Liblinphone  5.3.0
Typedefs | Functions


typedef void(* LinphoneAccountCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb) (LinphoneAccount *account, LinphoneRegistrationState state, const char *message)
 Callback for notifying when a registration state has changed for the account. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneAccount LinphoneAccount
 Object that represents a Linphone Account. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneAccountParams LinphoneAccountParams
 Object that is used to set the different parameters of a LinphoneAccount. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneAccountCbs LinphoneAccountCbs
 An object to handle the callbacks for the handling of LinphoneAccount objects.
typedef struct _LinphoneConferenceSchedulerCbs LinphoneConferenceSchedulerCbs
 An object to handle the callbacks of LinphoneConferenceScheduler object.
typedef struct _LinphonePushNotificationConfig LinphonePushNotificationConfig
 Object holding push notification config that will be set in the contact URI parameters of the Contact header in the REGISTER, if the LinphoneAccountParams is configured to allow push notifications, see linphone_account_params_set_push_notification_allowed(). More...


LinphoneAccountParamslinphone_core_create_account_params (LinphoneCore *core)
 Create an account params using default values from Linphone core. More...
LinphoneAccountlinphone_core_create_account (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Create an account using given parameters, see linphone_core_create_account_params(). More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_core_add_account (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAccount *account)
 Add an account. More...
void linphone_core_clear_accounts (LinphoneCore *core)
 Erase all account from config. More...
void linphone_core_remove_account (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAccount *account)
 Removes an account. More...
const bctbx_list_t * linphone_core_get_account_list (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Returns an unmodifiable list of entered accounts. More...
LinphoneAccountlinphone_core_get_account_by_idkey (LinphoneCore *core, const char *idkey)
 Search for a LinphoneAccount by it's idkey. More...
LinphoneAccountlinphone_core_get_default_account (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Returns the default account, that is the one used to determine the current identity. More...
void linphone_core_set_default_account (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneAccount *account)
 Sets the default account. More...
LinphoneAccountlinphone_account_new (LinphoneCore *lc, LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Create a new LinphoneAccount. More...
LinphoneAccountlinphone_account_new_with_config (LinphoneCore *lc, LinphoneAccountParams *params, LinphoneProxyConfig *config)
 Create a new LinphoneAccount with a Proxy config backpointer. More...
LinphoneAccountlinphone_account_clone (const LinphoneAccount *account)
 Instantiate a new account with values from source. More...
LinphoneAccountlinphone_account_ref (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Take a reference on a LinphoneAccount. More...
void linphone_account_unref (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Release a LinphoneAccount. More...
int linphone_account_set_params (LinphoneAccount *account, LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Set the LinphoneAccountParams used by this LinphoneAccount. More...
const LinphoneAccountParamslinphone_account_get_params (const LinphoneAccount *account)
 Get the LinphoneAccountParams as read-only object. More...
void linphone_account_add_custom_param (LinphoneAccount *account, const char *key, const char *value)
 Set one custom parameter to this LinphoneAccount. More...
const char * linphone_account_get_custom_param (const LinphoneAccount *account, const char *key)
 Get the custom parameter with key to this LinphoneAccount. More...
void linphone_account_set_user_data (LinphoneAccount *account, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the account. More...
void * linphone_account_get_user_data (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the account. More...
void linphone_account_set_custom_header (LinphoneAccount *account, const char *header_name, const char *header_value)
 Set the value of a custom header sent to the server in REGISTERs request. More...
const char * linphone_account_get_custom_header (LinphoneAccount *account, const char *header_name)
 Obtain the value of a header sent by the server in last answer to REGISTER. More...
void linphone_account_set_dependency (LinphoneAccount *account, LinphoneAccount *depends_on)
 Mark this account as being dependent on the given one. More...
LinphoneAccountlinphone_account_get_dependency (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Get the dependency of a LinphoneAccount. More...
LinphoneCorelinphone_account_get_core (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Get the LinphoneCore object to which is associated the LinphoneAccount. More...
const LinphoneErrorInfolinphone_account_get_error_info (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Get detailed information why registration failed when the account state is LinphoneRegistrationFailed. More...
LinphoneAddresslinphone_account_get_contact_address (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Return the contact address of the account. More...
void linphone_account_set_contact_address (LinphoneAccount *account, const LinphoneAddress *addr)
 Set the contact address for the account. More...
LinphoneRegistrationState linphone_account_get_state (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Get the registration state of the given account. More...
void linphone_account_refresh_register (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Refresh a proxy registration. More...
void linphone_account_pause_register (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Prevent an account from refreshing its registration. More...
LinphoneReason linphone_account_get_error (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Get the reason why registration failed when the account state is LinphoneRegistrationFailed. More...
LinphoneTransportType linphone_account_get_transport (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Get the transport from either service route, route or addr. More...
bool_t linphone_account_is_avpf_enabled (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Indicates whether AVPF/SAVPF is being used for calls using this account. More...
bool_t linphone_account_avpf_enabled (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Indicates whether AVPF/SAVPF is being used for calls using this account. More...
const LinphoneAuthInfolinphone_account_find_auth_info (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Find authentication info matching account, if any, similarly to linphone_core_find_auth_info. More...
int linphone_account_get_unread_chat_message_count (const LinphoneAccount *account)
 Returns the unread chat message count for a given account. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_account_get_chat_rooms (const LinphoneAccount *account)
 Returns the list of chat rooms for a given account. More...
int linphone_account_get_missed_calls_count (const LinphoneAccount *account)
 Returns the missed calls count for a given account. More...
void linphone_account_reset_missed_calls_count (LinphoneAccount *account)
 Re-sets the number of missed calls for this account to 0. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_account_get_call_logs (const LinphoneAccount *account)
 Returns the list of call logs for a given account. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_account_get_call_logs_for_address (const LinphoneAccount *account, const LinphoneAddress *remote_address)
 Returns the list of call logs for a given account. More...
void linphone_account_clear_call_logs (const LinphoneAccount *account)
 Deletes all the call logs related to this account from the database. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_account_get_conference_information_list (const LinphoneAccount *account)
 Returns the list of conference information for a given account. More...
bool_t linphone_account_is_phone_number (const LinphoneAccount *account, const char *username)
 Detect if the given input is a phone number or not. More...
char * linphone_account_normalize_phone_number (const LinphoneAccount *account, const char *username)
 Normalize a human readable phone number into a basic string. More...
LinphoneAddresslinphone_account_normalize_sip_uri (LinphoneAccount *account, const char *username)
 Normalize a human readable sip uri into a fully qualified LinphoneAddress. More...
void linphone_account_add_callbacks (LinphoneAccount *account, LinphoneAccountCbs *cbs)
 Add a listener in order to be notified of LinphoneAccount events. More...
void linphone_account_remove_callbacks (LinphoneAccount *account, LinphoneAccountCbs *cbs)
 Remove a listener from a LinphoneAccount. More...
LinphoneAccountCbslinphone_account_get_current_callbacks (const LinphoneAccount *account)
 Gets the current LinphoneAccountCbs. More...
LinphoneAccountCbslinphone_account_cbs_new (void)
 Create a new account callbacks object. More...
LinphoneAccountCbslinphone_account_cbs_ref (LinphoneAccountCbs *cbs)
 Acquire a reference to the account callbacks object. More...
void linphone_account_cbs_unref (LinphoneAccountCbs *cbs)
 Release reference to the account callbacks object. More...
void * linphone_account_cbs_get_user_data (const LinphoneAccountCbs *cbs)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the account callbacks object. More...
void linphone_account_cbs_set_user_data (LinphoneAccountCbs *cbs, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the account callbacks object. More...
LinphoneAccountCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb linphone_account_cbs_get_registration_state_changed (const LinphoneAccountCbs *cbs)
 Get the registration state changed callback. More...
void linphone_account_cbs_set_registration_state_changed (LinphoneAccountCbs *cbs, LinphoneAccountCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the registration state changed callback. More...
LinphoneAccountParamslinphone_account_params_new (LinphoneCore *lc)
 Create a new LinphoneAccountParams object. More...
LinphoneAccountParamslinphone_account_params_new_with_config (LinphoneCore *lc, int index)
 Create a new LinphoneAccountParams object from a configuration. More...
LinphoneAccountParamslinphone_account_params_clone (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Instantiate a new account params with values from source. More...
LinphoneAccountParamslinphone_account_params_ref (LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Take a reference on a LinphoneAccountParams. More...
void linphone_account_params_unref (LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Release a LinphoneAccountParams. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_user_data (LinphoneAccountParams *params, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the account params. More...
void * linphone_account_params_get_user_data (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the account params. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_account_params_set_server_address (LinphoneAccountParams *params, LinphoneAddress *server_address)
 Sets the proxy address. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_account_params_set_server_addr (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *server_address)
 Sets the proxy address. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_account_params_set_identity_address (LinphoneAccountParams *params, LinphoneAddress *identity)
 Sets the user identity as a SIP address. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_account_params_set_routes_addresses (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const bctbx_list_t *routes)
 Sets a list of SIP route. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_expires (LinphoneAccountParams *params, int expires)
 Sets the registration expiration time in seconds. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_account_params_set_register_enabled (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Indicates either or not, REGISTRATION must be issued for this LinphoneAccountParams. More...
void linphone_account_params_enable_register (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Indicates either or not, REGISTRATION must be issued for this LinphoneAccountParams. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_account_params_set_publish_enabled (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Indicates either or not, PUBLISH must be issued for this LinphoneAccountParams. More...
void linphone_account_params_enable_publish (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Indicates either or not, PUBLISH must be issued for this LinphoneAccountParams. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_publish_expires (LinphoneAccountParams *params, int expires)
 Set the publish expiration time in second. More...
int linphone_account_params_get_publish_expires (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the publish expiration time in second. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_account_params_set_dial_escape_plus_enabled (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Set whether liblinphone should replace "+" by international calling prefix in dialed numbers (passed to linphone_core_invite). More...
void linphone_account_params_enable_dial_escape_plus (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Set whether liblinphone should replace "+" by international calling prefix in dialed numbers (passed to linphone_core_invite). More...
void linphone_account_params_set_international_prefix (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *prefix)
 Set an international prefix to be automatically prepended when inviting a number with linphone_core_invite(); This international prefix shall usually be the country code of the country where the user is living, without "+". More...
void linphone_account_params_set_use_international_prefix_for_calls_and_chats (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t enable)
 If enabled, the international prefix will automaticaly be used for calls and chats. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_account_params_set_quality_reporting_enabled (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Indicates whether quality statistics during call should be stored and sent to a collector according to RFC 6035. More...
void linphone_account_params_enable_quality_reporting (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Indicates whether quality statistics during call should be stored and sent to a collector according to RFC 6035. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_account_params_get_quality_reporting_enabled (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Indicates whether quality statistics during call should be stored and sent to a collector according to RFC 6035. More...
bool_t linphone_account_params_quality_reporting_enabled (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Indicates whether quality statistics during call should be stored and sent to a collector according to RFC 6035. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_quality_reporting_collector (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *collector)
 Set the route of the collector end-point when using quality reporting. More...
const char * linphone_account_params_get_quality_reporting_collector (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the route of the collector end-point when using quality reporting. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_quality_reporting_interval (LinphoneAccountParams *params, int interval)
 Set the interval between 2 interval reports sending when using quality reporting. More...
int linphone_account_params_get_quality_reporting_interval (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the interval between interval reports when using quality reporting. More...
const char * linphone_account_params_get_domain (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the domain name of the given account params. More...
const char * linphone_account_params_get_realm (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the realm of the given account params. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_realm (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *realm)
 Set the realm of the given account params. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_account_params_get_routes_addresses (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Gets the list of the routes set for this account params. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_account_params_get_identity_address (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the identity address of the account params. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED const char * linphone_account_params_get_identity (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the identity of the account params. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_account_params_get_publish_enabled (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Tell if the PUBLISH is enabled. More...
bool_t linphone_account_params_publish_enabled (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Tell if the PUBLISH is enabled. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_account_params_get_server_address (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the account params proxy address. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED const char * linphone_account_params_get_server_addr (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the account params proxy address. More...
int linphone_account_params_get_expires (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the account params expires. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_account_params_get_register_enabled (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Returns whether the account params is enabled or not. More...
bool_t linphone_account_params_register_enabled (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Returns whether the account params is enabled or not. More...
const char * linphone_account_params_get_contact_parameters (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Returns the contact parameters. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_contact_parameters (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *contact_params)
 Set optional contact parameters that will be added to the contact information sent in the registration. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_contact_uri_parameters (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *contact_uri_params)
 Set optional contact parameters that will be added to the contact information sent in the registration, inside the URI. More...
const char * linphone_account_params_get_contact_uri_parameters (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Return the contact URI parameters. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_account_params_get_dial_escape_plus_enabled (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Return whether or not the + should be replaced by 00. More...
bool_t linphone_account_params_dial_escape_plus_enabled (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Return whether or not the + should be replaced by 00. More...
const char * linphone_account_params_get_international_prefix (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the prefix set for this account params. More...
bool_t linphone_account_params_get_use_international_prefix_for_calls_and_chats (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Return whether or not the international prefix will automaticaly be used for calls and chats. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_privacy (LinphoneAccountParams *params, LinphonePrivacyMask privacy)
 Set default privacy policy for all calls routed through this proxy. More...
LinphonePrivacyMask linphone_account_params_get_privacy (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get default privacy policy for all calls routed through this proxy. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_file_transfer_server (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *server_url)
 Set the http file transfer server to be used for content type application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml. More...
const char * linphone_account_params_get_file_transfer_server (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the http file transfer server to be used for content type application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_avpf_rr_interval (LinphoneAccountParams *params, uint8_t interval)
 Set the interval between regular RTCP reports when using AVPF/SAVPF. More...
uint8_t linphone_account_params_get_avpf_rr_interval (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the interval between regular RTCP reports when using AVPF/SAVPF. More...
LinphoneAVPFMode linphone_account_params_get_avpf_mode (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get enablement status of RTCP feedback (also known as AVPF profile). More...
void linphone_account_params_set_avpf_mode (LinphoneAccountParams *params, LinphoneAVPFMode mode)
 Enable the use of RTCP feedback (also known as AVPF profile). More...
const char * linphone_account_params_get_ref_key (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the persistent reference key associated to the account params. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_ref_key (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *refkey)
 Associate a persistent reference key to the account params. More...
const char * linphone_account_params_get_idkey (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the idkey property of a LinphoneAccountParams. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_idkey (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *idkey)
 Set the idkey property on the given account params. More...
LinphoneNatPolicylinphone_account_params_get_nat_policy (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get The policy that is used to pass through NATs/firewalls when using this account params. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_nat_policy (LinphoneAccountParams *params, LinphoneNatPolicy *policy)
 Set the policy to use to pass through NATs/firewalls when using this account params. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_account_params_set_conference_factory_uri (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *uri)
 Set the conference factory uri. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_conference_factory_address (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const LinphoneAddress *address)
 Set the conference factory uri. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_audio_video_conference_factory_address (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const LinphoneAddress *address)
 Set the audio video conference factory uri. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_account_params_set_outbound_proxy_enabled (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t enable)
 If enabled, the proxy will be used as the only route. More...
void linphone_account_params_enable_outbound_proxy (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t enable)
 If enabled, the proxy will be used as the only route. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_account_params_get_outbound_proxy_enabled (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Tell if the proxy is used as the only route. More...
bool_t linphone_account_params_outbound_proxy_enabled (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Tell if the proxy is used as the only route. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED const char * linphone_account_params_get_conference_factory_uri (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the conference factory uri. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_account_params_get_conference_factory_address (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the conference factory uri. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_account_params_get_audio_video_conference_factory_address (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the audio video conference factory uri. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_push_notification_allowed (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t allow)
 Indicates whether to add to the contact parameters the push notification information. More...
bool_t linphone_account_params_get_push_notification_allowed (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Indicates whether to add to the contact parameters the push notification information. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_remote_push_notification_allowed (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t allow)
 Indicates whether to add to the contact parameters the push notification information. More...
bool_t linphone_account_params_get_remote_push_notification_allowed (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Indicates whether to add to the contact parameters the push notification information. More...
bool_t linphone_account_params_is_push_notification_available (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Gets whether push notifications are available or not (Android & iOS only). More...
void linphone_account_params_set_push_notification_config (LinphoneAccountParams *params, LinphonePushNotificationConfig *config)
 Sets the push notification configuration. More...
LinphonePushNotificationConfiglinphone_account_params_get_push_notification_config (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Returns the push notification configuration. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_transport (LinphoneAccountParams *params, LinphoneTransportType transport)
 Sets the transport type of the server address. More...
LinphoneTransportType linphone_account_params_get_transport (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Returns the transport type of the server address. More...
void linphone_account_params_enable_rtp_bundle (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t value)
 Enables or disables RTP bundle mode (Media Multiplexing). More...
bool_t linphone_account_params_rtp_bundle_enabled (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Returns whether RTP bundle mode (also known as Media Multiplexing) is enabled. More...
void linphone_account_params_enable_rtp_bundle_assumption (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t value)
 Indicates whether support of rtp bundle is assumed. More...
bool_t linphone_account_params_rtp_bundle_assumption_enabled (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Returns whether RTP bundle mode is assumed. More...
bool_t linphone_account_params_cpim_in_basic_chat_room_enabled (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Indicates whether chat messages sent by this account in a LinphoneChatRoomBackendBasic chat room will be using CPIM format or not. More...
void linphone_account_params_enable_cpim_in_basic_chat_room (LinphoneAccountParams *params, bool_t enable)
 Indicates whether chat messages sent by this account in a LinphoneChatRoomBackendBasic chat room will be using CPIM format or not. More...
void linphone_account_params_add_custom_param (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *key, const char *value)
 Set one custom parameter to this LinphoneAccountParams. More...
const char * linphone_account_params_get_custom_param (const LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *key)
 Get the custom parameter with key to this LinphoneAccountParams. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_custom_contact (LinphoneAccountParams *params, LinphoneAddress *contact)
 Set a an optional custom contact address to be used when registering to the SIP server. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_account_params_get_custom_contact (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the custom contact address previously used when registering to the SIP server. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_lime_server_url (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *url)
 Set the x3dh server url. More...
const char * linphone_account_params_get_lime_server_url (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Get the x3dh server url. More...
void linphone_account_params_set_picture_uri (LinphoneAccountParams *params, const char *uri)
 Sets an URI for the account picture. More...
const char * linphone_account_params_get_picture_uri (const LinphoneAccountParams *params)
 Gets the account picture URI if set, NULL otherwise. More...

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ LinphoneAccount

typedef struct _LinphoneAccount LinphoneAccount

Object that represents a Linphone Account.

This object replaces the deprecated LinphoneProxyConfig. Use a LinphoneAccountParams object to configure it.

◆ LinphoneAccountCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneAccountCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb) (LinphoneAccount *account, LinphoneRegistrationState state, const char *message)

Callback for notifying when a registration state has changed for the account.

accountLinphoneAccount object whose registration state changed.
stateThe current LinphoneRegistrationState.
messageA non NULL informational message about the state.

◆ LinphoneAccountParams

typedef struct _LinphoneAccountParams LinphoneAccountParams

Object that is used to set the different parameters of a LinphoneAccount.

Note that authenticated accounts should have a corresponding LinphoneAuthInfo added to the LinphoneCore to register properly.

◆ LinphonePushNotificationConfig

typedef struct _LinphonePushNotificationConfig LinphonePushNotificationConfig

Object holding push notification config that will be set in the contact URI parameters of the Contact header in the REGISTER, if the LinphoneAccountParams is configured to allow push notifications, see linphone_account_params_set_push_notification_allowed().

This object can be accessed through the LinphoneAccountParams object, which can be obtained from your LinphoneAccount object.

Function Documentation

◆ linphone_account_add_callbacks()

void linphone_account_add_callbacks ( LinphoneAccount account,
LinphoneAccountCbs cbs 

Add a listener in order to be notified of LinphoneAccount events.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object to monitor.
cbsA LinphoneAccountCbs object holding the callbacks you need.

◆ linphone_account_add_custom_param()

void linphone_account_add_custom_param ( LinphoneAccount account,
const char *  key,
const char *  value 

Set one custom parameter to this LinphoneAccount.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
keykey of the searched parameter.
valuevalue of the searched parameter.

◆ linphone_account_avpf_enabled()

bool_t linphone_account_avpf_enabled ( LinphoneAccount account)

Indicates whether AVPF/SAVPF is being used for calls using this account.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
TRUE if AVPF/SAVPF is enabled, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_cbs_get_registration_state_changed()

LinphoneAccountCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb linphone_account_cbs_get_registration_state_changed ( const LinphoneAccountCbs cbs)

Get the registration state changed callback.

cbsLinphoneAccountCbs object.
The current registration state changed callback.

◆ linphone_account_cbs_get_user_data()

void* linphone_account_cbs_get_user_data ( const LinphoneAccountCbs cbs)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the account callbacks object.

cbsThe LinphoneAccountCbs object.
The user pointer associated with the account callbacks object.

◆ linphone_account_cbs_new()

LinphoneAccountCbs* linphone_account_cbs_new ( void  )

Create a new account callbacks object.

The LinphoneAccountCbs object.

◆ linphone_account_cbs_ref()

LinphoneAccountCbs* linphone_account_cbs_ref ( LinphoneAccountCbs cbs)

Acquire a reference to the account callbacks object.

cbsThe LinphoneAccountCbs object.
The same account callbacks object.

◆ linphone_account_cbs_set_registration_state_changed()

void linphone_account_cbs_set_registration_state_changed ( LinphoneAccountCbs cbs,
LinphoneAccountCbsRegistrationStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the registration state changed callback.

cbsLinphoneAccountCbs object.
cbThe registration state changed callback to be used.

◆ linphone_account_cbs_set_user_data()

void linphone_account_cbs_set_user_data ( LinphoneAccountCbs cbs,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the account callbacks object.

cbsThe LinphoneAccountCbs object.
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the account callbacks object.

◆ linphone_account_cbs_unref()

void linphone_account_cbs_unref ( LinphoneAccountCbs cbs)

Release reference to the account callbacks object.

cbsThe LinphoneAccountCbs object.

◆ linphone_account_clear_call_logs()

void linphone_account_clear_call_logs ( const LinphoneAccount account)

Deletes all the call logs related to this account from the database.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.

◆ linphone_account_clone()

LinphoneAccount* linphone_account_clone ( const LinphoneAccount account)

Instantiate a new account with values from source.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object to be cloned.
The newly created LinphoneAccount object.

◆ linphone_account_find_auth_info()

const LinphoneAuthInfo* linphone_account_find_auth_info ( LinphoneAccount account)

Find authentication info matching account, if any, similarly to linphone_core_find_auth_info.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
a LinphoneAuthInfo matching account criteria if possible, NULL if nothing can be found.

◆ linphone_account_get_call_logs()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_account_get_call_logs ( const LinphoneAccount account)

Returns the list of call logs for a given account.

This list must be freed after use.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
The list of call logs.

◆ linphone_account_get_call_logs_for_address()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_account_get_call_logs_for_address ( const LinphoneAccount account,
const LinphoneAddress remote_address 

Returns the list of call logs for a given account.

This list must be freed after use.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
remote_addressthe LinphoneAddress object to filter call logs.
The list of filtered call logs.

◆ linphone_account_get_chat_rooms()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_account_get_chat_rooms ( const LinphoneAccount account)

Returns the list of chat rooms for a given account.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
The list of chat rooms.

◆ linphone_account_get_conference_information_list()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_account_get_conference_information_list ( const LinphoneAccount account)

Returns the list of conference information for a given account.

This list must be freed after use.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
The list of call logs.

◆ linphone_account_get_contact_address()

LinphoneAddress* linphone_account_get_contact_address ( LinphoneAccount account)

Return the contact address of the account.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
a LinphoneAddress correspong to the contact address of the account.

◆ linphone_account_get_core()

LinphoneCore* linphone_account_get_core ( LinphoneAccount account)

Get the LinphoneCore object to which is associated the LinphoneAccount.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
The LinphoneCore object to which is associated the LinphoneAccount.

◆ linphone_account_get_current_callbacks()

LinphoneAccountCbs* linphone_account_get_current_callbacks ( const LinphoneAccount account)

Gets the current LinphoneAccountCbs.

This is meant only to be called from a callback to be able to get the user_data associated with the LinphoneAccountCbs that is calling the callback.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
The LinphoneAccountCbs that has called the last callback.

◆ linphone_account_get_custom_header()

const char* linphone_account_get_custom_header ( LinphoneAccount account,
const char *  header_name 

Obtain the value of a header sent by the server in last answer to REGISTER.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
header_nameThe header name for which to fetch corresponding value.
The value of the queried header.

◆ linphone_account_get_custom_param()

const char* linphone_account_get_custom_param ( const LinphoneAccount account,
const char *  key 

Get the custom parameter with key to this LinphoneAccount.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
keykey of the searched parameter.
The value of the parameter with key if found or an empty string otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_get_dependency()

LinphoneAccount* linphone_account_get_dependency ( LinphoneAccount account)

Get the dependency of a LinphoneAccount.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
The account this one is dependent upon, or NULL if not marked dependent.

◆ linphone_account_get_error()

LinphoneReason linphone_account_get_error ( LinphoneAccount account)

Get the reason why registration failed when the account state is LinphoneRegistrationFailed.

accountLinphoneAccount object.
The LinphoneReason why registration failed for this account.

◆ linphone_account_get_error_info()

const LinphoneErrorInfo* linphone_account_get_error_info ( LinphoneAccount account)

Get detailed information why registration failed when the account state is LinphoneRegistrationFailed.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
The LinphoneErrorInfo explaining why registration failed for this account.

◆ linphone_account_get_missed_calls_count()

int linphone_account_get_missed_calls_count ( const LinphoneAccount account)

Returns the missed calls count for a given account.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
The missed calls count.

◆ linphone_account_get_params()

const LinphoneAccountParams* linphone_account_get_params ( const LinphoneAccount account)

Get the LinphoneAccountParams as read-only object.

To make changes, clone the returned object using linphone_account_params_clone() method, make your changes on it and apply them using with linphone_account_set_params().

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
The LinphoneAccountParams attached to this account.

◆ linphone_account_get_state()

LinphoneRegistrationState linphone_account_get_state ( LinphoneAccount account)

Get the registration state of the given account.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
The LinphoneRegistrationState of the account.

◆ linphone_account_get_transport()

LinphoneTransportType linphone_account_get_transport ( LinphoneAccount account)

Get the transport from either service route, route or addr.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
The transport as a string (I.E udp, tcp, tls, dtls).
01/03/2021 Use Linphone_account_params_get_transport() instead.

◆ linphone_account_get_unread_chat_message_count()

int linphone_account_get_unread_chat_message_count ( const LinphoneAccount account)

Returns the unread chat message count for a given account.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
The unread chat message count.

◆ linphone_account_get_user_data()

void* linphone_account_get_user_data ( LinphoneAccount account)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the account.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
The user data.

◆ linphone_account_is_avpf_enabled()

bool_t linphone_account_is_avpf_enabled ( LinphoneAccount account)

Indicates whether AVPF/SAVPF is being used for calls using this account.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
TRUE if AVPF/SAVPF is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_account_avpf_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_account_is_phone_number()

bool_t linphone_account_is_phone_number ( const LinphoneAccount account,
const char *  username 

Detect if the given input is a phone number or not.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object, unused yet but may contain useful data. Can be NULL.
usernameThe string to parse.
TRUE if input is a phone number, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_new()

LinphoneAccount* linphone_account_new ( LinphoneCore lc,
LinphoneAccountParams params 

Create a new LinphoneAccount.

lcThe LinphoneCore object.
paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The newly created LinphoneAccount object.

◆ linphone_account_new_with_config()

LinphoneAccount* linphone_account_new_with_config ( LinphoneCore lc,
LinphoneAccountParams params,
LinphoneProxyConfig config 

Create a new LinphoneAccount with a Proxy config backpointer.

This is only intended to be used while keeping a backward compatibility with proxy config.

lcThe LinphoneCore object.
paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
configThe LinphoneProxyConfig object.
The newly created LinphoneAccount object.

◆ linphone_account_normalize_phone_number()

char* linphone_account_normalize_phone_number ( const LinphoneAccount account,
const char *  username 

Normalize a human readable phone number into a basic string.

888-444-222 becomes 888444222 or +33888444222 depending on the LinphoneAccount object. This function will always generate a normalized username if input is a phone number.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object containing country code and/or escape symbol. If NULL passed, will use default configuration.
usernameThe string to parse.
NULL if input is an invalid phone number, normalized phone number from username input otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_normalize_sip_uri()

LinphoneAddress* linphone_account_normalize_sip_uri ( LinphoneAccount account,
const char *  username 

Normalize a human readable sip uri into a fully qualified LinphoneAddress.

A sip address should look like DisplayName <sip:username@domain:port> . Basically this function performs the following tasks

  • if a phone number is entered, prepend country prefix and eventually escape the '+' by 00 of the proxy config.
  • if no domain part is supplied, append the domain name of the proxy config. Returns NULL if no proxy is provided at this point.
  • if no sip: is present, prepend it.

The result is a syntactically correct SIP address.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object containing country code, escape symbol and/or domain name. Can be NULL if domain is already provided.
usernameThe string to parse.
NULL if invalid input, normalized sip address otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_add_custom_param()

void linphone_account_params_add_custom_param ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  key,
const char *  value 

Set one custom parameter to this LinphoneAccountParams.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
keykey of the searched parameter.
valuevalue of the searched parameter.

◆ linphone_account_params_clone()

LinphoneAccountParams* linphone_account_params_clone ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Instantiate a new account params with values from source.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object to be cloned.
The newly created LinphoneAccountParams object.

◆ linphone_account_params_cpim_in_basic_chat_room_enabled()

bool_t linphone_account_params_cpim_in_basic_chat_room_enabled ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Indicates whether chat messages sent by this account in a LinphoneChatRoomBackendBasic chat room will be using CPIM format or not.

By default SIP SIMPLE format is used for "basic" chat rooms, CPIM is only used for LinphoneChatRoomBackendFlexisipChat chat rooms.

See also
paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
TRUE if chat messages will be sent out in CPIM format, FALSE if chat messages will be sent out as SIP SIMPLE.

◆ linphone_account_params_dial_escape_plus_enabled()

bool_t linphone_account_params_dial_escape_plus_enabled ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Return whether or not the + should be replaced by 00.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
Whether liblinphone should replace "+" by "00" in dialed numbers (passed to linphone_core_invite()).

◆ linphone_account_params_enable_cpim_in_basic_chat_room()

void linphone_account_params_enable_cpim_in_basic_chat_room ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Indicates whether chat messages sent by this account in a LinphoneChatRoomBackendBasic chat room will be using CPIM format or not.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
enableTRUE to send messages in CPIM format, FALSE to keep using the SIP SIMPLE format.

◆ linphone_account_params_enable_dial_escape_plus()

void linphone_account_params_enable_dial_escape_plus ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Set whether liblinphone should replace "+" by international calling prefix in dialed numbers (passed to linphone_core_invite).

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
enableTRUE to replace + by the international prefix, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_enable_outbound_proxy()

void linphone_account_params_enable_outbound_proxy ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  enable 

If enabled, the proxy will be used as the only route.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
enableTRUE to enable, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_enable_publish()

void linphone_account_params_enable_publish ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Indicates either or not, PUBLISH must be issued for this LinphoneAccountParams.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
enableIf TRUE, publish will be engaged.

◆ linphone_account_params_enable_quality_reporting()

void linphone_account_params_enable_quality_reporting ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Indicates whether quality statistics during call should be stored and sent to a collector according to RFC 6035.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
enableTRUE to store quality statistics and send them to the collector, FALSE to disable it.

◆ linphone_account_params_enable_register()

void linphone_account_params_enable_register ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Indicates either or not, REGISTRATION must be issued for this LinphoneAccountParams.

paramsLinphoneAccountParams object.
enableIf TRUE, registration will be engaged.

◆ linphone_account_params_enable_rtp_bundle()

void linphone_account_params_enable_rtp_bundle ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  value 

Enables or disables RTP bundle mode (Media Multiplexing).

See for more information about the feature. When enabled, liblinphone will try to negociate the use of a single port for all streams when doing an outgoing call. It automatically enables rtcp-mux.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
valuea boolean to indicate whether the feature is to be enabled.

◆ linphone_account_params_enable_rtp_bundle_assumption()

void linphone_account_params_enable_rtp_bundle_assumption ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  value 

Indicates whether support of rtp bundle is assumed.

See linphone_account_params_enable_rtp_bundle() for background information about rtp bundle. Assumption that RTP bundling support allows interesting optimizations, such as not gathering RTCP candidates, and not gathering candidates for video stream when making an outgoing call. This setting is meaningful only if rtp bundle is enabled. See for more information about the feature.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
valuea boolean to indicate whether RTP bundle support can be assumed.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_audio_video_conference_factory_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_account_params_get_audio_video_conference_factory_address ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the audio video conference factory uri.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object
The LinphoneAddress of the audio video conference factory.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_avpf_mode()

LinphoneAVPFMode linphone_account_params_get_avpf_mode ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get enablement status of RTCP feedback (also known as AVPF profile).

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
the enablement mode, which can be LinphoneAVPFDefault (use LinphoneCore's mode), LinphoneAVPFEnabled (avpf is enabled), or LinphoneAVPFDisabled (disabled).

◆ linphone_account_params_get_avpf_rr_interval()

uint8_t linphone_account_params_get_avpf_rr_interval ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the interval between regular RTCP reports when using AVPF/SAVPF.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The interval in seconds.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_conference_factory_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_account_params_get_conference_factory_address ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the conference factory uri.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object
The LinphoneAddress of the conference factory.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_conference_factory_uri()

MS2_DEPRECATED const char* linphone_account_params_get_conference_factory_uri ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the conference factory uri.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object
The uri of the conference factory.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_contact_parameters()

const char* linphone_account_params_get_contact_parameters ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Returns the contact parameters.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The previously set contact parameters.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_contact_uri_parameters()

const char* linphone_account_params_get_contact_uri_parameters ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Return the contact URI parameters.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The previously set contact URI parameters.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_custom_contact()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_account_params_get_custom_contact ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the custom contact address previously used when registering to the SIP server.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
a LinphoneAddress

◆ linphone_account_params_get_custom_param()

const char* linphone_account_params_get_custom_param ( const LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  key 

Get the custom parameter with key to this LinphoneAccountParams.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
keykey of the searched parameter.
The value of the parameter with key if found or an empty string otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_dial_escape_plus_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_account_params_get_dial_escape_plus_enabled ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Return whether or not the + should be replaced by 00.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
Whether liblinphone should replace "+" by "00" in dialed numbers (passed to linphone_core_invite()).
16/12/2021 Use linphone_account_params_dial_escape_plus_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_domain()

const char* linphone_account_params_get_domain ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the domain name of the given account params.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The domain name of the account params.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_expires()

int linphone_account_params_get_expires ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the account params expires.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The duration of registration.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_file_transfer_server()

const char* linphone_account_params_get_file_transfer_server ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the http file transfer server to be used for content type application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
URL of the file server like <maybenil>
That function isn't implemented yet.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_identity()

MS2_DEPRECATED const char* linphone_account_params_get_identity ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the identity of the account params.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The SIP identity that belongs to this account params.
01/03/2021 Use linphone_account_params_get_identity_address() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_identity_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_account_params_get_identity_address ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the identity address of the account params.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The SIP identity that belongs to this account params.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_idkey()

const char* linphone_account_params_get_idkey ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the idkey property of a LinphoneAccountParams.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The idkey string, or NULL.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_international_prefix()

const char* linphone_account_params_get_international_prefix ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the prefix set for this account params.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The international prefix.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_lime_server_url()

const char* linphone_account_params_get_lime_server_url ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the x3dh server url.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The x3dh server url.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_nat_policy()

LinphoneNatPolicy* linphone_account_params_get_nat_policy ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get The policy that is used to pass through NATs/firewalls when using this account params.

If it is set to NULL, the default NAT policy from the core will be used instead.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object
The LinphoneNatPolicy object in use.
See also

◆ linphone_account_params_get_outbound_proxy_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_account_params_get_outbound_proxy_enabled ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Tell if the proxy is used as the only route.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
enable TRUE if enabled, FALSE otherwise.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_account_params_outbound_proxy_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_picture_uri()

const char* linphone_account_params_get_picture_uri ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Gets the account picture URI if set, NULL otherwise.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The account picture URI.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_privacy()

LinphonePrivacyMask linphone_account_params_get_privacy ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get default privacy policy for all calls routed through this proxy.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
Privacy mode as LinphonePrivacyMask

◆ linphone_account_params_get_publish_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_account_params_get_publish_enabled ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Tell if the PUBLISH is enabled.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
TRUE if PUBLISH request is enabled for this proxy.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_account_params_publish_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_publish_expires()

int linphone_account_params_get_publish_expires ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the publish expiration time in second.

Default value is the registration expiration value.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The expire time in seconds.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_push_notification_allowed()

bool_t linphone_account_params_get_push_notification_allowed ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Indicates whether to add to the contact parameters the push notification information.

For IOS, it indicates for VOIP push notification.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
TRUE if push notification informations should be added, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_push_notification_config()

LinphonePushNotificationConfig* linphone_account_params_get_push_notification_config ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Returns the push notification configuration.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The LinphonePushNotificationConfig object.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_quality_reporting_collector()

const char* linphone_account_params_get_quality_reporting_collector ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the route of the collector end-point when using quality reporting.

This SIP address should be used on server-side to process packets directly before discarding packets. Collector address should be a non existing account and will not receive any messages. If NULL, reports will be send to the proxy domain.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The SIP address of the collector end-point.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_quality_reporting_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_account_params_get_quality_reporting_enabled ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Indicates whether quality statistics during call should be stored and sent to a collector according to RFC 6035.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
TRUE if quality repotring is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_account_params_quality_reporting_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_quality_reporting_interval()

int linphone_account_params_get_quality_reporting_interval ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the interval between interval reports when using quality reporting.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The interval in seconds, 0 means interval reports are disabled.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_realm()

const char* linphone_account_params_get_realm ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the realm of the given account params.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The realm of the account params.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_ref_key()

const char* linphone_account_params_get_ref_key ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the persistent reference key associated to the account params.

The reference key can be for example an id to an external database. It is stored in the config file, thus can survive to process exits/restarts.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The reference key string that has been associated to the account params, or NULL if none has been associated.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_register_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED bool_t linphone_account_params_get_register_enabled ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Returns whether the account params is enabled or not.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
TRUE if registration to the proxy is enabled.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_account_params_register_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_remote_push_notification_allowed()

bool_t linphone_account_params_get_remote_push_notification_allowed ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Indicates whether to add to the contact parameters the push notification information.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
TRUE if remote push notification informations should be added, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_routes_addresses()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_account_params_get_routes_addresses ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Gets the list of the routes set for this account params.

If linphone_account_params_is_outbound_proxy_enabled is TRUE then it will only return the proxy address.
paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The list of routes.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_server_addr()

MS2_DEPRECATED const char* linphone_account_params_get_server_addr ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the account params proxy address.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The proxy's SIP address.
01/03/2021 Use linphone_account_params_get_server_address() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_server_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_account_params_get_server_address ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Get the account params proxy address.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The proxy's SIP LinphoneAddress.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_transport()

LinphoneTransportType linphone_account_params_get_transport ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Returns the transport type of the server address.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The LinphoneTransportType of the server address.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_use_international_prefix_for_calls_and_chats()

bool_t linphone_account_params_get_use_international_prefix_for_calls_and_chats ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Return whether or not the international prefix will automaticaly be used for calls and chats.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
Whether we should use international prefix automatically for calls.

◆ linphone_account_params_get_user_data()

void* linphone_account_params_get_user_data ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the account params.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
The user data.

◆ linphone_account_params_is_push_notification_available()

bool_t linphone_account_params_is_push_notification_available ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Gets whether push notifications are available or not (Android & iOS only).

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
TRUE if push notifications are available, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_account_params_new()

LinphoneAccountParams* linphone_account_params_new ( LinphoneCore lc)

Create a new LinphoneAccountParams object.

lcThe LinphoneCore object.
The newly created LinphoneAccountParams object.

◆ linphone_account_params_new_with_config()

LinphoneAccountParams* linphone_account_params_new_with_config ( LinphoneCore lc,
int  index 

Create a new LinphoneAccountParams object from a configuration.

lcThe LinphoneCore object.
indexThe index of the configuration.
The newly created LinphoneAccountParams object.

◆ linphone_account_params_outbound_proxy_enabled()

bool_t linphone_account_params_outbound_proxy_enabled ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Tell if the proxy is used as the only route.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
enable TRUE if enabled, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_publish_enabled()

bool_t linphone_account_params_publish_enabled ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Tell if the PUBLISH is enabled.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
TRUE if PUBLISH request is enabled for this proxy.

◆ linphone_account_params_quality_reporting_enabled()

bool_t linphone_account_params_quality_reporting_enabled ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Indicates whether quality statistics during call should be stored and sent to a collector according to RFC 6035.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
TRUE if quality repotring is enabled, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_ref()

LinphoneAccountParams* linphone_account_params_ref ( LinphoneAccountParams params)

Take a reference on a LinphoneAccountParams.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
the same LinphoneAccountParams object.

◆ linphone_account_params_register_enabled()

bool_t linphone_account_params_register_enabled ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Returns whether the account params is enabled or not.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
TRUE if registration to the proxy is enabled.

◆ linphone_account_params_rtp_bundle_assumption_enabled()

bool_t linphone_account_params_rtp_bundle_assumption_enabled ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Returns whether RTP bundle mode is assumed.

See for more information.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
a boolean indicating when rtp bundle support is assumed.

◆ linphone_account_params_rtp_bundle_enabled()

bool_t linphone_account_params_rtp_bundle_enabled ( const LinphoneAccountParams params)

Returns whether RTP bundle mode (also known as Media Multiplexing) is enabled.

See for more information.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
a boolean indicating the enablement of rtp bundle mode.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_audio_video_conference_factory_address()

void linphone_account_params_set_audio_video_conference_factory_address ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const LinphoneAddress address 

Set the audio video conference factory uri.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object
addressThe LinphoneAddress to set.
uriThe uri of the audio video conference factory.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_avpf_mode()

void linphone_account_params_set_avpf_mode ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
LinphoneAVPFMode  mode 

Enable the use of RTCP feedback (also known as AVPF profile).

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
modethe enablement mode, which can be LinphoneAVPFDefault (use LinphoneCore's mode), LinphoneAVPFEnabled (avpf is enabled), or LinphoneAVPFDisabled (disabled).

◆ linphone_account_params_set_avpf_rr_interval()

void linphone_account_params_set_avpf_rr_interval ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
uint8_t  interval 

Set the interval between regular RTCP reports when using AVPF/SAVPF.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
intervalThe interval in seconds (between 0 and 5 seconds).

◆ linphone_account_params_set_conference_factory_address()

void linphone_account_params_set_conference_factory_address ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const LinphoneAddress address 

Set the conference factory uri.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object
addressThe LinphoneAddress to set.
uriThe uri of the conference factory as a LinphoneAddress.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_conference_factory_uri()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_account_params_set_conference_factory_uri ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  uri 

Set the conference factory uri.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object
uriThe uri of the conference factory.
16/08/2023 Use linphone_account_params_set_conference_factory_address() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_contact_parameters()

void linphone_account_params_set_contact_parameters ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  contact_params 

Set optional contact parameters that will be added to the contact information sent in the registration.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
contact_paramsA string contaning the additional parameters in text form, like "myparam=something;myparam2=something_else"

The main use case for this function is provide the proxy additional information regarding the user agent, like for example unique identifier or apple push id. As an example, the contact address in the SIP register sent will look like <sip:joe@1.nosp@m.5.12.nosp@m.8.128.nosp@m..93:50421>;apple-push-id=43143-DFE23F-2323-FA2232.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_contact_uri_parameters()

void linphone_account_params_set_contact_uri_parameters ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  contact_uri_params 

Set optional contact parameters that will be added to the contact information sent in the registration, inside the URI.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
contact_uri_paramsA string containing the additional parameters in text form, like "myparam=something;myparam2=something_else"

The main use case for this function is provide the proxy additional information regarding the user agent, like for example unique identifier or apple push id. As an example, the contact address in the SIP register sent will look like <sip:joe@1.nosp@m.5.12.nosp@m.8.128.nosp@m..93:50421;apple-push-id=43143-DFE23F-2323-FA2232>.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_custom_contact()

void linphone_account_params_set_custom_contact ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
LinphoneAddress contact 

Set a an optional custom contact address to be used when registering to the SIP server.

This is typically used to supply an alternative SIP address to call in case the main one is not reachable.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
contacta LinphoneAddress the optional alternative contact address.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_dial_escape_plus_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_account_params_set_dial_escape_plus_enabled ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Set whether liblinphone should replace "+" by international calling prefix in dialed numbers (passed to linphone_core_invite).

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
enableTRUE to replace + by the international prefix, FALSE otherwise.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_account_params_enable_dial_escape_plus() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_expires()

void linphone_account_params_set_expires ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
int  expires 

Sets the registration expiration time in seconds.

paramsLinphoneAccountParams object.
expiresThe expiration time to set.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_file_transfer_server()

void linphone_account_params_set_file_transfer_server ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  server_url 

Set the http file transfer server to be used for content type application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
server_urlURL of the file server like <maybenil>
That function isn't implemented yet.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_identity_address()

LinphoneStatus linphone_account_params_set_identity_address ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
LinphoneAddress identity 

Sets the user identity as a SIP address.

This identity is normally formed with display name, username and domain, such as: Alice <> The REGISTER messages will have from and to set to this identity.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
identityThe LinphoneAddress of the identity to set.
0 if successful, -1 otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_idkey()

void linphone_account_params_set_idkey ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  idkey 

Set the idkey property on the given account params.

This property can the be referenced by another account params 'depends_on' to create a dependency relation between them.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
idkeyThe idkey string to associate to the given LinphoneAccountParams.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_international_prefix()

void linphone_account_params_set_international_prefix ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  prefix 

Set an international prefix to be automatically prepended when inviting a number with linphone_core_invite(); This international prefix shall usually be the country code of the country where the user is living, without "+".

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
prefixThe prefix to set (withouth the +).

◆ linphone_account_params_set_lime_server_url()

void linphone_account_params_set_lime_server_url ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  url 

Set the x3dh server url.

If empty, this function will disable LIME X3DH from core. Otherwise, or if different from the existing value, this will (re-)initialize the LIME X3DH engine.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
urlThe x3dh server url.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_nat_policy()

void linphone_account_params_set_nat_policy ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
LinphoneNatPolicy policy 

Set the policy to use to pass through NATs/firewalls when using this account params.

If it is set to NULL, the default NAT policy from the core will be used instead.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object
policyThe LinphoneNatPolicy object.
See also

◆ linphone_account_params_set_outbound_proxy_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_account_params_set_outbound_proxy_enabled ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  enable 

If enabled, the proxy will be used as the only route.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
enableTRUE to enable, FALSE otherwise.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_account_params_enable_outbound_proxy() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_picture_uri()

void linphone_account_params_set_picture_uri ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  uri 

Sets an URI for the account picture.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
uriThe account picture URI.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_privacy()

void linphone_account_params_set_privacy ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
LinphonePrivacyMask  privacy 

Set default privacy policy for all calls routed through this proxy.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
privacyLinphonePrivacy to configure privacy

◆ linphone_account_params_set_publish_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_account_params_set_publish_enabled ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Indicates either or not, PUBLISH must be issued for this LinphoneAccountParams.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
enableIf TRUE, publish will be engaged.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_account_params_enable_publish() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_publish_expires()

void linphone_account_params_set_publish_expires ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
int  expires 

Set the publish expiration time in second.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
expiresThe expire time in seconds.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_push_notification_allowed()

void linphone_account_params_set_push_notification_allowed ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  allow 

Indicates whether to add to the contact parameters the push notification information.

For IOS, it indicates for VOIP push notification.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
allowTRUE to allow push notification information, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_push_notification_config()

void linphone_account_params_set_push_notification_config ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
LinphonePushNotificationConfig config 

Sets the push notification configuration.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
configThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_quality_reporting_collector()

void linphone_account_params_set_quality_reporting_collector ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  collector 

Set the route of the collector end-point when using quality reporting.

This SIP address should be used on server-side to process packets directly before discarding packets. Collector address should be a non existing account and will not receive any messages. If NULL, reports will be send to the proxy domain.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
collectorroute of the collector end-point, if NULL PUBLISH will be sent to the proxy domain.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_quality_reporting_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_account_params_set_quality_reporting_enabled ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Indicates whether quality statistics during call should be stored and sent to a collector according to RFC 6035.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
enableTRUE to store quality statistics and send them to the collector, FALSE to disable it.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_account_params_enable_quality_reporting() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_quality_reporting_interval()

void linphone_account_params_set_quality_reporting_interval ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
int  interval 

Set the interval between 2 interval reports sending when using quality reporting.

If call exceed interval size, an interval report will be sent to the collector. On call termination, a session report will be sent for the remaining period. Value must be 0 (disabled) or positive.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
intervalThe interval in seconds, 0 means interval reports are disabled.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_realm()

void linphone_account_params_set_realm ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  realm 

Set the realm of the given account params.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
realmNew realm value.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_ref_key()

void linphone_account_params_set_ref_key ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  refkey 

Associate a persistent reference key to the account params.

The reference key can be for example an id to an external database. It is stored in the config file, thus can survive to process exits/restarts.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
refkeyThe reference key string to associate to the account params.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_register_enabled()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_account_params_set_register_enabled ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  enable 

Indicates either or not, REGISTRATION must be issued for this LinphoneAccountParams.

paramsLinphoneAccountParams object.
enableIf TRUE, registration will be engaged.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_account_params_enable_register() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_remote_push_notification_allowed()

void linphone_account_params_set_remote_push_notification_allowed ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  allow 

Indicates whether to add to the contact parameters the push notification information.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
allowTRUE to allow remote push notification information, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_routes_addresses()

LinphoneStatus linphone_account_params_set_routes_addresses ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const bctbx_list_t *  routes 

Sets a list of SIP route.

When a route is set, all outgoing calls will go to the route's destination if this account is the default one (see linphone_core_set_default_account()).

This function cannot be used if linphone_account_params_is_outbound_proxy_enabled is TRUE.
paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
routesA list of routes.
-1 if routes are invalid, 0 otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_server_addr()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneStatus linphone_account_params_set_server_addr ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
const char *  server_address 

Sets the proxy address.

Examples of valid sip proxy address are:

  • IP address: sip:
  • IP address with port: sip:
  • hostnames :
paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
server_addressThe proxy address to set.
0 if successful, -1 otherwise.
01/03/2021 Use linphone_account_params_set_server_address() instead.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_server_address()

LinphoneStatus linphone_account_params_set_server_address ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
LinphoneAddress server_address 

Sets the proxy address.

Examples of valid sip proxy address are:

  • IP address: sip:
  • IP address with port: sip:
  • hostnames :
paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
server_addressThe proxy as LinphoneAddress to set.
0 if successful, -1 otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_transport()

void linphone_account_params_set_transport ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
LinphoneTransportType  transport 

Sets the transport type of the server address.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
transportThe LinphoneTransportType to set.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_use_international_prefix_for_calls_and_chats()

void linphone_account_params_set_use_international_prefix_for_calls_and_chats ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
bool_t  enable 

If enabled, the international prefix will automaticaly be used for calls and chats.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
enableTRUE to use the international prefix for calls, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_account_params_set_user_data()

void linphone_account_params_set_user_data ( LinphoneAccountParams params,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the account params.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.
user_dataThe user data.

◆ linphone_account_params_unref()

void linphone_account_params_unref ( LinphoneAccountParams params)

Release a LinphoneAccountParams.

paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.

◆ linphone_account_pause_register()

void linphone_account_pause_register ( LinphoneAccount account)

Prevent an account from refreshing its registration.

This is useful to let registrations to expire naturally (or) when the application wants to keep control on when refreshes are sent. However, linphone_core_set_network_reachable(lc,TRUE) will always request the accounts to refresh their registrations. The refreshing operations can be resumed with linphone_account_refresh_register().

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.

◆ linphone_account_ref()

LinphoneAccount* linphone_account_ref ( LinphoneAccount account)

Take a reference on a LinphoneAccount.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
the same LinphoneAccount object.

◆ linphone_account_refresh_register()

void linphone_account_refresh_register ( LinphoneAccount account)

Refresh a proxy registration.

This is useful if for example you resuming from suspend, thus IP address may have changed.

accountLinphoneAccount object.

◆ linphone_account_remove_callbacks()

void linphone_account_remove_callbacks ( LinphoneAccount account,
LinphoneAccountCbs cbs 

Remove a listener from a LinphoneAccount.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
cbsLinphoneAccountCbs object to remove.

◆ linphone_account_reset_missed_calls_count()

void linphone_account_reset_missed_calls_count ( LinphoneAccount account)

Re-sets the number of missed calls for this account to 0.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.

◆ linphone_account_set_contact_address()

void linphone_account_set_contact_address ( LinphoneAccount account,
const LinphoneAddress addr 

Set the contact address for the account.

A client application should not use this function, as the Contact address is provided by the registrar in the 200 Ok. This function is mainly intended for server applications.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
addra LinphoneAddress to use as contact.

◆ linphone_account_set_custom_header()

void linphone_account_set_custom_header ( LinphoneAccount account,
const char *  header_name,
const char *  header_value 

Set the value of a custom header sent to the server in REGISTERs request.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
header_nameThe header name.
header_valueThe header value.

◆ linphone_account_set_dependency()

void linphone_account_set_dependency ( LinphoneAccount account,
LinphoneAccount depends_on 

Mark this account as being dependent on the given one.

The dependency must refer to an account previously added to the core and which idkey property is defined.

See also

The account marked as dependent will wait for successful registration on its dependency before triggering its own.

Once registered, both accounts will share the same contact address (the 'dependency' one).

This mecanism must be enabled before the account is added to the core

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
depends_onThe LinphoneAccount this one shall be depending on.

◆ linphone_account_set_params()

int linphone_account_set_params ( LinphoneAccount account,
LinphoneAccountParams params 

Set the LinphoneAccountParams used by this LinphoneAccount.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
paramsThe LinphoneAccountParams object.

◆ linphone_account_set_user_data()

void linphone_account_set_user_data ( LinphoneAccount account,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the account.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.
user_dataThe user data.

◆ linphone_account_unref()

void linphone_account_unref ( LinphoneAccount account)

Release a LinphoneAccount.

accountThe LinphoneAccount object.

◆ linphone_core_add_account()

LinphoneStatus linphone_core_add_account ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneAccount account 

Add an account.

This will start registration on the proxy, if registration is enabled.

coreLinphoneCore object
accountthe LinphoneAccount to add
0 if successful, -1 otherwise

◆ linphone_core_clear_accounts()

void linphone_core_clear_accounts ( LinphoneCore core)

Erase all account from config.

coreLinphoneCore object

◆ linphone_core_create_account()

LinphoneAccount* linphone_core_create_account ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneAccountParams params 

Create an account using given parameters, see linphone_core_create_account_params().

coreLinphoneCore object
paramsLinphoneAccountParams object
LinphoneAccount with default values set

◆ linphone_core_create_account_params()

LinphoneAccountParams* linphone_core_create_account_params ( LinphoneCore core)

Create an account params using default values from Linphone core.

coreLinphoneCore object
LinphoneAccountParams with default values set

◆ linphone_core_get_account_by_idkey()

LinphoneAccount* linphone_core_get_account_by_idkey ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  idkey 

Search for a LinphoneAccount by it's idkey.

corethe LinphoneCore object
idkeyAn arbitrary idkey string associated to an account.
the LinphoneAccount object for the given idkey value, or NULL if none found

◆ linphone_core_get_account_list()

const bctbx_list_t* linphone_core_get_account_list ( const LinphoneCore core)

Returns an unmodifiable list of entered accounts.

coreThe LinphoneCore object

◆ linphone_core_get_default_account()

LinphoneAccount* linphone_core_get_default_account ( const LinphoneCore core)

Returns the default account, that is the one used to determine the current identity.

coreLinphoneCore object
The default account.

◆ linphone_core_remove_account()

void linphone_core_remove_account ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneAccount account 

Removes an account.

LinphoneCore will then automatically unregister and place the account on a deleted list. For that reason, a removed account does NOT need to be freed.

coreLinphoneCore object
accountthe LinphoneAccount to remove

◆ linphone_core_set_default_account()

void linphone_core_set_default_account ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneAccount account 

Sets the default account.

This default account must be part of the list of already entered LinphoneAccount. Toggling it as default will make LinphoneCore use the identity associated with the account in all incoming and outgoing calls.

coreLinphoneCore object
accountThe account to use as the default one.