Liblinphone  5.3.0
Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

Miscenalleous: logs, version strings, config storage. More...


#define LINPHONE_CONFIG(obj)   BELLE_SIP_CAST(obj, LinphoneConfig);
 Safely downcast a belle_sip_object into LinphoneConfig.
#define lp_config_section_to_dict   linphone_config_section_to_dict
#define lp_config_load_dict_to_section   linphone_config_load_dict_to_section


typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationResultCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneEcCalibratorStatus status, int delay_ms)
 Function prototype used by linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_result(). More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationAudioInitCb) (LinphoneCore *core)
 Function prototype used by linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_audio_init(). More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationAudioUninitCb) (LinphoneCore *core)
 Function prototype used by linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_audio_uninit(). More...
typedef int(* LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIncomingMessageCb) (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message)
 Callback to decrypt incoming LinphoneChatMessage. More...
typedef int(* LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsOutgoingMessageCb) (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message)
 Callback to encrypt outgoing LinphoneChatMessage. More...
typedef bool_t(* LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIsEncryptionEnabledForFileTransferCb) (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room)
 Callback to know whether or not the engine will encrypt files before uploading them. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsGenerateFileTransferKeyCb) (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message)
 Callback to generate the key used to encrypt the files before uploading them Key can be stored in the LinphoneContent object inside the LinphoneChatMessage using linphone_content_set_key. More...
typedef int(* LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsDownloadingFileCb) (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatMessage *message, size_t offset, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size, uint8_t *decrypted_buffer)
 Callback to decrypt downloading file. More...
typedef int(* LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsUploadingFileCb) (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatMessage *message, size_t offset, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t *size, uint8_t *encrypted_buffer)
 Callback to encrypt uploading file. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbsResponseCb) (LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Callback used to notify the response to an XML-RPC request. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomExhumedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room)
 Callback used to notify a chat room has been exhumed. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneBuffer LinphoneBuffer
 The object representing a data buffer.
typedef struct _LinphoneErrorInfo LinphoneErrorInfo
 Object representing full details about a signaling error or status. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneImEncryptionEngine LinphoneImEncryptionEngine
 IM encryption engine. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs
 An object to handle the callbacks for the handling a LinphoneImEncryptionEngine object. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneInfoMessage LinphoneInfoMessage
 Object representing an informational message sent or received by the core.
typedef enum _LinphoneReason LinphoneReason
 Enum describing various failure reasons or contextual information for some events. More...
typedef enum _LinphoneToneID LinphoneToneID
 Enum listing frequent telephony tones.
typedef enum _LinphoneVersionUpdateCheckResult LinphoneVersionUpdateCheckResult
 Enum describing the result of a version update check.
typedef enum _LinphoneXmlRpcArgType LinphoneXmlRpcArgType
 Enum describing the types of argument for LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.
typedef struct _LinphoneXmlRpcRequest LinphoneXmlRpcRequest
 The LinphoneXmlRpcRequest object representing a XML-RPC request to be sent.
typedef struct _LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs
 An object to handle the callbacks for handling the LinphoneXmlRpcRequest operations.
typedef struct _LinphoneXmlRpcSession LinphoneXmlRpcSession
 The LinphoneXmlRpcSession object used to send XML-RPC requests and handle their responses.
typedef enum _LinphoneXmlRpcStatus LinphoneXmlRpcStatus
 Enum describing the status of a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.
typedef struct _LinphoneRange LinphoneRange
 Structure describing a range of integers.
typedef int LinphoneStatus
 Status code returned by some functions to notify whether the execution has been succesfully done or not.
typedef struct _LinphoneHeaders LinphoneHeaders
 Object representing a chain of protocol headers. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneMagicSearchCbsSearchResultsReceivedCb) (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search)
 Callback used to notify when results are received. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneMagicSearchCbsLdapHaveMoreResultsCb) (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, LinphoneLdap *ldap)
 Callback used to notify when LDAP have more results available. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneContent LinphoneContent
 This object holds data that can be embedded in a signaling message. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneDialPlan LinphoneDialPlan
 Represents a dial plan.
typedef struct _LinphonePushNotificationMessage LinphonePushNotificationMessage
 Object holding chat message data received by a push notification on iOS platform only. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneMagicSearch LinphoneMagicSearch
 A LinphoneMagicSearch is used to do specifics searchs.
typedef struct _LinphoneMagicSearchCbs LinphoneMagicSearchCbs
 A LinphoneMagicSearchCbs is used to do specifics searchs.
typedef struct _LinphoneSearchResult LinphoneSearchResult
 The LinphoneSearchResult object represents a result of a search.
typedef struct _LinphoneDigestAuthenticationPolicy LinphoneDigestAuthenticationPolicy
 The LinphoneDigestAuthenticationPolicy holds parameters relative to digest authentication procedures.


enum  _LinphoneReason {
  LinphoneReasonNone = 0,
  LinphoneReasonNoResponse = 1,
  LinphoneReasonForbidden = 2,
  LinphoneReasonDeclined = 3,
  LinphoneReasonNotFound = 4,
  LinphoneReasonNotAnswered = 5,
  LinphoneReasonBusy = 6,
  LinphoneReasonUnsupportedContent = 7,
  LinphoneReasonBadEvent = 8,
  LinphoneReasonIOError = 9,
  LinphoneReasonDoNotDisturb = 10,
  LinphoneReasonUnauthorized = 11,
  LinphoneReasonNotAcceptable = 12,
  LinphoneReasonNoMatch = 13,
  LinphoneReasonMovedPermanently = 14,
  LinphoneReasonGone = 15,
  LinphoneReasonTemporarilyUnavailable = 16,
  LinphoneReasonAddressIncomplete = 17,
  LinphoneReasonNotImplemented = 18,
  LinphoneReasonBadGateway = 19,
  LinphoneReasonSessionIntervalTooSmall = 20,
  LinphoneReasonServerTimeout = 21,
  LinphoneReasonUnknown = 22,
  LinphoneReasonTransferred = 23,
  LinphoneReasonConditionalRequestFailed = 24
 Enum describing various failure reasons or contextual information for some events. More...
enum  _LinphoneToneID {
  LinphoneToneUndefined = 0,
  LinphoneToneBusy = 1,
  LinphoneToneCallWaiting = 2,
  LinphoneToneCallOnHold = 3,
  LinphoneToneCallLost = 4,
  LinphoneToneCallEnd = 5,
  LinphoneToneCallNotAnswered = 6
 Enum listing frequent telephony tones. More...
enum  _LinphoneVersionUpdateCheckResult {
  LinphoneVersionUpdateCheckUpToDate = 0,
  LinphoneVersionUpdateCheckNewVersionAvailable = 1,
  LinphoneVersionUpdateCheckError = 2
 Enum describing the result of a version update check.
enum  _LinphoneXmlRpcArgType {
  LinphoneXmlRpcArgNone = 0,
  LinphoneXmlRpcArgInt = 1,
  LinphoneXmlRpcArgString = 2,
  LinphoneXmlRpcArgStringStruct = 3
 Enum describing the types of argument for LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.
enum  _LinphoneXmlRpcStatus {
  LinphoneXmlRpcStatusPending = 0,
  LinphoneXmlRpcStatusOk = 1,
  LinphoneXmlRpcStatusFailed = 2
 Enum describing the status of a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.


LinphoneBufferlinphone_buffer_new (void)
 Create a new empty LinphoneBuffer object. More...
LinphoneBufferlinphone_buffer_new_from_data (const uint8_t *data, size_t size)
 Create a new LinphoneBuffer object from existing data. More...
LinphoneBufferlinphone_buffer_new_from_string (const char *data)
 Create a new LinphoneBuffer object from a string. More...
LinphoneBufferlinphone_buffer_ref (LinphoneBuffer *buffer)
 Acquire a reference to the buffer. More...
void linphone_buffer_unref (LinphoneBuffer *buffer)
 Release reference to the buffer. More...
void * linphone_buffer_get_user_data (const LinphoneBuffer *buffer)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the buffer. More...
void linphone_buffer_set_user_data (LinphoneBuffer *buffer, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the buffer. More...
const uint8_t * linphone_buffer_get_content (const LinphoneBuffer *buffer)
 Get the content of the data buffer. More...
void linphone_buffer_set_content (LinphoneBuffer *buffer, const uint8_t *content, size_t size)
 Set the content of the data buffer. More...
const char * linphone_buffer_get_string_content (const LinphoneBuffer *buffer)
 Get the string content of the data buffer. More...
void linphone_buffer_set_string_content (LinphoneBuffer *buffer, const char *content)
 Set the string content of the data buffer. More...
size_t linphone_buffer_get_size (const LinphoneBuffer *buffer)
 Get the size of the content of the data buffer. More...
void linphone_buffer_set_size (LinphoneBuffer *buffer, size_t size)
 Set the size of the content of the data buffer. More...
bool_t linphone_buffer_is_empty (const LinphoneBuffer *buffer)
 Tell whether the LinphoneBuffer is empty. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED int linphone_core_start_echo_calibration (LinphoneCore *lc, LinphoneEcCalibrationCallback cb, LinphoneEcCalibrationAudioInit audio_init_cb, LinphoneEcCalibrationAudioUninit audio_uninit_cb, void *cb_data)
 Starts an echo calibration of the sound devices, in order to find adequate settings for the echo canceler automatically. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_core_start_echo_canceller_calibration (LinphoneCore *core)
 Starts an echo calibration of the sound devices, in order to find adequate settings for the echo canceler automatically. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_core_start_echo_tester (LinphoneCore *core, unsigned int rate)
 Start the simulation of call to test the latency with an external device. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_core_stop_echo_tester (LinphoneCore *core)
 Stop the simulation of call. More...
bool_t linphone_core_has_crappy_opengl (LinphoneCore *core)
 Check whether the device is flagged has crappy opengl. More...
bool_t linphone_core_has_builtin_echo_canceller (LinphoneCore *core)
 Check whether the device has a hardware echo canceller. More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_echo_canceller_calibration_required (LinphoneCore *core)
 Check whether the device is echo canceller calibration is required. More...
LinphonePlayerlinphone_core_create_local_player (LinphoneCore *core, const char *sound_card_name, const char *video_display_name, void *window_id)
 Create an independent media file player. More...
LinphoneRecorderParamslinphone_core_create_recorder_params (const LinphoneCore *lc)
 Create a recorder params that will hold parameters. More...
LinphoneRecorderlinphone_core_create_recorder (LinphoneCore *lc, LinphoneRecorderParams *params)
 Create a media file recorder. More...
LinphoneInfoMessagelinphone_core_create_info_message (LinphoneCore *core)
 Creates an empty info message. More...
LinphoneMagicSearchlinphone_core_create_magic_search (LinphoneCore *core)
 Create a LinphoneMagicSearch object. More...
void linphone_core_check_for_update (LinphoneCore *core, const char *current_version)
 Checks if a new version of the application is available. More...
int linphone_core_get_unread_chat_message_count (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Return the global unread chat message count. More...
int linphone_core_get_unread_chat_message_count_from_local (const LinphoneCore *core, const LinphoneAddress *address)
 Return the unread chat message count for a given local address. More...
int linphone_core_get_unread_chat_message_count_from_active_locals (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Return the unread chat message count for all active local address. More...
void linphone_core_set_user_agent (LinphoneCore *core, const char *name, const char *version)
 Set the user agent string used in SIP messages. More...
LinphoneAddresslinphone_core_interpret_url (LinphoneCore *core, const char *url)
 Constructs a LinphoneAddress from the given string if possible. More...
LinphoneAddresslinphone_core_interpret_url_2 (LinphoneCore *core, const char *url, bool_t apply_international_prefix)
 Constructs a LinphoneAddress from the given string if possible. More...
void linphone_core_enable_lime_x3dh (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enable)
 Tells to LinphoneCore to use LIME X3DH. More...
bool_t linphone_core_lime_x3dh_enabled (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Tells wether LIME X3DH is enabled or not. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_core_set_lime_x3dh_server_url (LinphoneCore *core, const char *url)
 Set the x3dh server url. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED const char * linphone_core_get_lime_x3dh_server_url (LinphoneCore *core)
 Get the x3dh server url. More...
bool_t linphone_core_lime_x3dh_available (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Tells if LIME X3DH is available. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_core_play_local (LinphoneCore *core, const char *audiofile)
 Plays an audio file to the local user. More...
bool_t linphone_core_vcard_supported (void)
 Tells whether VCARD support is builtin. More...
bool_t linphone_core_video_supported (LinphoneCore *core)
 Test if video is supported. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_core_take_preview_snapshot (LinphoneCore *core, const char *file)
 Take a photo of currently from capture device and write it into a jpeg file. More...
void linphone_core_enter_background (LinphoneCore *core)
 This method is called by the application to notify the linphone core library when it enters background mode. More...
void linphone_core_enter_foreground (LinphoneCore *core)
 This method is called by the application to notify the linphone core library when it enters foreground mode. More...
LinphoneConfiglinphone_core_get_config (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Returns the config object used to manage the storage (config) file. More...
LinphoneConfiglinphone_core_create_config (LinphoneCore *core, const char *filename)
 Create a LinphoneConfig object from a user config file. More...
LinphoneGlobalState linphone_core_get_global_state (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Returns the global state of core. More...
void linphone_core_set_file_transfer_server (LinphoneCore *core, const char *server_url)
 Globaly set an http file transfer server to be used for content type application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml. More...
const char * linphone_core_get_file_transfer_server (LinphoneCore *core)
 Get the globaly set http file transfer server to be used for content type application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml. More...
LinphoneContentlinphone_core_create_content (LinphoneCore *core)
 Create a content with default values from Linphone core. More...
LinphoneXmlRpcSessionlinphone_core_create_xml_rpc_session (LinphoneCore *core, const char *url)
 Create a LinphoneXmlRpcSession for a given url. More...
void linphone_core_load_config_from_xml (LinphoneCore *core, const char *xml_uri)
 Update current config with the content of a xml config file. More...
void linphone_core_ensure_registered (LinphoneCore *core)
 Call this method when you receive a push notification (if you handle push notifications manually). More...
void linphone_core_process_push_notification (LinphoneCore *lc, const char *call_id)
 Call this method when you receive a push notification (if you handle push notifications manually). More...
void linphone_core_push_notification_received (LinphoneCore *lc, const char *payload, const char *call_id)
 This method is called by Android & iOS platform helpers to notify the Core of a received push notification. More...
void linphone_core_push_notification_received_2 (LinphoneCore *lc, const char *payload, const char *call_id, bool_t is_core_starting)
 This method is called by Android & iOS platform helpers to notify the Core of a received push notification. More...
LinphonePushNotificationMessagelinphone_core_get_new_message_from_callid (LinphoneCore *core, const char *call_id)
 Get the chat message with the call_id included in the push notification body This will start the core given in parameter, iterate until the message is received and return it. More...
LinphoneChatRoomlinphone_core_get_new_chat_room_from_conf_addr (LinphoneCore *core, const char *chat_room_addr)
 Get the chat room we have been added into using the chat_room_addr included in the push notification body This will start the core given in parameter, iterate until the new chat room is received and return it. More...
void linphone_core_set_push_notification_enabled (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enable)
 Enable or disable push notifications on Android & iOS. More...
void linphone_core_enable_push_notification (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enable)
 Enable or disable push notifications on Android & iOS. More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_push_notification_enabled (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets whether push notifications are enabled or not (Android & iOS only). More...
bool_t linphone_core_push_notification_enabled (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets whether push notifications are enabled or not (Android & iOS only). More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_push_notification_available (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets whether push notifications are available or not (Android & iOS only). More...
void linphone_core_did_register_for_remote_push (LinphoneCore *core, void *device_token)
 Sets device_token when application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken (IOS only). More...
void linphone_core_did_register_for_remote_push_with_stringified_token (LinphoneCore *core, const char *device_token_str)
 Sets device_token when application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken (IOS only). More...
void linphone_core_set_auto_iterate_enabled (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enable)
 Enable or disable the automatic schedule of linphone_core_iterate() method on Android & iOS. More...
void linphone_core_enable_auto_iterate (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enable)
 Enable or disable the automatic schedule of linphone_core_iterate() method on Android & iOS. More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_auto_iterate_enabled (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets whether auto iterate is enabled or not (Android & iOS only). More...
bool_t linphone_core_auto_iterate_enabled (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets whether auto iterate is enabled or not (Android & iOS only). More...
int linphone_core_get_auto_iterate_foreground_schedule (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the timer used to schedule the call to core.iterate() method when in foreground (Android only). More...
void linphone_core_set_auto_iterate_foreground_schedule (LinphoneCore *core, int schedule)
 Sets the timer used to schedule the call to core.iterate() method when in foreground (Android only). More...
int linphone_core_get_auto_iterate_background_schedule (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the timer used to schedule the call to core.iterate() method when in background (Android only). More...
void linphone_core_set_auto_iterate_background_schedule (LinphoneCore *core, int schedule)
 Sets the timer used to schedule the call to core.iterate() method when in background (Android only). More...
void linphone_core_set_vibration_on_incoming_call_enabled (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enable)
 Enable vibration will incoming call is ringing (Android only). More...
void linphone_core_enable_vibration_on_incoming_call (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enable)
 Enable vibration will incoming call is ringing (Android only). More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_vibration_on_incoming_call_enabled (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets whether the device will vibrate while an incoming call is ringing (Android only). More...
bool_t linphone_core_vibration_on_incoming_call_enabled (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets whether the device will vibrate while an incoming call is ringing (Android only). More...
bool_t linphone_core_ldap_available (LinphoneCore *core)
 Tells if LDAP is available. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneConfiglinphone_core_create_lp_config (LinphoneCore *core, const char *filename)
 Create a LpConfig object from a user config file. More...
LinphoneErrorInfolinphone_error_info_new (void)
 Create an empty LinphoneErrorInfo object. More...
LinphoneErrorInfolinphone_error_info_ref (LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info)
 Increment refcount. More...
void linphone_error_info_unref (LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info)
 Decrement refcount and possibly free the object. More...
int linphone_error_info_get_retry_after (const LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info)
 Get Retry-After delay second from the error info. More...
LinphoneReason linphone_error_info_get_reason (const LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info)
 Get reason code from the error info. More...
LinphoneErrorInfolinphone_error_info_get_sub_error_info (const LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info)
 Get pointer to chained LinphoneErrorInfo set in sub_ei. More...
const char * linphone_error_info_get_phrase (const LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info)
 Get textual phrase from the error info. More...
const char * linphone_error_info_get_protocol (const LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info)
 Get protocol from the error info. More...
const char * linphone_error_info_get_warnings (const LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info)
 Provides additional information regarding the failure. More...
int linphone_error_info_get_protocol_code (const LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info)
 Get the status code from the low level protocol (ex a SIP status code). More...
void linphone_error_info_set (LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info, const char *protocol, LinphoneReason reason, int code, const char *status, const char *warning)
 Assign information to a LinphoneErrorInfo object. More...
void linphone_error_info_set_sub_error_info (LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info, LinphoneErrorInfo *appended_error_info)
 Set the sub_ei in LinphoneErrorInfo to another LinphoneErrorInfo. More...
void linphone_error_info_set_retry_after (LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info, int retry_after)
 Assign retry-after value to a LinphoneErrorInfo object. More...
void linphone_error_info_set_reason (LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info, LinphoneReason reason)
 Assign reason LinphoneReason to a LinphoneErrorInfo object. More...
void linphone_error_info_set_protocol (LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info, const char *protocol)
 Assign protocol name to a LinphoneErrorInfo object. More...
void linphone_error_info_set_protocol_code (LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info, int code)
 Assign protocol code to a LinphoneErrorInfo object. More...
void linphone_error_info_set_phrase (LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info, const char *phrase)
 Assign phrase to a LinphoneErrorInfo object. More...
void linphone_error_info_set_warnings (LinphoneErrorInfo *error_info, const char *warnings)
 Assign warnings to a LinphoneErrorInfo object. More...
LinphoneHeaderslinphone_headers_ref (LinphoneHeaders *obj)
 Increments ref count.
void linphone_headers_unref (LinphoneHeaders *obj)
 Decrements ref count.
const char * linphone_headers_get_value (LinphoneHeaders *headers, const char *header_name)
 Search for a given header name and return its value. More...
void linphone_headers_add (LinphoneHeaders *headers, const char *name, const char *value)
 Add given header name and corresponding value. More...
void linphone_headers_remove (LinphoneHeaders *headers, const char *name)
 Add given header name and corresponding value. More...
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbslinphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_ref (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs)
 Acquire a reference to the LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs. More...
void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_unref (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs)
 Release reference to the LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs. More...
void * linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_user_data (const LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs)
 Gets the user data in the LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object. More...
void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_user_data (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs, void *data)
 Sets the user data in the LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object. More...
LinphoneImEncryptionEnginelinphone_im_encryption_engine_ref (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *imee)
 Acquire a reference to the LinphoneImEncryptionEngine. More...
void linphone_im_encryption_engine_unref (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *imee)
 Release reference to the LinphoneImEncryptionEngine. More...
void * linphone_im_encryption_engine_get_user_data (const LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *imee)
 Gets the user data in the LinphoneImEncryptionEngine object. More...
void linphone_im_encryption_engine_set_user_data (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *imee, void *data)
 Sets the user data in the LinphoneImEncryptionEngine object. More...
LinphoneCorelinphone_im_encryption_engine_get_core (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *imee)
 Gets the LinphoneCore object that created the IM encryption engine. More...
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbslinphone_im_encryption_engine_get_callbacks (const LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *imee)
 Gets the LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object that holds the callbacks. More...
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIncomingMessageCb linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_process_incoming_message (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs)
 Gets the callback that will decrypt the chat messages upon reception. More...
void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_process_incoming_message (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs, LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIncomingMessageCb cb)
 Sets the callback that will decrypt the chat messages upon reception. More...
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsOutgoingMessageCb linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_process_outgoing_message (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs)
 Gets the callback that will encrypt the chat messages before sending them. More...
void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_process_outgoing_message (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs, LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsOutgoingMessageCb cb)
 Sets the callback that will encrypt the chat messages before sending them. More...
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsDownloadingFileCb linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_process_downloading_file (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs)
 Gets the callback that will decrypt the files while downloading them. More...
void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_process_downloading_file (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs, LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsDownloadingFileCb cb)
 Sets the callback that will decrypt the files while downloading them. More...
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsUploadingFileCb linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_process_uploading_file (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs)
 Gets the callback that will will encrypt the files while uploading them. More...
void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_process_uploading_file (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs, LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsUploadingFileCb cb)
 Sets the callback that will encrypt the files while uploading them. More...
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIsEncryptionEnabledForFileTransferCb linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_is_encryption_enabled_for_file_transfer (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs)
 Gets the callback telling whether or not to encrypt the files. More...
void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_is_encryption_enabled_for_file_transfer (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs, LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIsEncryptionEnabledForFileTransferCb cb)
 Sets the callback telling whether or not to encrypt the files. More...
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsGenerateFileTransferKeyCb linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_generate_file_transfer_key (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs)
 Gets the callback that will generate the key to encrypt the file before uploading it. More...
void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_generate_file_transfer_key (LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs *cbs, LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsGenerateFileTransferKeyCb cb)
 Sets the callback that will generate the key to encrypt the file before uploading it. More...
LinphoneImEncryptionEnginelinphone_im_encryption_engine_new (void)
 Create the IM encryption engine. More...
void linphone_info_message_add_header (LinphoneInfoMessage *info_message, const char *name, const char *value)
 Add a header to an info message to be sent. More...
const char * linphone_info_message_get_header (const LinphoneInfoMessage *info_message, const char *name)
 Obtain a header value from a received info message. More...
void linphone_info_message_set_content (LinphoneInfoMessage *info_message, const LinphoneContent *content)
 Assign a content to the info message. More...
const LinphoneContentlinphone_info_message_get_content (const LinphoneInfoMessage *info_message)
 Returns the info message's content as a LinphoneContent structure. More...
LinphoneInfoMessagelinphone_info_message_ref (LinphoneInfoMessage *info_message)
 Take a reference on a LinphoneInfoMessage. More...
void linphone_info_message_unref (LinphoneInfoMessage *info_message)
 Release a reference on a LinphoneInfoMessage. More...
LinphoneInfoMessagelinphone_info_message_copy (const LinphoneInfoMessage *info_message)
LinphoneConfiglinphone_config_new (const char *filename)
 Instantiates a LinphoneConfig object from a user config file. More...
LinphoneConfiglinphone_config_new_from_buffer (const char *buffer)
 Instantiates a LinphoneConfig object from a user provided buffer. More...
LinphoneConfiglinphone_config_new_with_factory (const char *config_filename, const char *factory_config_filename)
 Instantiates a LinphoneConfig object from a user config file and a factory config file. More...
LinphoneConfiglinphone_config_new_for_shared_core (const char *app_group_id, const char *config_filename, const char *factory_config_filename)
 Instantiates a LinphoneConfig object from a user config file name, group id and a factory config file. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_config_read_file (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *filename)
 Reads a user config file and fill the LinphoneConfig with the read config values. More...
const char * linphone_config_load_from_xml_file (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *filename)
 Reads a xml config file and fill the LinphoneConfig with the read config dynamic values. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_config_load_from_xml_string (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *buffer)
 Reads a xml config string and fill the LinphoneConfig with the read config dynamic values. More...
const char * linphone_config_get_filename (const LinphoneConfig *config)
 Returns the filename used to store the user config. More...
const char * linphone_config_get_factory_filename (const LinphoneConfig *config)
 Returns the filename that was used as the factory config. More...
const char * linphone_config_get_temporary_filename (const LinphoneConfig *config)
 Returns the temporary filename used to store the user config. More...
const char * linphone_config_get_string (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, const char *default_string)
 Retrieves a configuration item as a string, given its section, key, and default value. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_config_get_string_list (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, bctbx_list_t *default_list)
 Retrieves a configuration item as a list of strings, given its section, key, and default value. More...
bool_t linphone_config_get_range (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, int *min, int *max, int default_min, int default_max)
 Retrieves a configuration item as a range, given its section, key, and default min and max values. More...
int linphone_config_get_int (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, int default_value)
 Retrieves a configuration item as an integer, given its section, key, and default value. More...
bool_t linphone_config_get_bool (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, bool_t default_value)
 Retrieves a configuration item as a boolean, given its section, key, and default value. More...
int64_t linphone_config_get_int64 (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, int64_t default_value)
 Retrieves a configuration item as a 64 bit integer, given its section, key, and default value. More...
float linphone_config_get_float (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, float default_value)
 Retrieves a configuration item as a float, given its section, key, and default value. More...
void linphone_config_set_string (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, const char *value)
 Sets a string config item. More...
void linphone_config_set_string_list (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, const bctbx_list_t *value)
 Sets a string list config item. More...
void linphone_config_set_range (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, int min_value, int max_value)
 Sets a range config item. More...
void linphone_config_set_int (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, int value)
 Sets an integer config item. More...
void linphone_config_set_bool (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, bool_t value)
 Sets a boolean config item. More...
void linphone_config_set_int_hex (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, int value)
 Sets an integer config item, but store it as hexadecimal. More...
void linphone_config_set_int64 (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, int64_t value)
 Sets a 64 bits integer config item. More...
void linphone_config_set_float (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, float value)
 Sets a float config item. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_config_sync (LinphoneConfig *config)
 Writes the config file to disk. More...
void linphone_config_reload (LinphoneConfig *config)
 Reload the config from the file. More...
int linphone_config_has_section (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section)
 Returns if a given section is present in the configuration. More...
void linphone_config_clean_section (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section)
 Removes every pair of key,value in a section and remove the section. More...
int linphone_config_has_entry (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key)
 Returns if a given section with a given key is present in the configuration. More...
void linphone_config_clean_entry (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key)
 Removes entries for key,value in a section. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_config_get_sections_names_list (LinphoneConfig *config)
 Returns the list of sections' names in the LinphoneConfig. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_config_get_keys_names_list (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section)
 Returns the list of keys' names for a section in the LinphoneConfig. More...
void linphone_config_for_each_section (const LinphoneConfig *config, void(*callback)(const char *section, void *ctx), void *ctx)
 Call a function for each section present in the configuration. More...
void linphone_config_for_each_entry (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, void(*callback)(const char *entry, void *ctx), void *ctx)
 Call a function for each entry present in a section configuration. More...
bool_t linphone_config_needs_commit (const LinphoneConfig *config)
void linphone_config_destroy (LinphoneConfig *cfg)
int linphone_config_get_default_int (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, int default_value)
 Retrieves a default configuration item as an integer, given its section, key, and default value. More...
int64_t linphone_config_get_default_int64 (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, int64_t default_value)
 Retrieves a default configuration item as a 64 bit integer, given its section, key, and default value. More...
float linphone_config_get_default_float (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, float default_value)
 Retrieves a default configuration item as a float, given its section, key, and default value. More...
const char * linphone_config_get_default_string (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, const char *default_value)
 Retrieves a default configuration item as a string, given its section, key, and default value. More...
const char * linphone_config_get_section_param_string (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, const char *default_value)
 Retrieves a section parameter item as a string, given its section and key. More...
LinphoneConfiglinphone_config_ref (LinphoneConfig *config)
 increment reference count More...
void linphone_config_unref (LinphoneConfig *config)
 Decrement reference count, which will eventually free the object. More...
void linphone_config_write_relative_file (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *filename, const char *data)
 Write a string in a file placed relatively with the Linphone configuration file. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_config_read_relative_file (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *filename, char *data, size_t max_length)
 Read a string from a file placed beside the Linphone configuration file. More...
bool_t linphone_config_relative_file_exists (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *filename)
 Check if given file name exists relatively to the current location. More...
char * linphone_config_dump_as_xml (const LinphoneConfig *config)
 Dumps the LinphoneConfig as XML into a buffer. More...
char * linphone_config_dump (const LinphoneConfig *config)
 Dumps the LinphoneConfig as INI into a buffer. More...
bool_t linphone_config_get_overwrite_flag_for_entry (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key)
 Retrieves the overwrite flag for a config item. More...
void linphone_config_set_overwrite_flag_for_entry (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, bool_t value)
 Sets the overwrite flag for a config item (used when dumping config as xml) More...
bool_t linphone_config_get_overwrite_flag_for_section (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section)
 Retrieves the overwrite flag for a config section. More...
void linphone_config_set_overwrite_flag_for_section (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, bool_t value)
 Sets the overwrite flag for a config section (used when dumping config as xml) More...
bool_t linphone_config_get_skip_flag_for_entry (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key)
 Retrieves the skip flag for a config item. More...
void linphone_config_set_skip_flag_for_entry (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const char *key, bool_t value)
 Sets the skip flag for a config item (used when dumping config as xml) More...
bool_t linphone_config_get_skip_flag_for_section (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section)
 Retrieves the skip flag for a config section. More...
void linphone_config_set_skip_flag_for_section (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, bool_t value)
 Sets the skip flag for a config section (used when dumping config as xml) More...
LinphoneDictionarylinphone_config_section_to_dict (const LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section)
 Converts a config section into a dictionary. More...
void linphone_config_load_dict_to_section (LinphoneConfig *config, const char *section, const LinphoneDictionary *dict)
 Loads a dictionary into a section of the LinphoneConfig. More...
bool_t linphone_config_is_readonly (const LinphoneConfig *config)
 Indicates whether the LinphoneConfig object is readonly, in other words it has no file backend or file is opened without write permission. More...
const char ** linphone_config_get_sections_names (LinphoneConfig *config)
 Returns the list of sections' names in the LinphoneConfig. More...
const char * linphone_configuring_state_to_string (LinphoneConfiguringState state)
 Converts a LinphoneConfiguringState enum to a string. More...
const char * linphone_reason_to_string (LinphoneReason error)
 Converts a LinphoneReason enum to a string. More...
const char * linphone_transport_to_string (LinphoneTransportType transport)
 Converts a LinphoneTransportType enum to a lowercase string. More...
LinphoneTransportType linphone_transport_parse (const char *transport)
 Converts a lowercase string to a LinphoneTransportType enum. More...
bool_t linphone_error_code_is_retry_after (int error)
 Check whether an error code is in Retry-After field. More...
LinphoneReason linphone_error_code_to_reason (int error)
 Converts an error code to a LinphoneReason. More...
int linphone_reason_to_error_code (LinphoneReason reason)
 Converts a LinphoneReason to an error code. More...
LinphoneRangelinphone_range_ref (LinphoneRange *range)
 Increment refcount. More...
void linphone_range_unref (LinphoneRange *range)
 Decrement refcount and possibly free the object. More...
void * linphone_range_get_user_data (const LinphoneRange *range)
 Gets the user data in the LinphoneRange object. More...
void linphone_range_set_user_data (LinphoneRange *range, void *user_data)
 Sets the user data in the LinphoneRange object. More...
int linphone_range_get_min (const LinphoneRange *range)
 Gets the lower value of the range. More...
int linphone_range_get_max (const LinphoneRange *range)
 Gets the higher value of the range. More...
void linphone_range_set_min (LinphoneRange *range, int min)
 Sets the lower value of the range. More...
void linphone_range_set_max (LinphoneRange *range, int max)
 Sets the higher value of the range. More...
LinphoneXmlRpcRequestlinphone_xml_rpc_request_new (LinphoneXmlRpcArgType return_type, const char *method)
 Create a new LinphoneXmlRpcRequest object. More...
LinphoneXmlRpcRequestlinphone_xml_rpc_request_ref (LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Acquire a reference to the XML-RPC request. More...
void linphone_xml_rpc_request_unref (LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Release reference to the XML-RPC request. More...
void * linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_user_data (const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the XML-RPC request. More...
void linphone_xml_rpc_request_set_user_data (LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the XML-RPC request. More...
void linphone_xml_rpc_request_add_int_arg (LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request, int value)
 Add an integer argument to an XML-RPC request. More...
void linphone_xml_rpc_request_add_string_arg (LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request, const char *value)
 Add a string argument to an XML-RPC request. More...
void linphone_xml_rpc_request_add_callbacks (LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request, LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs *cbs)
 Add the current LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object to a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest. More...
void linphone_xml_rpc_request_remove_callbacks (LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request, LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs *cbs)
 Remove the current LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object from a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest. More...
LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbslinphone_xml_rpc_request_get_current_callbacks (const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Get the current LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object associated with a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest. More...
const char * linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_content (const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Get the content of the XML-RPC request. More...
LinphoneXmlRpcStatus linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_status (const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Get the status of the XML-RPC request. More...
int linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_int_response (const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Get the response to an XML-RPC request sent with linphone_xml_rpc_session_send_request() and returning an integer response. More...
const char * linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_string_response (const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Get the response to an XML-RPC request sent with linphone_xml_rpc_session_send_request() and returning a string response. More...
const char * linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_raw_response (const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Get the raw response to an XML-RPC request sent with linphone_xml_rpc_session_send_request() and returning http body as string. More...
const bctbx_map_t * linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_string_struct_response (const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Get the response to an XML-RPC request sent with linphone_xml_rpc_session_send_request() and returning a struct response. More...
const bctbx_list_t * linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_list_response (const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Get the response to an XML-RPC request sent with linphone_xml_rpc_session_send_request() and returning a string response. More...
LinphoneXmlRpcSessionlinphone_xml_rpc_session_new (LinphoneCore *core, const char *url)
 Create a new LinphoneXmlRpcSession object. More...
LinphoneXmlRpcSessionlinphone_xml_rpc_session_ref (LinphoneXmlRpcSession *session)
 Acquire a reference to the XML-RPC session. More...
void linphone_xml_rpc_session_unref (LinphoneXmlRpcSession *session)
 Release reference to the XML-RPC session. More...
void * linphone_xml_rpc_session_get_user_data (const LinphoneXmlRpcSession *session)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the XML-RPC session. More...
void linphone_xml_rpc_session_set_user_data (LinphoneXmlRpcSession *session, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the XML-RPC session. More...
void linphone_xml_rpc_session_send_request (LinphoneXmlRpcSession *session, LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Send an XML-RPC request. More...
void linphone_xml_rpc_session_release (LinphoneXmlRpcSession *session)
 Stop and unref an XML rpc session. More...
LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbslinphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_ref (LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs *cbs)
 Acquire a reference to a LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object. More...
void linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_unref (LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs *cbs)
 Release a reference to a LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object. More...
void * linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_get_user_data (const LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs *cbs)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with a LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object. More...
void linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_set_user_data (LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs *cbs, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to a LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object. More...
LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbsResponseCb linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_get_response (const LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs *cbs)
 Get the response callback. More...
void linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_set_response (LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs *cbs, LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbsResponseCb cb)
 Set the response callback. More...
LinphoneXmlRpcRequestlinphone_xml_rpc_session_create_request (LinphoneXmlRpcSession *session, LinphoneXmlRpcArgType return_type, const char *method)
 Creates a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest from a LinphoneXmlRpcSession. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbslinphone_xml_rpc_request_get_callbacks (const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)
 Get the LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object associated with a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest. More...
LinphoneCallStatslinphone_call_stats_ref (LinphoneCallStats *stats)
 Increment refcount. More...
void linphone_call_stats_unref (LinphoneCallStats *stats)
 Decrement refcount and possibly free the object. More...
void * linphone_call_stats_get_user_data (const LinphoneCallStats *stats)
 Gets the user data in the LinphoneCallStats object. More...
void linphone_call_stats_set_user_data (LinphoneCallStats *stats, void *data)
 Sets the user data in the LinphoneCallStats object. More...
LinphoneContentlinphone_content_ref (LinphoneContent *content)
 Acquire a reference to the content. More...
void linphone_content_unref (LinphoneContent *content)
 Release reference to the content. More...
void * linphone_content_get_user_data (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the content. More...
void linphone_content_set_user_data (LinphoneContent *content, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the content. More...
const char * linphone_content_get_type (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get the mime type of the content data. More...
void linphone_content_set_type (LinphoneContent *content, const char *type)
 Set the mime type of the content data. More...
const char * linphone_content_get_subtype (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get the mime subtype of the content data. More...
void linphone_content_set_subtype (LinphoneContent *content, const char *subtype)
 Set the mime subtype of the content data. More...
void linphone_content_add_content_type_parameter (LinphoneContent *content, const char *name, const char *value)
 Adds a parameter to the ContentType header. More...
const uint8_t * linphone_content_get_buffer (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get the content data buffer, usually a string. More...
void linphone_content_set_buffer (LinphoneContent *content, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
 Set the content data buffer, usually a string. More...
const char * linphone_content_get_utf8_text (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get the string content data buffer. More...
void linphone_content_set_utf8_text (LinphoneContent *content, const char *buffer)
 Get the string content data buffer. More...
size_t linphone_content_get_size (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get the content data buffer size, excluding null character despite null character is always set for convenience. More...
size_t linphone_content_get_file_size (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get the file size if content is either a FileContent or a FileTransferContent. More...
void linphone_content_set_size (LinphoneContent *content, size_t size)
 Set the content data size, excluding null character despite null character is always set for convenience. More...
const char * linphone_content_get_encoding (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get the encoding of the data buffer, for example "gzip". More...
void linphone_content_set_encoding (LinphoneContent *content, const char *encoding)
 Set the encoding of the data buffer, for example "gzip". More...
const char * linphone_content_get_disposition (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get the disposition of the Content, for example "recipient-list". More...
void linphone_content_set_disposition (LinphoneContent *content, const char *disposition)
 Set the disposition of the Content, for example "recipient-list". More...
const char * linphone_content_get_name (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get the name associated with a RCS file transfer message. More...
void linphone_content_set_name (LinphoneContent *content, const char *name)
 Set the name associated with a RCS file transfer message. More...
bool_t linphone_content_is_multipart (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Tell whether a content is a multipart content. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_content_get_parts (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get all the parts from a multipart content. More...
LinphoneContentlinphone_content_get_part (const LinphoneContent *content, int index)
 Get a part from a multipart content according to its index. More...
LinphoneContentlinphone_content_find_part_by_header (const LinphoneContent *content, const char *header_name, const char *header_value)
 Find a part from a multipart content looking for a part header with a specified value. More...
const char * linphone_content_get_custom_header (const LinphoneContent *content, const char *header_name)
 Get a custom header value of a content. More...
void linphone_content_add_custom_header (LinphoneContent *content, const char *header_name, const char *header_value)
 Adds a custom header in a content. More...
const char * linphone_content_get_key (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get the key associated with a RCS file transfer message if encrypted. More...
size_t linphone_content_get_key_size (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get the size of key associated with a RCS file transfer message if encrypted. More...
void linphone_content_set_key (LinphoneContent *content, const char *key, const size_t key_length)
 Set the key associated with a RCS file transfer message if encrypted. More...
const char * linphone_content_get_file_path (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get the file transfer filepath set for this content (replace linphone_chat_message_get_file_transfer_filepath). More...
char * linphone_content_export_plain_file (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Generates a temporary plain copy of the file and returns its paths The caller is responsible to then delete this temporary copy and the returned string. More...
void linphone_content_set_file_path (LinphoneContent *content, const char *file_path)
 Set the file transfer filepath for this content (replace linphone_chat_message_set_file_transfer_filepath). More...
int linphone_content_get_file_duration (LinphoneContent *content)
 Gets the file duration in seconds, if information is available. More...
bool_t linphone_content_is_text (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Tells whether or not this content contains text. More...
bool_t linphone_content_is_voice_recording (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Tells whether or not this content contains a voice recording by checking it's content type. More...
bool_t linphone_content_is_icalendar (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Tells whether or not this content contains an icalendar by checking it's content type. More...
bool_t linphone_content_is_file (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Tells whether or not this content contains a file. More...
bool_t linphone_content_is_file_transfer (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Tells whether or not this content is a file transfer. More...
bool_t linphone_content_is_file_encrypted (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Tells whether or not this content contains an encrypted file. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED const char * linphone_content_get_string_buffer (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Get the string content data buffer. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_content_set_string_buffer (LinphoneContent *content, const char *buffer)
 Set the string content data buffer. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED char * linphone_content_get_plain_file_path (const LinphoneContent *content)
 Generates a temporary plain copy of the file and returns its paths The caller is responsible to then delete this temporary copy and the returned string. More...
LinphoneDialPlanlinphone_dial_plan_ref (LinphoneDialPlan *dial_plan)
 Increases the reference counter of LinphoneDialPlan objects. More...
void linphone_dial_plan_unref (LinphoneDialPlan *dial_plan)
 Decreases the reference counter of #LinphoneDialPaln objects. More...
const char * linphone_dial_plan_get_country (const LinphoneDialPlan *dial_plan)
 Returns the country name of the dialplan. More...
const char * linphone_dial_plan_get_iso_country_code (const LinphoneDialPlan *dial_plan)
 Returns the iso country code of the dialplan. More...
const char * linphone_dial_plan_get_country_calling_code (const LinphoneDialPlan *dial_plan)
 Returns the country calling code of the dialplan. More...
int linphone_dial_plan_get_national_number_length (const LinphoneDialPlan *dial_plan)
 Returns the national number length of the dialplan. More...
const char * linphone_dial_plan_get_international_call_prefix (const LinphoneDialPlan *dial_plan)
 Returns the international call prefix of the dialplan. More...
const char * linphone_dial_plan_get_flag (const LinphoneDialPlan *dial_plan)
 Returns the flag of the teritory as unicode characters. More...
int linphone_dial_plan_lookup_ccc_from_iso (const char *iso)
 Function to get call country code from ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, ex: FR returns 33. More...
int linphone_dial_plan_lookup_ccc_from_e164 (const char *e164)
 Function to get call country code from an e164 number, ex: +33952650121 will return 33. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_dial_plan_get_all_list (void)
 Returns a list of all known dial plans. More...
const LinphoneDialPlanlinphone_dial_plan_by_ccc (const char *ccc)
 Find best match for given CCC. More...
const LinphoneDialPlanlinphone_dial_plan_by_ccc_as_int (int ccc)
 Find best match for given CCC. More...
bool_t linphone_dial_plan_is_generic (const LinphoneDialPlan *ccc)
 Return if given plan is generic. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED const LinphoneDialPlanlinphone_dial_plan_get_all (void)
 Return NULL-terminated array of all known dial plans. More...
const char * linphone_factory_get_config_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, void *context)
 Get the config path. More...
bool_t linphone_factory_is_config_dir_set (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Test if config dir has been set. More...
const char * linphone_factory_get_data_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, void *context)
 Get the data path. More...
bool_t linphone_factory_is_data_dir_set (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Test if data dir has been set. More...
const char * linphone_factory_get_download_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, void *context)
 Get the download path. More...
bool_t linphone_factory_is_download_dir_set (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Test if download dir has been set. More...
const char * linphone_factory_get_cache_dir (LinphoneFactory *factory, void *context)
 Get the cache path. More...
bool_t linphone_factory_is_cache_dir_set (const LinphoneFactory *factory)
 Test if cache dir has been set. More...
LinphoneMagicSearchlinphone_magic_search_new (LinphoneCore *core)
 Constructs a LinphoneMagicSearch object. More...
LinphoneMagicSearchlinphone_magic_search_ref (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search)
 Increment reference count of LinphoneMagicSearch object. More...
void linphone_magic_search_unref (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search)
 Decrement reference count of LinphoneMagicSearch object. More...
void linphone_magic_search_add_callbacks (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, LinphoneMagicSearchCbs *cbs)
 Add a listener in order to be notified of LinphoneMagicSearch events. More...
void linphone_magic_search_remove_callbacks (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, LinphoneMagicSearchCbs *cbs)
 Remove a listener from a LinphoneMagicSearch. More...
LinphoneMagicSearchCbslinphone_magic_search_get_current_callbacks (const LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search)
 Gets the current LinphoneMagicSearchCbs. More...
void linphone_magic_search_set_min_weight (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, unsigned int weight)
 Set the minimum value used to calculate the weight in search. More...
unsigned int linphone_magic_search_get_min_weight (const LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search)
 Get the minimum value used to calculate the weight in search. More...
void linphone_magic_search_set_max_weight (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, unsigned int weight)
 Set the maximum value used to calculate the weight in search. More...
unsigned int linphone_magic_search_get_max_weight (const LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search)
 Get the maximum value used to calculate the weight in search. More...
const char * linphone_magic_search_get_delimiter (const LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search)
 Get the delimiter used for the search. More...
void linphone_magic_search_set_delimiter (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, const char *delimiter)
 Set the delimiter used to find matched filter word. More...
bool_t linphone_magic_search_get_use_delimiter (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search)
 Returns whether the delimiter is being used for the search. More...
void linphone_magic_search_set_use_delimiter (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, bool_t enable)
 Enable or disable the delimiter in search. More...
unsigned int linphone_magic_search_get_search_limit (const LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search)
 Get the number of maximum search result the search will return. More...
void linphone_magic_search_set_search_limit (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, unsigned int limit)
 Set the number of the maximum SearchResult which will be returned. More...
bool_t linphone_magic_search_get_limited_search (const LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search)
 Return whether or not the search is limited. More...
void linphone_magic_search_set_limited_search (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, bool_t limited)
 Enable or disable the limited search. More...
void linphone_magic_search_reset_search_cache (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search)
 Reset the cache to begin a new search. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_magic_search_get_contacts_list (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, const char *filter, const char *domain, int sourceFlags, LinphoneMagicSearchAggregation aggregation)
 Create a sorted list of SearchResult which match with a filter word, from SipUri in this order : Contact's display name, address username, address domain and phone number. More...
void linphone_magic_search_get_contacts_list_async (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, const char *filter, const char *domain, int sourceFlags, LinphoneMagicSearchAggregation aggregation)
 This is the asynchronous version of linphone_magic_search_get_contacts(). More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_magic_search_get_last_search (const LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search)
MS2_DEPRECATED bctbx_list_t * linphone_magic_search_get_contacts (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, const char *filter, const char *domain, int sourceFlags)
 Create a sorted list of SearchResult which match with a filter word, from SipUri in this order : Contact's display name, address username, address domain and phone number. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_magic_search_get_contacts_async (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, const char *filter, const char *domain, int sourceFlags)
 This is the asynchronous version of linphone_magic_search_get_contacts(). More...
MS2_DEPRECATED bctbx_list_t * linphone_magic_search_get_contact_list_from_filter (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, const char *filter, const char *domain)
 Create a sorted list of SearchResult from SipUri, Contact name, Contact displayname, Contact phone number, which match with a filter word The last item list will be an address formed with "filter" if a proxy config exist During the first search, a cache is created and used for the next search Use linphone_magic_search_reset_search_cache() to begin a new search. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_magic_search_get_contact_list_from_filter_async (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, const char *filter, const char *domain)
 Create a sorted list of SearchResult asynchronous from SipUri, Contact name, Contact displayname, Contact phone number, which match with a filter word The last item list will be an address formed with "filter" if a proxy config exist During the first search, a cache is created and used for the next search Use linphone_magic_search_reset_search_cache() to begin a new search. More...
LinphoneMagicSearchCbslinphone_magic_search_cbs_new (void)
LinphoneMagicSearchCbslinphone_magic_search_cbs_ref (LinphoneMagicSearchCbs *cbs)
 Acquire a reference to the chat message callbacks object. More...
void linphone_magic_search_cbs_unref (LinphoneMagicSearchCbs *cbs)
 Release reference to the chat message callbacks object. More...
void * linphone_magic_search_cbs_get_user_data (const LinphoneMagicSearchCbs *cbs)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the chat message callbacks object. More...
void linphone_magic_search_cbs_set_user_data (LinphoneMagicSearchCbs *cbs, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the chat message callbacks object. More...
LinphoneMagicSearchCbsSearchResultsReceivedCb linphone_magic_search_cbs_get_search_results_received (const LinphoneMagicSearchCbs *cbs)
 Get the received results callback. More...
void linphone_magic_search_cbs_set_search_results_received (LinphoneMagicSearchCbs *cbs, LinphoneMagicSearchCbsSearchResultsReceivedCb cb)
 Set the received results callback. More...
LinphoneMagicSearchCbsLdapHaveMoreResultsCb linphone_magic_search_cbs_get_ldap_have_more_results (const LinphoneMagicSearchCbs *cbs)
 Get the ldap callback on having more results. More...
void linphone_magic_search_cbs_set_ldap_have_more_results (LinphoneMagicSearchCbs *cbs, LinphoneMagicSearchCbsLdapHaveMoreResultsCb cb)
 Set the ldap callback on having more results. More...
LinphoneParticipantlinphone_participant_ref (LinphoneParticipant *participant)
 Increment reference count of LinphoneParticipant object. More...
void linphone_participant_unref (LinphoneParticipant *participant)
 Decrement reference count of LinphoneParticipant object. More...
void * linphone_participant_get_user_data (const LinphoneParticipant *participant)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the conference participant. More...
void linphone_participant_set_user_data (LinphoneParticipant *participant, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the conference participant. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_participant_get_address (const LinphoneParticipant *participant)
 Get the address of a conference participant. More...
bool_t linphone_participant_is_admin (const LinphoneParticipant *participant)
 Tells whether a conference participant is an administrator of the conference. More...
bool_t linphone_participant_is_focus (const LinphoneParticipant *participant)
 Tells whether a conference participant is the focus of the conference. More...
LinphoneChatRoomSecurityLevel linphone_participant_get_security_level (const LinphoneParticipant *participant)
 Get the security level of a participant. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_participant_get_devices (const LinphoneParticipant *participant)
 Gets the list of devices from a chat room's participant. More...
LinphoneParticipantDevicelinphone_participant_find_device_2 (const LinphoneParticipant *participant, const LinphoneCall *call)
 Find a device in the list of devices from a chat room's participant. More...
LinphoneParticipantDevicelinphone_participant_find_device (const LinphoneParticipant *participant, const LinphoneAddress *address)
 Find a device in the list of devices from a chat room's participant. More...
time_t linphone_participant_get_creation_time (const LinphoneParticipant *participant)
 Get the timestamp of the creation of the participant. More...
LinphoneParticipantRole linphone_participant_get_role (const LinphoneParticipant *participant)
 Get the role of the participant within the conference. More...
LinphoneParticipantDevicelinphone_participant_device_ref (LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Increment reference count of LinphoneParticipantDevice object. More...
void linphone_participant_device_unref (LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Decrement reference count of LinphoneParticipantDevice object. More...
void * linphone_participant_device_get_user_data (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the participant's device. More...
void linphone_participant_device_set_user_data (LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the participant's device. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_participant_device_get_address (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Get the address of a participant's device. More...
LinphoneParticipantDeviceState linphone_participant_device_get_state (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Get the state of a participant device. More...
LinphoneChatRoomSecurityLevel linphone_participant_device_get_security_level (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Get the security level of a participant's device. More...
const char * linphone_participant_device_get_name (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Return the name of the device or NULL. More...
bool_t linphone_participant_device_is_in_conference (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Return whether the participant device is in a conference or not. More...
time_t linphone_participant_device_get_time_of_joining (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Get the timestamp the device joined a conference. More...
time_t linphone_participant_device_get_time_of_disconnection (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Get the timestamp the device left a conference. More...
LinphoneParticipantDeviceJoiningMethod linphone_participant_device_get_joining_method (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Get the joining method or it the device is the focus owner. More...
LinphoneParticipantDeviceDisconnectionMethod linphone_participant_device_get_disconnection_method (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Get the disconnection method. More...
const char * linphone_participant_device_get_disconnection_reason (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Get the disconnection reason. More...
LinphoneMediaDirection linphone_participant_device_get_stream_capability (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device, const LinphoneStreamType stream_type)
 Get the stream capability of the device. More...
bool_t linphone_participant_device_get_stream_availability (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device, const LinphoneStreamType stream_type)
 Get the stream availability of the device. More...
uint32_t linphone_participant_device_get_ssrc (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device, const LinphoneStreamType stream_type)
 Get the audio stream SSRC of the device. More...
void linphone_participant_device_add_callbacks (LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device, LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs *cbs)
 Add a listener in order to be notified of LinphoneParticipantDevice events. More...
void linphone_participant_device_remove_callbacks (LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device, LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs *cbs)
 Remove a listener from a LinphoneParticipantDevice. More...
LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbslinphone_participant_device_get_current_callbacks (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Gets the current LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs. More...
void linphone_participant_device_set_native_video_window_id (LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device, void *window_id)
 Set window ID for a device. More...
void * linphone_participant_device_get_native_video_window_id (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Get window ID. More...
void * linphone_participant_device_create_native_video_window_id (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Create a window ID and return it. More...
bool_t linphone_participant_device_get_is_speaking (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Return whether the participant device is speaking or not. More...
bool_t linphone_participant_device_get_is_muted (const LinphoneParticipantDevice *participant_device)
 Return whether the participant device is muted or not. More...
LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentitylinphone_participant_device_identity_new (const LinphoneAddress *address, const char *name)
 Constructs a LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object. More...
LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentitylinphone_participant_device_identity_ref (LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity *device_identity)
 Increment reference count of LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object. More...
void linphone_participant_device_identity_unref (LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity *device_identity)
 Decrement reference count of LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_participant_device_identity_set_capability_descriptor (LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity *device_identity, const char *capability_descriptor)
 Set the capability descriptor (currently +org.linphone.specs value) for this participant device identity. More...
void linphone_participant_device_identity_set_capability_descriptor_2 (LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity *device_identity, const bctbx_list_t *capability_descriptor_list)
 Set the capability descriptor (currently +org.linphone.specs value) for this participant device identity. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED const char * linphone_participant_device_identity_get_capability_descriptor (const LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity *device_identity)
 Get the capability descriptor (currently +org.linphone.specs value) for this participant device identity. More...
const bctbx_list_t * linphone_participant_device_identity_get_capability_descriptor_list (const LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity *device_identity)
 Get the capability descriptor (currently +org.linphone.specs value) for this participant device identity. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_participant_device_identity_get_address (const LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity *deviceIdentity)
 Get the address of the participant device. More...
LinphoneParticipantImdnStatelinphone_participant_imdn_state_ref (LinphoneParticipantImdnState *state)
 Increment reference count of LinphoneParticipantImdnState object. More...
void linphone_participant_imdn_state_unref (LinphoneParticipantImdnState *state)
 Decrement reference count of LinphoneParticipantImdnState object. More...
void * linphone_participant_imdn_state_get_user_data (const LinphoneParticipantImdnState *state)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with a LinphoneParticipantImdnState. More...
void linphone_participant_imdn_state_set_user_data (LinphoneParticipantImdnState *state, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to a LinphoneParticipantImdnState. More...
const LinphoneParticipantlinphone_participant_imdn_state_get_participant (const LinphoneParticipantImdnState *state)
 Get the participant concerned by a LinphoneParticipantImdnState. More...
LinphoneChatMessageState linphone_participant_imdn_state_get_state (const LinphoneParticipantImdnState *state)
 Get the chat message state the participant is in. More...
time_t linphone_participant_imdn_state_get_state_change_time (const LinphoneParticipantImdnState *state)
 Get the timestamp at which a participant has reached the state described by a LinphoneParticipantImdnState. More...
LinphonePushNotificationMessagelinphone_push_notification_message_new (const char *call_id, bool_t is_text, const char *text_content, const char *subject, const char *from_addr, const char *local_addr, const char *peer_addr, bool_t is_icalendar)
 Safely cast a belle_sip_object_t into LinphonePushNotificationMessage.
LinphonePushNotificationMessagelinphone_push_notification_message_ref (LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Take a reference on a LinphonePushNotificationMessage. More...
void linphone_push_notification_message_unref (LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Release a LinphonePushNotificationMessage. More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_message_get_call_id (const LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Gets the call id. More...
bool_t linphone_push_notification_message_is_text (const LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Returns wether it is a text message or not. More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_message_get_text_content (const LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Gets the text content. More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_message_get_subject (const LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Gets the subject. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_push_notification_message_get_from_addr (const LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Gets the from address. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_push_notification_message_get_local_addr (const LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Gets the local address. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_push_notification_message_get_peer_addr (const LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Gets the peer address. More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_message_get_reaction_content (const LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Gets the reaction content. More...
bool_t linphone_push_notification_message_is_icalendar (const LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Tells whether or not this message contains an icalendar by checking it's content type. More...
bool_t linphone_push_notification_message_is_conference_invitation_new (const LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Tells whether or not this message contains a new conference invitation. More...
bool_t linphone_push_notification_message_is_conference_invitation_update (const LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Tells whether or not this message contains a conference invitation update. More...
bool_t linphone_push_notification_message_is_conference_invitation_cancellation (const LinphonePushNotificationMessage *message)
 Tells whether or not this message contains a conference invitation cancellation. More...
LinphonePushNotificationConfiglinphone_push_notification_config_new (void)
 Safely cast a belle_sip_object_t into LinphonePushNotificationMessage.
LinphonePushNotificationConfiglinphone_push_notification_config_clone (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Instantiate a new push notification parameters with values from source. More...
bool_t linphone_push_notification_config_is_equal (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *other_config)
 Checks if two Push Notification Configurations are identical. More...
LinphonePushNotificationConfiglinphone_push_notification_config_ref (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Take a reference on a LinphonePushNotificationConfig. More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_unref (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Release a LinphonePushNotificationConfig. More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_config_get_provider (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Gets the provider for "contact uri parameter". More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_set_provider (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const char *provider)
 Sets the provider for "contact uri parameter". More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_set_remote_push_interval (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const char *remote_push_interval)
 Specifies the interval in seconds between to subsequent remote push notifications when remote push notifications are used to notify a call invite to clients that haven't published any token for VoIP and background push notifications. More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_config_get_team_id (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Gets the team id for "contact uri parameter". More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_set_team_id (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const char *team_id)
 Sets the team id for "contact uri parameter". More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_config_get_msg_str (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Gets the msg_str for "contact uri parameter". More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_set_msg_str (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const char *msg_str)
 Sets the msg_str for "contact uri parameter", specific for remote push notification. More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_config_get_call_str (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Gets the call_str for "contact uri parameter". More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_set_call_str (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const char *call_str)
 Sets the call_str for "contact uri parameter", specific for remote push notification. More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_config_get_group_chat_str (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Gets the groupchat_str for "contact uri parameter". More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_set_group_chat_str (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const char *group_chat_str)
 Sets the group_chat_str for "contact uri parameter", specific for remote push notification. More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_config_get_call_snd (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Gets the call_snd for "contact uri parameter". More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_set_call_snd (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const char *call_snd)
 Sets the call_snd for "contact uri parameter", specific for remote push notification. More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_config_get_msg_snd (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Gets the msg_snd for "contact uri parameter". More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_set_msg_snd (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const char *msg_snd)
 Sets the msg_snd for "contact uri parameter", specific for remote push notification. More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_config_get_bundle_identifier (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Gets the app's bundle identifier for "contact uri parameter". More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_set_bundle_identifier (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const char *bundle_identifier)
 Sets the bundle_identifier for "contact uri parameter". More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_config_get_voip_token (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Gets the voip token for "contact uri parameter". More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_set_voip_token (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const char *voip_token)
 Sets the voip_token for "contact uri parameter", specific for voip push notification. More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_config_get_remote_token (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Gets the remote token for "contact uri parameter". More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_set_remote_token (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const char *remote_token)
 Sets the remote_token for "contact uri parameter", specific for remote push notification. More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_config_get_param (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Gets the param for "contact uri parameter". More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_set_param (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const char *param)
 Sets the param for "contact uri parameter". More...
const char * linphone_push_notification_config_get_prid (const LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg)
 Gets the prid for "contact uri parameter". More...
void linphone_push_notification_config_set_prid (LinphonePushNotificationConfig *push_cfg, const char *prid)
 Sets the prid for "contact uri parameter". More...
LinphoneSearchResultlinphone_search_result_ref (LinphoneSearchResult *search_result)
 Increment reference count of LinphoneSearchResult object. More...
void linphone_search_result_unref (LinphoneSearchResult *search_result)
 Decrement reference count of LinphoneSearchResult object. More...
LinphoneFriendlinphone_search_result_get_friend (const LinphoneSearchResult *search_result)
 Gets the friend of the search result if any. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_search_result_get_address (const LinphoneSearchResult *search_result)
 Gets the address of the search result if any. More...
const char * linphone_search_result_get_phone_number (const LinphoneSearchResult *search_result)
 Gets the phone number of the search result if any. More...
int linphone_search_result_get_capabilities (const LinphoneSearchResult *search_result)
 Returns the capabilities mask of the search result. More...
bool_t linphone_search_result_has_capability (const LinphoneSearchResult *search_result, const LinphoneFriendCapability capability)
 Returns whether or not the search result has the given capability. More...
unsigned int linphone_search_result_get_weight (const LinphoneSearchResult *search_result)
 Gets the weight of the search result. More...
int linphone_search_result_get_source_flags (const LinphoneSearchResult *search_result)
 Gets source flags of the search result. More...

Detailed Description

Miscenalleous: logs, version strings, config storage.

Typedef Documentation

◆ LinphoneContent

typedef struct _LinphoneContent LinphoneContent

This object holds data that can be embedded in a signaling message.

Use linphone_core_create_content() to create it, and then you should set at least it's type and subtype and fill the buffer with your data.

A LinphoneContent can be multipart (contain other contents), have file information (name, path, size), be encrypted, have custom headers, etc...

It is mainly used to send information through a LinphoneChatMessage.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomExhumedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsChatRoomExhumedCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room)

Callback used to notify a chat room has been exhumed.

Internal use only!

coreLinphoneCore object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom object

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationAudioInitCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationAudioInitCb) (LinphoneCore *core)

Function prototype used by linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_audio_init().

coreThe LinphoneCore.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationAudioUninitCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationAudioUninitCb) (LinphoneCore *core)

Function prototype used by linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_audio_uninit().

coreThe LinphoneCore.

◆ LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationResultCb

typedef void(* LinphoneCoreCbsEcCalibrationResultCb) (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneEcCalibratorStatus status, int delay_ms)

Function prototype used by linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_result().

coreThe LinphoneCore.
statusThe LinphoneEcCalibratorStatus of the calibrator.
delay_msThe measured delay if available.

◆ LinphoneErrorInfo

typedef struct _LinphoneErrorInfo LinphoneErrorInfo

Object representing full details about a signaling error or status.

All LinphoneErrorInfo object returned by the liblinphone API are readonly and transcients. For safety they must be used immediately after obtaining them. Any other function call to the liblinphone may change their content or invalidate the pointer.

◆ LinphoneHeaders

typedef struct _LinphoneHeaders LinphoneHeaders

Object representing a chain of protocol headers.

It provides read/write access to the headers of the underlying protocol.

◆ LinphoneImEncryptionEngine

typedef struct _LinphoneImEncryptionEngine LinphoneImEncryptionEngine

◆ LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs

typedef struct _LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs

An object to handle the callbacks for the handling a LinphoneImEncryptionEngine object.

◆ LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsDownloadingFileCb

typedef int(* LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsDownloadingFileCb) (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatMessage *message, size_t offset, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size, uint8_t *decrypted_buffer)

Callback to decrypt downloading file.

engineLinphoneImEncryptionEngine object
messageLinphoneChatMessage object
offsetThe current offset of the upload
bufferEncrypted data buffer
sizeSize of the encrypted data buffer and maximum size of the decrypted data buffer
[out]decrypted_bufferBuffer in which to write the decrypted data which maximum size is size
-1 if nothing to be done, 0 on success or an integer > 0 for error

◆ LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsGenerateFileTransferKeyCb

typedef void(* LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsGenerateFileTransferKeyCb) (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message)

Callback to generate the key used to encrypt the files before uploading them Key can be stored in the LinphoneContent object inside the LinphoneChatMessage using linphone_content_set_key.

engineLinphoneImEncryptionEngine object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom object
messageLinphoneChatMessage object

◆ LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIncomingMessageCb

typedef int(* LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIncomingMessageCb) (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message)

Callback to decrypt incoming LinphoneChatMessage.

engineThe LinphoneImEncryptionEngine object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom object
messageLinphoneChatMessage object
-1 if nothing to be done, 0 on success or an integer > 0 for error

◆ LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIsEncryptionEnabledForFileTransferCb

typedef bool_t(* LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIsEncryptionEnabledForFileTransferCb) (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room)

Callback to know whether or not the engine will encrypt files before uploading them.

engineLinphoneImEncryptionEngine object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom object
TRUE if files will be encrypted, FALSE otherwise

◆ LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsOutgoingMessageCb

typedef int(* LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsOutgoingMessageCb) (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *chat_room, LinphoneChatMessage *message)

Callback to encrypt outgoing LinphoneChatMessage.

engineLinphoneImEncryptionEngine object
chat_roomLinphoneChatRoom object
messageLinphoneChatMessage object
-1 if nothing to be done, 0 on success or an integer > 0 for error

◆ LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsUploadingFileCb

typedef int(* LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsUploadingFileCb) (LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatMessage *message, size_t offset, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t *size, uint8_t *encrypted_buffer)

Callback to encrypt uploading file.

engineLinphoneImEncryptionEngine object
messageLinphoneChatMessage object
offsetThe current offset of the upload
bufferEncrypted data buffer
[in,out]sizeSize of the plain data buffer and the size of the encrypted data buffer once encryption is done
[out]encrypted_bufferBuffer in which to write the encrypted data which maxmimum size is size
-1 if nothing to be done, 0 on success or an integer > 0 for error

◆ LinphoneMagicSearchCbsLdapHaveMoreResultsCb

typedef void(* LinphoneMagicSearchCbsLdapHaveMoreResultsCb) (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search, LinphoneLdap *ldap)

Callback used to notify when LDAP have more results available.

magic_searchLinphoneMagicSearch object
ldapLinphoneLdap object

◆ LinphoneMagicSearchCbsSearchResultsReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneMagicSearchCbsSearchResultsReceivedCb) (LinphoneMagicSearch *magic_search)

Callback used to notify when results are received.

magic_searchLinphoneMagicSearch object

◆ LinphonePushNotificationMessage

typedef struct _LinphonePushNotificationMessage LinphonePushNotificationMessage

Object holding chat message data received by a push notification on iOS platform only.

This object is a subset of LinphoneChatMessage, so only a few methods of it's parent are available, like linphone_push_notification_message_get_text_content() and linphone_push_notification_message_get_subject(), just enough to be able to build a notification to show the user.

◆ LinphoneReason

Enum describing various failure reasons or contextual information for some events.

See also

◆ LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbsResponseCb

typedef void(* LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbsResponseCb) (LinphoneXmlRpcRequest *request)

Callback used to notify the response to an XML-RPC request.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _LinphoneReason

Enum describing various failure reasons or contextual information for some events.

See also

No reason has been set by the core.


No response received from remote.


Authentication failed due to bad credentials or resource forbidden.


The call has been declined.


Destination of the call was not found.


The call was not answered in time (request timeout)


Phone line was busy.


Unsupported content.


Bad event.


Transport error: connection failures, disconnections etc...


Do not disturb reason.


Operation is unauthorized because missing credential.


Operation is rejected due to incompatible or unsupported media parameters.


Operation could not be executed by server or remote client because it didn't have any context for it.


Resource moved permanently.


Resource no longer exists.


Temporarily unavailable.


Address incomplete.


Not implemented.


Bad gateway.


The received request contains a Session-Expires header field with a duration below the minimum timer.


Server timeout.


Unknown reason.


The call has been transferred.


Conditional Request Failed.

◆ _LinphoneToneID

Enum listing frequent telephony tones.


Not a tone.


Busy tone.


Call waiting tone.


Call on hold tone.


Tone played when call is abruptly disconnected (media lost)


When the call end for any reason but lost.


When the call is not answered.

Function Documentation

◆ linphone_buffer_get_content()

const uint8_t* linphone_buffer_get_content ( const LinphoneBuffer buffer)

Get the content of the data buffer.

bufferLinphoneBuffer object.
The content of the data buffer.

◆ linphone_buffer_get_size()

size_t linphone_buffer_get_size ( const LinphoneBuffer buffer)

Get the size of the content of the data buffer.

bufferLinphoneBuffer object.
The size of the content of the data buffer.

◆ linphone_buffer_get_string_content()

const char* linphone_buffer_get_string_content ( const LinphoneBuffer buffer)

Get the string content of the data buffer.

bufferLinphoneBuffer object
The string content of the data buffer.

◆ linphone_buffer_get_user_data()

void* linphone_buffer_get_user_data ( const LinphoneBuffer buffer)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the buffer.

bufferLinphoneBuffer object.
The user pointer associated with the buffer.

◆ linphone_buffer_is_empty()

bool_t linphone_buffer_is_empty ( const LinphoneBuffer buffer)

Tell whether the LinphoneBuffer is empty.

bufferLinphoneBuffer object
A boolean value telling whether the LinphoneBuffer is empty or not.

◆ linphone_buffer_new()

LinphoneBuffer* linphone_buffer_new ( void  )

Create a new empty LinphoneBuffer object.

A new LinphoneBuffer object.

◆ linphone_buffer_new_from_data()

LinphoneBuffer* linphone_buffer_new_from_data ( const uint8_t *  data,
size_t  size 

Create a new LinphoneBuffer object from existing data.

dataThe initial data to store in the LinphoneBuffer.
sizeThe size of the initial data to stroe in the LinphoneBuffer.
A new LinphoneBuffer object.

◆ linphone_buffer_new_from_string()

LinphoneBuffer* linphone_buffer_new_from_string ( const char *  data)

Create a new LinphoneBuffer object from a string.

dataThe initial string content of the LinphoneBuffer.
A new LinphoneBuffer object.

◆ linphone_buffer_ref()

LinphoneBuffer* linphone_buffer_ref ( LinphoneBuffer buffer)

Acquire a reference to the buffer.

bufferLinphoneBuffer object.
The same LinphoneBuffer object.

◆ linphone_buffer_set_content()

void linphone_buffer_set_content ( LinphoneBuffer buffer,
const uint8_t *  content,
size_t  size 

Set the content of the data buffer.

bufferLinphoneBuffer object.
contentThe content of the data buffer.
sizeThe size of the content of the data buffer.

◆ linphone_buffer_set_size()

void linphone_buffer_set_size ( LinphoneBuffer buffer,
size_t  size 

Set the size of the content of the data buffer.

bufferLinphoneBuffer object
sizeThe size of the content of the data buffer.

◆ linphone_buffer_set_string_content()

void linphone_buffer_set_string_content ( LinphoneBuffer buffer,
const char *  content 

Set the string content of the data buffer.

bufferLinphoneBuffer object.
contentThe string content of the data buffer.

◆ linphone_buffer_set_user_data()

void linphone_buffer_set_user_data ( LinphoneBuffer buffer,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the buffer.

bufferLinphoneBuffer object.
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the buffer.

◆ linphone_buffer_unref()

void linphone_buffer_unref ( LinphoneBuffer buffer)

Release reference to the buffer.

bufferLinphoneBuffer object.

◆ linphone_call_stats_get_user_data()

void* linphone_call_stats_get_user_data ( const LinphoneCallStats stats)

Gets the user data in the LinphoneCallStats object.

[in]statsthe LinphoneCallStats
the user data.

◆ linphone_call_stats_ref()

LinphoneCallStats* linphone_call_stats_ref ( LinphoneCallStats stats)

Increment refcount.

statsLinphoneCallStats object
the same LinphoneCallStats object

◆ linphone_call_stats_set_user_data()

void linphone_call_stats_set_user_data ( LinphoneCallStats stats,
void *  data 

Sets the user data in the LinphoneCallStats object.

[in]statsthe LinphoneCallStats object
[in]datathe user data.

◆ linphone_call_stats_unref()

void linphone_call_stats_unref ( LinphoneCallStats stats)

Decrement refcount and possibly free the object.

statsLinphoneCallStats object

◆ linphone_config_clean_entry()

void linphone_config_clean_entry ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key 

Removes entries for key,value in a section.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionthe section for which to clean the key entry
keythe key to clean

◆ linphone_config_clean_section()

void linphone_config_clean_section ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section 

Removes every pair of key,value in a section and remove the section.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionthe section to clean

◆ linphone_config_dump()

char* linphone_config_dump ( const LinphoneConfig config)

Dumps the LinphoneConfig as INI into a buffer.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
The buffer that contains the config dump

◆ linphone_config_dump_as_xml()

char* linphone_config_dump_as_xml ( const LinphoneConfig config)

Dumps the LinphoneConfig as XML into a buffer.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
The buffer that contains the XML dump

◆ linphone_config_for_each_entry()

void linphone_config_for_each_entry ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
void(*)(const char *entry, void *ctx)  callback,
void *  ctx 

Call a function for each entry present in a section configuration.

◆ linphone_config_for_each_section()

void linphone_config_for_each_section ( const LinphoneConfig config,
void(*)(const char *section, void *ctx)  callback,
void *  ctx 

Call a function for each section present in the configuration.

◆ linphone_config_get_bool()

bool_t linphone_config_get_bool ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
bool_t  default_value 

Retrieves a configuration item as a boolean, given its section, key, and default value.

The default boolean value is returned if the config item isn't found.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
default_valueThe default value to return if not found
the found value or default_value if not found.

◆ linphone_config_get_default_float()

float linphone_config_get_default_float ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
float  default_value 

Retrieves a default configuration item as a float, given its section, key, and default value.

The default float value is returned if the config item isn't found.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve the default value
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
default_valueThe default value to return if not found
the found default value or default_value if not found.

◆ linphone_config_get_default_int()

int linphone_config_get_default_int ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
int  default_value 

Retrieves a default configuration item as an integer, given its section, key, and default value.

The default integer value is returned if the config item isn't found.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve the default value
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
default_valueThe default value to return if not found
the found default value or default_value if not found.

◆ linphone_config_get_default_int64()

int64_t linphone_config_get_default_int64 ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
int64_t  default_value 

Retrieves a default configuration item as a 64 bit integer, given its section, key, and default value.

The default integer value is returned if the config item isn't found.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve the default value
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
default_valueThe default value to return if not found
the found default value or default_value if not found.

◆ linphone_config_get_default_string()

const char* linphone_config_get_default_string ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
const char *  default_value 

Retrieves a default configuration item as a string, given its section, key, and default value.

The default value string is returned if the config item isn't found.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve the default value
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
default_valueThe default value to return if not found
the found default value or default_value if not found.

◆ linphone_config_get_factory_filename()

const char* linphone_config_get_factory_filename ( const LinphoneConfig config)

Returns the filename that was used as the factory config.

configthe LinphoneConfig object.
the filename used to as the factory config if any.

◆ linphone_config_get_filename()

const char* linphone_config_get_filename ( const LinphoneConfig config)

Returns the filename used to store the user config.

configthe LinphoneConfig object.
the filename used to store the user config if any.

◆ linphone_config_get_float()

float linphone_config_get_float ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
float  default_value 

Retrieves a configuration item as a float, given its section, key, and default value.

The default float value is returned if the config item isn't found.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
default_valueThe default value to return if not found
the found value or default_value if not found.

◆ linphone_config_get_int()

int linphone_config_get_int ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
int  default_value 

Retrieves a configuration item as an integer, given its section, key, and default value.

The default integer value is returned if the config item isn't found.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
default_valueThe default value to return if not found
the found value or default_value if not found.

◆ linphone_config_get_int64()

int64_t linphone_config_get_int64 ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
int64_t  default_value 

Retrieves a configuration item as a 64 bit integer, given its section, key, and default value.

The default integer value is returned if the config item isn't found.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
default_valueThe default value to return if not found
the found value or default_value if not found.

◆ linphone_config_get_keys_names_list()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_config_get_keys_names_list ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section 

Returns the list of keys' names for a section in the LinphoneConfig.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section name
A list of strings.

◆ linphone_config_get_overwrite_flag_for_entry()

bool_t linphone_config_get_overwrite_flag_for_entry ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key 

Retrieves the overwrite flag for a config item.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve the overwrite flag
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve the overwrite flag from.
TRUE if overwrite flag is set, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_config_get_overwrite_flag_for_section()

bool_t linphone_config_get_overwrite_flag_for_section ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section 

Retrieves the overwrite flag for a config section.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve the overwrite flag
TRUE if overwrite flag is set, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_config_get_range()

bool_t linphone_config_get_range ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
int *  min,
int *  max,
int  default_min,
int  default_max 

Retrieves a configuration item as a range, given its section, key, and default min and max values.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
[out]minThe min value found or default_min
[out]maxThe max value found or default_max
default_minthe default min value to return if not found
default_maxthe default max value to return if not found.
TRUE if the value is successfully parsed as a range, FALSE otherwise. If FALSE is returned, min and max are filled respectively with default_min and default_max values.

◆ linphone_config_get_section_param_string()

const char* linphone_config_get_section_param_string ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
const char *  default_value 

Retrieves a section parameter item as a string, given its section and key.

The default value string is returned if the config item isn't found.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve the default value
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
default_valueThe default value to return if not found.
the found default value or default_value if not found.

◆ linphone_config_get_sections_names()

const char** linphone_config_get_sections_names ( LinphoneConfig config)

Returns the list of sections' names in the LinphoneConfig.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
a null terminated static array of strings
12/10/2017 use linphone_config_get_sections_names_list instead

◆ linphone_config_get_sections_names_list()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_config_get_sections_names_list ( LinphoneConfig config)

Returns the list of sections' names in the LinphoneConfig.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
A list of strings.

◆ linphone_config_get_skip_flag_for_entry()

bool_t linphone_config_get_skip_flag_for_entry ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key 

Retrieves the skip flag for a config item.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve the skip flag
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve the skip flag from
TRUE if skip flag is set, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_config_get_skip_flag_for_section()

bool_t linphone_config_get_skip_flag_for_section ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section 

Retrieves the skip flag for a config section.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve the skip flag
TRUE if skip flag is set, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_config_get_string()

const char* linphone_config_get_string ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
const char *  default_string 

Retrieves a configuration item as a string, given its section, key, and default value.

The default value string is returned if the config item isn't found.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
default_stringThe default value to return if not found.
the found value or the default one if not found.

◆ linphone_config_get_string_list()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_config_get_string_list ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
bctbx_list_t *  default_list 

Retrieves a configuration item as a list of strings, given its section, key, and default value.

The default value is returned if the config item is not found.

configA LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
default_listThe list to return when the key doesn't exist.
A list of strings.

◆ linphone_config_get_temporary_filename()

const char* linphone_config_get_temporary_filename ( const LinphoneConfig config)

Returns the temporary filename used to store the user config.

configthe LinphoneConfig object.
the temporary filename used to store the user config if any.

◆ linphone_config_has_entry()

int linphone_config_has_entry ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key 

Returns if a given section with a given key is present in the configuration.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionto check if the given entry exists
keyto check if it exists
1 if it exists, 0 otherwise

◆ linphone_config_has_section()

int linphone_config_has_section ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section 

Returns if a given section is present in the configuration.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionthe section to check if exists
1 if it exists, 0 otherwise

◆ linphone_config_is_readonly()

bool_t linphone_config_is_readonly ( const LinphoneConfig config)

Indicates whether the LinphoneConfig object is readonly, in other words it has no file backend or file is opened without write permission.

configthe LinphoneConfig object
a boolean.

◆ linphone_config_load_dict_to_section()

void linphone_config_load_dict_to_section ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const LinphoneDictionary dict 

Loads a dictionary into a section of the LinphoneConfig.

If the section doesn't exist it is created. Overwrites existing keys, creates non-existing keys.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section to dump as dictionary
dictthe dictionnary to load into the section LinphoneDictionary can't be wrapped

◆ linphone_config_load_from_xml_file()

const char* linphone_config_load_from_xml_file ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  filename 

Reads a xml config file and fill the LinphoneConfig with the read config dynamic values.

configThe LinphoneConfig object to fill with the content of the file
filenameThe filename of the config file to read to fill the LinphoneConfig

◆ linphone_config_load_from_xml_string()

LinphoneStatus linphone_config_load_from_xml_string ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  buffer 

Reads a xml config string and fill the LinphoneConfig with the read config dynamic values.

configThe LinphoneConfig object to fill with the content of the file
bufferThe string of the config file to fill the LinphoneConfig
0 in case of success

◆ linphone_config_new()

LinphoneConfig* linphone_config_new ( const char *  filename)

Instantiates a LinphoneConfig object from a user config file.

The caller of this constructor owns a reference. linphone_config_unref() must be called when this object is no longer needed.

filenamethe filename of the config file to read to fill the instantiated LinphoneConfig
See also
a LinphoneConfig object

◆ linphone_config_new_for_shared_core()

LinphoneConfig* linphone_config_new_for_shared_core ( const char *  app_group_id,
const char *  config_filename,
const char *  factory_config_filename 

Instantiates a LinphoneConfig object from a user config file name, group id and a factory config file.

The "group id" is the string that identify the "App group" capability of the iOS application. App group gives access to a shared file system where all the configuration files for shared core are stored. Both iOS application and iOS app extension that need shared core must activate the "App group" capability with the SAME "group id" in the project settings. The caller of this constructor owns a reference. linphone_config_unref() must be called when this object is no longer needed.

app_group_idused to compute the path of the config file in the file system shared by the shared Cores
config_filenamethe filename of the user config file to read to fill the instantiated LinphoneConfig
factory_config_filenamethe filename of the factory config file to read to fill the instantiated LinphoneConfig
See also
a LinphoneConfig object

The user config file is read first to fill the LinphoneConfig and then the factory config file is read. Therefore the configuration parameters defined in the user config file will be overwritten by the parameters defined in the factory config file.

◆ linphone_config_new_from_buffer()

LinphoneConfig* linphone_config_new_from_buffer ( const char *  buffer)

Instantiates a LinphoneConfig object from a user provided buffer.

The caller of this constructor owns a reference. linphone_config_unref() must be called when this object is no longer needed.

bufferthe buffer from which the LinphoneConfig will be retrieved. We expect the buffer to be null-terminated.
See also
a LinphoneConfig object

◆ linphone_config_new_with_factory()

LinphoneConfig* linphone_config_new_with_factory ( const char *  config_filename,
const char *  factory_config_filename 

Instantiates a LinphoneConfig object from a user config file and a factory config file.

The caller of this constructor owns a reference. linphone_config_unref() must be called when this object is no longer needed.

config_filenamethe filename of the user config file to read to fill the instantiated LinphoneConfig
factory_config_filenamethe filename of the factory config file to read to fill the instantiated LinphoneConfig
See also
a LinphoneConfig object

The user config file is read first to fill the LinphoneConfig and then the factory config file is read. Therefore the configuration parameters defined in the user config file will be overwritten by the parameters defined in the factory config file.

◆ linphone_config_read_file()

LinphoneStatus linphone_config_read_file ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  filename 

Reads a user config file and fill the LinphoneConfig with the read config values.

configThe LinphoneConfig object to fill with the content of the file
filenameThe filename of the config file to read to fill the LinphoneConfig

◆ linphone_config_read_relative_file()

LinphoneStatus linphone_config_read_relative_file ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  filename,
char *  data,
size_t  max_length 

Read a string from a file placed beside the Linphone configuration file.

configLinphoneConfig instance used as a reference
filenameName of the file where data will be read from. The name is relative to the place of the config file
dataBuffer where read string will be stored
max_lengthLength of the buffer
0 on success, -1 on failure

◆ linphone_config_ref()

LinphoneConfig* linphone_config_ref ( LinphoneConfig config)

increment reference count

configThe LinphoneConfig object
the same LinphoneConfig object

◆ linphone_config_relative_file_exists()

bool_t linphone_config_relative_file_exists ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  filename 

Check if given file name exists relatively to the current location.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
filenameThe file name to check if exists
TRUE if file exists relative to the to the current location

◆ linphone_config_reload()

void linphone_config_reload ( LinphoneConfig config)

Reload the config from the file.

configThe LinphoneConfig object

◆ linphone_config_section_to_dict()

LinphoneDictionary* linphone_config_section_to_dict ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section 

Converts a config section into a dictionary.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section to dump as dictionary
a dictionary with all the keys from a section, or NULL if the section doesn't exist. LinphoneDictionary can't be wrapped

◆ linphone_config_set_bool()

void linphone_config_set_bool ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
bool_t  value 

Sets a boolean config item.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
valuethe value to set

◆ linphone_config_set_float()

void linphone_config_set_float ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
float  value 

Sets a float config item.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
valuethe value to set

◆ linphone_config_set_int()

void linphone_config_set_int ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
int  value 

Sets an integer config item.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
valuethe value to set

◆ linphone_config_set_int64()

void linphone_config_set_int64 ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
int64_t  value 

Sets a 64 bits integer config item.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
valuethe value to set

◆ linphone_config_set_int_hex()

void linphone_config_set_int_hex ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
int  value 

Sets an integer config item, but store it as hexadecimal.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
valuethe value to set

◆ linphone_config_set_overwrite_flag_for_entry()

void linphone_config_set_overwrite_flag_for_entry ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
bool_t  value 

Sets the overwrite flag for a config item (used when dumping config as xml)

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to set the overwrite flag
keyThe name of the configuration item to set the overwrite flag from
valueThe overwrite flag value to set

◆ linphone_config_set_overwrite_flag_for_section()

void linphone_config_set_overwrite_flag_for_section ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
bool_t  value 

Sets the overwrite flag for a config section (used when dumping config as xml)

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to set the overwrite flag
valueThe overwrite flag value to set

◆ linphone_config_set_range()

void linphone_config_set_range ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
int  min_value,
int  max_value 

Sets a range config item.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
min_valuethe min value to set
max_valuethe max value to set

◆ linphone_config_set_skip_flag_for_entry()

void linphone_config_set_skip_flag_for_entry ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
bool_t  value 

Sets the skip flag for a config item (used when dumping config as xml)

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to set the skip flag
keyThe name of the configuration item to set the skip flag from
valueThe skip flag value to set

◆ linphone_config_set_skip_flag_for_section()

void linphone_config_set_skip_flag_for_section ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
bool_t  value 

Sets the skip flag for a config section (used when dumping config as xml)

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to set the skip flag
valueThe skip flag value to set

◆ linphone_config_set_string()

void linphone_config_set_string ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
const char *  value 

Sets a string config item.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe section from which to retrieve a configuration item
keyThe name of the configuration item to retrieve
valueThe value to set

◆ linphone_config_set_string_list()

void linphone_config_set_string_list ( LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
const bctbx_list_t *  value 

Sets a string list config item.

configA LinphoneConfig object
sectionThe name of the section to put the configuration item into
keyThe name of the configuration item to set
valueThe value to set.

◆ linphone_config_sync()

LinphoneStatus linphone_config_sync ( LinphoneConfig config)

Writes the config file to disk.

configThe LinphoneConfig object
0 if successful, -1 otherwise

◆ linphone_config_unref()

void linphone_config_unref ( LinphoneConfig config)

Decrement reference count, which will eventually free the object.

configThe LinphoneConfig object

◆ linphone_config_write_relative_file()

void linphone_config_write_relative_file ( const LinphoneConfig config,
const char *  filename,
const char *  data 

Write a string in a file placed relatively with the Linphone configuration file.

configLinphoneConfig instance used as a reference
filenameName of the file where to write data. The name is relative to the place of the config file
dataString to write

◆ linphone_configuring_state_to_string()

const char* linphone_configuring_state_to_string ( LinphoneConfiguringState  state)

Converts a LinphoneConfiguringState enum to a string.

stateLinphoneConfiguringState the value for which we want a string representation
a string representation of the LinphoneConfiguringState

◆ linphone_content_add_content_type_parameter()

void linphone_content_add_content_type_parameter ( LinphoneContent content,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Adds a parameter to the ContentType header.

contentLinphoneContent object.
namethe name of the parameter to add.
valuethe value of the parameter to add.

◆ linphone_content_add_custom_header()

void linphone_content_add_custom_header ( LinphoneContent content,
const char *  header_name,
const char *  header_value 

Adds a custom header in a content.

contentLinphoneContent object.
header_nameThe name of the header to add.
header_valueThe value of the header to add.

◆ linphone_content_export_plain_file()

char* linphone_content_export_plain_file ( const LinphoneContent content)

Generates a temporary plain copy of the file and returns its paths The caller is responsible to then delete this temporary copy and the returned string.

[in]contentLinphoneContent object.
The file path set for this content if it has been set, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_content_find_part_by_header()

LinphoneContent* linphone_content_find_part_by_header ( const LinphoneContent content,
const char *  header_name,
const char *  header_value 

Find a part from a multipart content looking for a part header with a specified value.

contentLinphoneContent object.
header_nameThe name of the header to look for.
header_valueThe value of the header to look for.
A LinphoneContent object object the part if found, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_content_get_buffer()

const uint8_t* linphone_content_get_buffer ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get the content data buffer, usually a string.

contentLinphoneContent object.
The content data buffer.

◆ linphone_content_get_custom_header()

const char* linphone_content_get_custom_header ( const LinphoneContent content,
const char *  header_name 

Get a custom header value of a content.

contentLinphoneContent object.
header_nameThe name of the header to get the value from.
The value of the header if found, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_content_get_disposition()

const char* linphone_content_get_disposition ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get the disposition of the Content, for example "recipient-list".

contentLinphoneContent object.
The disposition of the Content.

◆ linphone_content_get_encoding()

const char* linphone_content_get_encoding ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get the encoding of the data buffer, for example "gzip".

contentLinphoneContent object.
The encoding of the data buffer.

◆ linphone_content_get_file_duration()

int linphone_content_get_file_duration ( LinphoneContent content)

Gets the file duration in seconds, if information is available.

contentLinphoneContent object.
Theduration of the file in seconds or -1 if information isn't available.

◆ linphone_content_get_file_path()

const char* linphone_content_get_file_path ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get the file transfer filepath set for this content (replace linphone_chat_message_get_file_transfer_filepath).

contentLinphoneContent object.
The file path set for this content if it has been set, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_content_get_file_size()

size_t linphone_content_get_file_size ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get the file size if content is either a FileContent or a FileTransferContent.

contentLinphoneContent object.
The represented file size.

◆ linphone_content_get_key()

const char* linphone_content_get_key ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get the key associated with a RCS file transfer message if encrypted.

contentLinphoneContent object.
The key to encrypt/decrypt the file associated to this content.

◆ linphone_content_get_key_size()

size_t linphone_content_get_key_size ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get the size of key associated with a RCS file transfer message if encrypted.

contentLinphoneContent object.
The key size in bytes

◆ linphone_content_get_name()

const char* linphone_content_get_name ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get the name associated with a RCS file transfer message.

It is used to store the original filename of the file to be downloaded from server.

contentLinphoneContent object.
The name of the content.

◆ linphone_content_get_part()

LinphoneContent* linphone_content_get_part ( const LinphoneContent content,
int  index 

Get a part from a multipart content according to its index.

contentLinphoneContent object.
indexThe index of the part to get.
A LinphoneContent object holding the part if found, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_content_get_parts()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_content_get_parts ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get all the parts from a multipart content.

contentLinphoneContent object.
A object holding the part if found, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_content_get_plain_file_path()

MS2_DEPRECATED char* linphone_content_get_plain_file_path ( const LinphoneContent content)

Generates a temporary plain copy of the file and returns its paths The caller is responsible to then delete this temporary copy and the returned string.

[in]contentLinphoneContent object.
The file path set for this content if it has been set, NULL otherwise.
2022-01-07. Use linphone_content_export_plain_file() instead.

◆ linphone_content_get_size()

size_t linphone_content_get_size ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get the content data buffer size, excluding null character despite null character is always set for convenience.

contentLinphoneContent object.
The content data buffer size.

◆ linphone_content_get_string_buffer()

MS2_DEPRECATED const char* linphone_content_get_string_buffer ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get the string content data buffer.

contentLinphoneContent object
The string content data buffer.
2020-07-01. Use linphone_content_get_utf8_text() instead.

◆ linphone_content_get_subtype()

const char* linphone_content_get_subtype ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get the mime subtype of the content data.

contentLinphoneContent object.
The mime subtype of the content data, for example "html".

◆ linphone_content_get_type()

const char* linphone_content_get_type ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get the mime type of the content data.

contentLinphoneContent object.
The mime type of the content data, for example "application".

◆ linphone_content_get_user_data()

void* linphone_content_get_user_data ( const LinphoneContent content)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the content.

contentLinphoneContent object.
The user pointer associated with the content.

◆ linphone_content_get_utf8_text()

const char* linphone_content_get_utf8_text ( const LinphoneContent content)

Get the string content data buffer.

Introduced in 01/07/2020

contentLinphoneContent object.
The string content data buffer in UTF8.

◆ linphone_content_is_file()

bool_t linphone_content_is_file ( const LinphoneContent content)

Tells whether or not this content contains a file.

contentLinphoneContent object.
TRUE if this content contains a file, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_content_is_file_encrypted()

bool_t linphone_content_is_file_encrypted ( const LinphoneContent content)

Tells whether or not this content contains an encrypted file.

True is this content contains a file and this file is encrypted, false otherwise.

◆ linphone_content_is_file_transfer()

bool_t linphone_content_is_file_transfer ( const LinphoneContent content)

Tells whether or not this content is a file transfer.

contentLinphoneContent object.
TRUE if this content is a file transfer, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_content_is_icalendar()

bool_t linphone_content_is_icalendar ( const LinphoneContent content)

Tells whether or not this content contains an icalendar by checking it's content type.

contentLinphoneContent object.
TRUE if this content type is 'text/calendar;conference-event=yes', FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_content_is_multipart()

bool_t linphone_content_is_multipart ( const LinphoneContent content)

Tell whether a content is a multipart content.

contentLinphoneContent object.
A boolean value telling whether the content is multipart or not.

◆ linphone_content_is_text()

bool_t linphone_content_is_text ( const LinphoneContent content)

Tells whether or not this content contains text.

contentLinphoneContent object.
TRUE if this content contains plain text, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_content_is_voice_recording()

bool_t linphone_content_is_voice_recording ( const LinphoneContent content)

Tells whether or not this content contains a voice recording by checking it's content type.

contentLinphoneContent object.
TRUE if this content type is 'audio/wav;voice-recording=yes', FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_content_ref()

LinphoneContent* linphone_content_ref ( LinphoneContent content)

Acquire a reference to the content.

contentLinphoneContent object.
The same LinphoneContent object.

◆ linphone_content_set_buffer()

void linphone_content_set_buffer ( LinphoneContent content,
const uint8_t *  buffer,
size_t  size 

Set the content data buffer, usually a string.

contentLinphoneContent object.
bufferThe content data buffer.
sizeThe size of the content data buffer.

◆ linphone_content_set_disposition()

void linphone_content_set_disposition ( LinphoneContent content,
const char *  disposition 

Set the disposition of the Content, for example "recipient-list".

contentLinphoneContent object.
dispositionThe disposition of the Content.

◆ linphone_content_set_encoding()

void linphone_content_set_encoding ( LinphoneContent content,
const char *  encoding 

Set the encoding of the data buffer, for example "gzip".

contentLinphoneContent object.
encodingThe encoding of the data buffer.

◆ linphone_content_set_file_path()

void linphone_content_set_file_path ( LinphoneContent content,
const char *  file_path 

Set the file transfer filepath for this content (replace linphone_chat_message_set_file_transfer_filepath).

contentLinphoneContent object.
file_paththe file transfer filepath.

◆ linphone_content_set_key()

void linphone_content_set_key ( LinphoneContent content,
const char *  key,
const size_t  key_length 

Set the key associated with a RCS file transfer message if encrypted.

contentLinphoneContent object.
keyThe key to be used to encrypt/decrypt file associated to this content.
key_lengthThe lengh of the key.

◆ linphone_content_set_name()

void linphone_content_set_name ( LinphoneContent content,
const char *  name 

Set the name associated with a RCS file transfer message.

It is used to store the original filename of the file to be downloaded from server.

contentLinphoneContent object.
nameThe name of the content.

◆ linphone_content_set_size()

void linphone_content_set_size ( LinphoneContent content,
size_t  size 

Set the content data size, excluding null character despite null character is always set for convenience.

contentLinphoneContent object
sizeThe content data buffer size.

◆ linphone_content_set_string_buffer()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_content_set_string_buffer ( LinphoneContent content,
const char *  buffer 

Set the string content data buffer.

contentLinphoneContent object.
bufferThe string content data buffer in UTF8.
2020-07-01. Use linphone_content_set_utf8_text() instead.

◆ linphone_content_set_subtype()

void linphone_content_set_subtype ( LinphoneContent content,
const char *  subtype 

Set the mime subtype of the content data.

contentLinphoneContent object.
subtypeThe mime subtype of the content data, for example "html".

◆ linphone_content_set_type()

void linphone_content_set_type ( LinphoneContent content,
const char *  type 

Set the mime type of the content data.

contentLinphoneContent object.
typeThe mime type of the content data, for example "application".

◆ linphone_content_set_user_data()

void linphone_content_set_user_data ( LinphoneContent content,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the content.

contentLinphoneContent object.
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the content.

◆ linphone_content_set_utf8_text()

void linphone_content_set_utf8_text ( LinphoneContent content,
const char *  buffer 

Get the string content data buffer.

Introduced in 01/07/2020

contentLinphoneContent object.
bufferThe string content data buffer in UTF8.

◆ linphone_content_unref()

void linphone_content_unref ( LinphoneContent content)

Release reference to the content.

contentLinphoneContent object.

◆ linphone_core_auto_iterate_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_auto_iterate_enabled ( const LinphoneCore core)

Gets whether auto iterate is enabled or not (Android & iOS only).

coreThe LinphoneCore
TRUE if linphone_core_iterate() is scheduled automatically, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_core_check_for_update()

void linphone_core_check_for_update ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  current_version 

Checks if a new version of the application is available.

coreLinphoneCore object
current_versionThe current version of the application

◆ linphone_core_create_config()

LinphoneConfig* linphone_core_create_config ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  filename 

Create a LinphoneConfig object from a user config file.

coreLinphoneCore object
filenameThe filename of the config file to read to fill the instantiated LinphoneConfig
a LinphoneConfig object.

◆ linphone_core_create_content()

LinphoneContent* linphone_core_create_content ( LinphoneCore core)

Create a content with default values from Linphone core.

coreLinphoneCore object
LinphoneContent object with default values set

◆ linphone_core_create_info_message()

LinphoneInfoMessage* linphone_core_create_info_message ( LinphoneCore core)

Creates an empty info message.

corethe LinphoneCore
a new LinphoneInfoMessage.

The info message can later be filled with information using linphone_info_message_add_header() or linphone_info_message_set_content(), and finally sent with linphone_core_send_info_message().

◆ linphone_core_create_local_player()

LinphonePlayer* linphone_core_create_local_player ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  sound_card_name,
const char *  video_display_name,
void *  window_id 

Create an independent media file player.

This player support WAVE and MATROSKA formats.

coreA LinphoneCore object
sound_card_namePlayback sound card. If NULL, the ringer sound card set in LinphoneCore will be used
video_display_nameVideo display. If NULL, the video display set in LinphoneCore will be used
window_idId of the drawing window. Depend of video out
A pointer on the new instance. NULL if failed.

◆ linphone_core_create_lp_config()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneConfig* linphone_core_create_lp_config ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  filename 

Create a LpConfig object from a user config file.

coreLinphoneCore object
filenameThe filename of the config file to read to fill the instantiated LpConfig
12/01/2017 Use linphone_core_create_config() instead.

◆ linphone_core_create_magic_search()

LinphoneMagicSearch* linphone_core_create_magic_search ( LinphoneCore core)

Create a LinphoneMagicSearch object.

coreLinphoneCore object
The created LinphoneMagicSearch object

◆ linphone_core_create_recorder()

LinphoneRecorder* linphone_core_create_recorder ( LinphoneCore lc,
LinphoneRecorderParams params 

Create a media file recorder.

This recorder support WAVE and MATROSKA formats.

lcA LinphoneCore object.
paramsThe LinphoneRecorderParams that will contains all recorder parameters.
A pointer on the new instance. NULL if failed.

◆ linphone_core_create_recorder_params()

LinphoneRecorderParams* linphone_core_create_recorder_params ( const LinphoneCore lc)

Create a recorder params that will hold parameters.

This recorder support WAVE and MATROSKA formats.

lcA LinphoneCore object
A pointer on the newly created instance.

◆ linphone_core_create_xml_rpc_session()

LinphoneXmlRpcSession* linphone_core_create_xml_rpc_session ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  url 

Create a LinphoneXmlRpcSession for a given url.

coreThe LinphoneCore used for the XML-RPC communication
urlThe URL to the XML-RPC server. Must be NON NULL.
The new LinphoneXmlRpcSession object.

◆ linphone_core_did_register_for_remote_push()

void linphone_core_did_register_for_remote_push ( LinphoneCore core,
void *  device_token 

Sets device_token when application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken (IOS only).

coreThe LinphoneCore
device_token,format(NSData *).

◆ linphone_core_did_register_for_remote_push_with_stringified_token()

void linphone_core_did_register_for_remote_push_with_stringified_token ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  device_token_str 

Sets device_token when application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken (IOS only).

coreThe LinphoneCore
device_token_str,stringextracted from the Data objectf received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken ios function. Append ":remote" after data formating..

◆ linphone_core_enable_auto_iterate()

void linphone_core_enable_auto_iterate ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enable 

Enable or disable the automatic schedule of linphone_core_iterate() method on Android & iOS.

If enabled, linphone_core_iterate() will be called on the main thread every 20ms automatically. If disabled, it is the application that must do this job.

coreThe LinphoneCore
enableTRUE to enable auto iterate, FALSE to disable

◆ linphone_core_enable_lime_x3dh()

void linphone_core_enable_lime_x3dh ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enable 

Tells to LinphoneCore to use LIME X3DH.

coreLinphoneCore object
enableA boolean value telling whether to enable or disable LIME X3DH

◆ linphone_core_enable_push_notification()

void linphone_core_enable_push_notification ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enable 

Enable or disable push notifications on Android & iOS.

If enabled, it will try to get the push token add configure each account with push_notification_allowed set to true with push parameters. IOS: will also instanciate a PushRegistry, so make sure that your app does not instanciate one too or there will be a conflict.

coreThe LinphoneCore
enableTRUE to enable push notifications, FALSE to disable

◆ linphone_core_enable_vibration_on_incoming_call()

void linphone_core_enable_vibration_on_incoming_call ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enable 

Enable vibration will incoming call is ringing (Android only).

coreThe LinphoneCore

◆ linphone_core_ensure_registered()

void linphone_core_ensure_registered ( LinphoneCore core)

Call this method when you receive a push notification (if you handle push notifications manually).

It will ensure the proxy configs are correctly registered to the proxy server, so the call or the message will be correctly delivered.

coreThe LinphoneCore
09/03/2022 See linphone_core_process_push_notification() instead.

◆ linphone_core_enter_background()

void linphone_core_enter_background ( LinphoneCore core)

This method is called by the application to notify the linphone core library when it enters background mode.

corethe LinphoneCore

◆ linphone_core_enter_foreground()

void linphone_core_enter_foreground ( LinphoneCore core)

This method is called by the application to notify the linphone core library when it enters foreground mode.

corethe LinphoneCore

◆ linphone_core_get_auto_iterate_background_schedule()

int linphone_core_get_auto_iterate_background_schedule ( const LinphoneCore core)

Gets the timer used to schedule the call to core.iterate() method when in background (Android only).

This is only used when linphone_core_auto_iterate_enabled() returns TRUE.

coreThe LinphoneCore
The timing in milliseconds used to schedule the call while in background (default is 500ms).

◆ linphone_core_get_auto_iterate_foreground_schedule()

int linphone_core_get_auto_iterate_foreground_schedule ( const LinphoneCore core)

Gets the timer used to schedule the call to core.iterate() method when in foreground (Android only).

This is only used when linphone_core_auto_iterate_enabled() returns TRUE.

coreThe LinphoneCore
The timing in milliseconds used to schedule the call while in foreground (default is 20ms).

◆ linphone_core_get_config()

LinphoneConfig* linphone_core_get_config ( const LinphoneCore core)

Returns the config object used to manage the storage (config) file.

coreLinphoneCore object The application can use the LinphoneConfig object to insert its own private sections and pairs of key=value in the configuration file.
a LinphoneConfig object.

◆ linphone_core_get_file_transfer_server()

const char* linphone_core_get_file_transfer_server ( LinphoneCore core)

Get the globaly set http file transfer server to be used for content type application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml.

Url may be like: "".

coreLinphoneCore from which to get the server_url
URL of the file server.

◆ linphone_core_get_global_state()

LinphoneGlobalState linphone_core_get_global_state ( const LinphoneCore core)

Returns the global state of core.

coreLinphoneCore object
a LinphoneGlobalState enum.

◆ linphone_core_get_lime_x3dh_server_url()

MS2_DEPRECATED const char* linphone_core_get_lime_x3dh_server_url ( LinphoneCore core)

Get the x3dh server url.

coreLinphoneCore object
The x3dh server url.
26/08/2022 Use linphone_account_params_get_lime_server_url() instead.

◆ linphone_core_get_new_chat_room_from_conf_addr()

LinphoneChatRoom* linphone_core_get_new_chat_room_from_conf_addr ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  chat_room_addr 

Get the chat room we have been added into using the chat_room_addr included in the push notification body This will start the core given in parameter, iterate until the new chat room is received and return it.

By default, after 25 seconds the function returns because iOS kills the app extension after 30 seconds.

coreThe LinphoneCore
chat_room_addrThe sip address of the chat room
The LinphoneChatRoom object.

◆ linphone_core_get_new_message_from_callid()

LinphonePushNotificationMessage* linphone_core_get_new_message_from_callid ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  call_id 

Get the chat message with the call_id included in the push notification body This will start the core given in parameter, iterate until the message is received and return it.

By default, after 25 seconds the function returns because iOS kills the app extension after 30 seconds.

coreThe LinphoneCore
call_idThe callId of the Message SIP transaction
The LinphoneChatMessage object.

◆ linphone_core_get_unread_chat_message_count()

int linphone_core_get_unread_chat_message_count ( const LinphoneCore core)

Return the global unread chat message count.

coreLinphoneCore object.
The global unread chat message count.

◆ linphone_core_get_unread_chat_message_count_from_active_locals()

int linphone_core_get_unread_chat_message_count_from_active_locals ( const LinphoneCore core)

Return the unread chat message count for all active local address.

(Primary contact + proxy configs.)

coreLinphoneCore object.
The unread chat message count.

◆ linphone_core_get_unread_chat_message_count_from_local()

int linphone_core_get_unread_chat_message_count_from_local ( const LinphoneCore core,
const LinphoneAddress address 

Return the unread chat message count for a given local address.

coreLinphoneCore object.
addressLinphoneAddress object.
The unread chat message count.

◆ linphone_core_has_builtin_echo_canceller()

bool_t linphone_core_has_builtin_echo_canceller ( LinphoneCore core)

Check whether the device has a hardware echo canceller.

coreThe LinphoneCore object.
TRUE if it does, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_core_has_crappy_opengl()

bool_t linphone_core_has_crappy_opengl ( LinphoneCore core)

Check whether the device is flagged has crappy opengl.

coreThe LinphoneCore object.
TRUE if crappy opengl flag is set, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_core_interpret_url()

LinphoneAddress* linphone_core_interpret_url ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  url 

Constructs a LinphoneAddress from the given string if possible.

In case of just a username, characters will be unescaped. If a phone number is detected, it will be flattened. sip: or sips: prefix will be added if not present. Finally, will be added if not present using default proxy config.

See also
linphone_proxy_config_normalize_sip_uri() for documentation.
coreThe core
urlthe url to parse
the LinphoneAddress matching the url or NULL in case of failure.
on 18/07/2022, use linphone_core_interpret_url_2() instead.

◆ linphone_core_interpret_url_2()

LinphoneAddress* linphone_core_interpret_url_2 ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  url,
bool_t  apply_international_prefix 

Constructs a LinphoneAddress from the given string if possible.

In case of just a username, characters will be unescaped. If a phone number is detected, it will be flattened. sip: or sips: prefix will be added if not present. Finally, will be added if not present using default proxy config.

See also
linphone_proxy_config_normalize_sip_uri() for documentation.
coreThe core
urlthe url to parse
apply_international_prefixwhether or not to try to format url as phone number using default account prefix if it set (and if url is a number).
the LinphoneAddress matching the url or NULL in case of failure.

◆ linphone_core_is_auto_iterate_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_is_auto_iterate_enabled ( const LinphoneCore core)

Gets whether auto iterate is enabled or not (Android & iOS only).

coreThe LinphoneCore
TRUE if linphone_core_iterate() is scheduled automatically, FALSE otherwise
16/12/2021 Use linphone_core_auto_iterate_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_core_is_echo_canceller_calibration_required()

bool_t linphone_core_is_echo_canceller_calibration_required ( LinphoneCore core)

Check whether the device is echo canceller calibration is required.

coreThe LinphoneCore object.
TRUE if it is required, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_core_is_push_notification_available()

bool_t linphone_core_is_push_notification_available ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets whether push notifications are available or not (Android & iOS only).

coreThe LinphoneCore
TRUE if push notifications are available, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_core_is_push_notification_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_is_push_notification_enabled ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets whether push notifications are enabled or not (Android & iOS only).

If not, the app will have to handle all the push-related settings for each accounts

coreThe LinphoneCore
TRUE if push notifications are enabled, FALSE otherwise
16/12/2021 Use linphone_core_push_notification_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_core_is_vibration_on_incoming_call_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_is_vibration_on_incoming_call_enabled ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets whether the device will vibrate while an incoming call is ringing (Android only).

coreThe LinphoneCore
TRUE if the device will vibrate (if possible), FALSE otherwise
16/12/2021 Use linphone_core_vibration_on_incoming_call_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_core_ldap_available()

bool_t linphone_core_ldap_available ( LinphoneCore core)

Tells if LDAP is available.

coreLinphoneCore object
TRUE if LDAP is available, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_core_lime_x3dh_available()

bool_t linphone_core_lime_x3dh_available ( const LinphoneCore core)

Tells if LIME X3DH is available.

coreLinphoneCore object

◆ linphone_core_lime_x3dh_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_lime_x3dh_enabled ( const LinphoneCore core)

Tells wether LIME X3DH is enabled or not.

coreLinphoneCore object
The current lime state

◆ linphone_core_load_config_from_xml()

void linphone_core_load_config_from_xml ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  xml_uri 

Update current config with the content of a xml config file.

coreThe LinphoneCore to update
xml_urithe path to the xml file

◆ linphone_core_play_local()

LinphoneStatus linphone_core_play_local ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  audiofile 

Plays an audio file to the local user.

This function works at any time, during calls, or when no calls are running. It doesn't request the underlying audio system to support multiple playback streams.

coreLinphoneCore object
audiofileThe path to an audio file in wav PCM 16 bit format
0 on success, -1 on error

◆ linphone_core_process_push_notification()

void linphone_core_process_push_notification ( LinphoneCore lc,
const char *  call_id 

Call this method when you receive a push notification (if you handle push notifications manually).

It will ensure the proxy configs are correctly registered to the proxy server, so the call or the message will be correctly delivered.

coreThe LinphoneCore
call_idthe Call-ID of the MESSAGE or INVITE for which the push was received and to wait for.

◆ linphone_core_push_notification_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_push_notification_enabled ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets whether push notifications are enabled or not (Android & iOS only).

If not, the app will have to handle all the push-related settings for each accounts

coreThe LinphoneCore
TRUE if push notifications are enabled, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_core_push_notification_received()

void linphone_core_push_notification_received ( LinphoneCore lc,
const char *  payload,
const char *  call_id 

This method is called by Android & iOS platform helpers to notify the Core of a received push notification.

It will simply call Core->pushNotificationReceived() like linphone_core_process_push_notification().

coreThe LinphoneCore
payloadthe payload of the push notification if any.
call_idthe Call-ID of the MESSAGE or INVITE for which the push was received and to wait for.

◆ linphone_core_push_notification_received_2()

void linphone_core_push_notification_received_2 ( LinphoneCore lc,
const char *  payload,
const char *  call_id,
bool_t  is_core_starting 

This method is called by Android & iOS platform helpers to notify the Core of a received push notification.

It will simply call Core->pushNotificationReceived() like linphone_core_process_push_notification().

coreThe LinphoneCore
payloadthe payload of the push notification if any.
call_idthe Call-ID of the MESSAGE or INVITE for which the push was received and to wait for.
is_core_startingif TRUE the Core will skill network tasks we usually do when a push is received to ensure the sockets are alive.

◆ linphone_core_set_auto_iterate_background_schedule()

void linphone_core_set_auto_iterate_background_schedule ( LinphoneCore core,
int  schedule 

Sets the timer used to schedule the call to core.iterate() method when in background (Android only).

coreThe LinphoneCore
scheduleThe timing in milliseconds used to schedule the call while in background.

◆ linphone_core_set_auto_iterate_enabled()

void linphone_core_set_auto_iterate_enabled ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enable 

Enable or disable the automatic schedule of linphone_core_iterate() method on Android & iOS.

If enabled, linphone_core_iterate() will be called on the main thread every 20ms automatically. If disabled, it is the application that must do this job.

coreThe LinphoneCore
enableTRUE to enable auto iterate, FALSE to disable
16/12/2021 Use linphone_core_enable_auto_iterate() instead.

◆ linphone_core_set_auto_iterate_foreground_schedule()

void linphone_core_set_auto_iterate_foreground_schedule ( LinphoneCore core,
int  schedule 

Sets the timer used to schedule the call to core.iterate() method when in foreground (Android only).

coreThe LinphoneCore
scheduleThe timing in milliseconds used to schedule the call while in foreground.

◆ linphone_core_set_file_transfer_server()

void linphone_core_set_file_transfer_server ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  server_url 

Globaly set an http file transfer server to be used for content type application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml.

Url may be like: "". This value can also be set for a dedicated account using linphone_proxy_config_set_file_transfer_server().

coreLinphoneCore to be modified
server_urlURL of the file server.

◆ linphone_core_set_lime_x3dh_server_url()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_core_set_lime_x3dh_server_url ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  url 

Set the x3dh server url.

If empty, this function will disable LIME X3DH from core. Otherwise, or if different from the existing value, this will (re-)initialize the LIME X3DH engine.

coreLinphoneCore object
urlThe x3dh server url.
26/08/2022 Use linphone_account_params_set_lime_server_url() instead.

◆ linphone_core_set_push_notification_enabled()

void linphone_core_set_push_notification_enabled ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enable 

Enable or disable push notifications on Android & iOS.

If enabled, it will try to get the push token add configure each account with push_notification_allowed set to true with push parameters. IOS: will also instanciate a PushRegistry, so make sure that your app does not instanciate one too or there will be a conflict.

coreThe LinphoneCore
enableTRUE to enable push notifications, FALSE to disable
16/12/2021 Use linphone_core_enable_push_notification() instead.

◆ linphone_core_set_user_agent()

void linphone_core_set_user_agent ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  name,
const char *  version 

Set the user agent string used in SIP messages.

Set the user agent string used in SIP messages as "[ua_name]/[version]". No slash character will be printed if NULL is given to "version". If NULL is given to "ua_name" and "version" both, the User-agent header will be empty.

This function should be called just after linphone_factory_create_core() ideally.

coreThe core.
nameName of the user agent.
versionVersion of the user agent.

◆ linphone_core_set_vibration_on_incoming_call_enabled()

void linphone_core_set_vibration_on_incoming_call_enabled ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enable 

Enable vibration will incoming call is ringing (Android only).

coreThe LinphoneCore
16/12/2021 Use linphone_core_enable_vibration_on_incoming_call() instead.

◆ linphone_core_start_echo_calibration()

MS2_DEPRECATED int linphone_core_start_echo_calibration ( LinphoneCore lc,
LinphoneEcCalibrationCallback  cb,
LinphoneEcCalibrationAudioInit  audio_init_cb,
LinphoneEcCalibrationAudioUninit  audio_uninit_cb,
void *  cb_data 

Starts an echo calibration of the sound devices, in order to find adequate settings for the echo canceler automatically.


16/10/2017 Use linphone_core_start_echo_canceller_calibration() instead. To set the callbacks create or get an already instantiated LinphoneCoreCbs and call linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_result(), linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_calibration_audio_init() and #linphone_core_cbs_set_ec_callibration_audio_uninit(). Deprecated since 2017-10-16.

◆ linphone_core_start_echo_canceller_calibration()

LinphoneStatus linphone_core_start_echo_canceller_calibration ( LinphoneCore core)

Starts an echo calibration of the sound devices, in order to find adequate settings for the echo canceler automatically.

coreLinphoneCore object.
LinphoneStatus whether calibration has started or not.

◆ linphone_core_start_echo_tester()

LinphoneStatus linphone_core_start_echo_tester ( LinphoneCore core,
unsigned int  rate 

Start the simulation of call to test the latency with an external device.

coreThe LinphoneCore object.
rateSound sample rate.
-1 in case of failure, 1 otherwise.

◆ linphone_core_stop_echo_tester()

LinphoneStatus linphone_core_stop_echo_tester ( LinphoneCore core)

Stop the simulation of call.

coreThe LinphoneCore object.

◆ linphone_core_take_preview_snapshot()

LinphoneStatus linphone_core_take_preview_snapshot ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  file 

Take a photo of currently from capture device and write it into a jpeg file.

Note that the snapshot is asynchronous, an application shall not assume that the file is created when the function returns.

corethe linphone core
filea path where to write the jpeg content.
0 if successful, -1 otherwise (typically if jpeg format is not supported).

◆ linphone_core_vcard_supported()

bool_t linphone_core_vcard_supported ( void  )

Tells whether VCARD support is builtin.

TRUE if VCARD is supported, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_core_vibration_on_incoming_call_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_vibration_on_incoming_call_enabled ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets whether the device will vibrate while an incoming call is ringing (Android only).

coreThe LinphoneCore
TRUE if the device will vibrate (if possible), FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_core_video_supported()

bool_t linphone_core_video_supported ( LinphoneCore core)

Test if video is supported.

corethe LinphoneCore
TRUE if the library was built with video support, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_dial_plan_by_ccc()

const LinphoneDialPlan* linphone_dial_plan_by_ccc ( const char *  ccc)

Find best match for given CCC.

cccThe country calling code
the matching dial plan, or a generic one if none found

◆ linphone_dial_plan_by_ccc_as_int()

const LinphoneDialPlan* linphone_dial_plan_by_ccc_as_int ( int  ccc)

Find best match for given CCC.

cccthe country calling code
the matching dial plan, or a generic one if none found

◆ linphone_dial_plan_get_all()

MS2_DEPRECATED const LinphoneDialPlan* linphone_dial_plan_get_all ( void  )

Return NULL-terminated array of all known dial plans.

16/10/2017 use linphone_dial_plan_get_all_list instead, this method will always return NULL

◆ linphone_dial_plan_get_all_list()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_dial_plan_get_all_list ( void  )

Returns a list of all known dial plans.

The list of all known dial plans.

◆ linphone_dial_plan_get_country()

const char* linphone_dial_plan_get_country ( const LinphoneDialPlan dial_plan)

Returns the country name of the dialplan.

dial_planthe LinphoneDialPlan object
the country name

◆ linphone_dial_plan_get_country_calling_code()

const char* linphone_dial_plan_get_country_calling_code ( const LinphoneDialPlan dial_plan)

Returns the country calling code of the dialplan.

dial_planthe LinphoneDialPlan object
the country calling code

◆ linphone_dial_plan_get_flag()

const char* linphone_dial_plan_get_flag ( const LinphoneDialPlan dial_plan)

Returns the flag of the teritory as unicode characters.

dial_planthe LinphoneDialPlan object
the flag as unicode characters

◆ linphone_dial_plan_get_international_call_prefix()

const char* linphone_dial_plan_get_international_call_prefix ( const LinphoneDialPlan dial_plan)

Returns the international call prefix of the dialplan.

dial_planthe LinphoneDialPlan object
the international call prefix

◆ linphone_dial_plan_get_iso_country_code()

const char* linphone_dial_plan_get_iso_country_code ( const LinphoneDialPlan dial_plan)

Returns the iso country code of the dialplan.

dial_planthe LinphoneDialPlan object
the iso country code

◆ linphone_dial_plan_get_national_number_length()

int linphone_dial_plan_get_national_number_length ( const LinphoneDialPlan dial_plan)

Returns the national number length of the dialplan.

dial_planthe LinphoneDialPlan object
the national number length

◆ linphone_dial_plan_is_generic()

bool_t linphone_dial_plan_is_generic ( const LinphoneDialPlan ccc)

Return if given plan is generic.

cccthe country calling code
TRUE if generic, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_dial_plan_lookup_ccc_from_e164()

int linphone_dial_plan_lookup_ccc_from_e164 ( const char *  e164)

Function to get call country code from an e164 number, ex: +33952650121 will return 33.

e164phone number
call country code or -1 if not found

◆ linphone_dial_plan_lookup_ccc_from_iso()

int linphone_dial_plan_lookup_ccc_from_iso ( const char *  iso)

Function to get call country code from ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, ex: FR returns 33.

isocountry code alpha2
call country code or -1 if not found

◆ linphone_dial_plan_ref()

LinphoneDialPlan* linphone_dial_plan_ref ( LinphoneDialPlan dial_plan)

Increases the reference counter of LinphoneDialPlan objects.

dial_planthe LinphoneDialPlan object
the same LinphoneDialPlan object

◆ linphone_dial_plan_unref()

void linphone_dial_plan_unref ( LinphoneDialPlan dial_plan)

Decreases the reference counter of #LinphoneDialPaln objects.

dial_planthe LinphoneDialPlan object

◆ linphone_error_code_is_retry_after()

bool_t linphone_error_code_is_retry_after ( int  error)

Check whether an error code is in Retry-After field.

errorAn error code
TRUE if it is in Retry-After field

◆ linphone_error_code_to_reason()

LinphoneReason linphone_error_code_to_reason ( int  error)

Converts an error code to a LinphoneReason.

errorAn error code
The LinphoneReason corresponding to the specified error code

◆ linphone_error_info_get_phrase()

const char* linphone_error_info_get_phrase ( const LinphoneErrorInfo error_info)

Get textual phrase from the error info.

This is the text that is provided by the peer in the protocol (SIP).

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
The error phrase

◆ linphone_error_info_get_protocol()

const char* linphone_error_info_get_protocol ( const LinphoneErrorInfo error_info)

Get protocol from the error info.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
The protocol.

◆ linphone_error_info_get_protocol_code()

int linphone_error_info_get_protocol_code ( const LinphoneErrorInfo error_info)

Get the status code from the low level protocol (ex a SIP status code).

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
The status code

◆ linphone_error_info_get_reason()

LinphoneReason linphone_error_info_get_reason ( const LinphoneErrorInfo error_info)

Get reason code from the error info.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
A LinphoneReason object

◆ linphone_error_info_get_retry_after()

int linphone_error_info_get_retry_after ( const LinphoneErrorInfo error_info)

Get Retry-After delay second from the error info.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
The Retry-After delay second

◆ linphone_error_info_get_sub_error_info()

LinphoneErrorInfo* linphone_error_info_get_sub_error_info ( const LinphoneErrorInfo error_info)

Get pointer to chained LinphoneErrorInfo set in sub_ei.

It corresponds to a Reason header in a received SIP response.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
LinphoneErrorInfo pointer defined in the ei object.

◆ linphone_error_info_get_warnings()

const char* linphone_error_info_get_warnings ( const LinphoneErrorInfo error_info)

Provides additional information regarding the failure.

With SIP protocol, the content of "Warning" headers are returned.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
More details about the failure.

◆ linphone_error_info_new()

LinphoneErrorInfo* linphone_error_info_new ( void  )

Create an empty LinphoneErrorInfo object.

The LinphoneErrorInfo object carries these fields:

  • a LinphoneReason enum member giving overall signification of the error reported.
  • the "protocol" name in which the protocol reason code has meaning, for example SIP or Q.850
  • the "protocol code", an integer referencing the kind of error reported
  • the "phrase", a text phrase describing the error
  • the "warning", the content of warning headers if any
  • a sub "LinphoneErrorInfo" may be provided if a SIP response includes a Reason header (RFC3326).
    a new LinphoneErrorInfo object

◆ linphone_error_info_ref()

LinphoneErrorInfo* linphone_error_info_ref ( LinphoneErrorInfo error_info)

Increment refcount.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
the same LinphoneErrorInfo object

◆ linphone_error_info_set()

void linphone_error_info_set ( LinphoneErrorInfo error_info,
const char *  protocol,
LinphoneReason  reason,
int  code,
const char *  status,
const char *  warning 

Assign information to a LinphoneErrorInfo object.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
protocolprotocol name
reasonreason from LinphoneReason enum
codeprotocol code
statusdescription of the reason
warningwarning message

◆ linphone_error_info_set_phrase()

void linphone_error_info_set_phrase ( LinphoneErrorInfo error_info,
const char *  phrase 

Assign phrase to a LinphoneErrorInfo object.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
phrasethe phrase explaining the error

◆ linphone_error_info_set_protocol()

void linphone_error_info_set_protocol ( LinphoneErrorInfo error_info,
const char *  protocol 

Assign protocol name to a LinphoneErrorInfo object.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
protocolthe protocol name

◆ linphone_error_info_set_protocol_code()

void linphone_error_info_set_protocol_code ( LinphoneErrorInfo error_info,
int  code 

Assign protocol code to a LinphoneErrorInfo object.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
codethe protocol code

◆ linphone_error_info_set_reason()

void linphone_error_info_set_reason ( LinphoneErrorInfo error_info,
LinphoneReason  reason 

Assign reason LinphoneReason to a LinphoneErrorInfo object.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
reasonreason from LinphoneReason enum

◆ linphone_error_info_set_retry_after()

void linphone_error_info_set_retry_after ( LinphoneErrorInfo error_info,
int  retry_after 

Assign retry-after value to a LinphoneErrorInfo object.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
retry_afterthe retry-after value

◆ linphone_error_info_set_sub_error_info()

void linphone_error_info_set_sub_error_info ( LinphoneErrorInfo error_info,
LinphoneErrorInfo appended_error_info 

Set the sub_ei in LinphoneErrorInfo to another LinphoneErrorInfo.

Used when a reason header is to be added in a SIP response. The first level LinphoneErrorInfo defines the SIP response code and phrase, the second (sub) #LinphoneErroInfo defining the content of the Reason header.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object to which the other LinphoneErrorInfo will be appended as ei->sub_ei.
appended_error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo to append

◆ linphone_error_info_set_warnings()

void linphone_error_info_set_warnings ( LinphoneErrorInfo error_info,
const char *  warnings 

Assign warnings to a LinphoneErrorInfo object.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object
warningsthe warnings

◆ linphone_error_info_unref()

void linphone_error_info_unref ( LinphoneErrorInfo error_info)

Decrement refcount and possibly free the object.

error_infoLinphoneErrorInfo object

◆ linphone_factory_get_cache_dir()

const char* linphone_factory_get_cache_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
void *  context 

Get the cache path.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
contextused to compute path. Can be NULL. JavaPlatformHelper on Android and char *appGroupId on iOS with shared core.
The cache path

◆ linphone_factory_get_config_dir()

const char* linphone_factory_get_config_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
void *  context 

Get the config path.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
contextused to compute path. Can be NULL. JavaPlatformHelper on Android and char *appGroupId on iOS with shared core.
The config path

◆ linphone_factory_get_data_dir()

const char* linphone_factory_get_data_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
void *  context 

Get the data path.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
contextused to compute path. Can be NULL. JavaPlatformHelper on Android and char *appGroupId on iOS with shared core.
The data path

◆ linphone_factory_get_download_dir()

const char* linphone_factory_get_download_dir ( LinphoneFactory factory,
void *  context 

Get the download path.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
contextused to compute path. Can be NULL. JavaPlatformHelper on Android and char *appGroupId on iOS with shared core.
The download path

◆ linphone_factory_is_cache_dir_set()

bool_t linphone_factory_is_cache_dir_set ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Test if cache dir has been set.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
TRUE if cache dir has been set.

◆ linphone_factory_is_config_dir_set()

bool_t linphone_factory_is_config_dir_set ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Test if config dir has been set.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
TRUE if config dir has been set.

◆ linphone_factory_is_data_dir_set()

bool_t linphone_factory_is_data_dir_set ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Test if data dir has been set.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
TRUE if data dir has been set.

◆ linphone_factory_is_download_dir_set()

bool_t linphone_factory_is_download_dir_set ( const LinphoneFactory factory)

Test if download dir has been set.

factorythe LinphoneFactory
TRUE if download dir has been set.

◆ linphone_headers_add()

void linphone_headers_add ( LinphoneHeaders headers,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Add given header name and corresponding value.

headersthe LinphoneHeaders object
namethe header's name
valuethe header's value

◆ linphone_headers_get_value()

const char* linphone_headers_get_value ( LinphoneHeaders headers,
const char *  header_name 

Search for a given header name and return its value.

headersthe LinphoneHeaders object
namethe header's name
the header's value or NULL if not found.

◆ linphone_headers_remove()

void linphone_headers_remove ( LinphoneHeaders headers,
const char *  name 

Add given header name and corresponding value.

headersthe LinphoneHeaders object
namethe header's name

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_generate_file_transfer_key()

LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsGenerateFileTransferKeyCb linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_generate_file_transfer_key ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs)

Gets the callback that will generate the key to encrypt the file before uploading it.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object
the callback

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_is_encryption_enabled_for_file_transfer()

LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIsEncryptionEnabledForFileTransferCb linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_is_encryption_enabled_for_file_transfer ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs)

Gets the callback telling whether or not to encrypt the files.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object
the callback

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_process_downloading_file()

LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsDownloadingFileCb linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_process_downloading_file ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs)

Gets the callback that will decrypt the files while downloading them.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object
the callback

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_process_incoming_message()

LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIncomingMessageCb linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_process_incoming_message ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs)

Gets the callback that will decrypt the chat messages upon reception.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object
the callback

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_process_outgoing_message()

LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsOutgoingMessageCb linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_process_outgoing_message ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs)

Gets the callback that will encrypt the chat messages before sending them.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object
the callback

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_process_uploading_file()

LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsUploadingFileCb linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_process_uploading_file ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs)

Gets the callback that will will encrypt the files while uploading them.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object
the callback

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_user_data()

void* linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_get_user_data ( const LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs)

Gets the user data in the LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs
the user data

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_ref()

LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs* linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_ref ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs)

Acquire a reference to the LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs.

cbsLinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object.
The same LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object.

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_generate_file_transfer_key()

void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_generate_file_transfer_key ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs,
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsGenerateFileTransferKeyCb  cb 

Sets the callback that will generate the key to encrypt the file before uploading it.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object
cbthe callback to call

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_is_encryption_enabled_for_file_transfer()

void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_is_encryption_enabled_for_file_transfer ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs,
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIsEncryptionEnabledForFileTransferCb  cb 

Sets the callback telling whether or not to encrypt the files.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object
cbthe callback to call

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_process_downloading_file()

void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_process_downloading_file ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs,
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsDownloadingFileCb  cb 

Sets the callback that will decrypt the files while downloading them.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object
cbthe callback to call

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_process_incoming_message()

void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_process_incoming_message ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs,
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsIncomingMessageCb  cb 

Sets the callback that will decrypt the chat messages upon reception.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object
cbthe callback to call

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_process_outgoing_message()

void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_process_outgoing_message ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs,
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsOutgoingMessageCb  cb 

Sets the callback that will encrypt the chat messages before sending them.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object
cbthe callback to call

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_process_uploading_file()

void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_process_uploading_file ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs,
LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbsUploadingFileCb  cb 

Sets the callback that will encrypt the files while uploading them.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object
cbthe callback to call

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_user_data()

void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_set_user_data ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs,
void *  data 

Sets the user data in the LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object.

cbsthe LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object
datathe user data

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_unref()

void linphone_im_encryption_engine_cbs_unref ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs cbs)

Release reference to the LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs.

cbsLinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object.

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_get_callbacks()

LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs* linphone_im_encryption_engine_get_callbacks ( const LinphoneImEncryptionEngine imee)

Gets the LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object that holds the callbacks.

imeethe LinphoneImEncryptionEngine object
the LinphoneImEncryptionEngineCbs object

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_get_core()

LinphoneCore* linphone_im_encryption_engine_get_core ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngine imee)

Gets the LinphoneCore object that created the IM encryption engine.

imeeLinphoneImEncryptionEngine object
The LinphoneCore object that created the IM encryption engine

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_get_user_data()

void* linphone_im_encryption_engine_get_user_data ( const LinphoneImEncryptionEngine imee)

Gets the user data in the LinphoneImEncryptionEngine object.

imeethe LinphoneImEncryptionEngine
the user data

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_new()

LinphoneImEncryptionEngine* linphone_im_encryption_engine_new ( void  )

Create the IM encryption engine.

The created the IM encryption engine

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_ref()

LinphoneImEncryptionEngine* linphone_im_encryption_engine_ref ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngine imee)

Acquire a reference to the LinphoneImEncryptionEngine.

imeeLinphoneImEncryptionEngine object.
The same LinphoneImEncryptionEngine object.

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_set_user_data()

void linphone_im_encryption_engine_set_user_data ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngine imee,
void *  data 

Sets the user data in the LinphoneImEncryptionEngine object.

imeethe LinphoneImEncryptionEngine object
datathe user data

◆ linphone_im_encryption_engine_unref()

void linphone_im_encryption_engine_unref ( LinphoneImEncryptionEngine imee)

Release reference to the LinphoneImEncryptionEngine.

imeeLinphoneImEncryptionEngine object.

◆ linphone_info_message_add_header()

void linphone_info_message_add_header ( LinphoneInfoMessage info_message,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Add a header to an info message to be sent.

info_messagethe LinphoneInfoMessage object
namethe header'name
valuethe header's value

◆ linphone_info_message_get_content()

const LinphoneContent* linphone_info_message_get_content ( const LinphoneInfoMessage info_message)

Returns the info message's content as a LinphoneContent structure.

info_messagethe LinphoneInfoMessage object
the LinphoneContent object.

◆ linphone_info_message_get_header()

const char* linphone_info_message_get_header ( const LinphoneInfoMessage info_message,
const char *  name 

Obtain a header value from a received info message.

info_messagethe LinphoneInfoMessage object
namethe header'name
the corresponding header's value, or NULL if not exists.

◆ linphone_info_message_ref()

LinphoneInfoMessage* linphone_info_message_ref ( LinphoneInfoMessage info_message)

Take a reference on a LinphoneInfoMessage.

info_messagethe LinphoneInfoMessage object
the same LinphoneInfoMessage object

◆ linphone_info_message_set_content()

void linphone_info_message_set_content ( LinphoneInfoMessage info_message,
const LinphoneContent content 

Assign a content to the info message.

All fields of the LinphoneContent are copied, thus the application can destroy/modify/recycloe the content object freely ater the function returns.

info_messagethe LinphoneInfoMessage object
contentthe content described as a LinphoneContent structure.

◆ linphone_info_message_unref()

void linphone_info_message_unref ( LinphoneInfoMessage info_message)

Release a reference on a LinphoneInfoMessage.

info_messagethe linphone info message

◆ linphone_magic_search_add_callbacks()

void linphone_magic_search_add_callbacks ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
LinphoneMagicSearchCbs cbs 

Add a listener in order to be notified of LinphoneMagicSearch events.

magic_searchLinphoneMagicSearch object to monitor.
cbsA LinphoneMagicSearchCbs object holding the callbacks you need.

◆ linphone_magic_search_cbs_get_ldap_have_more_results()

LinphoneMagicSearchCbsLdapHaveMoreResultsCb linphone_magic_search_cbs_get_ldap_have_more_results ( const LinphoneMagicSearchCbs cbs)

Get the ldap callback on having more results.

cbsLinphoneMagicSearchCbs object.
The ldap callback on having more results.

◆ linphone_magic_search_cbs_get_search_results_received()

LinphoneMagicSearchCbsSearchResultsReceivedCb linphone_magic_search_cbs_get_search_results_received ( const LinphoneMagicSearchCbs cbs)

Get the received results callback.

cbsLinphoneMagicSearchCbs object.
The current result received callback.

◆ linphone_magic_search_cbs_get_user_data()

void* linphone_magic_search_cbs_get_user_data ( const LinphoneMagicSearchCbs cbs)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the chat message callbacks object.

cbsThe LinphoneMagicSearchCbs object
The user pointer associated with the chat message callbacks object.

◆ linphone_magic_search_cbs_ref()

LinphoneMagicSearchCbs* linphone_magic_search_cbs_ref ( LinphoneMagicSearchCbs cbs)

Acquire a reference to the chat message callbacks object.

cbsThe LinphoneMagicSearchCbs object
The same chat message callbacks object

◆ linphone_magic_search_cbs_set_ldap_have_more_results()

void linphone_magic_search_cbs_set_ldap_have_more_results ( LinphoneMagicSearchCbs cbs,
LinphoneMagicSearchCbsLdapHaveMoreResultsCb  cb 

Set the ldap callback on having more results.

cbsLinphoneMagicSearchCbs object.
cbThe ldap callback on having more results.

◆ linphone_magic_search_cbs_set_search_results_received()

void linphone_magic_search_cbs_set_search_results_received ( LinphoneMagicSearchCbs cbs,
LinphoneMagicSearchCbsSearchResultsReceivedCb  cb 

Set the received results callback.

cbsLinphoneMagicSearchCbs object.
cbThe received results callback to be used.

◆ linphone_magic_search_cbs_set_user_data()

void linphone_magic_search_cbs_set_user_data ( LinphoneMagicSearchCbs cbs,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the chat message callbacks object.

cbsThe LinphoneMagicSearchCbs object
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the chat message callbacks object.

◆ linphone_magic_search_cbs_unref()

void linphone_magic_search_cbs_unref ( LinphoneMagicSearchCbs cbs)

Release reference to the chat message callbacks object.

cbsThe LinphoneMagicSearchCbs object

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_contact_list_from_filter()

MS2_DEPRECATED bctbx_list_t* linphone_magic_search_get_contact_list_from_filter ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
const char *  filter,
const char *  domain 

Create a sorted list of SearchResult from SipUri, Contact name, Contact displayname, Contact phone number, which match with a filter word The last item list will be an address formed with "filter" if a proxy config exist During the first search, a cache is created and used for the next search Use linphone_magic_search_reset_search_cache() to begin a new search.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
filterword we search
domaindomain which we want to search only
  • NULL or "" for searching in all contact
  • "*" for searching in contact with sip SipUri
  • "yourdomain" for searching in contact from "yourdomain" domain
sorted list of
22/03/2022 Use linphone_magic_search_get_contacts() instead.

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_contact_list_from_filter_async()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_magic_search_get_contact_list_from_filter_async ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
const char *  filter,
const char *  domain 

Create a sorted list of SearchResult asynchronous from SipUri, Contact name, Contact displayname, Contact phone number, which match with a filter word The last item list will be an address formed with "filter" if a proxy config exist During the first search, a cache is created and used for the next search Use linphone_magic_search_reset_search_cache() to begin a new search.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
filterword we search
domaindomain which we want to search only NULL or "" for searching in all contact "*" for searching in contact with sip SipUri "yourdomain" for searching in contact from "yourdomain" domain
22/03/2022 Use linphone_magic_search_get_contacts_async() instead.

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_contacts()

MS2_DEPRECATED bctbx_list_t* linphone_magic_search_get_contacts ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
const char *  filter,
const char *  domain,
int  sourceFlags 

Create a sorted list of SearchResult which match with a filter word, from SipUri in this order : Contact's display name, address username, address domain and phone number.

The last item list will be an address formed with "filter" if a proxy config exist and requested in sourceFlags During the first search, a cache is created and used for the next search Use linphone_magic_search_reset_search_cache() to begin a new search

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
filterword we search
domaindomain which we want to search only
  • NULL or "" for searching in all contact
  • "*" for searching in contact with sip SipUri
  • "yourdomain" for searching in contact from "yourdomain" domain
sourceFlagsFlags that specify where to search : LinphoneMagicSearchSource
sorted list of
08/04/2022 Use linphone_magic_search_get_contacts_list() instead.

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_contacts_async()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_magic_search_get_contacts_async ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
const char *  filter,
const char *  domain,
int  sourceFlags 

This is the asynchronous version of linphone_magic_search_get_contacts().

Create a sorted list of SearchResult which match with a filter word, from SipUri in this order : Contact's display name, address username, address domain and phone number. The last item list will be an address formed with "filter" if a proxy config exist and requested in sourceFlags During the first search, a cache is created and used for the next search Use linphone_magic_search_reset_search_cache() to begin a new search

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
filterword we search
domaindomain which we want to search only
  • NULL or "" for searching in all contact
  • "*" for searching in contact with sip SipUri
  • "yourdomain" for searching in contact from "yourdomain" domain
sourceFlagsFlags that specify where to search : LinphoneMagicSearchSource
08/04/2022 Use linphone_magic_search_get_contacts_list_async() instead.

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_contacts_list()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_magic_search_get_contacts_list ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
const char *  filter,
const char *  domain,
int  sourceFlags,
LinphoneMagicSearchAggregation  aggregation 

Create a sorted list of SearchResult which match with a filter word, from SipUri in this order : Contact's display name, address username, address domain and phone number.

The last item list will be an address formed with "filter" if a proxy config exist and requested in sourceFlags During the first search, a cache is created and used for the next search Use linphone_magic_search_reset_search_cache() to begin a new search

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
filterword we search
domaindomain which we want to search only
  • NULL or "" for searching in all contact
  • "*" for searching in contact with sip SipUri
  • "yourdomain" for searching in contact from "yourdomain" domain
sourceFlagsFlags that specify where to search : LinphoneMagicSearchSource
aggregationa LinphoneMagicSearchAggregation mode to indicate how to merge results
sorted list of

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_contacts_list_async()

void linphone_magic_search_get_contacts_list_async ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
const char *  filter,
const char *  domain,
int  sourceFlags,
LinphoneMagicSearchAggregation  aggregation 

This is the asynchronous version of linphone_magic_search_get_contacts().

Create a sorted list of SearchResult which match with a filter word, from SipUri in this order : Contact's display name, address username, address domain and phone number. The last item list will be an address formed with "filter" if a proxy config exist and requested in sourceFlags During the first search, a cache is created and used for the next search Use linphone_magic_search_reset_search_cache() to begin a new search

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
filterword we search
domaindomain which we want to search only
  • NULL or "" for searching in all contact
  • "*" for searching in contact with sip SipUri
  • "yourdomain" for searching in contact from "yourdomain" domain
sourceFlagsFlags that specify where to search : LinphoneMagicSearchSource
aggregationa LinphoneMagicSearchAggregation mode to indicate how to merge results

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_current_callbacks()

LinphoneMagicSearchCbs* linphone_magic_search_get_current_callbacks ( const LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search)

Gets the current LinphoneMagicSearchCbs.

This is meant only to be called from a callback to be able to get the user_data associated with the LinphoneMagicSearchCbs that is calling the callback.

magic_searchLinphoneMagicSearch object
The LinphoneMagicSearchCbs that has called the last callback.

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_delimiter()

const char* linphone_magic_search_get_delimiter ( const LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search)

Get the delimiter used for the search.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
the delimiter used to find matched filter word

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_last_search()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_magic_search_get_last_search ( const LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search)
magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
sorted list of

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_limited_search()

bool_t linphone_magic_search_get_limited_search ( const LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search)

Return whether or not the search is limited.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
TRUE if the search is limited, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_max_weight()

unsigned int linphone_magic_search_get_max_weight ( const LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search)

Get the maximum value used to calculate the weight in search.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
the maximum value used to calculate the weight in search

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_min_weight()

unsigned int linphone_magic_search_get_min_weight ( const LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search)

Get the minimum value used to calculate the weight in search.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
the minimum value used to calculate the weight in search

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_search_limit()

unsigned int linphone_magic_search_get_search_limit ( const LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search)

Get the number of maximum search result the search will return.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
the number of the maximum LinphoneSearchResult which will be returned

◆ linphone_magic_search_get_use_delimiter()

bool_t linphone_magic_search_get_use_delimiter ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search)

Returns whether the delimiter is being used for the search.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
if the delimiter search is used

◆ linphone_magic_search_new()

LinphoneMagicSearch* linphone_magic_search_new ( LinphoneCore core)

Constructs a LinphoneMagicSearch object.

corea LinphoneCore object
a LinphoneMagicSearch object

◆ linphone_magic_search_ref()

LinphoneMagicSearch* linphone_magic_search_ref ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search)

Increment reference count of LinphoneMagicSearch object.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
the same LinphoneMagicSearch object

◆ linphone_magic_search_remove_callbacks()

void linphone_magic_search_remove_callbacks ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
LinphoneMagicSearchCbs cbs 

Remove a listener from a LinphoneMagicSearch.

magic_searchLinphoneMagicSearch object
cbsLinphoneMagicSearchCbs object to remove.

◆ linphone_magic_search_reset_search_cache()

void linphone_magic_search_reset_search_cache ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search)

Reset the cache to begin a new search.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object

◆ linphone_magic_search_set_delimiter()

void linphone_magic_search_set_delimiter ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
const char *  delimiter 

Set the delimiter used to find matched filter word.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
delimiterdelimiter (example "-_.,")

◆ linphone_magic_search_set_limited_search()

void linphone_magic_search_set_limited_search ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
bool_t  limited 

Enable or disable the limited search.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
limitedTRUE to limit the search, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_magic_search_set_max_weight()

void linphone_magic_search_set_max_weight ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
unsigned int  weight 

Set the maximum value used to calculate the weight in search.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
weightmaximum weight

◆ linphone_magic_search_set_min_weight()

void linphone_magic_search_set_min_weight ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
unsigned int  weight 

Set the minimum value used to calculate the weight in search.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
weightminimum weight

◆ linphone_magic_search_set_search_limit()

void linphone_magic_search_set_search_limit ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
unsigned int  limit 

Set the number of the maximum SearchResult which will be returned.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
limitthe maximum number of LinphoneSearchResult the search will return

◆ linphone_magic_search_set_use_delimiter()

void linphone_magic_search_set_use_delimiter ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search,
bool_t  enable 

Enable or disable the delimiter in search.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object
enableTRUE to use the delimiter, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_magic_search_unref()

void linphone_magic_search_unref ( LinphoneMagicSearch magic_search)

Decrement reference count of LinphoneMagicSearch object.

When dropped to zero, memory is freed.

magic_searcha LinphoneMagicSearch object

◆ linphone_participant_device_add_callbacks()

void linphone_participant_device_add_callbacks ( LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device,
LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs cbs 

Add a listener in order to be notified of LinphoneParticipantDevice events.

Once an event is received, registred LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs are invoked sequencially.

participant_deviceLinphoneParticipantDevice object.
cbsA LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs object holding the callbacks you need. A reference is taken by the LinphoneParticipantDevice until you invoke linphone_participant_device_remove_callbacks().

◆ linphone_participant_device_create_native_video_window_id()

void* linphone_participant_device_create_native_video_window_id ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Create a window ID and return it.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
the window ID of the device

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_participant_device_get_address ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Get the address of a participant's device.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
The LinphoneAddress of the participant's device

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_current_callbacks()

LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs* linphone_participant_device_get_current_callbacks ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Gets the current LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs.

participant_deviceLinphoneParticipantDevice object.
The LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs that has called the last callback.

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_disconnection_method()

LinphoneParticipantDeviceDisconnectionMethod linphone_participant_device_get_disconnection_method ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Get the disconnection method.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
disconnection method LinphoneParticipantDeviceDisconnectionMethod

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_disconnection_reason()

const char* linphone_participant_device_get_disconnection_reason ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Get the disconnection reason.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
disconnection reason

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_is_muted()

bool_t linphone_participant_device_get_is_muted ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Return whether the participant device is muted or not.

participant_deviceThe LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs object
TRUE if the participant device is muted, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_is_speaking()

bool_t linphone_participant_device_get_is_speaking ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Return whether the participant device is speaking or not.

participant_deviceThe LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs object
TRUE if the participant device is speaking, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_joining_method()

LinphoneParticipantDeviceJoiningMethod linphone_participant_device_get_joining_method ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Get the joining method or it the device is the focus owner.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
joining method or focus owner LinphoneParticipantDeviceJoiningMethod

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_name()

const char* linphone_participant_device_get_name ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Return the name of the device or NULL.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
the name of the device or NULL.

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_native_video_window_id()

void* linphone_participant_device_get_native_video_window_id ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Get window ID.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
the window ID of the device

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_security_level()

LinphoneChatRoomSecurityLevel linphone_participant_device_get_security_level ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Get the security level of a participant's device.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
The LinphoneChatRoomSecurityLevel of the device

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_ssrc()

uint32_t linphone_participant_device_get_ssrc ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device,
const LinphoneStreamType  stream_type 

Get the audio stream SSRC of the device.

participantA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
stream_typeA LinphoneStreamType
the audio stream SSRC of the device

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_state()

LinphoneParticipantDeviceState linphone_participant_device_get_state ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Get the state of a participant device.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
The LinphoneParticipantDeviceState of the device

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_stream_availability()

bool_t linphone_participant_device_get_stream_availability ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device,
const LinphoneStreamType  stream_type 

Get the stream availability of the device.

The availability information represents whether a given stream type is currently available to be presented in the conference for a LinphoneParticipantDevice

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
stream_typeA LinphoneStreamType
TRUE if the stream of type stream_type is available for device, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_stream_capability()

LinphoneMediaDirection linphone_participant_device_get_stream_capability ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device,
const LinphoneStreamType  stream_type 

Get the stream capability of the device.

The capability information represents the capability for the #ParticipantDevice to handle a given stream type (audio, video or text).

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
stream_typeA LinphoneStreamType
the capability of stream of type stream_type of the device LinphoneMediaDirection

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_time_of_disconnection()

time_t linphone_participant_device_get_time_of_disconnection ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Get the timestamp the device left a conference.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
time of disconnection a conference as returned by time(nullptr). For UNIX based systems it is the number of seconds since 00:00hours of the 1st of January 1970

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_time_of_joining()

time_t linphone_participant_device_get_time_of_joining ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Get the timestamp the device joined a conference.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
time of joining a conference as returned by time(nullptr). For UNIX based systems it is the number of seconds since 00:00hours of the 1st of January 1970

◆ linphone_participant_device_get_user_data()

void* linphone_participant_device_get_user_data ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the participant's device.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
The user pointer associated with the participant's device.

◆ linphone_participant_device_identity_get_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_participant_device_identity_get_address ( const LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity deviceIdentity)

Get the address of the participant device.

device_identitythe LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity
the address.

◆ linphone_participant_device_identity_get_capability_descriptor()

MS2_DEPRECATED const char* linphone_participant_device_identity_get_capability_descriptor ( const LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity device_identity)

Get the capability descriptor (currently +org.linphone.specs value) for this participant device identity.

device_identitythe LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object
the capability descriptor string.
12/06/2023 Use linphone_participant_device_identity_get_capability_descriptor_list() instead

◆ linphone_participant_device_identity_get_capability_descriptor_list()

const bctbx_list_t* linphone_participant_device_identity_get_capability_descriptor_list ( const LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity device_identity)

Get the capability descriptor (currently +org.linphone.specs value) for this participant device identity.

device_identitythe LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object
the capability descriptor list.

◆ linphone_participant_device_identity_new()

LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity* linphone_participant_device_identity_new ( const LinphoneAddress address,
const char *  name 

Constructs a LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object.

addressa LinphoneAddress of the participant device
namethe name of the participant device
a new LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity

◆ linphone_participant_device_identity_ref()

LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity* linphone_participant_device_identity_ref ( LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity device_identity)

Increment reference count of LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object.

device_identitythe LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object
the same LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object

◆ linphone_participant_device_identity_set_capability_descriptor()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_participant_device_identity_set_capability_descriptor ( LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity device_identity,
const char *  capability_descriptor 

Set the capability descriptor (currently +org.linphone.specs value) for this participant device identity.

device_identitythe LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object
capability_descriptorthe capability descriptor string.
12/06/2023 Use linphone_participant_device_identity_set_capability_descriptor_2() instead

◆ linphone_participant_device_identity_set_capability_descriptor_2()

void linphone_participant_device_identity_set_capability_descriptor_2 ( LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity device_identity,
const bctbx_list_t *  capability_descriptor_list 

Set the capability descriptor (currently +org.linphone.specs value) for this participant device identity.

device_identitythe LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object
capability_descriptor_listthe capability descriptor list.

◆ linphone_participant_device_identity_unref()

void linphone_participant_device_identity_unref ( LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity device_identity)

Decrement reference count of LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object.

When dropped to zero, memory is freed.

device_identitythe LinphoneParticipantDeviceIdentity object

◆ linphone_participant_device_is_in_conference()

bool_t linphone_participant_device_is_in_conference ( const LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Return whether the participant device is in a conference or not.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
a boolean to state whether the device is in a conference

◆ linphone_participant_device_ref()

LinphoneParticipantDevice* linphone_participant_device_ref ( LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Increment reference count of LinphoneParticipantDevice object.

participant_devicethe LinphoneParticipantDevice object
the same LinphoneParticipantDevice object

◆ linphone_participant_device_remove_callbacks()

void linphone_participant_device_remove_callbacks ( LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device,
LinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs cbs 

Remove a listener from a LinphoneParticipantDevice.

participant_deviceLinphoneParticipantDevice object.
cbsLinphoneParticipantDeviceCbs object to remove.

◆ linphone_participant_device_set_native_video_window_id()

void linphone_participant_device_set_native_video_window_id ( LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device,
void *  window_id 

Set window ID for a device.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
window_idthe window ID of the device

◆ linphone_participant_device_set_user_data()

void linphone_participant_device_set_user_data ( LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the participant's device.

participant_deviceA LinphoneParticipantDevice object
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the participant's device.

◆ linphone_participant_device_unref()

void linphone_participant_device_unref ( LinphoneParticipantDevice participant_device)

Decrement reference count of LinphoneParticipantDevice object.

participant_devicethe LinphoneParticipantDevice object

◆ linphone_participant_find_device()

LinphoneParticipantDevice* linphone_participant_find_device ( const LinphoneParticipant participant,
const LinphoneAddress address 

Find a device in the list of devices from a chat room's participant.

participantA LinphoneParticipant object
addressA LinphoneAddress object
a LinphoneParticipantDevice or NULL if not found.

◆ linphone_participant_find_device_2()

LinphoneParticipantDevice* linphone_participant_find_device_2 ( const LinphoneParticipant participant,
const LinphoneCall call 

Find a device in the list of devices from a chat room's participant.

participantA LinphoneParticipant object
callA LinphoneCall object
a LinphoneParticipantDevice or NULL if not found.

◆ linphone_participant_get_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_participant_get_address ( const LinphoneParticipant participant)

Get the address of a conference participant.

participantA LinphoneParticipant object
The LinphoneAddress of the participant

◆ linphone_participant_get_creation_time()

time_t linphone_participant_get_creation_time ( const LinphoneParticipant participant)

Get the timestamp of the creation of the participant.

participantA LinphoneParticipant object
time of creation of the participant as returned by time(nullptr). For UNIX based systems it is the number of seconds since 00:00hours of the 1st of January 1970

◆ linphone_participant_get_devices()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_participant_get_devices ( const LinphoneParticipant participant)

Gets the list of devices from a chat room's participant.

participantA LinphoneParticipant object
List of devices.

◆ linphone_participant_get_role()

LinphoneParticipantRole linphone_participant_get_role ( const LinphoneParticipant participant)

Get the role of the participant within the conference.

participantA LinphoneParticipant object
role within the conference LinphoneParticipantRole

◆ linphone_participant_get_security_level()

LinphoneChatRoomSecurityLevel linphone_participant_get_security_level ( const LinphoneParticipant participant)

Get the security level of a participant.

participantA LinphoneParticipant object
The LinphoneChatRoomSecurityLevel of the participant

◆ linphone_participant_get_user_data()

void* linphone_participant_get_user_data ( const LinphoneParticipant participant)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the conference participant.

participantA LinphoneParticipant object
The user pointer associated with the participant.

◆ linphone_participant_imdn_state_get_participant()

const LinphoneParticipant* linphone_participant_imdn_state_get_participant ( const LinphoneParticipantImdnState state)

Get the participant concerned by a LinphoneParticipantImdnState.

stateA LinphoneParticipantImdnState object
The LinphoneParticipant concerned by the LinphoneParticipantImdnState

◆ linphone_participant_imdn_state_get_state()

LinphoneChatMessageState linphone_participant_imdn_state_get_state ( const LinphoneParticipantImdnState state)

Get the chat message state the participant is in.

stateA LinphoneParticipantImdnState object
The LinphoneChatMessageState the participant is in

◆ linphone_participant_imdn_state_get_state_change_time()

time_t linphone_participant_imdn_state_get_state_change_time ( const LinphoneParticipantImdnState state)

Get the timestamp at which a participant has reached the state described by a LinphoneParticipantImdnState.

stateA LinphoneParticipantImdnState object
The timestamp at which the participant has reached the state described in the LinphoneParticipantImdnState

◆ linphone_participant_imdn_state_get_user_data()

void* linphone_participant_imdn_state_get_user_data ( const LinphoneParticipantImdnState state)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with a LinphoneParticipantImdnState.

stateA LinphoneParticipantImdnState object
The user pointer associated with the LinphoneParticipantImdnState.

◆ linphone_participant_imdn_state_ref()

LinphoneParticipantImdnState* linphone_participant_imdn_state_ref ( LinphoneParticipantImdnState state)

Increment reference count of LinphoneParticipantImdnState object.

statethe LinphoneParticipantImdnState object
the same LinphoneParticipantImdnState object

◆ linphone_participant_imdn_state_set_user_data()

void linphone_participant_imdn_state_set_user_data ( LinphoneParticipantImdnState state,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to a LinphoneParticipantImdnState.

stateA LinphoneParticipantImdnState object
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the LinphoneParticipantImdnState.

◆ linphone_participant_imdn_state_unref()

void linphone_participant_imdn_state_unref ( LinphoneParticipantImdnState state)

Decrement reference count of LinphoneParticipantImdnState object.

statethe LinphoneParticipantImdnState object

◆ linphone_participant_is_admin()

bool_t linphone_participant_is_admin ( const LinphoneParticipant participant)

Tells whether a conference participant is an administrator of the conference.

participantA LinphoneParticipant object
A boolean value telling whether the participant is an administrator

◆ linphone_participant_is_focus()

bool_t linphone_participant_is_focus ( const LinphoneParticipant participant)

Tells whether a conference participant is the focus of the conference.

participantA LinphoneParticipant object
A boolean value telling whether the participant is a focus of a conference

◆ linphone_participant_ref()

LinphoneParticipant* linphone_participant_ref ( LinphoneParticipant participant)

Increment reference count of LinphoneParticipant object.

participanta LinphoneParticipant object
the same LinphoneParticipant object

◆ linphone_participant_set_user_data()

void linphone_participant_set_user_data ( LinphoneParticipant participant,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the conference participant.

participantA LinphoneParticipant object
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the participant.

◆ linphone_participant_unref()

void linphone_participant_unref ( LinphoneParticipant participant)

Decrement reference count of LinphoneParticipant object.

participanta LinphoneParticipant object

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_clone()

LinphonePushNotificationConfig* linphone_push_notification_config_clone ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Instantiate a new push notification parameters with values from source.

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object to be cloned.
The newly created LinphonePushNotificationConfig object.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_get_bundle_identifier()

const char* linphone_push_notification_config_get_bundle_identifier ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Gets the app's bundle identifier for "contact uri parameter".

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
The app's bundle identifier if set, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_get_call_snd()

const char* linphone_push_notification_config_get_call_snd ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Gets the call_snd for "contact uri parameter".

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
The call_snd, default value "notes_of_the_optimistic.caf".

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_get_call_str()

const char* linphone_push_notification_config_get_call_str ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Gets the call_str for "contact uri parameter".

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
The call_str, default value "IC_MSG".

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_get_group_chat_str()

const char* linphone_push_notification_config_get_group_chat_str ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Gets the groupchat_str for "contact uri parameter".

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
The groupchat_str, default value "GC_MSG".

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_get_msg_snd()

const char* linphone_push_notification_config_get_msg_snd ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Gets the msg_snd for "contact uri parameter".

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
The msg_snd, default value "msg.caf".

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_get_msg_str()

const char* linphone_push_notification_config_get_msg_str ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Gets the msg_str for "contact uri parameter".

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
The msg_str, default value "IM_MSG".

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_get_param()

const char* linphone_push_notification_config_get_param ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Gets the param for "contact uri parameter".

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
The param if set, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_get_prid()

const char* linphone_push_notification_config_get_prid ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Gets the prid for "contact uri parameter".

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
The prid if set, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_get_provider()

const char* linphone_push_notification_config_get_provider ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Gets the provider for "contact uri parameter".

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
The provider if set, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_get_remote_token()

const char* linphone_push_notification_config_get_remote_token ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Gets the remote token for "contact uri parameter".

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
The remote token if set, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_get_team_id()

const char* linphone_push_notification_config_get_team_id ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Gets the team id for "contact uri parameter".

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
The team id if set, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_get_voip_token()

const char* linphone_push_notification_config_get_voip_token ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Gets the voip token for "contact uri parameter".

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
The voip token if set, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_is_equal()

bool_t linphone_push_notification_config_is_equal ( const LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const LinphonePushNotificationConfig other_config 

Checks if two Push Notification Configurations are identical.

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object to be compared.
other_configThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object to compare to.
True only if the two configurations are identical.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_ref()

LinphonePushNotificationConfig* linphone_push_notification_config_ref ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Take a reference on a LinphonePushNotificationConfig.

push_cfgthe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
the same LinphonePushNotificationConfig object

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_set_bundle_identifier()

void linphone_push_notification_config_set_bundle_identifier ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const char *  bundle_identifier 

Sets the bundle_identifier for "contact uri parameter".

It's not necessary if param is set. See linphone_push_notification_config_set_param().

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
bundle_identifierThe new bundle_identifier set for push notification config.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_set_call_snd()

void linphone_push_notification_config_set_call_snd ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const char *  call_snd 

Sets the call_snd for "contact uri parameter", specific for remote push notification.

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
call_sndThe new call_snd set for push notification config.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_set_call_str()

void linphone_push_notification_config_set_call_str ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const char *  call_str 

Sets the call_str for "contact uri parameter", specific for remote push notification.

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
call_strThe new call_str set for push notification config.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_set_group_chat_str()

void linphone_push_notification_config_set_group_chat_str ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const char *  group_chat_str 

Sets the group_chat_str for "contact uri parameter", specific for remote push notification.

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
group_chat_strThe new group_chat_str set for push notification config.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_set_msg_snd()

void linphone_push_notification_config_set_msg_snd ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const char *  msg_snd 

Sets the msg_snd for "contact uri parameter", specific for remote push notification.

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
msg_sndThe new msg_snd set for push notification config.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_set_msg_str()

void linphone_push_notification_config_set_msg_str ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const char *  msg_str 

Sets the msg_str for "contact uri parameter", specific for remote push notification.

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
msg_strThe new msg_str set for push notification config.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_set_param()

void linphone_push_notification_config_set_param ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const char *  param 

Sets the param for "contact uri parameter".

If it's not set, "" will be used.

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
paramThe new param set for push notification config.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_set_prid()

void linphone_push_notification_config_set_prid ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const char *  prid 

Sets the prid for "contact uri parameter".

If it's not set, "voip_token&remote_token" will be used.

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
pridThe new prid set for push notification config.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_set_provider()

void linphone_push_notification_config_set_provider ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const char *  provider 

Sets the provider for "contact uri parameter".

If not set, the default value will be used for "contact uri parameter", "firebase" for android or "apns" for ios.

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
providerThe new provider set for push notification config.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_set_remote_push_interval()

void linphone_push_notification_config_set_remote_push_interval ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const char *  remote_push_interval 

Specifies the interval in seconds between to subsequent remote push notifications when remote push notifications are used to notify a call invite to clients that haven't published any token for VoIP and background push notifications.

In that case, several PNs are sent subsequently until the call is picked up, declined or canceled. This parameter sets a value for 'pn-call-remote-push-interval' Contact header inside SIP REGISTER requests. A value of zero will cause the deactivation of push notification repetitions and the sending of the final notification. Thus, only the first push notification will be sent. If specified the value must be in [0;30] If not specified 'pn-call-remote-push-interval' will not be added to Contact header.

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
remote_push_intervalThe new remote push interval set for push notification config.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_set_remote_token()

void linphone_push_notification_config_set_remote_token ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const char *  remote_token 

Sets the remote_token for "contact uri parameter", specific for remote push notification.

It's not necessary if prid is set. See linphone_push_notification_config_set_prid().

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
remote_tokenThe new remote_token set for push notification config.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_set_team_id()

void linphone_push_notification_config_set_team_id ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const char *  team_id 

Sets the team id for "contact uri parameter".

It's not necessary if param is set. See linphone_push_notification_config_set_param().

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
team_idThe new team id set for push notification config.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_set_voip_token()

void linphone_push_notification_config_set_voip_token ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg,
const char *  voip_token 

Sets the voip_token for "contact uri parameter", specific for voip push notification.

It's not necessary if prid is set. See linphone_push_notification_config_set_prid().

push_cfgThe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object
voip_tokenThe new voip_token set for push notification config.

◆ linphone_push_notification_config_unref()

void linphone_push_notification_config_unref ( LinphonePushNotificationConfig push_cfg)

Release a LinphonePushNotificationConfig.

push_cfgthe LinphonePushNotificationConfig object

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_get_call_id()

const char* linphone_push_notification_message_get_call_id ( const LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Gets the call id.

messageThe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object
The call id.

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_get_from_addr()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_push_notification_message_get_from_addr ( const LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Gets the from address.

messageThe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object
The from LinphoneAddress.

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_get_local_addr()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_push_notification_message_get_local_addr ( const LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Gets the local address.

messageThe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object
The local LinphoneAddress.

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_get_peer_addr()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_push_notification_message_get_peer_addr ( const LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Gets the peer address.

messageThe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object
The peer LinphoneAddress.

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_get_reaction_content()

const char* linphone_push_notification_message_get_reaction_content ( const LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Gets the reaction content.

messageThe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object
The reaction content or NULL.

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_get_subject()

const char* linphone_push_notification_message_get_subject ( const LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Gets the subject.

messageThe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object
The subject or NULL.

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_get_text_content()

const char* linphone_push_notification_message_get_text_content ( const LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Gets the text content.

messageThe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object
The text content or NULL.

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_is_conference_invitation_cancellation()

bool_t linphone_push_notification_message_is_conference_invitation_cancellation ( const LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Tells whether or not this message contains a conference invitation cancellation.

messageThe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object
TRUE if this message carries a conference invitation cancellation, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_is_conference_invitation_new()

bool_t linphone_push_notification_message_is_conference_invitation_new ( const LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Tells whether or not this message contains a new conference invitation.

messageThe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object
TRUE if this message carries a new conference invitation, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_is_conference_invitation_update()

bool_t linphone_push_notification_message_is_conference_invitation_update ( const LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Tells whether or not this message contains a conference invitation update.

messageThe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object
TRUE if this message carries a conference invitation update, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_is_icalendar()

bool_t linphone_push_notification_message_is_icalendar ( const LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Tells whether or not this message contains an icalendar by checking it's content type.

messageThe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object
TRUE if this content type is 'text/calendar;conference-event=yes', FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_is_text()

bool_t linphone_push_notification_message_is_text ( const LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Returns wether it is a text message or not.

messageThe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object
TRUE if it is a text message, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_ref()

LinphonePushNotificationMessage* linphone_push_notification_message_ref ( LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Take a reference on a LinphonePushNotificationMessage.

messagethe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object
the same LinphonePushNotificationMessage object

◆ linphone_push_notification_message_unref()

void linphone_push_notification_message_unref ( LinphonePushNotificationMessage message)

Release a LinphonePushNotificationMessage.

messagethe LinphonePushNotificationMessage object

◆ linphone_range_get_max()

int linphone_range_get_max ( const LinphoneRange range)

Gets the higher value of the range.

rangea LinphoneRange
The higher value

◆ linphone_range_get_min()

int linphone_range_get_min ( const LinphoneRange range)

Gets the lower value of the range.

rangea LinphoneRange
The lower value

◆ linphone_range_get_user_data()

void* linphone_range_get_user_data ( const LinphoneRange range)

Gets the user data in the LinphoneRange object.

rangethe LinphoneRange
the user data.

◆ linphone_range_ref()

LinphoneRange* linphone_range_ref ( LinphoneRange range)

Increment refcount.

rangeLinphoneRange object
the same LinphoneRange object

◆ linphone_range_set_max()

void linphone_range_set_max ( LinphoneRange range,
int  max 

Sets the higher value of the range.

rangea LinphoneRange
maxthe value to set

◆ linphone_range_set_min()

void linphone_range_set_min ( LinphoneRange range,
int  min 

Sets the lower value of the range.

rangea LinphoneRange
minthe value to set

◆ linphone_range_set_user_data()

void linphone_range_set_user_data ( LinphoneRange range,
void *  user_data 

Sets the user data in the LinphoneRange object.

rangethe LinphoneRange object
user_datathe user data

◆ linphone_range_unref()

void linphone_range_unref ( LinphoneRange range)

Decrement refcount and possibly free the object.

rangeLinphoneRange object

◆ linphone_reason_to_error_code()

int linphone_reason_to_error_code ( LinphoneReason  reason)

Converts a LinphoneReason to an error code.

reasonA LinphoneReason
The error code corresponding to the specified LinphoneReason

◆ linphone_reason_to_string()

const char* linphone_reason_to_string ( LinphoneReason  error)

Converts a LinphoneReason enum to a string.

errorA LinphoneReason
The string representation of the specified LinphoneReason

◆ linphone_search_result_get_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_search_result_get_address ( const LinphoneSearchResult search_result)

Gets the address of the search result if any.

search_resultthe LinphoneSearchResult object
The associed LinphoneAddress or NULL.

◆ linphone_search_result_get_capabilities()

int linphone_search_result_get_capabilities ( const LinphoneSearchResult search_result)

Returns the capabilities mask of the search result.

search_resultthe LinphoneSearchResult object
the capabilities mask associated to the search result

◆ linphone_search_result_get_friend()

LinphoneFriend* linphone_search_result_get_friend ( const LinphoneSearchResult search_result)

Gets the friend of the search result if any.

search_resultthe LinphoneSearchResult object
The associated LinphoneFriend or NULL.

◆ linphone_search_result_get_phone_number()

const char* linphone_search_result_get_phone_number ( const LinphoneSearchResult search_result)

Gets the phone number of the search result if any.

search_resultthe LinphoneSearchResult object
The associed phone number or NULL.

◆ linphone_search_result_get_source_flags()

int linphone_search_result_get_source_flags ( const LinphoneSearchResult search_result)

Gets source flags of the search result.

search_resultthe LinphoneSearchResult object
the source flags from LinphoneMagicSearchSource

◆ linphone_search_result_get_weight()

unsigned int linphone_search_result_get_weight ( const LinphoneSearchResult search_result)

Gets the weight of the search result.

search_resultthe LinphoneSearchResult object
the result weight

◆ linphone_search_result_has_capability()

bool_t linphone_search_result_has_capability ( const LinphoneSearchResult search_result,
const LinphoneFriendCapability  capability 

Returns whether or not the search result has the given capability.

search_resultthe LinphoneSearchResult object
capabilitythe LinphoneFriendCapability to check
TRUE if it has the capability, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_search_result_ref()

LinphoneSearchResult* linphone_search_result_ref ( LinphoneSearchResult search_result)

Increment reference count of LinphoneSearchResult object.

search_resultthe LinphoneSearchResult object
the same LinphoneSearchResult object

◆ linphone_search_result_unref()

void linphone_search_result_unref ( LinphoneSearchResult search_result)

Decrement reference count of LinphoneSearchResult object.

When dropped to zero, memory is freed.

search_resultthe LinphoneSearchResult object

◆ linphone_transport_parse()

LinphoneTransportType linphone_transport_parse ( const char *  transport)

Converts a lowercase string to a LinphoneTransportType enum.

transportthe transport to parse.
LinphoneTransportType matching input, or #LinphoneTransportUdp if nothing is found

◆ linphone_transport_to_string()

const char* linphone_transport_to_string ( LinphoneTransportType  transport)

Converts a LinphoneTransportType enum to a lowercase string.

transporta LinphoneTransportType to convert to string
the string representation of the LinphoneTransportType

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_add_callbacks()

void linphone_xml_rpc_request_add_callbacks ( LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request,
LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs cbs 

Add the current LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object to a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object
cbsThe LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object to add to the LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_add_int_arg()

void linphone_xml_rpc_request_add_int_arg ( LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request,
int  value 

Add an integer argument to an XML-RPC request.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.
valueThe integer value of the added argument.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_add_string_arg()

void linphone_xml_rpc_request_add_string_arg ( LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request,
const char *  value 

Add a string argument to an XML-RPC request.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.
valueThe string value of the added argument.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_get_response()

LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbsResponseCb linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_get_response ( const LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs cbs)

Get the response callback.

cbsLinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object.
The current response callback.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_get_user_data()

void* linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_get_user_data ( const LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs cbs)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with a LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object.

cbsLinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object.
The user pointer associated with the LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_ref()

LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs* linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_ref ( LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs cbs)

Acquire a reference to a LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object.

cbsLinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object.
The same LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_set_response()

void linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_set_response ( LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs cbs,
LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbsResponseCb  cb 

Set the response callback.

cbsLinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object.
cbThe response callback to be used.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_set_user_data()

void linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_set_user_data ( LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs cbs,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to a LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object.

cbsLinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object.
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_unref()

void linphone_xml_rpc_request_cbs_unref ( LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs cbs)

Release a reference to a LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object.

cbsLinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_callbacks()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs* linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_callbacks ( const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request)

Get the LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object associated with a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object
The LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object associated with the LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.
19/02/2019 use add_callbacks / remove_callbacks instead

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_content()

const char* linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_content ( const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request)

Get the content of the XML-RPC request.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.
The string representation of the content of the XML-RPC request.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_current_callbacks()

LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs* linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_current_callbacks ( const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request)

Get the current LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object associated with a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object
The current LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object associated with the LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_int_response()

int linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_int_response ( const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request)

Get the response to an XML-RPC request sent with linphone_xml_rpc_session_send_request() and returning an integer response.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.
The integer response to the XML-RPC request.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_list_response()

const bctbx_list_t* linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_list_response ( const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request)

Get the response to an XML-RPC request sent with linphone_xml_rpc_session_send_request() and returning a string response.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.
A list of all string responses in the XML-RPC request.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_raw_response()

const char* linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_raw_response ( const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request)

Get the raw response to an XML-RPC request sent with linphone_xml_rpc_session_send_request() and returning http body as string.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.
The string response to the XML-RPC request.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_status()

LinphoneXmlRpcStatus linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_status ( const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request)

Get the status of the XML-RPC request.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.
The LinphoneXmlRpcStatus of the XML-RPC request.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_string_response()

const char* linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_string_response ( const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request)

Get the response to an XML-RPC request sent with linphone_xml_rpc_session_send_request() and returning a string response.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.
The string response to the XML-RPC request.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_string_struct_response()

const bctbx_map_t* linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_string_struct_response ( const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request)

Get the response to an XML-RPC request sent with linphone_xml_rpc_session_send_request() and returning a struct response.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.
The struct response to the XML-RPC request.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_user_data()

void* linphone_xml_rpc_request_get_user_data ( const LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the XML-RPC request.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.
The user pointer associated with the XML-RPC request.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_new()

LinphoneXmlRpcRequest* linphone_xml_rpc_request_new ( LinphoneXmlRpcArgType  return_type,
const char *  method 

Create a new LinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.

return_typeThe expected XML-RPC response type as LinphoneXmlRpcArgType.
methodThe XML-RPC method to call.
A new LinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_ref()

LinphoneXmlRpcRequest* linphone_xml_rpc_request_ref ( LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request)

Acquire a reference to the XML-RPC request.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.
The same LinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_remove_callbacks()

void linphone_xml_rpc_request_remove_callbacks ( LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request,
LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs cbs 

Remove the current LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object from a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object
cbsThe LinphoneXmlRpcRequestCbs object to remove from the LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_set_user_data()

void linphone_xml_rpc_request_set_user_data ( LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the XML-RPC request.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the XML-RPC request.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_request_unref()

void linphone_xml_rpc_request_unref ( LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request)

Release reference to the XML-RPC request.

requestLinphoneXmlRpcRequest object.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_session_create_request()

LinphoneXmlRpcRequest* linphone_xml_rpc_session_create_request ( LinphoneXmlRpcSession session,
LinphoneXmlRpcArgType  return_type,
const char *  method 

Creates a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest from a LinphoneXmlRpcSession.

sessionthe LinphoneXmlRpcSession
return_typethe return type of the request as a LinphoneXmlRpcArgType
methodthe function name to call
a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest object

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_session_get_user_data()

void* linphone_xml_rpc_session_get_user_data ( const LinphoneXmlRpcSession session)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the XML-RPC session.

sessionLinphoneXmlRpcSession object.
The user pointer associated with the XML-RPC session.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_session_new()

LinphoneXmlRpcSession* linphone_xml_rpc_session_new ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  url 

Create a new LinphoneXmlRpcSession object.

coreThe LinphoneCore object used to send the XML-RPC requests.
urlThe URL of the XML-RPC server to send the XML-RPC requests to.
A new LinphoneXmlRpcSession object.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_session_ref()

LinphoneXmlRpcSession* linphone_xml_rpc_session_ref ( LinphoneXmlRpcSession session)

Acquire a reference to the XML-RPC session.

sessionLinphoneXmlRpcSession object.
The same LinphoneXmlRpcSession object.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_session_release()

void linphone_xml_rpc_session_release ( LinphoneXmlRpcSession session)

Stop and unref an XML rpc session.

Pending requests will be aborted.

sessionLinphoneXmlRpcSession object.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_session_send_request()

void linphone_xml_rpc_session_send_request ( LinphoneXmlRpcSession session,
LinphoneXmlRpcRequest request 

Send an XML-RPC request.

sessionLinphoneXmlRpcSession object.
requestThe LinphoneXmlRpcRequest to be sent.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_session_set_user_data()

void linphone_xml_rpc_session_set_user_data ( LinphoneXmlRpcSession session,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the XML-RPC session.

sessionLinphoneXmlRpcSession object.
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the XML-RPC session.

◆ linphone_xml_rpc_session_unref()

void linphone_xml_rpc_session_unref ( LinphoneXmlRpcSession session)

Release reference to the XML-RPC session.

sessionLinphoneXmlRpcSession object.
This will not stop pending xml-rpc requests. Use linphone_xml_rpc_session_release() instead if this is intended.