneCallCbsTransferStateChangedCb linphone_call_cbs_get_transfer_state_changed ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the transfer state changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
The current transfer state changed callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_user_data()

void* linphone_call_cbs_get_user_data ( const LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the LinphoneCallCbs object.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
The user pointer associated with the LinphoneCallCbs object or NULL.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_get_video_display_error_occurred()

LinphoneCallCbsVideoDisplayErrorOccurredCb linphone_call_cbs_get_video_display_error_occurred ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Get the callback that will be used to notify that there are errors from the video rendering.

Check LinphoneCallCbsVideoDisplayErrorOccurredCb for more details.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
The failing rendering callback.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_ref()

LinphoneCallCbs* linphone_call_cbs_ref ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Acquire a reference to the LinphoneCallCbs object.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
The same LinphoneCallCbs object.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_ack_processing()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_ack_processing ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsAckProcessingCb  cb 

Set ACK processing callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe ack processing callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_audio_device_changed()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_audio_device_changed ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsAudioDeviceChangedCb  cb 

Set the audio device changed callback.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe audio device changedcallback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_camera_not_working()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_camera_not_working ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsCameraNotWorkingCb  cb 

Set the camera not working callback.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe camera not working callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_dtmf_received()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_dtmf_received ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsDtmfReceivedCb  cb 

Set the dtmf received callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe dtmf received callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_encryption_changed()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_encryption_changed ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsEncryptionChangedCb  cb 

Set the encryption changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe encryption changed callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_goclear_ack_sent()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_goclear_ack_sent ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsGoClearAckSentCb  cb 

Set the GoClear Ack sent callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe GoClear Ack sent callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_info_message_received()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_info_message_received ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsInfoMessageReceivedCb  cb 

Set the info message received callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe info message received callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_next_video_frame_decoded()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_next_video_frame_decoded ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsNextVideoFrameDecodedCb  cb 

Set the next video frame decoded callback.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe next video frame decoded callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_receive_master_key_changed()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_receive_master_key_changed ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsReceiveMasterKeyChangedCb  cb 

Set the receive master key changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe receive master key changed callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_remote_recording()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_remote_recording ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsRemoteRecordingCb  cb 

Set the call remote recording callback.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe call remote recording callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_send_master_key_changed()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_send_master_key_changed ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsSendMasterKeyChangedCb  cb 

Set the send master key changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe send master key changed callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_snapshot_taken()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_snapshot_taken ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsSnapshotTakenCb  cb 

Set the snapshot taken callback.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe snapshot taken callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_state_changed()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_state_changed ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the state changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe state changed callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_stats_updated()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_stats_updated ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsStatsUpdatedCb  cb 

Set the stats updated callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe stats updated callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_tmmbr_received()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_tmmbr_received ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsTmmbrReceivedCb  cb 

Set the TMMBR received callback.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe TMMBR received callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_transfer_state_changed()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_transfer_state_changed ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsTransferStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the transfer state changed callback.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe transfer state changed callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_user_data()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_user_data ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the LinphoneCallCbs object.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the LinphoneCallCbs object.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_set_video_display_error_occurred()

void linphone_call_cbs_set_video_display_error_occurred ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs,
LinphoneCallCbsVideoDisplayErrorOccurredCb  cb 

Set the callback that will be used to notify that there are errors from the video rendering.

Check LinphoneCallCbsVideoDisplayErrorOccurredCb for more details.

cbsThe LinphoneCallCbs object.
[in]cbThe failing rendering callback to be used.

◆ linphone_call_cbs_unref()

void linphone_call_cbs_unref ( LinphoneCallCbs cbs)

Release reference to the LinphoneCallCbs object.

cbsLinphoneCallCbs object.

◆ linphone_call_decline()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_decline ( LinphoneCall call,
LinphoneReason  reason 

Decline a pending incoming call, with a reason.

callA LinphoneCall object that must be in the IncomingReceived state
reasonThe reason for rejecting the call: LinphoneReasonDeclined or LinphoneReasonBusy
0 on success, -1 on failure

◆ linphone_call_decline_with_error_info()

int linphone_call_decline_with_error_info ( LinphoneCall call,
const LinphoneErrorInfo ei 

Decline a pending incoming call, with a LinphoneErrorInfo object.

callA LinphoneCall object that must be in the IncomingReceived state
eiLinphoneErrorInfo containing more information on the call rejection.
0 on success, -1 on failure

◆ linphone_call_defer_update()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_defer_update ( LinphoneCall call)

When receiving a #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote state notification, prevent LinphoneCore from performing an automatic answer.

When receiving a #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote state notification (ie an incoming reINVITE), the default behaviour of LinphoneCore is defined by the "defer_update_default" option of the "sip" section of the config. If this option is 0 (the default) then the LinphoneCore automatically answers the reINIVTE with call parameters unchanged. However when for example when the remote party updated the call to propose a video stream, it can be useful to prompt the user before answering. This can be achieved by calling linphone_core_defer_call_update() during the call state notification, to deactivate the automatic answer that would just confirm the audio but reject the video. Then, when the user responds to dialog prompt, it becomes possible to call linphone_call_accept_update() to answer the reINVITE, with eventually video enabled in the LinphoneCallParams argument.

The #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote notification can also arrive when receiving an INVITE without SDP. In such case, an unchanged offer is made in the 200Ok, and when the ACK containing the SDP answer is received, #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote is triggered to notify the application of possible changes in the media session. However in such case defering the update has no meaning since we just generating an offer.

callA LinphoneCall object
0 if successful, -1 if the linphone_call_defer_update() was done outside a valid #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote notification

◆ linphone_call_enable_camera()

void linphone_call_enable_camera ( LinphoneCall call,
bool_t  enabled 

Indicate whether camera input should be sent to remote end.

callLinphoneCall object.
enabledwether or not to send local video stream.

◆ linphone_call_get_authentication_token()

const char* linphone_call_get_authentication_token ( LinphoneCall call)

Returns the ZRTP authentication token to verify.

callThe LinphoneCall object
the authentication token to verify or NULL if ZRTP isn't enabled.

◆ linphone_call_get_authentication_token_verified()

bool_t linphone_call_get_authentication_token_verified ( const LinphoneCall call)

Returns whether ZRTP authentication token is verified.

If not, it must be verified by users as described in ZRTP procedure. Once done, the application must inform of the results with linphone_call_set_authentication_token_verified().

callThe LinphoneCall object
TRUE if authentication token is verifed, false otherwise.

◆ linphone_call_get_call_log()

LinphoneCallLog* linphone_call_get_call_log ( const LinphoneCall call)

Gets the call log associated to this call.

callLinphoneCall object.
The LinphoneCallLog associated with the specified LinphoneCall.

◆ linphone_call_get_conference()

LinphoneConference* linphone_call_get_conference ( const LinphoneCall call)

Return the associated conference object.

callThe LinphoneCall object
A pointer on LinphoneConference or NULL if the call is not part of any conference.

◆ linphone_call_get_core()

LinphoneCore* linphone_call_get_core ( const LinphoneCall call)

Get the core that has created the specified call.

callLinphoneCall object.
The LinphoneCore object that has created the specified call.

◆ linphone_call_get_current_params()

const LinphoneCallParams* linphone_call_get_current_params ( const LinphoneCall call)

Returns current parameters associated to the call.

callLinphoneCall object.
the current LinphoneCallParams of this call.

◆ linphone_call_get_dir()

LinphoneCallDir linphone_call_get_dir ( const LinphoneCall call)

Returns direction of the call (incoming or outgoing).

callLinphoneCall object.
the LinphoneCallDir

◆ linphone_call_get_diversion_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_call_get_diversion_address ( const LinphoneCall call)

Returns the diversion address associated to this call.

callLinphoneCall object.
the diversion address as LinphoneAddress or NULL.

◆ linphone_call_get_duration()

int linphone_call_get_duration ( const LinphoneCall call)

Returns call's duration in seconds.

callLinphoneCall object.
the call's duration in seconds.

◆ linphone_call_get_error_info()

const LinphoneErrorInfo* linphone_call_get_error_info ( const LinphoneCall call)

Returns full details about call errors or termination reasons.

callLinphoneCall object. on which we want the information error
LinphoneErrorInfo object holding the reason error.

◆ linphone_call_get_meta_rtcp_transport()

RtpTransport* linphone_call_get_meta_rtcp_transport ( const LinphoneCall call,
int  stream_index 

Returns the meta rtcp transport for the given stream index.

a pointer to the meta rtcp transport if it exists, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_call_get_meta_rtp_transport()

RtpTransport* linphone_call_get_meta_rtp_transport ( const LinphoneCall call,
int  stream_index 

Returns the meta rtp transport for the given stream index.

a pointer to the meta rtp transport if it exists, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_call_get_reason()

LinphoneReason linphone_call_get_reason ( const LinphoneCall call)

Returns the reason for a call termination (either error or normal termination)

callLinphoneCall object.
the LinphoneReason of the call termination.

◆ linphone_call_get_refer_to()

const char* linphone_call_get_refer_to ( const LinphoneCall call)

Gets the refer-to uri (if the call was transfered).

callLinphoneCall object.
The refer-to uri of the call (if it was transfered).

◆ linphone_call_get_remote_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_call_get_remote_address ( const LinphoneCall call)

Returns the remote address associated to this call.

callLinphoneCall object.
The LinphoneAddress of the remote end of the call.

◆ linphone_call_get_remote_contact()

const char* linphone_call_get_remote_contact ( LinphoneCall call)

Returns the far end's sip contact as a string, if available.

callLinphoneCall object.
the remote contact or NULL.

◆ linphone_call_get_remote_contact_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_call_get_remote_contact_address ( LinphoneCall call)

Returns the far end's sip contact as an address, if available.

callLinphoneCall object.
the remote contact as a LinphoneAddress or NULL.

◆ linphone_call_get_remote_params()

const LinphoneCallParams* linphone_call_get_remote_params ( const LinphoneCall call)

Returns call parameters proposed by remote.

This is useful when receiving an incoming call, to know whether the remote party supports video, encryption or whatever.

callLinphoneCall object.
the LinphoneCallParams suggested by the remote or NULL.

◆ linphone_call_get_remote_user_agent()

const char* linphone_call_get_remote_user_agent ( LinphoneCall call)

Returns the far end's user agent description string, if available.

callLinphoneCall object.
the remote user agent or NULL.

◆ linphone_call_get_replaced_call()

LinphoneCall* linphone_call_get_replaced_call ( LinphoneCall call)

Returns the call object this call is replacing, if any.

Call replacement can occur during call transfers. By default, the core automatically terminates the replaced call and accept the new one. This function allows the application to know whether a new incoming call is a one that replaces another one.

callLinphoneCall object.
the LinphoneCall object this call is replacing or NULL.

◆ linphone_call_get_request_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_call_get_request_address ( const LinphoneCall call)

The address to which the call has been sent, taken directly from the SIP URI of the INVITE.

Usually equal to the To field, except when e.g. using a fallback contact address. You should probably use getToAddress() instead, unless you know what you're doing.

callLinphoneCall object.
the LinphoneAddress matching the URI of the INVITE request.

◆ linphone_call_get_state()

LinphoneCallState linphone_call_get_state ( const LinphoneCall call)

Retrieves the call's current state.

callLinphoneCall object.
the current LinphoneCallState of this call.

◆ linphone_call_get_stream_count()

int linphone_call_get_stream_count ( const LinphoneCall call)

Returns the number of stream for the given call.

callThe LinphoneCall object
the amount of streams for this call.

◆ linphone_call_get_stream_type()

MSFormatType linphone_call_get_stream_type ( const LinphoneCall call,
int  stream_index 

Returns the type of stream for the given stream index.

the type (MSAudio, MSVideo, MSText) of the stream of given index.

◆ linphone_call_get_to_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_call_get_to_address ( const LinphoneCall call)

Returns the to address with its headers associated to this call.

callLinphoneCall object.
the LinphoneAddress matching the TO of the call.

◆ linphone_call_get_to_header()

const char* linphone_call_get_to_header ( const LinphoneCall call,
const char *  header_name 

Returns the value of the header name.

callLinphoneCall object.
header_namethe name of the header to check.
the value of the header if exists.
27/10/2020. Use linphone_call_params_get_custom_header() on linphone_call_get_remote_params() instead.

◆ linphone_call_get_transfer_state()

LinphoneCallState linphone_call_get_transfer_state ( LinphoneCall call)

Returns the current transfer state, if a transfer has been initiated from this call.

See also
linphone_core_transfer_call() , linphone_core_transfer_call_to_another()
callLinphoneCall object.
the LinphoneCallState.

◆ linphone_call_get_transfer_target_call()

LinphoneCall* linphone_call_get_transfer_target_call ( const LinphoneCall call)

When this call has received a transfer request, returns the new call that was automatically created as a result of the transfer.

callLinphoneCall object.
the transfer LinphoneCall created.

◆ linphone_call_get_transferer_call()

LinphoneCall* linphone_call_get_transferer_call ( const LinphoneCall call)

Gets the transferer if this call was started automatically as a result of an incoming transfer request.

The call in which the transfer request was received is returned in this case.

callLinphoneCall object.
The transferer LinphoneCall if the specified call was started automatically as a result of an incoming transfer request, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_call_get_user_data()

void* linphone_call_get_user_data ( const LinphoneCall call)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the call.

callThe LinphoneCall object.
The user pointer associated with the call.

◆ linphone_call_has_transfer_pending()

bool_t linphone_call_has_transfer_pending ( const LinphoneCall call)

Returns if this calls has received a transfer that has not been executed yet.

Pending transfers are executed when this call is being paused or closed, locally or by remote endpoint. If the call is already paused while receiving the transfer request, the transfer immediately occurs.

callLinphoneCall object.
TRUE if transfer is pending, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_call_params_add_custom_header()

void linphone_call_params_add_custom_header ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
const char *  header_name,
const char *  header_value 

Add a custom SIP header in the INVITE for a call.

call_paramsThe LinphoneCallParams to add a custom SIP header to.
header_nameThe name of the header to add.
header_valueThe content of the header to add.

◆ linphone_call_params_audio_enabled()

bool_t linphone_call_params_audio_enabled ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Tell whether audio is enabled or not.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
A boolean value telling whether audio is enabled or not.

◆ linphone_call_params_avpf_enabled()

bool_t linphone_call_params_avpf_enabled ( const LinphoneCallParams params)

Whether or not the feedback extension will be used for AVP.

[in]paramsLinphoneCallParams object
true if AVPF is enabled, false otherwise

◆ linphone_call_params_copy()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCallParams* linphone_call_params_copy ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Copy an existing LinphoneCallParams object to a new LinphoneCallParams object.

linphone_call_params_copy() is error-prone, leading to inconsistent parameters being passed to linphone_core_invite_address_with_params() or linphone_call_accept_with_params().

use exclusively linphone_core_create_call_params() to create LinphoneCallParams object.
call_paramsThe LinphoneCallParams object to copy.
A copy of the LinphoneCallParams object.

◆ linphone_call_params_early_media_sending_enabled()

bool_t linphone_call_params_early_media_sending_enabled ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Indicate whether sending of early media was enabled.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
A boolean value telling whether sending of early media was enabled.

◆ linphone_call_params_enable_audio()

void linphone_call_params_enable_audio ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
bool_t  enabled 

Enable audio stream.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
enabledA boolean value telling whether to enable audio or not.

◆ linphone_call_params_enable_avpf()

void linphone_call_params_enable_avpf ( LinphoneCallParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Toggle feedback extension for AVP.

[in]paramsLinphoneCallParams object
[in]enablewether or not AVPF should be enabled

◆ linphone_call_params_enable_capability_negotiations()

void linphone_call_params_enable_capability_negotiations ( LinphoneCallParams params,
bool_t  enabled 

Enable capability negotiations (RFC5939).

paramsLinphoneCallParams object
enabledA boolean value telling whether to enable capability negotiations or not.

◆ linphone_call_params_enable_cfg_lines_merging()

void linphone_call_params_enable_cfg_lines_merging ( LinphoneCallParams params,
bool_t  enabled 

Enable merging of cfg lines with consecutive indexes if capability negotiations (RFC5939) is enabled.

paramsLinphoneCallParams object
enabledA boolean value telling whether to merge pcfg and acfg lines

◆ linphone_call_params_enable_early_media_sending()

void linphone_call_params_enable_early_media_sending ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
bool_t  enabled 

Enable sending of real early media (during outgoing calls).

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
enabledA boolean value telling whether to enable early media sending or not.

◆ linphone_call_params_enable_low_bandwidth()

void linphone_call_params_enable_low_bandwidth ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
bool_t  enabled 

Indicate low bandwith mode.

Configuring a call to low bandwidth mode will result in the core to activate several settings for the call in order to ensure that bitrate usage is lowered to the minimum possible. Typically, ptime (packetization time) will be increased, audio codec's output bitrate will be targetted to 20kbit/s provided that it is achievable by the codec selected after SDP handshake. Video is automatically disabled.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
enabledA boolean value telling whether to activate the low bandwidth mode or not.

◆ linphone_call_params_enable_tcap_line_merging()

void linphone_call_params_enable_tcap_line_merging ( LinphoneCallParams params,
bool_t  enabled 

Enable merging of tcap lines with consecutive indexes if capability negotiations (RFC5939) is enabled.

paramsLinphoneCallParams object
enabledA boolean value telling whether to merge tcap lines

◆ linphone_call_params_enable_video()

void linphone_call_params_enable_video ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
bool_t  enabled 

Enable video stream.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
enabledA boolean value telling whether to enable video or not.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_account()

LinphoneAccount* linphone_call_params_get_account ( const LinphoneCallParams params)

Get the LinphoneAccount that is used for the call.

paramsthe LinphoneCallParams
The selected LinphoneAccount for the call, or NULL if none has been selected.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_audio_direction()

LinphoneMediaDirection linphone_call_params_get_audio_direction ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the audio stream direction.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The audio stream LinphoneMediaDirection associated with the call params.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_conference_video_layout()

LinphoneConferenceLayout linphone_call_params_get_conference_video_layout ( const LinphoneCallParams params)

Set video layout for conference.

call_paramsThe LinphoneCallParams to get the custom SIP header from.
layoutPreferred LinphoneConferenceLayout to use at the start of a conference

◆ linphone_call_params_get_custom_header()

const char* linphone_call_params_get_custom_header ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params,
const char *  header_name 

Get a custom SIP header.

call_paramsThe LinphoneCallParams to get the custom SIP header from.
header_nameThe name of the header to get.
The content of the header or NULL if not found.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_from_header()

const char* linphone_call_params_get_from_header ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the from header in the CallParams.

call_paramsThe LinphoneCallParams to get the from header from.
The content of the from header, may be null.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_input_audio_device()

const LinphoneAudioDevice* linphone_call_params_get_input_audio_device ( const LinphoneCallParams params)

Gets the default input audio device for a call that will be created using this call params.

This method only concerns the call creation, it doesn't reflect the currently used input audio device of the call. Instead use linphone_call_get_input_audio_device() when call has been created.
paramsThe LinphoneCallParams
the LinphoneAudioDevice that will be used by default as input when the call will be created

◆ linphone_call_params_get_local_conference_mode()

bool_t linphone_call_params_get_local_conference_mode ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Tell whether the call is part of the locally managed conference.

If a conference server is used to manage conferences, that function does not return TRUE even if the conference is running.
If you want to test whether the conference is running, you should test whether linphone_core_get_conference() return a non-null pointer.
call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
A boolean value telling whether the call is part of the locally managed conference.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_media_encryption()

LinphoneMediaEncryption linphone_call_params_get_media_encryption ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the kind of media encryption selected for the call.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The kind of LinphoneMediaEncryption selected for the call.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_output_audio_device()

const LinphoneAudioDevice* linphone_call_params_get_output_audio_device ( const LinphoneCallParams params)

Gets the default output audio device for a call that will be created using this call params.

This method only concerns the call creation, it doesn't reflect the currently used output audio device of the call. Instead use linphone_call_get_output_audio_device() when call has been created.
paramsThe LinphoneCallParams
the LinphoneAudioDevice that will be used by default as output when the call will be created

◆ linphone_call_params_get_privacy()

LinphonePrivacyMask linphone_call_params_get_privacy ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get requested level of privacy for the call.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The LinphonePrivacyMask used for the call.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_proxy_config()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneProxyConfig* linphone_call_params_get_proxy_config ( const LinphoneCallParams params)

Get the LinphoneProxyConfig that is used for the call.

paramsthe LinphoneCallParams
The selected LinphoneProxyConfig for the call, or NULL if none has been selected.
28/02/2021 Use linphone_call_params_get_account() instead.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_received_framerate()

float linphone_call_params_get_received_framerate ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the framerate of the video that is received.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The actual received framerate in frames per seconds, 0 if not available.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_received_video_definition()

const LinphoneVideoDefinition* linphone_call_params_get_received_video_definition ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the definition of the received video.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The received LinphoneVideoDefinition or NULL.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_received_video_size()

MS2_DEPRECATED MSVideoSize linphone_call_params_get_received_video_size ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the size of the video that is received.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The received video size or MS_VIDEO_SIZE_UNKNOWN if not available.
22/11/2017 Use linphone_call_params_get_received_video_definition() instead.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_record_file()

const char* linphone_call_params_get_record_file ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the path for the audio recording of the call.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The path to the audio recording of the call or NULL.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_rtp_profile()

const char* linphone_call_params_get_rtp_profile ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the RTP profile being used.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The RTP profile.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_sent_framerate()

float linphone_call_params_get_sent_framerate ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the framerate of the video that is sent.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The actual sent framerate in frames per seconds, 0 if not available.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_sent_video_definition()

const LinphoneVideoDefinition* linphone_call_params_get_sent_video_definition ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the definition of the sent video.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The sent LinphoneVideoDefinition or NULL.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_sent_video_size()

MS2_DEPRECATED MSVideoSize linphone_call_params_get_sent_video_size ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Gets the size of the video that is sent.

call_params#LinphoneCalParams object
The sent video size or MS_VIDEO_SIZE_UNKNOWN if not available.
22/11/2017 Use linphone_call_params_get_sent_video_definition() instead.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_session_name()

const char* linphone_call_params_get_session_name ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the session name of the media session (ie in SDP).

Subject from the SIP message can be retrieved using linphone_call_params_get_custom_header() and is different.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The session name of the media session or NULL.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_used_audio_payload_type()

const LinphonePayloadType* linphone_call_params_get_used_audio_payload_type ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the audio payload type that has been selected by a call.

call_paramsThe LinphoneCallParams object.
The selected LinphonePayloadType. NULL is returned if no audio payload type has been selected by the call.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_used_text_payload_type()

const LinphonePayloadType* linphone_call_params_get_used_text_payload_type ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the text payload type that has been selected by a call.

call_paramsThe LinphoneCallParams object.
The selected LinphonePayloadType. NULL is returned if no text payload type has been selected by the call.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_used_video_payload_type()

const LinphonePayloadType* linphone_call_params_get_used_video_payload_type ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the video payload type that has been selected by a call.

call_paramsThe LinphoneCallParams object.
The selected LinphonePayloadType. NULL is returned if no video payload type has been selected by the call.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_user_data()

void* linphone_call_params_get_user_data ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the user data associated with the call params.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The user data associated with the call params.

◆ linphone_call_params_get_video_direction()

LinphoneMediaDirection linphone_call_params_get_video_direction ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Get the video stream direction.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The video stream LinphoneMediaDirection associated with the call params.

◆ linphone_call_params_is_recording()

bool_t linphone_call_params_is_recording ( const LinphoneCallParams params)

Indicates whether the call is being recorded.

paramsthe LinphoneCallParams
TRUE if the call is being recorded, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_call_params_low_bandwidth_enabled()

bool_t linphone_call_params_low_bandwidth_enabled ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Tell whether the call has been configured in low bandwidth mode or not.

This mode can be automatically discovered thanks to a stun server when activate_edge_workarounds=1 in section [net] of configuration file. An application that would have reliable way to know network capacity may not use activate_edge_workarounds=1 but instead manually configure low bandwidth mode with linphone_call_params_enable_low_bandwidth(). When enabled, this param may transform a call request with video in audio only mode.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
A boolean value telling whether the low bandwidth mode has been configured/detected.

◆ linphone_call_params_ref()

LinphoneCallParams* linphone_call_params_ref ( LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Acquire a reference to the call params.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
The same LinphoneCallParams object

◆ linphone_call_params_set_account()

void linphone_call_params_set_account ( LinphoneCallParams params,
LinphoneAccount account 

Set the LinphoneAccount to use for the call.

paramsthe LinphoneCallParams
accountThe LinphoneAccount to use, or NULL if none has been selected. The LinphoneCallParams keeps a reference to it and removes the previous one, if any.

◆ linphone_call_params_set_audio_bandwidth_limit()

void linphone_call_params_set_audio_bandwidth_limit ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
int  bandwidth 

Refine bandwidth settings for this call by setting a bandwidth limit for audio streams.

As a consequence, codecs whose bitrates are not compatible with this limit won't be used.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
bandwidthThe audio bandwidth limit to set in kbit/s.

◆ linphone_call_params_set_audio_direction()

void linphone_call_params_set_audio_direction ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
LinphoneMediaDirection  direction 

Set the audio stream direction.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
directionThe audio stream LinphoneMediaDirection associated with this call params.

◆ linphone_call_params_set_conference_video_layout()

void linphone_call_params_set_conference_video_layout ( LinphoneCallParams params,
LinphoneConferenceLayout  layout 

Set video layout for conference.

call_paramsThe LinphoneCallParams to get the custom SIP header from.
layoutLinphoneConferenceLayout to use as default when creating a conference

◆ linphone_call_params_set_from_header()

void linphone_call_params_set_from_header ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
const char *  from_value 

Force the from header of a call when instanciating it (if set, it precludes the search in proxy and primary contact)

call_paramsThe LinphoneCallParams to add the forced from to.
from_valueThe value of the forced from, null to delete it.

◆ linphone_call_params_set_input_audio_device()

void linphone_call_params_set_input_audio_device ( LinphoneCallParams params,
LinphoneAudioDevice audio_device 

Sets the given LinphoneAudioDevice as default input for a call to be created later.

This method won't have any effect once the call has been created! Instead use linphone_call_set_input_audio_device() when call has been created.
paramsThe LinphoneCallParams
audio_deviceThe LinphoneAudioDevice. NULL does nothing.

◆ linphone_call_params_set_media_encryption()

void linphone_call_params_set_media_encryption ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
LinphoneMediaEncryption  encryption 

Set requested media encryption for a call.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
encryptionThe LinphoneMediaEncryption to use for the call.

◆ linphone_call_params_set_output_audio_device()

void linphone_call_params_set_output_audio_device ( LinphoneCallParams params,
LinphoneAudioDevice audio_device 

Sets the given LinphoneAudioDevice as default output for a call to be created later.

This method won't have any effect once the call has been created! Instead use linphone_call_set_output_audio_device() when call has been created.
paramsThe LinphoneCallParams
audio_deviceThe LinphoneAudioDevice. NULL does nothing.

◆ linphone_call_params_set_privacy()

void linphone_call_params_set_privacy ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
LinphonePrivacyMask  privacy 

Set requested level of privacy for the call.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
privacyThe LinphonePrivacyMask to used for the call.

◆ linphone_call_params_set_proxy_config()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_call_params_set_proxy_config ( LinphoneCallParams params,
LinphoneProxyConfig proxy_config 

Set the LinphoneProxyConfig to use for the call.

paramsthe LinphoneCallParams
proxy_configThe LinphoneProxyConfig to use, or NULL if none has been selected. The LinphoneCallParams keep a reference on it and remove the older if it exists.
28/02/2021 Use linphone_call_params_set_account() instead.

◆ linphone_call_params_set_record_file()

void linphone_call_params_set_record_file ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
const char *  path 

Enable recording of the call.

This function must be used before the call parameters are assigned to the call. The call recording can be started and paused after the call is established with linphone_call_start_recording() and linphone_call_pause_recording().

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
pathA string containing the path and filename of the file where audio/video streams are to be written. The filename must have either .mkv or .wav extention. The video stream will be written only if a MKV file is given.

◆ linphone_call_params_set_session_name()

void linphone_call_params_set_session_name ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
const char *  name 

Set the session name of the media session (ie in SDP).

Subject from the SIP message (which is different) can be set using linphone_call_params_set_custom_header().

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
nameThe session name to be used.

◆ linphone_call_params_set_supported_encryptions()

void linphone_call_params_set_supported_encryptions ( LinphoneCallParams params,
bctbx_list_t *  encs 

Sets the list of supported encryptions.

paramsLinphoneCallParams object
encslist with the list of encryptions supported in a given call

◆ linphone_call_params_set_user_data()

void linphone_call_params_set_user_data ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user data to the call params.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
user_dataThe user data to associate with the call params.

◆ linphone_call_params_set_video_direction()

void linphone_call_params_set_video_direction ( LinphoneCallParams call_params,
LinphoneMediaDirection  direction 

Set the video stream direction.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
directionThe video stream LinphoneMediaDirection associated with this call params.

◆ linphone_call_params_unref()

void linphone_call_params_unref ( LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Release a reference to the call params.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object

◆ linphone_call_params_video_enabled()

bool_t linphone_call_params_video_enabled ( const LinphoneCallParams call_params)

Tell whether video is enabled or not.

call_paramsLinphoneCallParams object
A boolean value telling whether video is enabled or not.

◆ linphone_call_pause()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_pause ( LinphoneCall call)

Pauses the call.

If a music file has been setup using linphone_core_set_play_file(), this file will be played to the remote user. The only way to resume a paused call is to call linphone_call_resume().

callLinphoneCall object.
0 on success, -1 on failure
See also

◆ linphone_call_redirect_to()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_redirect_to ( LinphoneCall call,
LinphoneAddress redirect_address 

Redirect the specified call to the given redirect Address.

callThe LinphoneCall object
redirect_addressThe LinphoneAddress to redirect the call to
0 if successful, -1 on error.

◆ linphone_call_ref()

LinphoneCall* linphone_call_ref ( LinphoneCall call)

Acquire a reference to the call.

An application that wishes to retain a pointer to call object must use this function to unsure the pointer remains valid. Once the application no more needs this pointer, it must call linphone_call_unref().

callThe LinphoneCall object.
The same LinphoneCall object.

◆ linphone_call_request_notify_next_video_frame_decoded()

void linphone_call_request_notify_next_video_frame_decoded ( LinphoneCall call)

Request the callback passed to linphone_call_cbs_set_next_video_frame_decoded() to be called the next time the video decoder properly decodes a video frame.

callthe LinphoneCall

◆ linphone_call_resume()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_resume ( LinphoneCall call)

Resumes a call.

The call needs to have been paused previously with linphone_call_pause().

callLinphoneCall object.
0 on success, -1 on failure
See also

◆ linphone_call_send_dtmf()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_send_dtmf ( LinphoneCall call,
char  dtmf 

Send the specified dtmf.

The dtmf is automatically played to the user.

callThe LinphoneCall object
dtmfThe dtmf name specified as a char, such as '0', '#' etc...
0 if successful, -1 on error.

◆ linphone_call_send_dtmfs()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_send_dtmfs ( LinphoneCall call,
const char *  dtmfs 

Send a list of dtmf.

The dtmfs are automatically sent to remote, separated by some needed customizable delay. Sending is canceled if the call state changes to something not LinphoneCallStreamsRunning.

callThe LinphoneCall object
dtmfsA dtmf sequence such as '123#123123'
-2 if there is already a DTMF sequence, -1 if call is not ready, 0 otherwise.

◆ linphone_call_send_vfu_request()

void linphone_call_send_vfu_request ( LinphoneCall call)

Request remote side to send us a Video Fast Update.

callLinphoneCall object.

◆ linphone_call_set_authentication_token_verified()

void linphone_call_set_authentication_token_verified ( LinphoneCall call,
bool_t  verified 

Set the result of ZRTP short code verification by user.

If remote party also does the same, it will update the ZRTP cache so that user's verification will not be required for the two users.

callThe LinphoneCall object
verifiedwhether the ZRTP SAS is verified.

◆ linphone_call_set_user_data()

void linphone_call_set_user_data ( LinphoneCall call,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the call.

callThe LinphoneCall object.
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the call.

◆ linphone_call_take_preview_snapshot()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_take_preview_snapshot ( LinphoneCall call,
const char *  file_path 

Take a photo of currently captured video and write it into a jpeg file.

Note that the snapshot is asynchronous, an application shall not assume that the file is created when the function returns.

callLinphoneCall object.
file_patha path where to write the jpeg content.
0 if successful, -1 otherwise (typically if jpeg format is not supported).

◆ linphone_call_take_video_snapshot()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_take_video_snapshot ( LinphoneCall call,
const char *  file_path 

Take a photo of currently received video and write it into a jpeg file.

Note that the snapshot is asynchronous, an application shall not assume that the file is created when the function returns.

callLinphoneCall object.
file_patha path where to write the jpeg content.
0 if successful, -1 otherwise (typically if jpeg format is not supported).

◆ linphone_call_terminate()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_terminate ( LinphoneCall call)

Terminates a call.

callLinphoneCall object.
0 on success, -1 on failure

◆ linphone_call_terminate_with_error_info()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_terminate_with_error_info ( LinphoneCall call,
const LinphoneErrorInfo ei 

Terminates a call.

callThe LinphoneCall object
0 on success, -1 on failure

◆ linphone_call_transfer_to()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_transfer_to ( LinphoneCall call,
LinphoneAddress refer_to 

Performs a simple call transfer to the specified destination.

The remote endpoint is expected to issue a new call to the specified destination. The current call remains active and thus can be later paused or terminated. It is possible to follow the progress of the transfer provided that transferee sends notification about it. In this case, the transfer_state_changed callback of the LinphoneCoreVTable is invoked to notify of the state of the new call at the other party. The notified states are #LinphoneCallOutgoingInit , #LinphoneCallOutgoingProgress, #LinphoneCallOutgoingRinging and #LinphoneCallConnected.

callThe call to be transfered
refer_toThe LinphoneAddress the call is to be refered to.
0 on success, -1 on failure

◆ linphone_call_transfer_to_another()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_transfer_to_another ( LinphoneCall call,
LinphoneCall dest 

Transfers a call to destination of another running call.

This is used for "attended transfer" scenarios. The transfered call is supposed to be in paused state, so that it is able to accept the transfer immediately. The destination call is a call previously established to introduce the transfered person. This method will send a transfer request to the transfered person. The phone of the transfered is then expected to automatically call to the destination of the transfer. The receiver of the transfer will then automatically close the call with us (the 'dest' call). It is possible to follow the progress of the transfer provided that transferee sends notification about it. In this case, the transfer_state_changed callback of the LinphoneCoreVTable is invoked to notify of the state of the new call at the other party. The notified states are #LinphoneCallOutgoingInit , #LinphoneCallOutgoingProgress, #LinphoneCallOutgoingRinging and #LinphoneCallConnected.

callA running call you want to transfer
destA running call whose remote person will receive the transfer
0 on success, -1 on failure

◆ linphone_call_unref()

void linphone_call_unref ( LinphoneCall call)

Release reference to the call.

callThe LinphoneCall object.

◆ linphone_call_update()

LinphoneStatus linphone_call_update ( LinphoneCall call,
const LinphoneCallParams params 

Updates a running call according to supplied call parameters or parameters changed in the LinphoneCore.

It triggers a SIP reINVITE in order to perform a new offer/answer of media capabilities. Changing the size of the transmitted video after calling linphone_core_set_preferred_video_size() can be used by passing NULL as params argument. In case no changes are requested through the LinphoneCallParams argument, then this argument can be omitted and set to NULL. WARNING: Updating a call in the #LinphoneCallPaused state will still result in a paused call even if the media directions set in the params are sendrecv. To resume a paused call, you need to call linphone_call_resume().

callA LinphoneCall object
paramsThe new call parameters to use (may be NULL).
0 if successful, -1 otherwise.

◆ linphone_call_zoom()

void linphone_call_zoom ( LinphoneCall call,
float  zoom_factor,
float  cx,
float  cy 

Perform a zoom of the video displayed during a call.

The zoom ensures that all the screen is fullfilled with the video.

callThe LinphoneCall object
zoom_factora floating point number describing the zoom factor. A value 1.0 corresponds to no zoom applied.
cxa floating point number pointing the horizontal center of the zoom to be applied. This value should be between 0.0 and 1.0.
cya floating point number pointing the vertical center of the zoom to be applied. This value should be between 0.0 and 1.0.

◆ linphone_conference_add_participant()

LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_add_participant ( LinphoneConference conference,
LinphoneCall call 

Join an existing call to the conference.

If the conference is in the state LinphoneConferenceStateCreationPending, then the conference will start on the input and output audio devices used for the currently active call, if any

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
calla LinphoneCall that has to be added to the conference.
This function guarantees that the local endpoint is added to the conference only if one of calls added is in state StreamsRunning. It is highly recommended to call linphone_confererence_enter() to guarantee that the local endpoint is added to the conference.

◆ linphone_conference_add_participant_2()

LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_add_participant_2 ( LinphoneConference conference,
const LinphoneAddress uri 

Join a participant to the conference.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
uria LinphoneAddress that has to be added to the conference.
This function guarantees that the local endpoint is added to the conference only if there is a call state StreamsRunning towards one of the addresses. It is highly recommended to call linphone_confererence_enter() to guarantee that the local endpoint is added to the conference.

◆ linphone_conference_add_participants()

LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_add_participants ( LinphoneConference conference,
const bctbx_list_t *  calls 

Add participants to the conference, by supplying a list of LinphoneCall.

If the conference is in the state LinphoneConferenceStateCreationPending, then the conference will start on the input and output audio devices used for the currently active call, if any

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
callsA list of calls to add to the conference.

◆ linphone_conference_add_participants_2()

LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_add_participants_2 ( LinphoneConference conference,
const bctbx_list_t *  addresses 

Add participants to the conference, by supplying a list of LinphoneAddress.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
addressesA list of calls to add to the conference.

◆ linphone_conference_enter()

int linphone_conference_enter ( LinphoneConference conference)

For a local conference, the local participant joins the conference For a remote conference, the participant rejoins the conference after leaving it earlier on.

conferenceA LinphoneConference object
0 if succeeded. Negative number if failed

◆ linphone_conference_find_participant()

LinphoneParticipant* linphone_conference_find_participant ( LinphoneConference conference,
const LinphoneAddress uri 

Find a participant from a conference.

conferenceA LinphoneConference.
uriSIP URI of the participant to search.
a pointer to the participant found or nullptr.

◆ linphone_conference_get_call()

LinphoneCall* linphone_conference_get_call ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Gets the call that is controlling a conference.

  • for the local conference, it will return NULL
  • for the remote conference, it will return call associated to the conference
conferenceThe LinphoneConference
the LinphoneCall controlling the conference or NULL if none or local conference

◆ linphone_conference_get_current_params()

const LinphoneConferenceParams* linphone_conference_get_current_params ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Get current parameters of the conference.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
a LinphoneConferenceParams .

◆ linphone_conference_get_duration()

int linphone_conference_get_duration ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Get the conference duration.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
conference duration.

◆ linphone_conference_get_ID()

MS2_DEPRECATED const char* linphone_conference_get_ID ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Get the conference id as string.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
the conference id
10/07/2020 Use linphone_conference_get_conference_address() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_get_input_audio_device()

const LinphoneAudioDevice* linphone_conference_get_input_audio_device ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Gets the current input device for this conference.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference
the LinphoneAudioDevice used by this conference as input or NULL if there is currently no soundcard configured (depending on the state of the conference)

◆ linphone_conference_get_input_volume()

float linphone_conference_get_input_volume ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Retrieves the volume of a specific participant.

conferenceA LinphoneConference object
deviceThe Participant
The volume of the participant expressed in dbm0.

◆ linphone_conference_get_me()

LinphoneParticipant* linphone_conference_get_me ( const LinphoneConference conference)

For a local audio video conference, this function returns the participant hosting the conference For a remote audio video conference, this function returns the local participant of the conference.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
a LinphoneParticipant .

◆ linphone_conference_get_microphone_muted()

bool_t linphone_conference_get_microphone_muted ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Retrieves the volume of a specific participant.

conferenceA LinphoneConference object
deviceThe Participant
The volume of the participant expressed in dbm0.

◆ linphone_conference_get_output_audio_device()

const LinphoneAudioDevice* linphone_conference_get_output_audio_device ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Gets the current output device for this conference.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference
the LinphoneAudioDevice used by this conference as output or NULL if there is currently no soundcard configured (depending on the state of the conference)

◆ linphone_conference_get_participant_count()

int linphone_conference_get_participant_count ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Get number of participants without me.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
the number of participants excluding me in a LinphoneConference

◆ linphone_conference_get_participant_device_list()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_conference_get_participant_device_list ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Get list of all participant devices of a conference including me if it is in.

conferenceA LinphoneConference
The list of participant devices of the conference.

◆ linphone_conference_get_participant_device_volume()

int linphone_conference_get_participant_device_volume ( LinphoneConference conference,
LinphoneParticipantDevice device 

Retrieves the volume of a specific participant.

conferenceA LinphoneConference object
deviceThe Participant
The volume of the participant expressed in dbm0.

◆ linphone_conference_get_participant_list()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_conference_get_participant_list ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Get list of all participants of a conference.

The returned list does not include me.
conferenceA LinphoneConference
The list of participants of the conference.

◆ linphone_conference_get_participants()

MS2_DEPRECATED bctbx_list_t* linphone_conference_get_participants ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Get URIs of all participants of one conference The returned bctbx_list_t contains URIs of all participants.

That list must be freed after use and each URI must be unref with linphone_address_unref()

The returned list does not include me.
conferenceA LinphoneConference
The list of the participants' address active in the conference.
10/07/2020 Use linphone_conference_get_participant_list() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_get_start_time()

time_t linphone_conference_get_start_time ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Get the conference start time.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
conference start time.

◆ linphone_conference_get_subject()

const char* linphone_conference_get_subject ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Get the conference subject.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
conference subject.

◆ linphone_conference_get_username()

const char* linphone_conference_get_username ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Get the conference username.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
conference subject.

◆ linphone_conference_invite_participants()

LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_invite_participants ( LinphoneConference conference,
const bctbx_list_t *  addresses,
const LinphoneCallParams params 

Invite participants to the conference, by supplying a list of LinphoneAddress If the conference is in the state LinphoneConferenceStateCreationPending, then the conference will start on the input and output audio devices used for the currently active call, if any.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
addressesA list of SIP addresses to invite.
paramsLinphoneCallParams to use for inviting the participants.

◆ linphone_conference_is_in()

bool_t linphone_conference_is_in ( const LinphoneConference conference)

For a local conference, it returns whether the local participant is enabled For a remote conference, it return whether the remote participant has left the conference without bein removed from it.

conferenceA LinphoneConference object
TRUE if the local participant is in a conference, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_conference_is_me()

bool_t linphone_conference_is_me ( const LinphoneConference conference,
const LinphoneAddress uri 

For a local audio video conference, this function compares the address provided as argument with that of participant hosting the conference For a remote audio video conference, this function compares the address provided as argument with that of the local participant of the conference.

conferenceA LinphoneConference object
uriA LinphoneAddress object
TRUE if the participant is me, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_conference_is_recording()

bool_t linphone_conference_is_recording ( const LinphoneConference conference)

Gets whether the conference is currently being recorded.

conferenceA LinphoneConference object
TRUE if conference is being recorded, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_conference_leave()

int linphone_conference_leave ( LinphoneConference conference)

For a local conference, the local participant leaves the conference For a remote conference, the participant leaves the conference after joining it earlier on.

conferenceA LinphoneConference object
0 if succeeded. Negative number if failed

◆ linphone_conference_params_audio_enabled()

bool_t linphone_conference_params_audio_enabled ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Check whether audio capabilities are enabled.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
TRUE if the conference supports audio capabilities, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_conference_params_chat_enabled()

bool_t linphone_conference_params_chat_enabled ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Check whether chat capabilities are enabled.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
TRUE if the conference supports chat capabilities, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_conference_params_clone()

LinphoneConferenceParams* linphone_conference_params_clone ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Clone a LinphoneConferenceParams.

paramsThe LinphoneConferenceParams to clone
An allocated LinphoneConferenceParams with the same parameters than params

◆ linphone_conference_params_enable_audio()

void linphone_conference_params_enable_audio ( LinphoneConferenceParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Enable audio capabilities.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
enableIf TRUE, audio will be enabled during conference

◆ linphone_conference_params_enable_chat()

void linphone_conference_params_enable_chat ( LinphoneConferenceParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Enable chat capabilities.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
enableIf TRUE, chat is enabled during conference

◆ linphone_conference_params_enable_local_participant()

void linphone_conference_params_enable_local_participant ( LinphoneConferenceParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Enable local participant to enter the conference.

The local participant is the one driving the local LinphoneCore. It uses the local sound devices. The default value is TRUE. Setting to FALSE is mostly helpful when using liblinphone on a server application.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
enableTRUE if local participant is automatically added to the conference, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_conference_params_enable_one_participant_conference()

void linphone_conference_params_enable_one_participant_conference ( LinphoneConferenceParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Enable conference with one participant.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
enableTRUE if conference can have only one participant, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_conference_params_enable_video()

void linphone_conference_params_enable_video ( LinphoneConferenceParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Enable video capabilities.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
enableIf TRUE, video will be enabled during conference

◆ linphone_conference_params_free()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_params_free ( LinphoneConferenceParams params)

◆ linphone_conference_params_get_account()

LinphoneAccount* linphone_conference_params_get_account ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Returns the account for the conference.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
a pointer to the account or NULL if it is not set.

◆ linphone_conference_params_get_proxy_cfg()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneProxyConfig* linphone_conference_params_get_proxy_cfg ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Returns the proxy configuration for the conference.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
a pointer to the proxy configuration or NULL if it is not set.
11/01/2022 Use linphone_conference_params_get_account() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_params_get_security_level()

LinphoneConferenceSecurityLevel linphone_conference_params_get_security_level ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Retrieve the desired security level of the conference.

paramsThe LinphoneConferenceParams object.
The desired security level of the conference.

◆ linphone_conference_params_get_subject()

const char* linphone_conference_params_get_subject ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Get the conference subject.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
conference subject.

◆ linphone_conference_params_is_audio_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_conference_params_is_audio_enabled ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Check whether audio capabilities are enabled.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
TRUE if the conference supports audio capabilities, FALSE otherwise
16/12/2021 Use linphone_conference_params_audio_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_params_is_chat_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_conference_params_is_chat_enabled ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Check whether chat capabilities are enabled.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
TRUE if the conference supports chat capabilities, FALSE otherwise
16/12/2021 Use linphone_conference_params_chat_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_params_is_local_participant_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_conference_params_is_local_participant_enabled ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Returns whether local participant has to enter the conference.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
TRUE if local participant is by default part of the conference, FALSE otherwise
16/12/2021 Use linphone_conference_params_local_participant_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_params_is_one_participant_conference_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_conference_params_is_one_participant_conference_enabled ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Returns whether conference can have only one participant.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
TRUE if the conference can have only one participant, FALSE otherwise
16/12/2021 Use linphone_conference_params_one_participant_conference_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_params_is_video_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_conference_params_is_video_enabled ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Check whether video capabilities are enabled.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
TRUE if the conference supports video capabilities, FALSE otherwise
16/12/2021 Use linphone_conference_params_video_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_params_local_participant_enabled()

bool_t linphone_conference_params_local_participant_enabled ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Returns whether local participant has to enter the conference.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
TRUE if local participant is by default part of the conference, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_conference_params_new()

LinphoneConferenceParams* linphone_conference_params_new ( const LinphoneCore core)

Create an object of type a LinphoneConferenceParams.

coreThe LinphoneCore to pass to the constructor.
The created LinphoneConferenceParams.

◆ linphone_conference_params_one_participant_conference_enabled()

bool_t linphone_conference_params_one_participant_conference_enabled ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Returns whether conference can have only one participant.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
TRUE if the conference can have only one participant, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_conference_params_ref()

LinphoneConferenceParams* linphone_conference_params_ref ( LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Take a reference on a LinphoneConferenceParams.

paramsThe LinphoneConferenceParams to ref.
The freshly refed LinphoneConferenceParams.

◆ linphone_conference_params_set_audio_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_params_set_audio_enabled ( LinphoneConferenceParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Enable audio capabilities.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
enableIf TRUE, audio will be enabled during conference
16/12/2021 Use linphone_conference_params_enable_audio() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_params_set_chat_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_params_set_chat_enabled ( LinphoneConferenceParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Enable chat capabilities.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
enableIf TRUE, chat is enabled during conference
16/12/2021 Use linphone_conference_params_enable_chat() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_params_set_local_participant_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_params_set_local_participant_enabled ( LinphoneConferenceParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Enable local participant to enter the conference.

The local participant is the one driving the local LinphoneCore. It uses the local sound devices. The default value is TRUE. Setting to FALSE is mostly helpful when using liblinphone on a server application.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
enableTRUE if local participant is automatically added to the conference, FALSE otherwise
16/12/2021 Use linphone_conference_params_enable_local_participant() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_params_set_one_participant_conference_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_params_set_one_participant_conference_enabled ( LinphoneConferenceParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Enable conference with one participant.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
enableTRUE if conference can have only one participant, FALSE otherwise
16/12/2021 Use linphone_conference_params_enable_one_participant_conference() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_params_set_security_level()

void linphone_conference_params_set_security_level ( LinphoneConferenceParams params,
LinphoneConferenceSecurityLevel  security_level 

Set the desired security level of the conference.

paramsThe LinphoneConferenceParams object.
security_levelThe desired security level of the conference.

◆ linphone_conference_params_set_subject()

void linphone_conference_params_set_subject ( LinphoneConferenceParams params,
const char *  subject 

Set the conference subject.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
subjectconference subject

◆ linphone_conference_params_set_video_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_params_set_video_enabled ( LinphoneConferenceParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Enable video capabilities.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
enableIf TRUE, video will be enabled during conference
16/12/2021 Use linphone_conference_params_enable_video() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_params_unref()

void linphone_conference_params_unref ( LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Release a LinphoneConferenceParams.

paramsThe LinphoneConferenceParams to release.

◆ linphone_conference_params_video_enabled()

bool_t linphone_conference_params_video_enabled ( const LinphoneConferenceParams params)

Check whether video capabilities are enabled.

paramsA LinphoneConferenceParams
TRUE if the conference supports video capabilities, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_conference_ref()

LinphoneConference* linphone_conference_ref ( LinphoneConference conference)

Take a reference on a LinphoneConference.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference to ref.
The same LinphoneConference object.

◆ linphone_conference_remove_participant()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_remove_participant ( LinphoneConference conference,
const LinphoneAddress uri 
conferenceA LinphoneConference
uriURI of the participant to remove
The passed participant uri must be one of those returned by linphone_conference_get_participants()
0 if succeeded, -1 if failed
10/07/2020 Use linphone_conference_remove_participant_2() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_remove_participant_2()

LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_remove_participant_2 ( LinphoneConference conference,
LinphoneParticipant participant 
conferenceA LinphoneConference
participantparticipant to remove
The passed participant must be one of those returned by linphone_conference_get_participant_list()
This method may destroy the conference if the only remaining participant had an existing call to the local participant before the conference was created
0 if succeeded, -1 if failed

◆ linphone_conference_remove_participant_3()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_conference_remove_participant_3 ( LinphoneConference conference,
LinphoneCall call 
conferenceA LinphoneConference
callcall to remove
0 if succeeded, -1 if failed
10/07/2020 Use linphone_conference_remove_participant_2() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_set_ID()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_conference_set_ID ( LinphoneConference conference,
const char *  conference_id 

Set the conference id as string.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
conference_idthe conference id to set.
10/07/2020 Use linphone_conference_set_conference_address() instead.

◆ linphone_conference_set_input_audio_device()

void linphone_conference_set_input_audio_device ( LinphoneConference conference,
LinphoneAudioDevice audio_device 

Sets the given LinphoneAudioDevice as input for this conference only.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference
audio_deviceThe LinphoneAudioDevice. NULL does nothing.

◆ linphone_conference_set_local_participant_stream_capability()

void linphone_conference_set_local_participant_stream_capability ( LinphoneConference conference,
const LinphoneMediaDirection  direction,
const LinphoneStreamType  type 

Set stream capability on me device of a local conference.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
directionthe direction of stream of type stream_type
stream_typeA LinphoneStreamType

◆ linphone_conference_set_microphone_muted()

void linphone_conference_set_microphone_muted ( LinphoneConference conference,
bool_t  muted 

Get microphone muted state.

Note that the microphone may be disabled globally if FALSE was given to linphone_core_enable_mic().

conferenceA LinphoneConference object
The microphone muted state.

◆ linphone_conference_set_output_audio_device()

void linphone_conference_set_output_audio_device ( LinphoneConference conference,
LinphoneAudioDevice audio_device 

Sets the given LinphoneAudioDevice as output for this conference only.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference
audio_deviceThe LinphoneAudioDevice. NULL does nothing.

◆ linphone_conference_set_participant_admin_status()

void linphone_conference_set_participant_admin_status ( LinphoneConference conference,
LinphoneParticipant participant,
bool_t  is_admin 

Change the admin status of a participant of a conference (you need to be an admin yourself to do this).

conferenceA LinphoneConference object
participantThe Participant for which to change the admin status
is_adminA boolean value telling whether the participant should now be an admin or not

◆ linphone_conference_set_subject()

void linphone_conference_set_subject ( LinphoneConference conference,
const char *  subject 

Set the conference subject.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
subjectconference subject

◆ linphone_conference_set_username()

void linphone_conference_set_username ( LinphoneConference conference,
const char *  username 

Set the conference username.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
usernameconference subject

◆ linphone_conference_start_recording()

int linphone_conference_start_recording ( LinphoneConference conference,
const char *  path 

Starts recording the conference.

conferenceA LinphoneConference object
pathWhere to record the conference
0 if succeeded. Negative number in case of failure.

◆ linphone_conference_stop_recording()

int linphone_conference_stop_recording ( LinphoneConference conference)

Stops the conference recording.

conferenceA LinphoneConference object
0 if succeeded. Negative number in case of failure.

◆ linphone_conference_terminate()

int linphone_conference_terminate ( LinphoneConference conference)

Terminates conference.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
0 if the termination is successful, -1 otherwise.

◆ linphone_conference_unref()

void linphone_conference_unref ( LinphoneConference conference)

Release a LinphoneConference.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference to release.

◆ linphone_conference_update_params()

int linphone_conference_update_params ( LinphoneConference conference,
const LinphoneConferenceParams params 

Update parameters of the conference.

This is typically used enable or disable the video stream in the conference.

conferenceThe LinphoneConference object.
paramsthe new parameters to apply.

◆ linphone_core_accept_call()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_accept_call ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call 

Accept an incoming call.

Basically the application is notified of incoming calls within the call_state_changed callback of the LinphoneCoreVTable structure, where it will receive a LinphoneCallIncoming event with the associated LinphoneCall object. The application can later accept the call using this method.

coreLinphoneCore object
callThe LinphoneCall object representing the call to be answered
0 on success, -1 on failure
13/02/2017 Use linphone_call_accept() instead.

◆ linphone_core_accept_call_update()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_accept_call_update ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call,
const LinphoneCallParams params 

Accept call modifications initiated by other end.

This call may be performed in response to a #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote state notification. When such notification arrives, the application can decide to call linphone_core_defer_update_call() so that it can have the time to prompt the user. linphone_call_get_remote_params() can be used to get information about the call parameters requested by the other party, such as whether a video stream is requested.

When the user accepts or refuse the change, linphone_core_accept_call_update() can be done to answer to the other party. If params is NULL, then the same call parameters established before the update request will continue to be used (no change). If params is not NULL, then the update will be accepted according to the parameters passed. Typical example is when a user accepts to start video, then params should indicate that video stream should be used (see linphone_call_params_enable_video()).

coreLinphoneCore object
callThe call for which to accept an update
paramsA LinphoneCallParams object describing the call parameters to accept
0 if successful, -1 otherwise (actually when this function call is performed outside ot #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote state)
13/02/2017 Use linphone_call_accept_update() instead.

◆ linphone_core_accept_call_with_params()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_accept_call_with_params ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call,
const LinphoneCallParams params 

Accept an incoming call, with parameters.

Basically the application is notified of incoming calls within the call_state_changed callback of the LinphoneCoreVTable structure, where it will receive a LinphoneCallIncoming event with the associated LinphoneCall object. The application can later accept the call using this method.

coreLinphoneCore object
callThe LinphoneCall object representing the call to be answered
paramsThe specific parameters for this call, for example whether video is accepted or not. Use NULL to use default parameters
0 on success, -1 on failure
13/02/2017 Use linphone_call_accept_with_params() instead.

◆ linphone_core_accept_early_media()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_accept_early_media ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call 

Accept an early media session for an incoming call.

This is identical as calling linphone_core_accept_early_media_with_params() with NULL call parameters.

coreLinphoneCore object
callThe incoming call to accept
0 if successful, -1 otherwise
See also
13/02/2017 Use linphone_call_accept_early_media() instead.

◆ linphone_core_accept_early_media_with_params()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_accept_early_media_with_params ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call,
const LinphoneCallParams params 

When receiving an incoming, accept to start a media session as early-media.

This means the call is not accepted but audio & video streams can be established if the remote party supports early media. However, unlike after call acceptance, mic and camera input are not sent during early-media, though received audio & video are played normally. The call can then later be fully accepted using linphone_core_accept_call() or linphone_core_accept_call_with_params().

coreLinphoneCore object
callThe call to accept
paramsThe call parameters to use (can be NULL)
0 if successful, -1 otherwise
10/10/2017 Use linphone_call_accept_early_media_with_params() instead.

◆ linphone_core_create_call_params()

LinphoneCallParams* linphone_core_create_call_params ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call 

Create a LinphoneCallParams suitable for linphone_core_invite_with_params(), linphone_core_accept_call_with_params(), linphone_core_accept_early_media_with_params() or linphone_core_accept_call_update().

The parameters are initialized according to the current LinphoneCore configuration and the last used local LinphoneCallParams, the ones passed through linphone_call_update(), linphone_call_accept_with_params() or linphone_call_accept_update_with_params().

coreLinphoneCore object
callLinphoneCall for which the parameters are to be build, or NULL in the case where the parameters are to be used for a new outgoing call.
A new LinphoneCallParams object.

◆ linphone_core_decline_call()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_decline_call ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call,
LinphoneReason  reason 

Decline a pending incoming call, with a reason.

coreLinphoneCore object
callThe LinphoneCall to decline, must be in the IncomingReceived state
reasonThe reason for rejecting the call: LinphoneReasonDeclined or LinphoneReasonBusy
0 on success, -1 on failure
13/02/2017 Use linphone_call_decline() instead.

◆ linphone_core_defer_call_update()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_defer_call_update ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call 

When receiving a #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote state notification, prevent LinphoneCore from performing an automatic answer.

When receiving a #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote state notification (ie an incoming reINVITE), the default behaviour of LinphoneCore is defined by the "defer_update_default" option of the "sip" section of the config. If this option is 0 (the default) then the LinphoneCore automatically answers the reINIVTE with call parameters unchanged. However when for example when the remote party updated the call to propose a video stream, it can be useful to prompt the user before answering. This can be achieved by calling linphone_core_defer_call_update() during the call state notification, to deactivate the automatic answer that would just confirm the audio but reject the video. Then, when the user responds to dialog prompt, it becomes possible to call linphone_core_accept_call_update() to answer the reINVITE, with eventually video enabled in the LinphoneCallParams argument.

The #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote notification can also arrive when receiving an INVITE without SDP. In such case, an unchanged offer is made in the 200Ok, and when the ACK containing the SDP answer is received, #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote is triggered to notify the application of possible changes in the media session. However in such case defering the update has no meaning since we just generating an offer.

coreLinphoneCore object
callThe call for which to defer the update
0 if successful, -1 if the linphone_core_defer_call_update() was done outside a valid #LinphoneCallUpdatedByRemote notification
13/02/2017 Use linphone_call_defer_update() instead

◆ linphone_core_find_call_from_uri()

LinphoneCall* linphone_core_find_call_from_uri ( const LinphoneCore core,
const char *  uri 

Search from the list of current calls if a remote address match uri.

corethe LinphoneCore object.
uriwhich should match call remote uri
LinphoneCall or NULL if no match is found.
27/10/2020. Use linphone_core_get_call_by_remote_address2() instead.

◆ linphone_core_get_call_by_callid()

LinphoneCall* linphone_core_get_call_by_callid ( const LinphoneCore core,
const char *  call_id 

Get the call by callid.

coreThe LinphoneCore object
callidof call
call LinphoneCall, return null if there is no call find.

◆ linphone_core_get_call_by_remote_address()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneCall* linphone_core_get_call_by_remote_address ( const LinphoneCore core,
const char *  remote_address 

Get the call with the remote_address specified.

coreLinphoneCore object
remote_addressThe remote address of the call that we want to get
The call if it has been found, NULL otherwise.
08/07/2020 use linphone_core_get_call_by_remote_address2() instead

◆ linphone_core_get_call_by_remote_address2()

LinphoneCall* linphone_core_get_call_by_remote_address2 ( const LinphoneCore core,
const LinphoneAddress remote_address 

Get the call with the specified LinphoneAddress.

corethe LinphoneCore
remote_addressthe LinphoneAddress for which the call remote address must match
the LinphoneCall of the call if found.

◆ linphone_core_get_calls()

const bctbx_list_t* linphone_core_get_calls ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets the current list of calls.

Note that this list is read-only and might be changed by the core after a function call to linphone_core_iterate(). Similarly the LinphoneCall objects inside it might be destroyed without prior notice. To hold references to LinphoneCall object into your program, you must use linphone_call_ref().

coreThe LinphoneCore object
A list of LinphoneCall

◆ linphone_core_get_calls_nb()

int linphone_core_get_calls_nb ( const LinphoneCore core)

Get the number of Call.

coreLinphoneCore object
The current number of calls

◆ linphone_core_get_current_call()

LinphoneCall* linphone_core_get_current_call ( const LinphoneCore core)

Gets the current call.

coreLinphoneCore object
The current call or NULL if no call is running.

◆ linphone_core_get_current_call_remote_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_core_get_current_call_remote_address ( LinphoneCore core)

Get the remote address of the current call.

coreLinphoneCore object.
The remote address of the current call or NULL if there is no current call.

◆ linphone_core_get_delayed_timeout()

int linphone_core_get_delayed_timeout ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets the delayed timeout See linphone_core_set_delayed_timeout() for details.

coreLinphoneCore object
The current delayed timeout in seconds

◆ linphone_core_get_in_call_timeout()

int linphone_core_get_in_call_timeout ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets the in call timeout See linphone_core_set_in_call_timeout() for details.

coreLinphoneCore object
The current in call timeout in seconds

◆ linphone_core_get_inc_timeout()

int linphone_core_get_inc_timeout ( LinphoneCore core)

Returns the incoming call timeout See linphone_core_set_inc_timeout() for details.

coreLinphoneCore object
The current incoming call timeout in seconds

◆ linphone_core_get_media_resource_mode()

LinphoneMediaResourceMode linphone_core_get_media_resource_mode ( const LinphoneCore core)

This function returns the media resource mode for this core.

coreA LinphoneCore object
The media resource mode

◆ linphone_core_get_push_incoming_call_timeout()

int linphone_core_get_push_incoming_call_timeout ( const LinphoneCore core)

Returns the push incoming call timeout See linphone_core_set_push_incoming_call_timeout() for details.

coreLinphoneCore object
The current push incoming call timeout in seconds

◆ linphone_core_get_tag_100rel_support_level()

LinphoneSupportLevel linphone_core_get_tag_100rel_support_level ( const LinphoneCore core)

Get the support level of the 100rel attribute.

coreLinphoneCore object.
The 100 rel support level

◆ linphone_core_in_call()

bool_t linphone_core_in_call ( const LinphoneCore core)

Tells whether there is a call running.

coreLinphoneCore object
A boolean value telling whether a call is currently running or not

◆ linphone_core_invite()

LinphoneCall* linphone_core_invite ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  url 

Initiates an outgoing call.

The application doesn't own a reference to the returned LinphoneCall object. Use linphone_call_ref() to safely keep the LinphoneCall pointer valid within your application.

coreLinphoneCore object
urlThe destination of the call (sip address, or phone number).
A LinphoneCall object or NULL in case of failure.

◆ linphone_core_invite_address()

LinphoneCall* linphone_core_invite_address ( LinphoneCore core,
const LinphoneAddress addr 

Initiates an outgoing call given a destination LinphoneAddress The LinphoneAddress can be constructed directly using linphone_factory_create_address(), or created by linphone_core_interpret_url_2().

The application doesn't own a reference to the returned LinphoneCall object. Use linphone_call_ref() to safely keep the LinphoneCall pointer valid within your application.

coreLinphoneCore object
addrThe destination of the call (sip address).
A LinphoneCall object or NULL in case of failure.

◆ linphone_core_invite_address_with_params()

LinphoneCall* linphone_core_invite_address_with_params ( LinphoneCore core,
const LinphoneAddress addr,
const LinphoneCallParams params 

Initiates an outgoing call given a destination LinphoneAddress The LinphoneAddress can be constructed directly using linphone_factory_create_address(), or created by linphone_core_interpret_url_2().

The application doesn't own a reference to the returned LinphoneCall object. Use linphone_call_ref() to safely keep the LinphoneCall pointer valid within your application. If the proxy is not specified in parameters, the caller proxy will be automatically selected by finding what is the best to reach the destination of the call.

coreLinphoneCore object
addrThe destination of the call (sip address).
paramsCall parameters
A LinphoneCall object or NULL in case of failure.

◆ linphone_core_invite_address_with_params_2()

LinphoneCall* linphone_core_invite_address_with_params_2 ( LinphoneCore lc,
const LinphoneAddress addr,
const LinphoneCallParams params,
const char *  subject,
const LinphoneContent content 

Initiates an outgoing call given a destination LinphoneAddress The LinphoneAddress can be constructed directly using linphone_factory_create_address(), or created by linphone_core_interpret_url_2().

The application doesn't own a reference to the returned LinphoneCall object. Use linphone_call_ref() to safely keep the LinphoneCall pointer valid within your application. If the proxy is not specified in parameters, the caller proxy will be automatically selected by finding what is the best to reach the destination of the call.

coreLinphoneCore object
addrThe destination of the call (sip address).
paramsCall parameters
subjectSubject of the call
contentBody of the SIP INVITE
A LinphoneCall object or NULL in case of failure.

◆ linphone_core_invite_with_params()

LinphoneCall* linphone_core_invite_with_params ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  url,
const LinphoneCallParams params 

Initiates an outgoing call according to supplied call parameters The application doesn't own a reference to the returned LinphoneCall object.

Use linphone_call_ref() to safely keep the LinphoneCall pointer valid within your application.

coreLinphoneCore object
urlThe destination of the call (sip address, or phone number).
paramsthe LinphoneCallParams call parameters
A LinphoneCall object or NULL in case of failure.

◆ linphone_core_is_incoming_invite_pending()

bool_t linphone_core_is_incoming_invite_pending ( LinphoneCore core)

Tells whether there is an incoming invite pending.

coreLinphoneCore object
A boolean telling whether an incoming invite is pending or not.

◆ linphone_core_pause_all_calls()

LinphoneStatus linphone_core_pause_all_calls ( LinphoneCore core)

Pause all currently running calls.

coreLinphoneCore object

◆ linphone_core_pause_call()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_pause_call ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call 

Pauses the call.

If a music file has been setup using linphone_core_set_play_file(), this file will be played to the remote user.

The only way to resume a paused call is to call linphone_core_resume_call().

coreLinphoneCore object
callThe call to pause
0 on success, -1 on failure
See also
13/02/2017 Use linphone_call_pause() instead.

◆ linphone_core_preempt_sound_resources()

int linphone_core_preempt_sound_resources ( LinphoneCore core)

Empties sound resources to allow a new call to be accepted.

This function is autyomatically called by the core if the media resource mode is set to unique.

coreA LinphoneCore object
An integer returning the exit value. If it is 0, sound resources have been emptied. Otherwise, sound resources are busy and cannot be freed immediately.

◆ linphone_core_redirect_call()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_redirect_call ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call,
const char *  redirect_uri 

Redirect the specified call to the given redirect URI.

coreLinphoneCore object
callThe LinphoneCall to redirect
redirect_uriThe URI to redirect the call to
0 if successful, -1 on error.
13/02/2017 Use linphone_call_redirect() instead.

◆ linphone_core_resume_call()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_resume_call ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call 

Resumes a call.

The call needs to have been paused previously with linphone_core_pause_call().

coreLinphoneCore object
callThe call to resume
0 on success, -1 on failure
See also
13/02/2017 Use linphone_call_resume() instead.

◆ linphone_core_set_delayed_timeout()

void linphone_core_set_delayed_timeout ( LinphoneCore core,
int  seconds 

Set the in delayed timeout in seconds.

After this timeout period, a delayed call (internal call initialisation or resolution) is resumed.

coreLinphoneCore object
secondsThe new delayed timeout

◆ linphone_core_set_in_call_timeout()

void linphone_core_set_in_call_timeout ( LinphoneCore core,
int  seconds 

Set the in call timeout in seconds.

After this timeout period, the call is automatically hangup. A value of 0 disables this feature.

coreLinphoneCore object
secondsThe new timeout in seconds

◆ linphone_core_set_inc_timeout()

void linphone_core_set_inc_timeout ( LinphoneCore core,
int  seconds 

Set the incoming call timeout in seconds.

If an incoming call isn't answered for this timeout period, it is automatically declined.

coreLinphoneCore object
secondsThe new timeout in seconds

◆ linphone_core_set_media_resource_mode()

void linphone_core_set_media_resource_mode ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneMediaResourceMode  mode 

Sets the media resources mode.

Value values are: unique and shared. When the mode is set to unique, then only one call in the state StreamsRunning is allowed. While acepting a call, the core will try to free media resource used by the current call. If it is unsuccessful, then the call is not accepted. If mode is set to shared, then the media resources of the current call (if any) are not emptied when taking a new call. If the user whishes to free them, he/she is responsible to call linphone_core_preempt_sound_resources himself/herself

coreA LinphoneCore object
modethe chosen mode

◆ linphone_core_set_push_incoming_call_timeout()

void linphone_core_set_push_incoming_call_timeout ( LinphoneCore core,
int  seconds 

Configure the minimum interval between a push notification and the corresponding incoming INVITE.

If exceeded, Linphone Call is transitioned to CallError and further incoming invite associated to this push is declined if any.

coreLinphoneCore object
secondsThe new timeout in seconds

◆ linphone_core_set_tag_100rel_support_level()

void linphone_core_set_tag_100rel_support_level ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneSupportLevel  level 

Define what level of support is provided to the 100rel attribute.

coreLinphoneCore object.
levelsupport level of 100rel

◆ linphone_core_sound_resources_locked()

bool_t linphone_core_sound_resources_locked ( LinphoneCore core)

Check if a call will need the sound resources in near future (typically an outgoing call that is awaiting response).

In liblinphone, it is not possible to have two independant calls using sound device or camera at the same time. In order to prevent this situation, an application can use linphone_core_sound_resources_locked() to know whether it is possible at a given time to start a new outgoing call. When the function returns TRUE, an application should not allow the user to start an outgoing call.

coreLinphoneCore object
A boolean value telling whether a call will need the sound resources in near future

◆ linphone_core_terminate_all_calls()

LinphoneStatus linphone_core_terminate_all_calls ( LinphoneCore core)

Terminates all the calls.

coreLinphoneCore object

◆ linphone_core_terminate_call()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_terminate_call ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call 

Terminates a call.

coreLinphoneCore object
callThe LinphoneCall object representing the call to be terminated
0 on success, -1 on failure
13/02/2017 Use linphone_call_terminate() instead.

◆ linphone_core_transfer_call()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_transfer_call ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call,
const char *  refer_to 

Performs a simple call transfer to the specified destination.

The remote endpoint is expected to issue a new call to the specified destination. The current call remains active and thus can be later paused or terminated. It is possible to follow the progress of the transfer provided that transferee sends notification about it. In this case, the transfer_state_changed callback of the LinphoneCoreVTable is invoked to notify of the state of the new call at the other party. The notified states are #LinphoneCallOutgoingInit , #LinphoneCallOutgoingProgress, #LinphoneCallOutgoingRinging and #LinphoneCallConnected.

coreLinphoneCore object
callThe call to be transfered
refer_toThe destination the call is to be refered to
0 on success, -1 on failure
12/01/2017 Use linphone_call_transfer() instead.

◆ linphone_core_transfer_call_to_another()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_transfer_call_to_another ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call,
LinphoneCall dest 

Transfers a call to destination of another running call.

This is used for "attended transfer" scenarios.

The transfered call is supposed to be in paused state, so that it is able to accept the transfer immediately. The destination call is a call previously established to introduce the transfered person. This method will send a transfer request to the transfered person. The phone of the transfered is then expected to automatically call to the destination of the transfer. The receiver of the transfer will then automatically close the call with us (the 'dest' call). It is possible to follow the progress of the transfer provided that transferee sends notification about it. In this case, the transfer_state_changed callback of the LinphoneCoreVTable is invoked to notify of the state of the new call at the other party. The notified states are #LinphoneCallOutgoingInit , #LinphoneCallOutgoingProgress, #LinphoneCallOutgoingRinging and #LinphoneCallConnected.

coreLinphoneCore object
callA running call you want to transfer
destA running call whose remote person will receive the transfer
0 on success, -1 on failure
12/01/2017 Use linphone_call_transfer_to_another() instead.

◆ linphone_core_update_call()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_core_update_call ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneCall call,
const LinphoneCallParams params 

Updates a running call according to supplied call parameters or parameters changed in the LinphoneCore.

In this version this is limited to the following use cases:

coreLinphoneCore object
callThe call to be updated
paramsThe new call parameters to use (may be NULL)
0 if successful, -1 otherwise.
13/02/2017 Use linphone_call_update() instead.

◆ linphone_event_cbs_get_notify_response()

LinphoneEventCbsNotifyResponseCb linphone_event_cbs_get_notify_response ( const LinphoneEventCbs cbs)

Get the notify response callback.

cbsLinphoneEventCbs object.
The current notify response callback.

◆ linphone_event_cbs_get_user_data()

void* linphone_event_cbs_get_user_data ( const LinphoneEventCbs cbs)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with a LinphoneEventCbs object.

cbsLinphoneEventCbs object.
The user pointer associated with the LinphoneEventCbs object.

◆ linphone_event_cbs_ref()

LinphoneEventCbs* linphone_event_cbs_ref ( LinphoneEventCbs cbs)

Acquire a reference to a LinphoneEventCbs object.

The same LinphoneEventCbs object.

◆ linphone_event_cbs_set_notify_response()

void linphone_event_cbs_set_notify_response ( LinphoneEventCbs cbs,
LinphoneEventCbsNotifyResponseCb  cb 

Set the notify response callback.

cbsLinphoneEventCbs object.
cbThe notify response callback to be used.

◆ linphone_event_cbs_set_user_data()

void linphone_event_cbs_set_user_data ( LinphoneEventCbs cbs,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to a LinphoneEventCbs object.

cbsLinphoneEventCbs object.
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the LinphoneEventCbs object.

◆ linphone_event_cbs_unref()

void linphone_event_cbs_unref ( LinphoneEventCbs cbs)

Release a reference to a LinphoneEventCbs object.

cbsLinphoneEventCbs object.

◆ linphone_player_add_callbacks()

void linphone_player_add_callbacks ( LinphonePlayer player,
LinphonePlayerCbs cbs 

Adds a LinphonePlayerCbs object associated to the LinphonePlayer.

playerLinphonePlayer object
cbsThe LinphonePlayerCbs object to be added to the LinphonePlayer.

◆ linphone_player_cbs_get_eof_reached()

LinphonePlayerCbsEofReachedCb linphone_player_cbs_get_eof_reached ( const LinphonePlayerCbs cbs)

Get the end-of-file reached callback.

cbsLinphonePlayerCbs object.
The current end-of-file reached callback.

◆ linphone_player_cbs_get_user_data()

void* linphone_player_cbs_get_user_data ( const LinphonePlayerCbs cbs)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the LinphonePlayerCbs object.

cbsLinphonePlayerCbs object.
The user pointer associated with the LinphonePlayerCbs object.

◆ linphone_player_cbs_ref()

LinphonePlayerCbs* linphone_player_cbs_ref ( LinphonePlayerCbs cbs)

Acquire a reference to the LinphonePlayerCbs object.

cbsLinphonePlayerCbs object.
The same LinphonePlayerCbs object.

◆ linphone_player_cbs_set_eof_reached()

void linphone_player_cbs_set_eof_reached ( LinphonePlayerCbs cbs,
LinphonePlayerCbsEofReachedCb  cb 

Set the end-of-file reached callback.

cbsLinphonePlayerCbs object.
cbThe end-of-file reached callback to be used.

◆ linphone_player_cbs_set_user_data()

void linphone_player_cbs_set_user_data ( LinphonePlayerCbs cbs,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the LinphonePlayerCbs object.

cbsLinphonePlayerCbs object.
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the LinphonePlayerCbs object.

◆ linphone_player_cbs_unref()

void linphone_player_cbs_unref ( LinphonePlayerCbs cbs)

Release reference to the LinphonePlayerCbs object.

cbsLinphonePlayerCbs object.

◆ linphone_player_close()

void linphone_player_close ( LinphonePlayer player)

Close the opened file.

playerLinphonePlayer object

◆ linphone_player_create_window_id()

void* linphone_player_create_window_id ( LinphonePlayer player)

Create a window id to be used to display video if any.

playerLinphonePlayer object
window_id The window id pointer to use.

◆ linphone_player_get_callbacks()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphonePlayerCbs* linphone_player_get_callbacks ( const LinphonePlayer player)

Get the LinphonePlayerCbs object associated with the LinphonePlayer.

playerLinphonePlayer object
The LinphonePlayerCbs object associated with the LinphonePlayer.
19/02/2019 use add_callbacks / remove_callbacks instead

◆ linphone_player_get_core()

LinphoneCore* linphone_player_get_core ( const LinphonePlayer player)

Returns the LinphoneCore object managing this player's call, if any.

playerLinphonePlayer object
the LinphoneCore object associated

◆ linphone_player_get_current_callbacks()

LinphonePlayerCbs* linphone_player_get_current_callbacks ( const LinphonePlayer player)

Returns the current LinphonePlayerCbsCbs object.

playerLinphonePlayer object
The current LinphonePlayerCbs object

◆ linphone_player_get_current_position()

int linphone_player_get_current_position ( LinphonePlayer player)

Get the current position in the opened file.

playerLinphonePlayer object
The current position in the opened file

◆ linphone_player_get_duration()

int linphone_player_get_duration ( LinphonePlayer player)

Get the duration of the opened file.

playerLinphonePlayer object
The duration of the opened file

◆ linphone_player_get_is_video_available()

bool_t linphone_player_get_is_video_available ( LinphonePlayer player)

Returns whether the file has video and if it can be displayed.

playerLinphonePlayer object
TRUE if file has video and it can be displayed, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_player_get_state()

LinphonePlayerState linphone_player_get_state ( LinphonePlayer player)

Get the current state of a player.

playerLinphonePlayer object
The current LinphonePlayerState of the player.

◆ linphone_player_get_user_data()

void* linphone_player_get_user_data ( const LinphonePlayer player)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the player.

playerLinphonePlayer object.
The user pointer associated with the player.

◆ linphone_player_get_volume_gain()

float linphone_player_get_volume_gain ( LinphonePlayer player)

Get the volume gain of the player.

playerLinphonePlayer object
Percentage of the gain. Valid values are in [ 0.0 : 1.0 ].

◆ linphone_player_open()

LinphoneStatus linphone_player_open ( LinphonePlayer player,
const char *  filename 

Open a file for playing.

Actually, only WAVE and MKV/MKA file formats are supported and a limited set of codecs depending of the selected format. Here are the list of working combinations:

  • WAVE format: only PCM s16le codec is supported.
  • MKV/MKA format:
    • Supported audo codecs: Opus, PCMU, PCM s16le.
    • Supported video codecs: VP8, H264.
playerLinphonePlayer object
filenameThe path to the file to open

◆ linphone_player_pause()

LinphoneStatus linphone_player_pause ( LinphonePlayer player)

Pause the playing of a file.

playerLinphonePlayer object
0 on success, a negative value otherwise

◆ linphone_player_ref()

LinphonePlayer* linphone_player_ref ( LinphonePlayer player)

Acquire a reference to the player.

playerLinphonePlayer object.
The same LinphonePlayer object.

◆ linphone_player_remove_callbacks()

void linphone_player_remove_callbacks ( LinphonePlayer player,
LinphonePlayerCbs cbs 

Removes a LinphonePlayerCbs object associated to the LinphonePlayer.

playerLinphonePlayer object
cbsThe LinphonePlayerCbs object to be removed from the LinphonePlayer.

◆ linphone_player_seek()

LinphoneStatus linphone_player_seek ( LinphonePlayer player,
int  time_ms 

Seek in an opened file.

playerLinphonePlayer object
time_msThe time we want to go to in the file (in milliseconds).
0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ linphone_player_set_user_data()

void linphone_player_set_user_data ( LinphonePlayer player,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the player.

playerLinphonePlayer object.
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the player.

◆ linphone_player_set_volume_gain()

void linphone_player_set_volume_gain ( LinphonePlayer player,
float  gain 

Set the volume gain of the player.

playerLinphonePlayer object
gainPercentage of the gain. Valid values are in [ 0.0 : 1.0 ].

◆ linphone_player_set_window_id()

void linphone_player_set_window_id ( LinphonePlayer player,
void *  window_id 

Sets a window id to be used to display video if any.

playerLinphonePlayer object
window_idThe window id pointer to use.

◆ linphone_player_start()

LinphoneStatus linphone_player_start ( LinphonePlayer player)

Start playing a file that has been opened with linphone_player_open().

playerLinphonePlayer object
0 on success, a negative value otherwise

◆ linphone_player_unref()

void linphone_player_unref ( LinphonePlayer player)

Release reference to the player.

playerLinphonePlayer object.

◆ linphone_video_source_descriptor_clone()

LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor* linphone_video_source_descriptor_clone ( const LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor descriptor)

Instantiate a new video source descriptor with values from source.

descriptorThe LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object to be cloned.
The newly created LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object.

◆ linphone_video_source_descriptor_get_call()

LinphoneCall* linphone_video_source_descriptor_get_call ( const LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor descriptor)

Gets the call of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor.

descriptorThe LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object.
The LinphoneCall of the video source descriptor if it's type is LinphoneVideoSourceCall, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_video_source_descriptor_get_camera_id()

const char* linphone_video_source_descriptor_get_camera_id ( const LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor descriptor)

Gets the camera id of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor.

descriptorThe LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object.
The camera id of the video source descriptor if it's type is LinphoneVideoSourceCamera, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_video_source_descriptor_get_image()

const char* linphone_video_source_descriptor_get_image ( const LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor descriptor)

Gets the image path of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor.

descriptorThe LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object.
The image path of the video source descriptor if it's type is LinphoneVideoSourceImage, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_video_source_descriptor_get_type()

LinphoneVideoSourceType linphone_video_source_descriptor_get_type ( const LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor descriptor)

Gets the type of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor.

descriptorThe LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object.
The LinphoneVideoSourceType corresponding to this video source descriptor.

◆ linphone_video_source_descriptor_new()

LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor* linphone_video_source_descriptor_new ( void  )

Create a new LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object.

The newly created LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object.

◆ linphone_video_source_descriptor_ref()

LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor* linphone_video_source_descriptor_ref ( LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor descriptor)

Take a reference on a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor.

descriptorThe LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object.
The same LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object.

◆ linphone_video_source_descriptor_set_call()

void linphone_video_source_descriptor_set_call ( LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor descriptor,
LinphoneCall call 

Sets the source of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor with a call.

Setting a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor with a call will require the lib to have two calls running at the same time. To do so the media resource mode has to be set to LinphoneSharedMediaResources with linphone_core_set_media_resource_mode().

descriptorThe LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object.
callThe LinphoneCall that will be used as a video source.

◆ linphone_video_source_descriptor_set_camera_id()

void linphone_video_source_descriptor_set_camera_id ( LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor descriptor,
const char *  camera_id 

Sets the source of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor with a camera id.

descriptorThe LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object.
camera_idThe camera id that will be used as a video source.

◆ linphone_video_source_descriptor_set_image()

void linphone_video_source_descriptor_set_image ( LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor descriptor,
const char *  image_path 

Sets the source of a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor with an image path.

descriptorThe LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object.
image_pathThe image path that will be used as a video source.

◆ linphone_video_source_descriptor_unref()

void linphone_video_source_descriptor_unref ( LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor descriptor)

Release a LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor.

descriptorThe LinphoneVideoSourceDescriptor object.