Liblinphone  5.3.0
Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions


#define linphone_friend_get_send_subscribe   linphone_friend_subscribes_enabled
#define linphone_friend_send_subscribe   linphone_friend_enable_subscribes


typedef void(* LinphoneFriendListCbsContactCreatedCb) (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Callback used to notify a new contact has been created on the CardDAV server and downloaded locally. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneFriendListCbsContactDeletedCb) (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Callback used to notify a contact has been deleted on the CardDAV server. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneFriendListCbsContactUpdatedCb) (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriend *new_friend, LinphoneFriend *old_friend)
 Callback used to notify a contact has been updated on the CardDAV server. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneFriendListCbsSyncStateChangedCb) (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriendListSyncStatus status, const char *message)
 Callback used to notify the status of the synchronization has changed. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneFriendListCbsPresenceReceivedCb) (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const bctbx_list_t *friends)
 Callback used to notify a list with all friends that have received presence information. More...
typedef void(* LinphoneFriendCbsPresenceReceivedCb) (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Callback used to notify a friend that it has received presence information. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneFriend LinphoneFriend
 This object is used to store a SIP address. More...
typedef struct _LinphoneFriendCbs LinphoneFriendCbs
 An object to handle the callbacks for LinphoneFriend.
typedef enum _LinphoneFriendCapability LinphoneFriendCapability
 Enum describing the capabilities of a LinphoneFriend, populated through presence subscribe/notify process.
typedef struct _LinphoneFriendList LinphoneFriendList
 This object representing a list of LinphoneFriend. More...
typedef enum _LinphoneFriendListType LinphoneFriendListType
 The types of FriendList.
typedef struct _LinphoneFriendListCbs LinphoneFriendListCbs
 An object to handle the callbacks for LinphoneFriend synchronization.
typedef enum _LinphoneFriendListStatus LinphoneFriendListStatus
 Enum describing the status of a LinphoneFriendList operation.
typedef enum _LinphoneFriendListSyncStatus LinphoneFriendListSyncStatus
 Enum describing the status of a CardDAV synchronization.
typedef enum _LinphoneConsolidatedPresence LinphoneConsolidatedPresence
 Consolidated presence information: 'online' means the user is open for communication, 'busy' means the user is open for communication but involved in an other activity, 'do not disturb' means the user is not open for communication, and 'offline' means that no presence information is available.
typedef struct _LinphonePresenceActivity LinphonePresenceActivity
 Presence activity type holding information about a presence activity.
typedef enum LinphonePresenceActivityType LinphonePresenceActivityType
 Activities as defined in section 3.2 of RFC 4480.
typedef enum LinphonePresenceBasicStatus LinphonePresenceBasicStatus
 Basic status as defined in section 4.1.4 of RFC 3863.
typedef struct _LinphonePresenceModel LinphonePresenceModel
 Presence model type holding information about the presence of a person.
typedef struct _LinphonePresenceNote LinphonePresenceNote
 Presence note type holding information about a presence note.
typedef struct _LinphonePresencePerson LinphonePresencePerson
 Presence person holding information about a presence person.
typedef struct _LinphonePresenceService LinphonePresenceService
 Presence service type holding information about a presence service.
typedef enum _LinphoneSubscribePolicy LinphoneSubscribePolicy
 Enum controlling behavior for incoming subscription request. More...
typedef enum _LinphoneMagicSearchSource LinphoneMagicSearchSource
 Enum describing the search categories for Magic Search.
typedef enum _LinphoneMagicSearchAggregation LinphoneMagicSearchAggregation
 Enum describing how to merge LinphoneSearchResult from LinphoneMagicSearch.
typedef struct _LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber
 Object that represents a LinphoneFriend's phone number.


enum  _LinphoneFriendCapability {
  LinphoneFriendCapabilityNone = 0,
 Enum describing the capabilities of a LinphoneFriend, populated through presence subscribe/notify process. More...
enum  _LinphoneFriendListType {
  LinphoneFriendListTypeDefault = -1,
  LinphoneFriendListTypeCardDAV = 0,
  LinphoneFriendListTypeVCard4 = 1
 The types of FriendList.
enum  _LinphoneFriendListStatus {
  LinphoneFriendListOK = 0,
  LinphoneFriendListNonExistentFriend = 1,
  LinphoneFriendListInvalidFriend = 2
 Enum describing the status of a LinphoneFriendList operation. More...
enum  _LinphoneFriendListSyncStatus {
  LinphoneFriendListSyncStarted = 0,
  LinphoneFriendListSyncSuccessful = 1,
  LinphoneFriendListSyncFailure = 2
 Enum describing the status of a CardDAV synchronization. More...
enum  _LinphoneConsolidatedPresence {
  LinphoneConsolidatedPresenceOnline = 0,
  LinphoneConsolidatedPresenceBusy = 1,
  LinphoneConsolidatedPresenceDoNotDisturb = 2,
  LinphoneConsolidatedPresenceOffline = 3
 Consolidated presence information: 'online' means the user is open for communication, 'busy' means the user is open for communication but involved in an other activity, 'do not disturb' means the user is not open for communication, and 'offline' means that no presence information is available.
enum  LinphonePresenceActivityType {
  LinphonePresenceActivityAppointment = 0,
  LinphonePresenceActivityAway = 1,
  LinphonePresenceActivityBreakfast = 2,
  LinphonePresenceActivityBusy = 3,
  LinphonePresenceActivityDinner = 4,
  LinphonePresenceActivityHoliday = 5,
  LinphonePresenceActivityInTransit = 6,
  LinphonePresenceActivityLookingForWork = 7,
  LinphonePresenceActivityLunch = 8,
  LinphonePresenceActivityMeal = 9,
  LinphonePresenceActivityMeeting = 10,
  LinphonePresenceActivityOnThePhone = 11,
  LinphonePresenceActivityOther = 12,
  LinphonePresenceActivityPerformance = 13,
  LinphonePresenceActivityPermanentAbsence = 14,
  LinphonePresenceActivityPlaying = 15,
  LinphonePresenceActivityPresentation = 16,
  LinphonePresenceActivityShopping = 17,
  LinphonePresenceActivitySleeping = 18,
  LinphonePresenceActivitySpectator = 19,
  LinphonePresenceActivitySteering = 20,
  LinphonePresenceActivityTravel = 21,
  LinphonePresenceActivityTV = 22,
  LinphonePresenceActivityUnknown = 23,
  LinphonePresenceActivityVacation = 24,
  LinphonePresenceActivityWorking = 25,
  LinphonePresenceActivityWorship = 26
 Activities as defined in section 3.2 of RFC 4480. More...
enum  LinphonePresenceBasicStatus {
  LinphonePresenceBasicStatusOpen = 0,
  LinphonePresenceBasicStatusClosed = 1
 Basic status as defined in section 4.1.4 of RFC 3863. More...
enum  _LinphoneSubscribePolicy {
  LinphoneSPWait = 0,
  LinphoneSPDeny = 1,
  LinphoneSPAccept = 2
 Enum controlling behavior for incoming subscription request. More...
enum  _LinphoneMagicSearchSource {
  LinphoneMagicSearchSourceNone = 0,
  LinphoneMagicSearchSourceFriends = 1 << 0,
  LinphoneMagicSearchSourceCallLogs = 1 << 1,
  LinphoneMagicSearchSourceLdapServers = 1 << 2,
  LinphoneMagicSearchSourceChatRooms = 1 << 3,
  LinphoneMagicSearchSourceFavoriteFriends = 1 << 5,
  LinphoneMagicSearchSourceConferencesInfo = 1 << 6,
  LinphoneMagicSearchSourceAll = -1
 Enum describing the search categories for Magic Search. More...
enum  _LinphoneMagicSearchAggregation {
 Enum describing how to merge LinphoneSearchResult from LinphoneMagicSearch. More...


LinphoneFriendlinphone_core_create_friend (LinphoneCore *core)
 Create a default LinphoneFriend. More...
LinphoneFriendlinphone_core_create_friend_with_address (LinphoneCore *core, const char *address)
 Create a LinphoneFriend from the given address. More...
void linphone_core_set_presence_model (LinphoneCore *core, LinphonePresenceModel *presence)
 Set my presence model. More...
LinphonePresenceModellinphone_core_get_presence_model (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Get my presence model. More...
LinphoneConsolidatedPresence linphone_core_get_consolidated_presence (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Get my consolidated presence. More...
void linphone_core_set_consolidated_presence (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneConsolidatedPresence presence)
 Set my consolidated presence. More...
void linphone_core_reject_subscriber (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Black list a friend. More...
void linphone_core_notify_all_friends (LinphoneCore *core, LinphonePresenceModel *presence)
 Notify all friends that have subscribed. More...
LinphoneFriendlinphone_core_find_friend (const LinphoneCore *core, const LinphoneAddress *address)
 Search a LinphoneFriend by its address. More...
LinphoneFriendlinphone_core_find_friend_by_phone_number (const LinphoneCore *core, const char *phone_number)
 Search a LinphoneFriend by its phone number. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_core_find_friends (const LinphoneCore *core, const LinphoneAddress *address)
 Search all LinphoneFriend matching an address. More...
LinphoneFriendlinphone_core_get_friend_by_ref_key (const LinphoneCore *core, const char *key)
 Search a LinphoneFriend by its reference key. More...
LinphoneFriendListlinphone_core_create_friend_list (LinphoneCore *core)
 Create a new empty LinphoneFriendList object. More...
void linphone_core_add_friend_list (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriendList *list)
 Add a friend list. More...
void linphone_core_remove_friend_list (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriendList *list)
 Removes a friend list. More...
const bctbx_list_t * linphone_core_get_friends_lists (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Retrieves the list of LinphoneFriendList from the core. More...
LinphoneFriendListlinphone_core_get_default_friend_list (const LinphoneCore *core)
 Retrieves the first list of LinphoneFriend from the core. More...
LinphoneFriendListlinphone_core_get_friend_list_by_name (const LinphoneCore *core, const char *name)
 Retrieves the list of LinphoneFriend from the core that has the given display name. More...
void linphone_core_enable_friend_list_subscription (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enable)
 Sets whether or not to start friend lists subscription when in foreground. More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_friend_list_subscription_enabled (LinphoneCore *core)
 Returns whether or not friend lists subscription are enabled. More...
bool_t linphone_core_friend_list_subscription_enabled (LinphoneCore *core)
 Returns whether or not friend lists subscription are enabled. More...
const bctbx_list_t * linphone_core_find_contacts_by_char (LinphoneCore *core, const char *filter, bool_t sip_only)
 Retrieves a list of LinphoneAddress sort and filter. More...
LinphonePresenceActivitylinphone_core_create_presence_activity (LinphoneCore *core, LinphonePresenceActivityType acttype, const char *description)
 Create a LinphonePresenceActivity with the given type and description. More...
LinphonePresenceModellinphone_core_create_presence_model (LinphoneCore *core)
 Create a default LinphonePresenceModel. More...
LinphonePresenceModellinphone_core_create_presence_model_with_activity (LinphoneCore *core, LinphonePresenceActivityType acttype, const char *description)
 Create a LinphonePresenceModel with the given activity type and activity description. More...
LinphonePresenceModellinphone_core_create_presence_model_with_activity_and_note (LinphoneCore *core, LinphonePresenceActivityType acttype, const char *description, const char *note, const char *lang)
 Create a LinphonePresenceModel with the given activity type, activity description, note content and note language. More...
LinphonePresenceNotelinphone_core_create_presence_note (LinphoneCore *core, const char *content, const char *lang)
 Create a LinphonePresenceNote with the given content and language. More...
LinphonePresencePersonlinphone_core_create_presence_person (LinphoneCore *core, const char *id)
 Create a LinphonePresencePerson with the given id. More...
LinphonePresenceServicelinphone_core_create_presence_service (LinphoneCore *core, const char *id, LinphonePresenceBasicStatus basic_status, const char *contact)
 Create a LinphonePresenceService with the given id, basic status and contact. More...
void linphone_core_notify_notify_presence_received (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Notifies the upper layer that a presence status has been received by calling the appropriate callback if one has been set. More...
void linphone_core_notify_notify_presence_received_for_uri_or_tel (LinphoneCore *core, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *uri_or_tel, const LinphonePresenceModel *presence_model)
 Notifies the upper layer that a presence model change has been received for the uri or telephone number given as a parameter, by calling the appropriate callback if one has been set. More...
void linphone_core_set_max_size_for_auto_download_incoming_files (LinphoneCore *core, int size)
 Sets the size under which incoming files in chat messages will be downloaded automatically. More...
int linphone_core_get_max_size_for_auto_download_incoming_files (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets the size under which incoming files in chat messages will be downloaded automatically. More...
void linphone_core_set_auto_download_voice_recordings_enabled (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t auto_download_voice_recordings)
 Auto download files attach to a chat message if it's content type matches the one we use for voice recordings. More...
void linphone_core_enable_auto_download_voice_recordings (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t auto_download_voice_recordings)
 Auto download files attach to a chat message if it's content type matches the one we use for voice recordings. More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_auto_download_voice_recordings_enabled (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets if the auto download for incoming voice recordings is enabled or not. More...
bool_t linphone_core_auto_download_voice_recordings_enabled (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets if the auto download for incoming voice recordings is enabled or not. More...
void linphone_core_set_auto_download_icalendars_enabled (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t auto_download_icalendars)
 Auto download files attach to a chat message if it's content type matches the one we use for icalendars. More...
void linphone_core_enable_auto_download_icalendars (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t auto_download_icalendars)
 Auto download files attach to a chat message if it's content type matches the one we use for icalendars. More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_auto_download_icalendars_enabled (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets if the auto download for incoming icalendars is enabled or not. More...
bool_t linphone_core_auto_download_icalendars_enabled (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets if the auto download for incoming icalendars is enabled or not. More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_sender_name_hidden_in_forward_message (LinphoneCore *core)
 Returns whether or not sender name is hidden in forward message. More...
void linphone_core_enable_sender_name_hidden_in_forward_message (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enable)
 Enable whether or not to hide sender name in forward message. More...
void linphone_core_set_record_aware_enabled (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enable)
 Enables the record aware feature that will warn other users when recording. More...
void linphone_core_enable_record_aware (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enable)
 Enables the record aware feature that will warn other users when recording. More...
bool_t linphone_core_is_record_aware_enabled (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets if the record aware feature is enabled or not. More...
bool_t linphone_core_record_aware_enabled (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets if the record aware feature is enabled or not. More...
void linphone_core_enable_auto_send_ringing (LinphoneCore *core, bool_t enable)
 Enables the automatic sending of 180 Ringing when receiving a call. More...
bool_t linphone_core_auto_send_ringing_enabled (LinphoneCore *core)
 Gets if the automatic sending of 180 Ringing is enabled or not. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_friend_set_address (LinphoneFriend *fr, const LinphoneAddress *address)
 Set LinphoneAddress for this friend. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_friend_get_address (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Get address of this friend. More...
void linphone_friend_add_address (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const LinphoneAddress *address)
 Adds an address in this friend. More...
const bctbx_list_t * linphone_friend_get_addresses (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Returns a list of LinphoneAddress for this friend. More...
void linphone_friend_remove_address (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const LinphoneAddress *address)
 Removes an address in this friend. More...
void linphone_friend_add_phone_number (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *phone_number)
 Adds a phone number in this friend. More...
void linphone_friend_add_phone_number_with_label (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber *phone_number)
 Adds a LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber to this friend. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_friend_get_phone_numbers (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Returns a list of phone numbers for this friend. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_friend_get_phone_numbers_with_label (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Returns a list of LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber for this friend. More...
bool_t linphone_friend_has_phone_number (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *phone_number)
 Returns whether a friend contains the given phone number. More...
void linphone_friend_remove_phone_number (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *phone_number)
 Removes a phone number in this friend. More...
void linphone_friend_remove_phone_number_with_label (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber *phone_number)
 Removes a LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber from this friend. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_friend_set_name (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *name)
 Set the display name for this friend. More...
const char * linphone_friend_get_name (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Get the display name for this friend. More...
bool_t linphone_friend_subscribes_enabled (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 get subscription flag value More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_friend_enable_subscribes (LinphoneFriend *fr, bool_t enable)
 Configure LinphoneFriend to subscribe to presence information. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_friend_set_inc_subscribe_policy (LinphoneFriend *fr, LinphoneSubscribePolicy policy)
 Configure incoming subscription policy for this friend. More...
LinphoneSubscribePolicy linphone_friend_get_inc_subscribe_policy (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 get current subscription policy for this LinphoneFriend More...
void linphone_friend_edit (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Starts editing a friend configuration. More...
void linphone_friend_done (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Commits modification made to the friend configuration. More...
LinphoneSubscriptionState linphone_friend_get_subscription_state (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Get subscription state of a friend. More...
const LinphonePresenceModellinphone_friend_get_presence_model (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Get the presence model of a friend. More...
LinphoneConsolidatedPresence linphone_friend_get_consolidated_presence (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Get the consolidated presence of a friend. More...
const LinphonePresenceModellinphone_friend_get_presence_model_for_uri_or_tel (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *uri_or_tel)
 Get the presence model for a specific SIP URI or phone number of a friend. More...
void linphone_friend_set_presence_model (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, LinphonePresenceModel *presence)
 Set the presence model of a friend. More...
void linphone_friend_set_presence_model_for_uri_or_tel (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *uri_or_tel, LinphonePresenceModel *presence)
 Set the presence model for a specific SIP URI or phone number of a friend. More...
bool_t linphone_friend_is_presence_received (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Tells whether we already received presence information for a friend. More...
void linphone_friend_set_user_data (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, void *user_data)
 Store user pointer to friend object. More...
void * linphone_friend_get_user_data (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Retrieve user data associated with friend. More...
BuddyInfolinphone_friend_get_info (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
void linphone_friend_set_ref_key (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *key)
 Set the reference key of a friend. More...
const char * linphone_friend_get_ref_key (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Get the reference key of a friend. More...
bool_t linphone_friend_in_list (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Check that the given friend is in a friend list. More...
LinphoneFriendlinphone_friend_ref (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Acquire a reference to the linphone friend. More...
void linphone_friend_unref (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Release a reference to the linphone friend. More...
LinphoneCorelinphone_friend_get_core (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Returns the LinphoneCore object managing this friend, if any. More...
LinphoneVcardlinphone_friend_get_vcard (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Returns the vCard object associated to this friend, if any. More...
void linphone_friend_set_vcard (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, LinphoneVcard *vcard)
 Binds a vCard object to a friend. More...
bool_t linphone_friend_create_vcard (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *name)
 Creates a vCard object associated to this friend if there isn't one yet and if the full name is available, either by the parameter or the one in the friend's SIP URI. More...
LinphoneFriendlinphone_friend_new_from_vcard (LinphoneVcard *vcard)
 Contructor same as linphone_friend_new() + linphone_friend_set_address() More...
void linphone_friend_save (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, LinphoneCore *core)
 Saves a friend either in database if configured, otherwise in linphonerc. More...
int linphone_friend_get_capabilities (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Returns the capabilities associated to this friend. More...
bool_t linphone_friend_has_capability (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const LinphoneFriendCapability capability)
 Returns whether or not a friend has a capbility. More...
bool_t linphone_friend_has_capability_with_version (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const LinphoneFriendCapability capability, float version)
 Returns whether or not a friend has a capbility with a given version. More...
bool_t linphone_friend_has_capability_with_version_or_more (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const LinphoneFriendCapability capability, float version)
 Returns whether or not a friend has a capbility with a given version or more. More...
float linphone_friend_get_capability_version (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const LinphoneFriendCapability capability)
 Returns the version of a friend's capbility. More...
void linphone_friend_remove (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Removes a friend from it's friend list and from the rc if exists. More...
void linphone_friend_set_photo (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *picture_uri)
 Sets the contact's picture URI. More...
const char * linphone_friend_get_photo (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Gets the contact's picture URI. More...
void linphone_friend_set_starred (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, bool_t is_starred)
 Sets if the friend is a user's favorite or important contact. More...
bool_t linphone_friend_get_starred (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Gets if the friend is to be considered as important for the user. More...
void linphone_friend_set_native_uri (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *native_uri)
 Sets the contact's native URI. More...
const char * linphone_friend_get_native_uri (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Gets the contact's native URI. More...
void linphone_friend_set_organization (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *organization)
 Sets the contact's organization. More...
const char * linphone_friend_get_organization (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Gets the contact's organization from it's vCard. More...
void linphone_friend_set_job_title (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, const char *job_title)
 Sets the contact's job title. More...
const char * linphone_friend_get_job_title (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Gets the contact's job title from it's vCard. More...
void linphone_friend_add_callbacks (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, LinphoneFriendCbs *cbs)
 Adds the LinphoneFriendCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriend. More...
void linphone_friend_remove_callbacks (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend, LinphoneFriendCbs *cbs)
 Removes the LinphoneFriendCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriend. More...
LinphoneFriendCbslinphone_friend_get_current_callbacks (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Get the current LinphoneFriendCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriend. More...
LinphoneFriendCbslinphone_friend_cbs_ref (LinphoneFriendCbs *cbs)
 Acquire a reference to a LinphoneFriendCbs object. More...
void linphone_friend_cbs_unref (LinphoneFriendCbs *cbs)
 Release a reference to a LinphoneFriendCbs object. More...
void * linphone_friend_cbs_get_user_data (const LinphoneFriendCbs *cbs)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with a LinphoneFriendCbs object. More...
void linphone_friend_cbs_set_user_data (LinphoneFriendCbs *cbs, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to a LinphoneFriendCbs object. More...
LinphoneFriendCbsPresenceReceivedCb linphone_friend_cbs_get_presence_received (const LinphoneFriendCbs *cbs)
 Get the presence received callback. More...
void linphone_friend_cbs_set_presence_received (LinphoneFriendCbs *cbs, LinphoneFriendCbsPresenceReceivedCb cb)
 Set the presence received callback. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneFriendlinphone_friend_new (void)
 Contructor. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneFriendlinphone_friend_new_with_address (const char *addr)
 Contructor same as linphone_friend_new() + linphone_friend_set_address() More...
MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_friend_destroy (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Destroy a LinphoneFriend. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneOnlineStatus linphone_friend_get_status (const LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Get the status of a friend. More...
LinphoneFriendListlinphone_friend_list_ref (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Acquire a reference to the friend list. More...
void linphone_friend_list_unref (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Release reference to the friend list. More...
void * linphone_friend_list_get_user_data (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with the friend list. More...
void linphone_friend_list_set_user_data (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to the friend list. More...
void linphone_friend_list_set_type (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriendListType type)
 Assign a friend list type to the friend list. More...
LinphoneFriendListType linphone_friend_list_get_type (LinphoneFriendList *list)
 Get the LinphoneFriendListType of a friend list. More...
const char * linphone_friend_list_get_display_name (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Get the display name of the friend list. More...
void linphone_friend_list_set_display_name (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const char *display_name)
 Set the display name of the friend list. More...
const char * linphone_friend_list_get_rls_uri (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Get the RLS (Resource List Server) URI associated with the friend list to subscribe to these friends presence. More...
void linphone_friend_list_set_rls_uri (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const char *rls_uri)
 Set the RLS (Resource List Server) URI associated with the friend list to subscribe to these friends presence. More...
LinphoneAddresslinphone_friend_list_get_rls_address (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Get the RLS (Resource List Server) URI associated with the friend list to subscribe to these friends presence. More...
void linphone_friend_list_set_rls_address (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const LinphoneAddress *rls_addr)
 Set the RLS (Resource List Server) URI associated with the friend list to subscribe to these friends presence. More...
LinphoneFriendListStatus linphone_friend_list_add_friend (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Add a friend to a friend list. More...
LinphoneFriendListStatus linphone_friend_list_add_local_friend (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Add a friend to a friend list. More...
LinphoneFriendListStatus linphone_friend_list_remove_friend (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)
 Remove a friend from a friend list. More...
const bctbx_list_t * linphone_friend_list_get_friends (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Retrieves the list of LinphoneFriend from this LinphoneFriendList. More...
LinphoneFriendlinphone_friend_list_find_friend_by_address (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const LinphoneAddress *address)
 Find a friend in the friend list using a LinphoneAddress. More...
LinphoneFriendlinphone_friend_list_find_friend_by_phone_number (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const char *phone_number)
 Find a friend in the friend list using a phone number. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_friend_list_find_friends_by_address (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const LinphoneAddress *address)
 Find all friends in the friend list using a LinphoneAddress. More...
LinphoneFriendlinphone_friend_list_find_friend_by_uri (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const char *uri)
 Find a friend in the friend list using an URI string. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_friend_list_find_friends_by_uri (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const char *uri)
 Find all friends in the friend list using an URI string. More...
LinphoneFriendlinphone_friend_list_find_friend_by_ref_key (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const char *ref_key)
 Find a friend in the friend list using a ref key. More...
void linphone_friend_list_update_subscriptions (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Update presence subscriptions for the entire list. More...
void linphone_friend_list_notify_presence (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphonePresenceModel *presence)
 Notify our presence to all the friends in the friend list that have subscribed to our presence directly (not using a RLS). More...
const char * linphone_friend_list_get_uri (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Get the URI associated with the friend list. More...
void linphone_friend_list_set_uri (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const char *uri)
 Set the URI associated with the friend list. More...
bool_t linphone_friend_list_is_subscription_bodyless (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Get wheter the subscription of the friend list is bodyless or not. More...
void linphone_friend_list_set_subscription_bodyless (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, bool_t bodyless)
 Set wheter the subscription of the friend list is bodyless or not. More...
void linphone_friend_list_update_revision (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, int revision)
 Sets the revision from the last synchronization. More...
void linphone_friend_list_add_callbacks (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs)
 Adds the LinphoneFriendListCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriendList. More...
void linphone_friend_list_remove_callbacks (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs)
 Removes the LinphoneFriendListCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriendList. More...
LinphoneFriendListCbslinphone_friend_list_get_current_callbacks (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Get the current LinphoneFriendListCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriendList. More...
LinphoneFriendListCbslinphone_friend_list_cbs_ref (LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs)
 Acquire a reference to a LinphoneFriendListCbs object. More...
void linphone_friend_list_cbs_unref (LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs)
 Release a reference to a LinphoneFriendListCbs object. More...
void * linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_user_data (const LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs)
 Retrieve the user pointer associated with a LinphoneFriendListCbs object. More...
void linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_user_data (LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs, void *user_data)
 Assign a user pointer to a LinphoneFriendListCbs object. More...
LinphoneFriendListCbsContactCreatedCb linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_contact_created (const LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs)
 Get the contact created callback. More...
void linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_contact_created (LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs, LinphoneFriendListCbsContactCreatedCb cb)
 Set the contact created callback. More...
LinphoneFriendListCbsContactDeletedCb linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_contact_deleted (const LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs)
 Get the contact deleted callback. More...
void linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_contact_deleted (LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs, LinphoneFriendListCbsContactDeletedCb cb)
 Set the contact deleted callback. More...
LinphoneFriendListCbsContactUpdatedCb linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_contact_updated (const LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs)
 Get the contact updated callback. More...
void linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_contact_updated (LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs, LinphoneFriendListCbsContactUpdatedCb cb)
 Set the contact updated callback. More...
LinphoneFriendListCbsSyncStateChangedCb linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_sync_status_changed (const LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs)
 Get the sync status changed callback. More...
void linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_sync_status_changed (LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs, LinphoneFriendListCbsSyncStateChangedCb cb)
 Set the contact updated callback. More...
LinphoneFriendListCbsPresenceReceivedCb linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_presence_received (const LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs)
 Get the presence received callback. More...
void linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_presence_received (LinphoneFriendListCbs *cbs, LinphoneFriendListCbsPresenceReceivedCb cb)
 Set the presence received callback. More...
void linphone_friend_list_synchronize_friends_from_server (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Starts a CardDAV synchronization using value set using linphone_friend_list_set_uri. More...
void linphone_friend_list_update_dirty_friends (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Goes through all the LinphoneFriend that are dirty and does a CardDAV PUT to update the server. More...
LinphoneCorelinphone_friend_list_get_core (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Returns the LinphoneCore object attached to this LinphoneFriendList. More...
int linphone_friend_list_import_friends_from_vcard4_file (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const char *vcard_file)
 Creates and adds LinphoneFriend objects to LinphoneFriendList from a file that contains the vCard(s) to parse. More...
int linphone_friend_list_import_friends_from_vcard4_buffer (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const char *vcard_buffer)
 Creates and adds LinphoneFriend objects to LinphoneFriendList from a buffer that contains the vCard(s) to parse. More...
void linphone_friend_list_export_friends_as_vcard4_file (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const char *vcard_file)
 Creates and export LinphoneFriend objects from LinphoneFriendList to a file using vCard 4 format. More...
void linphone_friend_list_enable_subscriptions (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, bool_t enabled)
 Enable subscription to NOTIFYs. More...
bool_t linphone_friend_list_subscriptions_enabled (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Gets whether subscription to NOTIFYs are enabled or not. More...
bool_t linphone_friend_list_database_storage_enabled (const LinphoneFriendList *list)
 Gets whether this friend list and it's friends will be stored in DB or not. More...
void linphone_friend_list_enable_database_storage (LinphoneFriendList *list, bool_t enable)
 Sets whether this friend list and it's friends will be stored in DB or not. More...
MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneFriendListCbslinphone_friend_list_get_callbacks (const LinphoneFriendList *friend_list)
 Get the LinphoneFriendListCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriendList. More...
LinphonePresenceModellinphone_presence_model_new_with_activity (LinphonePresenceActivityType activity, const char *description)
 Creates a presence model specifying an activity. More...
LinphonePresenceModellinphone_presence_model_new_with_activity_and_note (LinphonePresenceActivityType activity, const char *description, const char *note, const char *lang)
 Creates a presence model specifying an activity and adding a note. More...
LinphonePresenceBasicStatus linphone_presence_model_get_basic_status (const LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Gets the basic status of a presence model. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_set_basic_status (LinphonePresenceModel *model, LinphonePresenceBasicStatus basic_status)
 Sets the basic status of a presence model. More...
time_t linphone_presence_model_get_timestamp (const LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Gets the timestamp of a presence model. More...
time_t linphone_presence_model_get_latest_activity_timestamp (const LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Gets the latest activity timestamp of a presence model. More...
char * linphone_presence_model_get_contact (const LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Gets the contact of a presence model. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_set_contact (LinphonePresenceModel *model, const char *contact)
 Sets the contact of a presence model. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_set_presentity (LinphonePresenceModel *model, const LinphoneAddress *presentity)
 Sets the presentity of a presence model. More...
const LinphoneAddresslinphone_presence_model_get_presentity (const LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Gets the presentity of a presence model. More...
LinphonePresenceActivitylinphone_presence_model_get_activity (const LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Gets the first activity of a presence model (there is usually only one). More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_set_activity (LinphonePresenceModel *model, LinphonePresenceActivityType activity, const char *description)
 Sets the activity of a presence model (limits to only one activity). More...
unsigned int linphone_presence_model_get_nb_activities (const LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Gets the number of activities included in the presence model. More...
LinphonePresenceActivitylinphone_presence_model_get_nth_activity (const LinphonePresenceModel *model, unsigned int index)
 Gets the nth activity of a presence model. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_add_activity (LinphonePresenceModel *model, LinphonePresenceActivity *activity)
 Adds an activity to a presence model. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_clear_activities (LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Clears the activities of a presence model. More...
LinphonePresenceNotelinphone_presence_model_get_note (const LinphonePresenceModel *model, const char *lang)
 Gets the first note of a presence model (there is usually only one). More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_add_note (LinphonePresenceModel *model, const char *note_content, const char *lang)
 Adds a note to a presence model. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_clear_notes (LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Clears all the notes of a presence model. More...
LinphoneConsolidatedPresence linphone_presence_model_get_consolidated_presence (const LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Get the consolidated presence from a presence model. More...
LinphonePresenceModellinphone_presence_model_new (void)
 Creates a default presence model. More...
unsigned int linphone_presence_model_get_nb_services (const LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Gets the number of services included in the presence model. More...
LinphonePresenceServicelinphone_presence_model_get_nth_service (const LinphonePresenceModel *model, unsigned int index)
 Gets the nth service of a presence model. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_add_service (LinphonePresenceModel *model, LinphonePresenceService *service)
 Adds a service to a presence model. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_clear_services (LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Clears the services of a presence model. More...
unsigned int linphone_presence_model_get_nb_persons (const LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Gets the number of persons included in the presence model. More...
LinphonePresencePersonlinphone_presence_model_get_nth_person (const LinphonePresenceModel *model, unsigned int index)
 Gets the nth person of a presence model. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_add_person (LinphonePresenceModel *model, LinphonePresencePerson *person)
 Adds a person to a presence model. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_clear_persons (LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Clears the persons of a presence model. More...
bool_t linphone_presence_model_is_online (const LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Tells whether a presence model is considered online. More...
char * linphone_presence_basic_status_to_string (LinphonePresenceBasicStatus basic_status)
 Gets the string representation of a presence basic status. More...
LinphonePresenceServicelinphone_presence_service_new (const char *id, LinphonePresenceBasicStatus basic_status, const char *contact)
 Creates a presence service. More...
char * linphone_presence_service_get_id (const LinphonePresenceService *service)
 Gets the id of a presence service. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_service_set_id (LinphonePresenceService *service, const char *id)
 Sets the id of a presence service. More...
LinphonePresenceBasicStatus linphone_presence_service_get_basic_status (const LinphonePresenceService *service)
 Gets the basic status of a presence service. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_service_set_basic_status (LinphonePresenceService *service, LinphonePresenceBasicStatus basic_status)
 Sets the basic status of a presence service. More...
char * linphone_presence_service_get_contact (const LinphonePresenceService *service)
 Gets the contact of a presence service. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_service_set_contact (LinphonePresenceService *service, const char *contact)
 Sets the contact of a presence service. More...
bctbx_list_t * linphone_presence_service_get_service_descriptions (const LinphonePresenceService *service)
 Gets the service descriptions of a presence service. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_service_set_service_descriptions (LinphonePresenceService *service, bctbx_list_t *descriptions)
 Sets the service descriptions of a presence service. More...
unsigned int linphone_presence_service_get_nb_notes (const LinphonePresenceService *service)
 Gets the number of notes included in the presence service. More...
LinphonePresenceNotelinphone_presence_service_get_nth_note (const LinphonePresenceService *service, unsigned int index)
 Gets the nth note of a presence service. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_service_add_note (LinphonePresenceService *service, LinphonePresenceNote *note)
 Adds a note to a presence service. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_service_clear_notes (LinphonePresenceService *service)
 Clears the notes of a presence service. More...
LinphonePresencePersonlinphone_presence_person_new (const char *id)
 Creates a presence person. More...
char * linphone_presence_person_get_id (const LinphonePresencePerson *person)
 Gets the id of a presence person. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_set_id (LinphonePresencePerson *person, const char *id)
 Sets the id of a presence person. More...
unsigned int linphone_presence_person_get_nb_activities (const LinphonePresencePerson *person)
 Gets the number of activities included in the presence person. More...
LinphonePresenceActivitylinphone_presence_person_get_nth_activity (const LinphonePresencePerson *person, unsigned int index)
 Gets the nth activity of a presence person. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_add_activity (LinphonePresencePerson *person, LinphonePresenceActivity *activity)
 Adds an activity to a presence person. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_clear_activities (LinphonePresencePerson *person)
 Clears the activities of a presence person. More...
unsigned int linphone_presence_person_get_nb_notes (const LinphonePresencePerson *person)
 Gets the number of notes included in the presence person. More...
LinphonePresenceNotelinphone_presence_person_get_nth_note (const LinphonePresencePerson *person, unsigned int index)
 Gets the nth note of a presence person. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_add_note (LinphonePresencePerson *person, LinphonePresenceNote *note)
 Adds a note to a presence person. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_clear_notes (LinphonePresencePerson *person)
 Clears the notes of a presence person. More...
unsigned int linphone_presence_person_get_nb_activities_notes (const LinphonePresencePerson *person)
 Gets the number of activities notes included in the presence person. More...
LinphonePresenceNotelinphone_presence_person_get_nth_activities_note (const LinphonePresencePerson *person, unsigned int index)
 Gets the nth activities note of a presence person. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_add_activities_note (LinphonePresencePerson *person, LinphonePresenceNote *note)
 Adds an activities note to a presence person. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_clear_activities_notes (LinphonePresencePerson *person)
 Clears the activities notes of a presence person. More...
LinphonePresenceActivitylinphone_presence_activity_new (LinphonePresenceActivityType acttype, const char *description)
 Creates a presence activity. More...
char * linphone_presence_activity_to_string (const LinphonePresenceActivity *activity)
 Gets the string representation of a presence activity. More...
LinphonePresenceActivityType linphone_presence_activity_get_type (const LinphonePresenceActivity *activity)
 Gets the activity type of a presence activity. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_activity_set_type (LinphonePresenceActivity *activity, LinphonePresenceActivityType acttype)
 Sets the type of activity of a presence activity. More...
const char * linphone_presence_activity_get_description (const LinphonePresenceActivity *activity)
 Gets the description of a presence activity. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_activity_set_description (LinphonePresenceActivity *activity, const char *description)
 Sets the description of a presence activity. More...
LinphonePresenceNotelinphone_presence_note_new (const char *content, const char *lang)
 Creates a presence note. More...
const char * linphone_presence_note_get_content (const LinphonePresenceNote *note)
 Gets the content of a presence note. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_note_set_content (LinphonePresenceNote *note, const char *content)
 Sets the content of a presence note. More...
const char * linphone_presence_note_get_lang (const LinphonePresenceNote *note)
 Gets the language of a presence note. More...
LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_note_set_lang (LinphonePresenceNote *note, const char *lang)
 Sets the language of a presence note. More...
LinphonePresenceModellinphone_presence_model_ref (LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Increase the reference count of the LinphonePresenceModel object. More...
LinphonePresenceModellinphone_presence_model_unref (LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Decrease the reference count of the LinphonePresenceModel object and destroy it if it reaches 0. More...
void linphone_presence_model_set_user_data (LinphonePresenceModel *model, void *user_data)
 Sets the user data of a LinphonePresenceModel object. More...
void * linphone_presence_model_get_user_data (const LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Gets the user data of a LinphonePresenceModel object. More...
int linphone_presence_model_get_capabilities (const LinphonePresenceModel *model)
 Gets the capabilities of a LinphonePresenceModel object. More...
bool_t linphone_presence_model_has_capability (const LinphonePresenceModel *model, const LinphoneFriendCapability capability)
 Returns whether or not the LinphonePresenceModel object has a given capability. More...
bool_t linphone_presence_model_has_capability_with_version (const LinphonePresenceModel *model, const LinphoneFriendCapability capability, float version)
 Returns whether or not the LinphonePresenceModel object has a given capability with a certain version. More...
bool_t linphone_presence_model_has_capability_with_version_or_more (const LinphonePresenceModel *model, const LinphoneFriendCapability capability, float version)
 Returns whether or not the LinphonePresenceModel object has a given capability with a certain version or more. More...
float linphone_presence_model_get_capability_version (const LinphonePresenceModel *model, const LinphoneFriendCapability capability)
 Returns the version of the capability of a LinphonePresenceModel. More...
LinphonePresenceServicelinphone_presence_service_ref (LinphonePresenceService *service)
 Increase the reference count of the LinphonePresenceService object. More...
LinphonePresenceServicelinphone_presence_service_unref (LinphonePresenceService *service)
 Decrease the reference count of the LinphonePresenceService object and destroy it if it reaches 0. More...
void linphone_presence_service_set_user_data (LinphonePresenceService *service, void *user_data)
 Sets the user data of a LinphonePresenceService object. More...
void * linphone_presence_service_get_user_data (const LinphonePresenceService *service)
 Gets the user data of a LinphonePresenceService object. More...
LinphonePresencePersonlinphone_presence_person_ref (LinphonePresencePerson *person)
 Increase the reference count of the LinphonePresencePerson object. More...
LinphonePresencePersonlinphone_presence_person_unref (LinphonePresencePerson *person)
 Decrease the reference count of the LinphonePresencePerson object and destroy it if it reaches 0. More...
void linphone_presence_person_set_user_data (LinphonePresencePerson *person, void *user_data)
 Sets the user data of a LinphonePresencePerson object. More...
void * linphone_presence_person_get_user_data (const LinphonePresencePerson *person)
 Gets the user data of a LinphonePresencePerson object. More...
LinphonePresenceActivitylinphone_presence_activity_ref (LinphonePresenceActivity *activity)
 Increase the reference count of the LinphonePresenceActivity object. More...
LinphonePresenceActivitylinphone_presence_activity_unref (LinphonePresenceActivity *activity)
 Decrease the reference count of the LinphonePresenceActivity object and destroy it if it reaches 0. More...
void linphone_presence_activity_set_user_data (LinphonePresenceActivity *activity, void *user_data)
 Sets the user data of a LinphonePresenceActivity object. More...
void * linphone_presence_activity_get_user_data (const LinphonePresenceActivity *activity)
 Gets the user data of a LinphonePresenceActivity object. More...
LinphonePresenceNotelinphone_presence_note_ref (LinphonePresenceNote *note)
 Increase the reference count of the LinphonePresenceNote object. More...
LinphonePresenceNotelinphone_presence_note_unref (LinphonePresenceNote *note)
 Decrease the reference count of the LinphonePresenceNote object and destroy it if it reaches 0. More...
void linphone_presence_note_set_user_data (LinphonePresenceNote *note, void *user_data)
 Sets the user data of a LinphonePresenceNote object. More...
void * linphone_presence_note_get_user_data (const LinphonePresenceNote *note)
 Gets the user data of a LinphonePresenceNote object. More...
LinphoneFriendPhoneNumberlinphone_friend_phone_number_new (const char *phone_number, const char *label)
 Creates a new LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber. More...
LinphoneFriendPhoneNumberlinphone_friend_phone_number_clone (const LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber *phone_number)
 Clones a phone number. More...
LinphoneFriendPhoneNumberlinphone_friend_phone_number_ref (LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber *phone_number)
 Takes a reference on a LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber. More...
void linphone_friend_phone_number_unref (LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber *phone_number)
 Releases a LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber. More...
void linphone_friend_phone_number_set_phone_number (LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber *phone_number, const char *number)
 Sets the phone number. More...
const char * linphone_friend_phone_number_get_phone_number (const LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber *phone_number)
 Gets the phone number. More...
void linphone_friend_phone_number_set_label (LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber *phone_number, const char *label)
 Sets the label for this phone number. More...
const char * linphone_friend_phone_number_get_label (const LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber *phone_number)
 Gets the label associated to this phone number. More...

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ LinphoneFriend

typedef struct _LinphoneFriend LinphoneFriend

This object is used to store a SIP address.

LinphoneFriend is mainly used to implement an adressbook feature, and are used as data for the LinphoneMagicSearch object. If your proxy supports it, you can also use it to subscribe to presence information.

The objects are stored in a LinphoneFriendList which are in turn stored inside the LinphoneCore. They can be stored inside a database if the path to it is configured, otherwise they will be lost after the LinphoneCore is destroyed.

Thanks to the vCard plugin, you can also store more information like phone numbers, organization, etc...

◆ LinphoneFriendCbsPresenceReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneFriendCbsPresenceReceivedCb) (LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)

Callback used to notify a friend that it has received presence information.

linphone_friendThe LinphoneFriend object for which the status has changed

◆ LinphoneFriendList

typedef struct _LinphoneFriendList LinphoneFriendList

This object representing a list of LinphoneFriend.

You can use it to store contacts locally or synchronize them through CardDAV protocol.

◆ LinphoneFriendListCbsContactCreatedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneFriendListCbsContactCreatedCb) (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)

Callback used to notify a new contact has been created on the CardDAV server and downloaded locally.

friend_listThe LinphoneFriendList object the new contact is added to
linphone_friendThe LinphoneFriend object that has been created

◆ LinphoneFriendListCbsContactDeletedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneFriendListCbsContactDeletedCb) (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriend *linphone_friend)

Callback used to notify a contact has been deleted on the CardDAV server.

friend_listThe LinphoneFriendList object a contact has been removed from
linphone_friendThe LinphoneFriend object that has been deleted

◆ LinphoneFriendListCbsContactUpdatedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneFriendListCbsContactUpdatedCb) (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriend *new_friend, LinphoneFriend *old_friend)

Callback used to notify a contact has been updated on the CardDAV server.

friend_listThe LinphoneFriendList object in which a contact has been updated
new_friendThe new LinphoneFriend object corresponding to the updated contact
old_friendThe old LinphoneFriend object before update

◆ LinphoneFriendListCbsPresenceReceivedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneFriendListCbsPresenceReceivedCb) (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, const bctbx_list_t *friends)

Callback used to notify a list with all friends that have received presence information.

friend_listThe LinphoneFriendList object for which the status has changed
friendsA of the relevant friends

◆ LinphoneFriendListCbsSyncStateChangedCb

typedef void(* LinphoneFriendListCbsSyncStateChangedCb) (LinphoneFriendList *friend_list, LinphoneFriendListSyncStatus status, const char *message)

Callback used to notify the status of the synchronization has changed.

friend_listThe LinphoneFriendList object for which the status has changed
statusThe new LinphoneFriendListSyncStatus
messageAn additional information on the status update

◆ LinphoneSubscribePolicy

Enum controlling behavior for incoming subscription request.

Use by linphone_friend_set_inc_subscribe_policy()

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _LinphoneFriendCapability

Enum describing the capabilities of a LinphoneFriend, populated through presence subscribe/notify process.


No capabilities populated.


This friend can be invited in a Flexisip backend LinphoneChatRoom.


This friend can be invited in a Flexisip backend end-to-end encrypted LinphoneChatRoom.


This friend is able to delete ephemeral messages once they have expired.

◆ _LinphoneFriendListStatus

Enum describing the status of a LinphoneFriendList operation.


Operation went fine.


LinphoneFriend wasn't found in the LinphoneFriendList


LinphoneFriend is already present in a LinphoneFriendList

◆ _LinphoneFriendListSyncStatus

Enum describing the status of a CardDAV synchronization.


Synchronization started.


Synchronization finished successfuly.


Synchronization failed.

◆ _LinphoneMagicSearchAggregation

Enum describing how to merge LinphoneSearchResult from LinphoneMagicSearch.


No aggregation is done, you can have multiple SearchResult with the same Friend.


Aggregation is done by friend, you will have at most a SearchResult per Friend.

◆ _LinphoneMagicSearchSource

Enum describing the search categories for Magic Search.


no Source specified.

If requested in search, the list should be empty


Search in friends only.


Search in Call Logs.


Search in LDAP servers.


Search in Chat rooms participants.


Search from request : it is usually an address built from the request.


Search in "starred" friends only.


Search in conferences info (organizer and participants)


Search in all sources.

◆ _LinphoneSubscribePolicy

Enum controlling behavior for incoming subscription request.

Use by linphone_friend_set_inc_subscribe_policy()


Does not automatically accept an incoming subscription request.

This policy implies that a decision has to be taken for each incoming subscription request notified by callback LinphoneCoreVTable.new_subscription_requested


Rejects incoming subscription request.


Automatically accepts a subscription request.

◆ LinphonePresenceActivityType

Activities as defined in section 3.2 of RFC 4480.


The person has a calendar appointment, without specifying exactly of what type.

This activity is indicated if more detailed information is not available or the person chooses not to reveal more information.


The person is physically away from all interactive communication devices.


The person is eating the first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.


The person is busy, without further details.


The person is having his or her main meal of the day, eaten in the evening or at midday.


This is a scheduled national or local holiday.


The person is riding in a vehicle, such as a car, but not steering.


The person is looking for (paid) work.


The person is eating his or her midday meal.


The person is scheduled for a meal, without specifying whether it is breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or some other meal.


The person is in an assembly or gathering of people, as for a business, social, or religious purpose.

A meeting is a sub-class of an appointment.


The person is talking on the telephone.


The person is engaged in an activity with no defined representation.

A string describing the activity in plain text SHOULD be provided.


A performance is a sub-class of an appointment and includes musical, theatrical, and cinematic performances as well as lectures.

It is distinguished from a meeting by the fact that the person may either be lecturing or be in the audience, with a potentially large number of other people, making interruptions particularly noticeable.


The person will not return for the foreseeable future, e.g., because it is no longer working for the company.


The person is occupying himself or herself in amusement, sport, or other recreation.


The person is giving a presentation, lecture, or participating in a formal round-table discussion.


The person is visiting stores in search of goods or services.


The person is sleeping.


The person is observing an event, such as a sports event.


The person is controlling a vehicle, watercraft, or plane.


The person is on a business or personal trip, but not necessarily in-transit.


The person is watching television.


The activity of the person is unknown.


A period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, or relaxation.


The person is engaged in, typically paid, labor, as part of a profession or job.


The person is participating in religious rites.

◆ LinphonePresenceBasicStatus

Basic status as defined in section 4.1.4 of RFC 3863.


This value means that the associated contact element, if any, is ready to accept communication.


This value means that the associated contact element, if any, is unable to accept communication.

Function Documentation

◆ linphone_core_add_friend_list()

void linphone_core_add_friend_list ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneFriendList list 

Add a friend list.

coreLinphoneCore object
listLinphoneFriendList object

◆ linphone_core_auto_download_icalendars_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_auto_download_icalendars_enabled ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets if the auto download for incoming icalendars is enabled or not.

coreLinphoneCore object
TRUE if icalendars will be automatically downloaded, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_core_auto_download_voice_recordings_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_auto_download_voice_recordings_enabled ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets if the auto download for incoming voice recordings is enabled or not.

coreLinphoneCore object
TRUE if voice recordings will be automatically downloaded, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_core_auto_send_ringing_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_auto_send_ringing_enabled ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets if the automatic sending of 180 Ringing is enabled or not.

coreLinphoneCore object
TRUE if the automatic sending of 180 Ringing is enabled, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_core_create_friend()

LinphoneFriend* linphone_core_create_friend ( LinphoneCore core)

Create a default LinphoneFriend.

coreLinphoneCore object
The created LinphoneFriend object

◆ linphone_core_create_friend_list()

LinphoneFriendList* linphone_core_create_friend_list ( LinphoneCore core)

Create a new empty LinphoneFriendList object.

coreLinphoneCore object.
A new LinphoneFriendList object.

◆ linphone_core_create_friend_with_address()

LinphoneFriend* linphone_core_create_friend_with_address ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  address 

Create a LinphoneFriend from the given address.

coreLinphoneCore object
addressA string containing the address to create the LinphoneFriend from
The created LinphoneFriend object.

◆ linphone_core_create_presence_activity()

LinphonePresenceActivity* linphone_core_create_presence_activity ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphonePresenceActivityType  acttype,
const char *  description 

Create a LinphonePresenceActivity with the given type and description.

coreLinphoneCore object.
acttypeThe LinphonePresenceActivityType to set for the activity.
descriptionAn additional description of the activity to set for the activity. Can be NULL if no additional description is to be added.
The created LinphonePresenceActivity object.

◆ linphone_core_create_presence_model()

LinphonePresenceModel* linphone_core_create_presence_model ( LinphoneCore core)

Create a default LinphonePresenceModel.

coreLinphoneCore object.
The created LinphonePresenceModel object.

◆ linphone_core_create_presence_model_with_activity()

LinphonePresenceModel* linphone_core_create_presence_model_with_activity ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphonePresenceActivityType  acttype,
const char *  description 

Create a LinphonePresenceModel with the given activity type and activity description.

coreLinphoneCore object.
acttypeThe LinphonePresenceActivityType to set for the activity of the created model.
descriptionAn additional description of the activity to set for the activity. Can be NULL if no additional description is to be added.
The created LinphonePresenceModel object.

◆ linphone_core_create_presence_model_with_activity_and_note()

LinphonePresenceModel* linphone_core_create_presence_model_with_activity_and_note ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphonePresenceActivityType  acttype,
const char *  description,
const char *  note,
const char *  lang 

Create a LinphonePresenceModel with the given activity type, activity description, note content and note language.

coreLinphoneCore object.
acttypeThe LinphonePresenceActivityType to set for the activity of the created model.
descriptionAn additional description of the activity to set for the activity. Can be NULL if no additional description is to be added.
noteThe content of the note to be added to the created model.
langThe language of the note to be added to the created model.
The created LinphonePresenceModel object.

◆ linphone_core_create_presence_note()

LinphonePresenceNote* linphone_core_create_presence_note ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  content,
const char *  lang 

Create a LinphonePresenceNote with the given content and language.

coreLinphoneCore object.
contentThe content of the note to be created.
langThe language of the note to be created.
The created LinphonePresenceNote object.

◆ linphone_core_create_presence_person()

LinphonePresencePerson* linphone_core_create_presence_person ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  id 

Create a LinphonePresencePerson with the given id.

coreLinphoneCore object
idThe id of the person to be created.
The created LinphonePresencePerson object.

◆ linphone_core_create_presence_service()

LinphonePresenceService* linphone_core_create_presence_service ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  id,
LinphonePresenceBasicStatus  basic_status,
const char *  contact 

Create a LinphonePresenceService with the given id, basic status and contact.

coreLinphoneCore object.
idThe id of the service to be created.
basic_statusThe basic status of the service to be created.
contactA string containing a contact information corresponding to the service to be created.
The created LinphonePresenceService object.

◆ linphone_core_enable_auto_download_icalendars()

void linphone_core_enable_auto_download_icalendars ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  auto_download_icalendars 

Auto download files attach to a chat message if it's content type matches the one we use for icalendars.

coreLinphoneCore object
auto_download_icalendarsTRUE to automatically download incoming icalendars, FALSE to disable it.

◆ linphone_core_enable_auto_download_voice_recordings()

void linphone_core_enable_auto_download_voice_recordings ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  auto_download_voice_recordings 

Auto download files attach to a chat message if it's content type matches the one we use for voice recordings.

coreLinphoneCore object
auto_download_voice_recordingsTRUE to automatically download incoming voice recordings, FALSE to disable it.

◆ linphone_core_enable_auto_send_ringing()

void linphone_core_enable_auto_send_ringing ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enable 

Enables the automatic sending of 180 Ringing when receiving a call.

coreLinphoneCore object
enableTRUE to activate the automatic 180 Ringing, FALSE to disable it.

◆ linphone_core_enable_friend_list_subscription()

void linphone_core_enable_friend_list_subscription ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enable 

Sets whether or not to start friend lists subscription when in foreground.

coreThe LinphoneCore
enablewhether or not to enable the feature

◆ linphone_core_enable_record_aware()

void linphone_core_enable_record_aware ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enable 

Enables the record aware feature that will warn other users when recording.

coreLinphoneCore object
enableTRUE to activate the record aware feature, FALSE to disable it.

◆ linphone_core_enable_sender_name_hidden_in_forward_message()

void linphone_core_enable_sender_name_hidden_in_forward_message ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enable 

Enable whether or not to hide sender name in forward message.

coreThe LinphoneCore
enablewhether or not to enable the feature

◆ linphone_core_find_contacts_by_char()

const bctbx_list_t* linphone_core_find_contacts_by_char ( LinphoneCore core,
const char *  filter,
bool_t  sip_only 

Retrieves a list of LinphoneAddress sort and filter.

coreLinphoneCore object
filterChars used for the filter*
sip_onlyOnly sip address or not
A list of filtered LinphoneAddress + the LinphoneAddress created with the filter.

◆ linphone_core_find_friend()

LinphoneFriend* linphone_core_find_friend ( const LinphoneCore core,
const LinphoneAddress address 

Search a LinphoneFriend by its address.

coreLinphoneCore object.
addressThe LinphoneAddress to use to search the friend.
The LinphoneFriend object corresponding to the given address or NULL if not found.

◆ linphone_core_find_friend_by_phone_number()

LinphoneFriend* linphone_core_find_friend_by_phone_number ( const LinphoneCore core,
const char *  phone_number 

Search a LinphoneFriend by its phone number.

coreLinphoneCore object.
phone_numberThe phone number to use to search the friend.
The LinphoneFriend object corresponding to the given phone number or NULL if not found.

◆ linphone_core_find_friends()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_core_find_friends ( const LinphoneCore core,
const LinphoneAddress address 

Search all LinphoneFriend matching an address.

coreLinphoneCore object.
addressThe address to use to search the friends.
A list of LinphoneFriend corresponding to the given address.

◆ linphone_core_friend_list_subscription_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_friend_list_subscription_enabled ( LinphoneCore core)

Returns whether or not friend lists subscription are enabled.

coreThe LinphoneCore
whether or not the feature is enabled

◆ linphone_core_get_consolidated_presence()

LinphoneConsolidatedPresence linphone_core_get_consolidated_presence ( const LinphoneCore core)

Get my consolidated presence.

coreLinphoneCore object
My LinphoneConsolidatedPresence presence

◆ linphone_core_get_default_friend_list()

LinphoneFriendList* linphone_core_get_default_friend_list ( const LinphoneCore core)

Retrieves the first list of LinphoneFriend from the core.

coreLinphoneCore object
the first LinphoneFriendList object or NULL.

◆ linphone_core_get_friend_by_ref_key()

LinphoneFriend* linphone_core_get_friend_by_ref_key ( const LinphoneCore core,
const char *  key 

Search a LinphoneFriend by its reference key.

coreLinphoneCore object.
keyThe reference key to use to search the friend.
The LinphoneFriend object corresponding to the given reference key.

◆ linphone_core_get_friend_list_by_name()

LinphoneFriendList* linphone_core_get_friend_list_by_name ( const LinphoneCore core,
const char *  name 

Retrieves the list of LinphoneFriend from the core that has the given display name.

coreLinphoneCore object
namethe name of the list
the first LinphoneFriendList object or NULL.

◆ linphone_core_get_friends_lists()

const bctbx_list_t* linphone_core_get_friends_lists ( const LinphoneCore core)

Retrieves the list of LinphoneFriendList from the core.

coreLinphoneCore object
A list of LinphoneFriendList.

◆ linphone_core_get_max_size_for_auto_download_incoming_files()

int linphone_core_get_max_size_for_auto_download_incoming_files ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets the size under which incoming files in chat messages will be downloaded automatically.

coreLinphoneCore object
The size in bytes, -1 if autodownload feature is disabled, 0 to download them all no matter the size

◆ linphone_core_get_presence_model()

LinphonePresenceModel* linphone_core_get_presence_model ( const LinphoneCore core)

Get my presence model.

coreLinphoneCore object
A LinphonePresenceModel object, or NULL if no presence model has been set.

◆ linphone_core_is_auto_download_icalendars_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_is_auto_download_icalendars_enabled ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets if the auto download for incoming icalendars is enabled or not.

coreLinphoneCore object
TRUE if icalendars will be automatically downloaded, FALSE otherwise.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_core_auto_download_icalendars_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_core_is_auto_download_voice_recordings_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_is_auto_download_voice_recordings_enabled ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets if the auto download for incoming voice recordings is enabled or not.

coreLinphoneCore object
TRUE if voice recordings will be automatically downloaded, FALSE otherwise.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_core_auto_download_voice_recordings_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_core_is_friend_list_subscription_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_is_friend_list_subscription_enabled ( LinphoneCore core)

Returns whether or not friend lists subscription are enabled.

coreThe LinphoneCore
whether or not the feature is enabled
16/12/2021 Use linphone_core_friend_list_subscription_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_core_is_record_aware_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_is_record_aware_enabled ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets if the record aware feature is enabled or not.

coreLinphoneCore object
TRUE if the record aware feature is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_core_record_aware_enabled() instead.

◆ linphone_core_is_sender_name_hidden_in_forward_message()

bool_t linphone_core_is_sender_name_hidden_in_forward_message ( LinphoneCore core)

Returns whether or not sender name is hidden in forward message.

coreThe LinphoneCore
whether or not the feature

◆ linphone_core_notify_all_friends()

void linphone_core_notify_all_friends ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphonePresenceModel presence 

Notify all friends that have subscribed.

coreLinphoneCore object
presenceLinphonePresenceModel to notify

◆ linphone_core_notify_notify_presence_received()

void linphone_core_notify_notify_presence_received ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneFriend linphone_friend 

Notifies the upper layer that a presence status has been received by calling the appropriate callback if one has been set.

This method is for advanced usage, where customization of the liblinphone's internal behavior is required.

corethe LinphoneCore object.
linphone_friendthe LinphoneFriend whose presence information has been received.

◆ linphone_core_notify_notify_presence_received_for_uri_or_tel()

void linphone_core_notify_notify_presence_received_for_uri_or_tel ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const char *  uri_or_tel,
const LinphonePresenceModel presence_model 

Notifies the upper layer that a presence model change has been received for the uri or telephone number given as a parameter, by calling the appropriate callback if one has been set.

This method is for advanced usage, where customization of the liblinphone's internal behavior is required.

corethe LinphoneCore object.
linphone_friendthe LinphoneFriend whose presence information has been received.
uri_or_teltelephone number or sip uri
presence_modelthe LinphonePresenceModel that has been modified

◆ linphone_core_record_aware_enabled()

bool_t linphone_core_record_aware_enabled ( LinphoneCore core)

Gets if the record aware feature is enabled or not.

coreLinphoneCore object
TRUE if the record aware feature is enabled, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_core_reject_subscriber()

void linphone_core_reject_subscriber ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneFriend linphone_friend 

Black list a friend.

same as linphone_friend_set_inc_subscribe_policy() with LinphoneSPDeny policy;

coreLinphoneCore object
linphone_friendLinphoneFriend to reject

◆ linphone_core_remove_friend_list()

void linphone_core_remove_friend_list ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneFriendList list 

Removes a friend list.

coreLinphoneCore object
listLinphoneFriendList object

◆ linphone_core_set_auto_download_icalendars_enabled()

void linphone_core_set_auto_download_icalendars_enabled ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  auto_download_icalendars 

Auto download files attach to a chat message if it's content type matches the one we use for icalendars.

coreLinphoneCore object
auto_download_icalendarsTRUE to automatically download incoming icalendars, FALSE to disable it.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_core_enable_auto_download_icalendars() instead.

◆ linphone_core_set_auto_download_voice_recordings_enabled()

void linphone_core_set_auto_download_voice_recordings_enabled ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  auto_download_voice_recordings 

Auto download files attach to a chat message if it's content type matches the one we use for voice recordings.

coreLinphoneCore object
auto_download_voice_recordingsTRUE to automatically download incoming voice recordings, FALSE to disable it.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_core_enable_auto_download_voice_recordings() instead.

◆ linphone_core_set_consolidated_presence()

void linphone_core_set_consolidated_presence ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphoneConsolidatedPresence  presence 

Set my consolidated presence.

coreLinphoneCore object
presenceLinphoneConsolidatedPresence value

◆ linphone_core_set_max_size_for_auto_download_incoming_files()

void linphone_core_set_max_size_for_auto_download_incoming_files ( LinphoneCore core,
int  size 

Sets the size under which incoming files in chat messages will be downloaded automatically.

coreLinphoneCore object
sizeThe size in bytes, -1 to disable the autodownload feature, 0 to download them all no matter the size

◆ linphone_core_set_presence_model()

void linphone_core_set_presence_model ( LinphoneCore core,
LinphonePresenceModel presence 

Set my presence model.

coreLinphoneCore object

◆ linphone_core_set_record_aware_enabled()

void linphone_core_set_record_aware_enabled ( LinphoneCore core,
bool_t  enable 

Enables the record aware feature that will warn other users when recording.

coreLinphoneCore object
enableTRUE to activate the record aware feature, FALSE to disable it.
16/12/2021 Use linphone_core_enable_record_aware() instead.

◆ linphone_friend_add_address()

void linphone_friend_add_address ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const LinphoneAddress address 

Adds an address in this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
addressLinphoneAddress object

◆ linphone_friend_add_callbacks()

void linphone_friend_add_callbacks ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
LinphoneFriendCbs cbs 

Adds the LinphoneFriendCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
cbsThe current LinphoneFriendCbs object to be added to the LinphoneFriend.

◆ linphone_friend_add_phone_number()

void linphone_friend_add_phone_number ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const char *  phone_number 

Adds a phone number in this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
phone_numbernumber to add

◆ linphone_friend_add_phone_number_with_label()

void linphone_friend_add_phone_number_with_label ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber phone_number 

Adds a LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber to this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
phone_numberthe LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber to add

◆ linphone_friend_cbs_get_presence_received()

LinphoneFriendCbsPresenceReceivedCb linphone_friend_cbs_get_presence_received ( const LinphoneFriendCbs cbs)

Get the presence received callback.

cbsLinphoneFriendCbs object.
The current presence received callback.

◆ linphone_friend_cbs_get_user_data()

void* linphone_friend_cbs_get_user_data ( const LinphoneFriendCbs cbs)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with a LinphoneFriendCbs object.

cbsLinphoneFriendCbs object.
The user pointer associated with the LinphoneFriendCbs object.

◆ linphone_friend_cbs_ref()

LinphoneFriendCbs* linphone_friend_cbs_ref ( LinphoneFriendCbs cbs)

Acquire a reference to a LinphoneFriendCbs object.

cbsLinphoneFriendCbs object.
The same LinphoneFriendCbs object.

◆ linphone_friend_cbs_set_presence_received()

void linphone_friend_cbs_set_presence_received ( LinphoneFriendCbs cbs,
LinphoneFriendCbsPresenceReceivedCb  cb 

Set the presence received callback.

cbsLinphoneFriendCbs object.
cbThe presence received callback to be used.

◆ linphone_friend_cbs_set_user_data()

void linphone_friend_cbs_set_user_data ( LinphoneFriendCbs cbs,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to a LinphoneFriendCbs object.

cbsLinphoneFriendCbs object.
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the LinphoneFriendCbs object.

◆ linphone_friend_cbs_unref()

void linphone_friend_cbs_unref ( LinphoneFriendCbs cbs)

Release a reference to a LinphoneFriendCbs object.

cbsLinphoneFriendCbs object.

◆ linphone_friend_create_vcard()

bool_t linphone_friend_create_vcard ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const char *  name 

Creates a vCard object associated to this friend if there isn't one yet and if the full name is available, either by the parameter or the one in the friend's SIP URI.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
nameThe full name of the friend or NULL to use the one from the friend's SIP URI
TRUE if the vCard has been created, FALSE if it wasn't possible (for exemple if name and the friend's SIP URI are null or if the friend's SIP URI doesn't have a display name), or if there is already one vcard

◆ linphone_friend_destroy()

MS2_DEPRECATED void linphone_friend_destroy ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Destroy a LinphoneFriend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
31/03/2015 Use linphone_friend_unref() instead.

◆ linphone_friend_done()

void linphone_friend_done ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Commits modification made to the friend configuration.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object

◆ linphone_friend_edit()

void linphone_friend_edit ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Starts editing a friend configuration.

Because friend configuration must be consistent, applications MUST call linphone_friend_edit() before doing any attempts to modify friend configuration (such as linphone_friend_set_address() or linphone_friend_set_inc_subscribe_policy()). Once the modifications are done, then the application must call linphone_friend_done() to commit the changes.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object

◆ linphone_friend_enable_subscribes()

LinphoneStatus linphone_friend_enable_subscribes ( LinphoneFriend fr,
bool_t  enable 

Configure LinphoneFriend to subscribe to presence information.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
enableif TRUE this friend will receive subscription message

◆ linphone_friend_get_address()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_friend_get_address ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Get address of this friend.

the LinphoneAddress object returned is hold by the LinphoneFriend, however calling several time this function may return different objects.
linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
the LinphoneAddress.

◆ linphone_friend_get_addresses()

const bctbx_list_t* linphone_friend_get_addresses ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Returns a list of LinphoneAddress for this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
A list of LinphoneAddress.

◆ linphone_friend_get_capabilities()

int linphone_friend_get_capabilities ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Returns the capabilities associated to this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
an int representing the capabilities of the friend

◆ linphone_friend_get_capability_version()

float linphone_friend_get_capability_version ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const LinphoneFriendCapability  capability 

Returns the version of a friend's capbility.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
capabilityLinphoneFriendCapability object
the version of a friend's capbility.

◆ linphone_friend_get_consolidated_presence()

LinphoneConsolidatedPresence linphone_friend_get_consolidated_presence ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Get the consolidated presence of a friend.

It will return the "most open" presence found if more than one presence model are found.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
The LinphoneConsolidatedPresence of the friend

◆ linphone_friend_get_core()

LinphoneCore* linphone_friend_get_core ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Returns the LinphoneCore object managing this friend, if any.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
the LinphoneCore object associated.

◆ linphone_friend_get_current_callbacks()

LinphoneFriendCbs* linphone_friend_get_current_callbacks ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Get the current LinphoneFriendCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
The current LinphoneFriendCbs object associated with the LinphoneFriend.

◆ linphone_friend_get_inc_subscribe_policy()

LinphoneSubscribePolicy linphone_friend_get_inc_subscribe_policy ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

get current subscription policy for this LinphoneFriend

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
the LinphoneSubscribePolicy enum

◆ linphone_friend_get_job_title()

const char* linphone_friend_get_job_title ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Gets the contact's job title from it's vCard.

It's a shortcut to linphone_friend_get_vcard() and linphone_vcard_get_job_title().

linphone_friendthe LinphoneFriend object.
the job_title set if any & vCard is available, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_get_name()

const char* linphone_friend_get_name ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Get the display name for this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
The display name of this friend.

◆ linphone_friend_get_native_uri()

const char* linphone_friend_get_native_uri ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Gets the contact's native URI.

linphone_friendthe LinphoneFriend object.
the native URI set if any, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_get_organization()

const char* linphone_friend_get_organization ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Gets the contact's organization from it's vCard.

It's a shortcut to linphone_friend_get_vcard() and linphone_vcard_get_organization().

linphone_friendthe LinphoneFriend object.
the organization set if any & vCard is available, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_get_phone_numbers()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_friend_get_phone_numbers ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Returns a list of phone numbers for this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
A list of phone numbers as string.

◆ linphone_friend_get_phone_numbers_with_label()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_friend_get_phone_numbers_with_label ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Returns a list of LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber for this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
A list of phone numbers as string.

◆ linphone_friend_get_photo()

const char* linphone_friend_get_photo ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Gets the contact's picture URI.

linphone_friendthe LinphoneFriend object.
the picture URI set if any, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_get_presence_model()

const LinphonePresenceModel* linphone_friend_get_presence_model ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Get the presence model of a friend.

If a friend has more than one SIP address and phone number, this method will return the most recent presence model using linphone_presence_model_get_timestamp().

linphone_friendA LinphoneFriend object
A LinphonePresenceModel object, or NULL if the friend do not have presence information (in which case he is considered offline).

◆ linphone_friend_get_presence_model_for_uri_or_tel()

const LinphonePresenceModel* linphone_friend_get_presence_model_for_uri_or_tel ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const char *  uri_or_tel 

Get the presence model for a specific SIP URI or phone number of a friend.

linphone_friendA LinphoneFriend object
uri_or_telThe SIP URI or phone number for which to get the presence model
A LinphonePresenceModel object, or NULL if the friend do not have presence information for this SIP URI or phone number.

◆ linphone_friend_get_ref_key()

const char* linphone_friend_get_ref_key ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Get the reference key of a friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object.
The reference key of the friend.

◆ linphone_friend_get_starred()

bool_t linphone_friend_get_starred ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Gets if the friend is to be considered as important for the user.

linphone_friendthe LinphoneFriend object.
TRUE if the contact is a user's favorite, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_get_status()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneOnlineStatus linphone_friend_get_status ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Get the status of a friend.

lfA LinphoneFriend object
19/06/2013 Use linphone_friend_get_presence_model() instead

◆ linphone_friend_get_subscription_state()

LinphoneSubscriptionState linphone_friend_get_subscription_state ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Get subscription state of a friend.

linphone_friendA LinphoneFriend object
the LinphoneSubscriptionState enum

◆ linphone_friend_get_user_data()

void* linphone_friend_get_user_data ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Retrieve user data associated with friend.

linphone_friendA LinphoneFriend object
the user data pointer.

◆ linphone_friend_get_vcard()

LinphoneVcard* linphone_friend_get_vcard ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Returns the vCard object associated to this friend, if any.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
the LinphoneVcard or NULL.

◆ linphone_friend_has_capability()

bool_t linphone_friend_has_capability ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const LinphoneFriendCapability  capability 

Returns whether or not a friend has a capbility.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
capabilityLinphoneFriendCapability object
whether or not a friend has a capbility

◆ linphone_friend_has_capability_with_version()

bool_t linphone_friend_has_capability_with_version ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const LinphoneFriendCapability  capability,
float  version 

Returns whether or not a friend has a capbility with a given version.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
capabilityLinphoneFriendCapability object
versionthe version to test
whether or not a friend has a capbility with a given version or -1.0 if friend has not capability.

◆ linphone_friend_has_capability_with_version_or_more()

bool_t linphone_friend_has_capability_with_version_or_more ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const LinphoneFriendCapability  capability,
float  version 

Returns whether or not a friend has a capbility with a given version or more.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
capabilityLinphoneFriendCapability object
versionthe version to test
whether or not a friend has a capbility with a given version or more.

◆ linphone_friend_has_phone_number()

bool_t linphone_friend_has_phone_number ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const char *  phone_number 

Returns whether a friend contains the given phone number.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
phone_numberthe phone number to search for
TRUE if found, FALSE otherwise

◆ linphone_friend_in_list()

bool_t linphone_friend_in_list ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Check that the given friend is in a friend list.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object.
TRUE if the friend is in a friend list, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_is_presence_received()

bool_t linphone_friend_is_presence_received ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Tells whether we already received presence information for a friend.

linphone_friendA LinphoneFriend object
TRUE if presence information has been received for the friend, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_list_add_callbacks()

void linphone_friend_list_add_callbacks ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs 

Adds the LinphoneFriendListCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriendList.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object
cbsThe current LinphoneFriendListCbs object to be added to the LinphoneFriendList.

◆ linphone_friend_list_add_friend()

LinphoneFriendListStatus linphone_friend_list_add_friend ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
LinphoneFriend linphone_friend 

Add a friend to a friend list.

If or when a remote CardDAV server will be attached to the list, the friend will be sent to the server.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object to add to the friend list.
LinphoneFriendListOK if successfully added, LinphoneFriendListInvalidFriend if the friend is not valid.

◆ linphone_friend_list_add_local_friend()

LinphoneFriendListStatus linphone_friend_list_add_local_friend ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
LinphoneFriend linphone_friend 

Add a friend to a friend list.

The friend will never be sent to a remote CardDAV server. Warning! #LinphoneFriends added this way will be removed on the next synchronization, and the callback contact_deleted will be called.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object to add to the friend list.
LinphoneFriendListOK if successfully added, LinphoneFriendListInvalidFriend if the friend is not valid.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_contact_created()

LinphoneFriendListCbsContactCreatedCb linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_contact_created ( const LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs)

Get the contact created callback.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.
The current contact created callback.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_contact_deleted()

LinphoneFriendListCbsContactDeletedCb linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_contact_deleted ( const LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs)

Get the contact deleted callback.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.
The current contact deleted callback.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_contact_updated()

LinphoneFriendListCbsContactUpdatedCb linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_contact_updated ( const LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs)

Get the contact updated callback.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.
The current contact updated callback.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_presence_received()

LinphoneFriendListCbsPresenceReceivedCb linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_presence_received ( const LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs)

Get the presence received callback.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.
The current presence received callback.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_sync_status_changed()

LinphoneFriendListCbsSyncStateChangedCb linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_sync_status_changed ( const LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs)

Get the sync status changed callback.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.
The current sync status changedcallback.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_user_data()

void* linphone_friend_list_cbs_get_user_data ( const LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with a LinphoneFriendListCbs object.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.
The user pointer associated with the LinphoneFriendListCbs object.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_ref()

LinphoneFriendListCbs* linphone_friend_list_cbs_ref ( LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs)

Acquire a reference to a LinphoneFriendListCbs object.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.
The same LinphoneFriendListCbs object.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_contact_created()

void linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_contact_created ( LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs,
LinphoneFriendListCbsContactCreatedCb  cb 

Set the contact created callback.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.
cbThe contact created to be used.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_contact_deleted()

void linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_contact_deleted ( LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs,
LinphoneFriendListCbsContactDeletedCb  cb 

Set the contact deleted callback.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.
cbThe contact deleted to be used.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_contact_updated()

void linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_contact_updated ( LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs,
LinphoneFriendListCbsContactUpdatedCb  cb 

Set the contact updated callback.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.
cbThe contact updated to be used.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_presence_received()

void linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_presence_received ( LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs,
LinphoneFriendListCbsPresenceReceivedCb  cb 

Set the presence received callback.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.
cbThe presence received callback to be used.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_sync_status_changed()

void linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_sync_status_changed ( LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs,
LinphoneFriendListCbsSyncStateChangedCb  cb 

Set the contact updated callback.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.
cbThe sync status changed to be used.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_user_data()

void linphone_friend_list_cbs_set_user_data ( LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to a LinphoneFriendListCbs object.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the LinphoneFriendListCbs object.

◆ linphone_friend_list_cbs_unref()

void linphone_friend_list_cbs_unref ( LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs)

Release a reference to a LinphoneFriendListCbs object.

cbsLinphoneFriendListCbs object.

◆ linphone_friend_list_database_storage_enabled()

bool_t linphone_friend_list_database_storage_enabled ( const LinphoneFriendList list)

Gets whether this friend list and it's friends will be stored in DB or not.

listthe LinphoneFriendList object
Whether the list and it's friends will be saved in database or not

◆ linphone_friend_list_enable_database_storage()

void linphone_friend_list_enable_database_storage ( LinphoneFriendList list,
bool_t  enable 

Sets whether this friend list and it's friends will be stored in DB or not.

listthe LinphoneFriendList object
enableTRUE to enable this friend list storage in DB, FALSE to disable it.

◆ linphone_friend_list_enable_subscriptions()

void linphone_friend_list_enable_subscriptions ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
bool_t  enabled 

Enable subscription to NOTIFYs.

friend_listthe LinphoneFriendList object
enabledshould subscription be enabled or not

◆ linphone_friend_list_export_friends_as_vcard4_file()

void linphone_friend_list_export_friends_as_vcard4_file ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
const char *  vcard_file 

Creates and export LinphoneFriend objects from LinphoneFriendList to a file using vCard 4 format.

friend_listthe LinphoneFriendList object
vcard_filethe path to a file that will contain the vCards

◆ linphone_friend_list_find_friend_by_address()

LinphoneFriend* linphone_friend_list_find_friend_by_address ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
const LinphoneAddress address 

Find a friend in the friend list using a LinphoneAddress.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
addressLinphoneAddress object of the friend we want to search for.
A LinphoneFriend if found, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_list_find_friend_by_phone_number()

LinphoneFriend* linphone_friend_list_find_friend_by_phone_number ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
const char *  phone_number 

Find a friend in the friend list using a phone number.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
phone_numbera string of the phone number for which we want to find a friend.
A LinphoneFriend if found, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_list_find_friend_by_ref_key()

LinphoneFriend* linphone_friend_list_find_friend_by_ref_key ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
const char *  ref_key 

Find a friend in the friend list using a ref key.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
ref_keyThe ref key string of the friend we want to search for.
A LinphoneFriend if found, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_list_find_friend_by_uri()

LinphoneFriend* linphone_friend_list_find_friend_by_uri ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
const char *  uri 

Find a friend in the friend list using an URI string.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
uriA string containing the URI of the friend we want to search for.
A LinphoneFriend if found, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_list_find_friends_by_address()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_friend_list_find_friends_by_address ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
const LinphoneAddress address 

Find all friends in the friend list using a LinphoneAddress.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
addressLinphoneAddress object of the friends we want to search for.
A list of LinphoneFriend if found, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_list_find_friends_by_uri()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_friend_list_find_friends_by_uri ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
const char *  uri 

Find all friends in the friend list using an URI string.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
uriA string containing the URI of the friends we want to search for.
A list of LinphoneFriend if found, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_list_get_callbacks()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneFriendListCbs* linphone_friend_list_get_callbacks ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Get the LinphoneFriendListCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriendList.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object
The LinphoneFriendListCbs object associated with the LinphoneFriendList.
19/02/2019 use add_callbacks / remove_callbacks instead

◆ linphone_friend_list_get_core()

LinphoneCore* linphone_friend_list_get_core ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Returns the LinphoneCore object attached to this LinphoneFriendList.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
a LinphoneCore object

◆ linphone_friend_list_get_current_callbacks()

LinphoneFriendListCbs* linphone_friend_list_get_current_callbacks ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Get the current LinphoneFriendListCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriendList.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object
The current LinphoneFriendListCbs object associated with the LinphoneFriendList.

◆ linphone_friend_list_get_display_name()

const char* linphone_friend_list_get_display_name ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Get the display name of the friend list.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
The display name of the friend list.

◆ linphone_friend_list_get_friends()

const bctbx_list_t* linphone_friend_list_get_friends ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Retrieves the list of LinphoneFriend from this LinphoneFriendList.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object
A list of LinphoneFriend

◆ linphone_friend_list_get_rls_address()

LinphoneAddress* linphone_friend_list_get_rls_address ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Get the RLS (Resource List Server) URI associated with the friend list to subscribe to these friends presence.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
The RLS URI as LinphoneAddress associated with the friend list.

◆ linphone_friend_list_get_rls_uri()

const char* linphone_friend_list_get_rls_uri ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Get the RLS (Resource List Server) URI associated with the friend list to subscribe to these friends presence.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
The RLS URI associated with the friend list.
27/10/2020. Use linphone_friend_list_get_rls_address() instead.

◆ linphone_friend_list_get_type()

LinphoneFriendListType linphone_friend_list_get_type ( LinphoneFriendList list)

Get the LinphoneFriendListType of a friend list.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.

◆ linphone_friend_list_get_uri()

const char* linphone_friend_list_get_uri ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Get the URI associated with the friend list.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
The URI associated with the friend list.

◆ linphone_friend_list_get_user_data()

void* linphone_friend_list_get_user_data ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Retrieve the user pointer associated with the friend list.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
The user pointer associated with the friend list.

◆ linphone_friend_list_import_friends_from_vcard4_buffer()

int linphone_friend_list_import_friends_from_vcard4_buffer ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
const char *  vcard_buffer 

Creates and adds LinphoneFriend objects to LinphoneFriendList from a buffer that contains the vCard(s) to parse.

friend_listthe LinphoneFriendList object
vcard_bufferthe buffer that contains the vCard(s) to parse
the amount of linphone friends created

◆ linphone_friend_list_import_friends_from_vcard4_file()

int linphone_friend_list_import_friends_from_vcard4_file ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
const char *  vcard_file 

Creates and adds LinphoneFriend objects to LinphoneFriendList from a file that contains the vCard(s) to parse.

friend_listthe LinphoneFriendList object
vcard_filethe path to a file that contains the vCard(s) to parse
the amount of linphone friends created

◆ linphone_friend_list_is_subscription_bodyless()

bool_t linphone_friend_list_is_subscription_bodyless ( const LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Get wheter the subscription of the friend list is bodyless or not.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
Wheter the subscription of the friend list is bodyless or not.

◆ linphone_friend_list_notify_presence()

void linphone_friend_list_notify_presence ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
LinphonePresenceModel presence 

Notify our presence to all the friends in the friend list that have subscribed to our presence directly (not using a RLS).

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
presenceLinphonePresenceModel object.

◆ linphone_friend_list_ref()

LinphoneFriendList* linphone_friend_list_ref ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Acquire a reference to the friend list.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
The same LinphoneFriendList object.

◆ linphone_friend_list_remove_callbacks()

void linphone_friend_list_remove_callbacks ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
LinphoneFriendListCbs cbs 

Removes the LinphoneFriendListCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriendList.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object
cbsThe current LinphoneFriendListCbs object to be remove from the LinphoneFriendList.

◆ linphone_friend_list_remove_friend()

LinphoneFriendListStatus linphone_friend_list_remove_friend ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
LinphoneFriend linphone_friend 

Remove a friend from a friend list.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object to remove from the friend list.
LinphoneFriendListOK if removed successfully, LinphoneFriendListNonExistentFriend if the friend is not in the list.

◆ linphone_friend_list_set_display_name()

void linphone_friend_list_set_display_name ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
const char *  display_name 

Set the display name of the friend list.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
display_nameThe new display name of the friend list.

◆ linphone_friend_list_set_rls_address()

void linphone_friend_list_set_rls_address ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
const LinphoneAddress rls_addr 

Set the RLS (Resource List Server) URI associated with the friend list to subscribe to these friends presence.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
rls_addrThe RLS URI to associate with the friend list.

◆ linphone_friend_list_set_rls_uri()

void linphone_friend_list_set_rls_uri ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
const char *  rls_uri 

Set the RLS (Resource List Server) URI associated with the friend list to subscribe to these friends presence.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
rls_uriThe RLS URI to associate with the friend list.
27/10/2020. Use linphone_friend_list_set_rls_address() instead.

◆ linphone_friend_list_set_subscription_bodyless()

void linphone_friend_list_set_subscription_bodyless ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
bool_t  bodyless 

Set wheter the subscription of the friend list is bodyless or not.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
bodylessboolean telling if the subscription of the friend list is bodyless or not.

◆ linphone_friend_list_set_type()

void linphone_friend_list_set_type ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
LinphoneFriendListType  type 

Assign a friend list type to the friend list.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
typeLinphoneFriendListType to assign

◆ linphone_friend_list_set_uri()

void linphone_friend_list_set_uri ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
const char *  uri 

Set the URI associated with the friend list.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
uriThe URI to associate with the friend list.

◆ linphone_friend_list_set_user_data()

void linphone_friend_list_set_user_data ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
void *  user_data 

Assign a user pointer to the friend list.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
user_dataThe user pointer to associate with the friend list.

◆ linphone_friend_list_subscriptions_enabled()

bool_t linphone_friend_list_subscriptions_enabled ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Gets whether subscription to NOTIFYs are enabled or not.

friend_listthe LinphoneFriendList object
Whether subscriptions are enabled or not

◆ linphone_friend_list_synchronize_friends_from_server()

void linphone_friend_list_synchronize_friends_from_server ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Starts a CardDAV synchronization using value set using linphone_friend_list_set_uri.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.

◆ linphone_friend_list_unref()

void linphone_friend_list_unref ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Release reference to the friend list.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.

◆ linphone_friend_list_update_dirty_friends()

void linphone_friend_list_update_dirty_friends ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Goes through all the LinphoneFriend that are dirty and does a CardDAV PUT to update the server.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.

◆ linphone_friend_list_update_revision()

void linphone_friend_list_update_revision ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list,
int  revision 

Sets the revision from the last synchronization.

friend_listLinphoneFriendList object.
revisionThe revision

◆ linphone_friend_list_update_subscriptions()

void linphone_friend_list_update_subscriptions ( LinphoneFriendList friend_list)

Update presence subscriptions for the entire list.

Calling this function is necessary when list subscriptions are enabled, ie when a RLS presence server is used.

friend_listthe LinphoneFriendList

◆ linphone_friend_new()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneFriend* linphone_friend_new ( void  )


a new empty LinphoneFriend
03/02/2016 use linphone_core_create_friend() instead

◆ linphone_friend_new_from_vcard()

LinphoneFriend* linphone_friend_new_from_vcard ( LinphoneVcard vcard)

Contructor same as linphone_friend_new() + linphone_friend_set_address()

vcarda LinphoneVcard object
a new LinphoneFriend which has its vCard attribute initialized from the given vCard. This can be get by linphone_friend_get_vcard().

◆ linphone_friend_new_with_address()

MS2_DEPRECATED LinphoneFriend* linphone_friend_new_with_address ( const char *  addr)

Contructor same as linphone_friend_new() + linphone_friend_set_address()

addra buddy address, must be a sip uri like
a new LinphoneFriend with an initialized address.
03/02/2016 use linphone_core_create_friend_with_address() instead

◆ linphone_friend_phone_number_clone()

LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber* linphone_friend_phone_number_clone ( const LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber phone_number)

Clones a phone number.

phone_numberThe LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber object to be cloned.
The newly created LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber object.

◆ linphone_friend_phone_number_get_label()

const char* linphone_friend_phone_number_get_label ( const LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber phone_number)

Gets the label associated to this phone number.

phone_numberThe LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber object.
the label set if any, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_phone_number_get_phone_number()

const char* linphone_friend_phone_number_get_phone_number ( const LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber phone_number)

Gets the phone number.

phone_numberThe LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber object.
the phone number stored.

◆ linphone_friend_phone_number_new()

LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber* linphone_friend_phone_number_new ( const char *  phone_number,
const char *  label 

Creates a new LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber.

phone_numberThe phone number.
labelthe type of phone number, for example "home", "cell", etc. Use NULL or empty for no label.
The newly created LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber object.

◆ linphone_friend_phone_number_ref()

LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber* linphone_friend_phone_number_ref ( LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber phone_number)

Takes a reference on a LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber.

phone_numberThe LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber object.
the same LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber object.

◆ linphone_friend_phone_number_set_label()

void linphone_friend_phone_number_set_label ( LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber phone_number,
const char *  label 

Sets the label for this phone number.

phone_numberThe LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber object.
labelthe label to set.

◆ linphone_friend_phone_number_set_phone_number()

void linphone_friend_phone_number_set_phone_number ( LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber phone_number,
const char *  number 

Sets the phone number.

phone_numberThe LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber object.
numberthe phone number to set.

◆ linphone_friend_phone_number_unref()

void linphone_friend_phone_number_unref ( LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber phone_number)

Releases a LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber.

phone_numberThe LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber object.

◆ linphone_friend_ref()

LinphoneFriend* linphone_friend_ref ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Acquire a reference to the linphone friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
The same LinphoneFriend object

◆ linphone_friend_remove()

void linphone_friend_remove ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Removes a friend from it's friend list and from the rc if exists.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object to delete

◆ linphone_friend_remove_address()

void linphone_friend_remove_address ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const LinphoneAddress address 

Removes an address in this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
addressLinphoneAddress object

◆ linphone_friend_remove_callbacks()

void linphone_friend_remove_callbacks ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
LinphoneFriendCbs cbs 

Removes the LinphoneFriendCbs object associated with a LinphoneFriend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
cbsThe current LinphoneFriendCbs object to be remove from the LinphoneFriend.

◆ linphone_friend_remove_phone_number()

void linphone_friend_remove_phone_number ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const char *  phone_number 

Removes a phone number in this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
phone_numbernumber to remove

◆ linphone_friend_remove_phone_number_with_label()

void linphone_friend_remove_phone_number_with_label ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber phone_number 

Removes a LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber from this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
phone_numberthe LinphoneFriendPhoneNumber to remove

◆ linphone_friend_save()

void linphone_friend_save ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
LinphoneCore core 

Saves a friend either in database if configured, otherwise in linphonerc.

linphone_friendthe linphone friend to save
corethe linphone core

◆ linphone_friend_set_address()

LinphoneStatus linphone_friend_set_address ( LinphoneFriend fr,
const LinphoneAddress address 

Set LinphoneAddress for this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
addressthe LinphoneAddress to set return 0 if successful, -1 otherwise

◆ linphone_friend_set_inc_subscribe_policy()

LinphoneStatus linphone_friend_set_inc_subscribe_policy ( LinphoneFriend fr,
LinphoneSubscribePolicy  policy 

Configure incoming subscription policy for this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
policyLinphoneSubscribePolicy policy to apply.

◆ linphone_friend_set_job_title()

void linphone_friend_set_job_title ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const char *  job_title 

Sets the contact's job title.

It's a shortcut to linphone_friend_get_vcard() and linphone_vcard_set_job_title().

linphone_friendthe LinphoneFriend object.
job_titlethe job title to store in Friend's vCard.

◆ linphone_friend_set_name()

LinphoneStatus linphone_friend_set_name ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const char *  name 

Set the display name for this friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
namethe display name to set
0 if successful, -1 otherwise

◆ linphone_friend_set_native_uri()

void linphone_friend_set_native_uri ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const char *  native_uri 

Sets the contact's native URI.

linphone_friendthe LinphoneFriend object.
native_urithe URI that matches the contact on the native system.

◆ linphone_friend_set_organization()

void linphone_friend_set_organization ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const char *  organization 

Sets the contact's organization.

It's a shortcut to linphone_friend_get_vcard() and linphone_vcard_set_organization().

linphone_friendthe LinphoneFriend object.
organizationthe organization to store in Friend's vCard.

◆ linphone_friend_set_photo()

void linphone_friend_set_photo ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const char *  picture_uri 

Sets the contact's picture URI.

linphone_friendthe LinphoneFriend object.
picture_urithe picture URI to set.

◆ linphone_friend_set_presence_model()

void linphone_friend_set_presence_model ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
LinphonePresenceModel presence 

Set the presence model of a friend.

linphone_friendA LinphoneFriend object
presenceThe LinphonePresenceModel object to set for the friend

◆ linphone_friend_set_presence_model_for_uri_or_tel()

void linphone_friend_set_presence_model_for_uri_or_tel ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const char *  uri_or_tel,
LinphonePresenceModel presence 

Set the presence model for a specific SIP URI or phone number of a friend.

linphone_friendA LinphoneFriend object
uri_or_telThe SIP URI or phone number for which to set the presence model
presenceThe LinphonePresenceModel object to set

◆ linphone_friend_set_ref_key()

void linphone_friend_set_ref_key ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
const char *  key 

Set the reference key of a friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object.
keyThe reference key to use for the friend.

◆ linphone_friend_set_starred()

void linphone_friend_set_starred ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
bool_t  is_starred 

Sets if the friend is a user's favorite or important contact.

linphone_friendthe LinphoneFriend object.
is_starredTRUE if the friend is to be considered as important, FALSE otherwise.

◆ linphone_friend_set_user_data()

void linphone_friend_set_user_data ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
void *  user_data 

Store user pointer to friend object.

linphone_friendA LinphoneFriend object
user_datathe user data to store.

◆ linphone_friend_set_vcard()

void linphone_friend_set_vcard ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend,
LinphoneVcard vcard 

Binds a vCard object to a friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
vcardThe LinphoneVcard object to bind

◆ linphone_friend_subscribes_enabled()

bool_t linphone_friend_subscribes_enabled ( const LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

get subscription flag value

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object
returns TRUE is subscription is activated for this friend

◆ linphone_friend_unref()

void linphone_friend_unref ( LinphoneFriend linphone_friend)

Release a reference to the linphone friend.

linphone_friendLinphoneFriend object

◆ linphone_presence_activity_get_description()

const char* linphone_presence_activity_get_description ( const LinphonePresenceActivity activity)

Gets the description of a presence activity.

activityA pointer to the LinphonePresenceActivity for which to get the description.
A pointer to the description string of the presence activity, or NULL if no description is specified.

◆ linphone_presence_activity_get_type()

LinphonePresenceActivityType linphone_presence_activity_get_type ( const LinphonePresenceActivity activity)

Gets the activity type of a presence activity.

activityA pointer to the LinphonePresenceActivity for which to get the type.
The LinphonePresenceActivityType of the activity.

◆ linphone_presence_activity_get_user_data()

void* linphone_presence_activity_get_user_data ( const LinphonePresenceActivity activity)

Gets the user data of a LinphonePresenceActivity object.

activityThe LinphonePresenceActivity object for which to get the user data.
A pointer to the user data.

◆ linphone_presence_activity_new()

LinphonePresenceActivity* linphone_presence_activity_new ( LinphonePresenceActivityType  acttype,
const char *  description 

Creates a presence activity.

acttypeThe LinphonePresenceActivityType to set for the activity.
descriptionAn additional description of the activity to set for the activity. Can be NULL if no additional description is to be added.
The created presence activity, NULL on error.

◆ linphone_presence_activity_ref()

LinphonePresenceActivity* linphone_presence_activity_ref ( LinphonePresenceActivity activity)

Increase the reference count of the LinphonePresenceActivity object.

activityThe LinphonePresenceActivity object for which the reference count is to be increased.
The LinphonePresenceActivity object with the increased reference count.

◆ linphone_presence_activity_set_description()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_activity_set_description ( LinphonePresenceActivity activity,
const char *  description 

Sets the description of a presence activity.

activityThe LinphonePresenceActivity object for which to set the description.
descriptionAn additional description of the activity. Can be NULL if no additional description is to be added.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_activity_set_type()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_activity_set_type ( LinphonePresenceActivity activity,
LinphonePresenceActivityType  acttype 

Sets the type of activity of a presence activity.

activityThe LinphonePresenceActivity for which to set for the activity type.
acttypeThe LinphonePresenceActivityType to set for the activity.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_activity_set_user_data()

void linphone_presence_activity_set_user_data ( LinphonePresenceActivity activity,
void *  user_data 

Sets the user data of a LinphonePresenceActivity object.

activityThe LinphonePresenceActivity object for which to set the user data.
user_dataA pointer to the user data to set.

◆ linphone_presence_activity_to_string()

char* linphone_presence_activity_to_string ( const LinphonePresenceActivity activity)

Gets the string representation of a presence activity.

activityA pointer to the LinphonePresenceActivity object for which to get a string representation.
A pointer a dynamically allocated string representing the given activity.

The returned string is to be freed by calling ms_free().

◆ linphone_presence_activity_unref()

LinphonePresenceActivity* linphone_presence_activity_unref ( LinphonePresenceActivity activity)

Decrease the reference count of the LinphonePresenceActivity object and destroy it if it reaches 0.

activityThe LinphonePresenceActivity object for which the reference count is to be decreased.
The LinphonePresenceActivity object if the reference count is still positive, NULL if the object has been destroyed.

◆ linphone_presence_basic_status_to_string()

char* linphone_presence_basic_status_to_string ( LinphonePresenceBasicStatus  basic_status)

Gets the string representation of a presence basic status.

basic_statusA LinphonePresenceBasicStatus for which to get a string representation.
A pointer a dynamically allocated string representing the given basic status.

The returned string is to be freed by calling ms_free().

◆ linphone_presence_model_add_activity()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_add_activity ( LinphonePresenceModel model,
LinphonePresenceActivity activity 

Adds an activity to a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to add an activity.
activityThe LinphonePresenceActivity object to add to the model.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_model_add_note()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_add_note ( LinphonePresenceModel model,
const char *  note_content,
const char *  lang 

Adds a note to a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to add a note to.
note_contentThe note to be added to the presence model.
langThe language of the note to be added. Can be NULL if no language is to be specified for the note.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

Only one note for each language can be set, so e.g. setting a note for the 'fr' language if there is only one will replace the existing one.

◆ linphone_presence_model_add_person()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_add_person ( LinphonePresenceModel model,
LinphonePresencePerson person 

Adds a person to a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to add a person.
personThe LinphonePresencePerson object to add to the model.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_model_add_service()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_add_service ( LinphonePresenceModel model,
LinphonePresenceService service 

Adds a service to a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to add a service.
serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object to add to the model.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_model_clear_activities()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_clear_activities ( LinphonePresenceModel model)

Clears the activities of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to clear the activities.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_model_clear_notes()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_clear_notes ( LinphonePresenceModel model)

Clears all the notes of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel for which to clear notes.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_model_clear_persons()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_clear_persons ( LinphonePresenceModel model)

Clears the persons of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to clear the persons.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_model_clear_services()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_clear_services ( LinphonePresenceModel model)

Clears the services of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to clear the services.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_activity()

LinphonePresenceActivity* linphone_presence_model_get_activity ( const LinphonePresenceModel model)

Gets the first activity of a presence model (there is usually only one).

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to get the activity from.
A LinphonePresenceActivity object if successful, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_basic_status()

LinphonePresenceBasicStatus linphone_presence_model_get_basic_status ( const LinphonePresenceModel model)

Gets the basic status of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to get the basic status from.
The LinphonePresenceBasicStatus of the LinphonePresenceModel object given as parameter.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_capabilities()

int linphone_presence_model_get_capabilities ( const LinphonePresenceModel model)

Gets the capabilities of a LinphonePresenceModel object.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to set the contact.
the capabilities.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_capability_version()

float linphone_presence_model_get_capability_version ( const LinphonePresenceModel model,
const LinphoneFriendCapability  capability 

Returns the version of the capability of a LinphonePresenceModel.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to set the contact.
capabilityThe LinphoneFriendCapability to test.
the version of the capability of a LinphonePresenceModel or -1.0 if the model has not the capability.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_consolidated_presence()

LinphoneConsolidatedPresence linphone_presence_model_get_consolidated_presence ( const LinphonePresenceModel model)

Get the consolidated presence from a presence model.

modelLinphonePresenceModel object
The LinphoneConsolidatedPresence corresponding to the presence model

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_contact()

char* linphone_presence_model_get_contact ( const LinphonePresenceModel model)

Gets the contact of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to get the contact from.
A pointer to a dynamically allocated string containing the contact, or NULL if no contact is found.

The returned string is to be freed by calling ms_free().

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_latest_activity_timestamp()

time_t linphone_presence_model_get_latest_activity_timestamp ( const LinphonePresenceModel model)

Gets the latest activity timestamp of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to get the timestamp from.
The activity timestamp of the LinphonePresenceModel object or -1 if there is no activity (such as when status is Online).

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_nb_activities()

unsigned int linphone_presence_model_get_nb_activities ( const LinphonePresenceModel model)

Gets the number of activities included in the presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to get the number of activities from.
The number of activities included in the LinphonePresenceModel object.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_nb_persons()

unsigned int linphone_presence_model_get_nb_persons ( const LinphonePresenceModel model)

Gets the number of persons included in the presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to get the number of persons from.
The number of persons included in the LinphonePresenceModel object.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_nb_services()

unsigned int linphone_presence_model_get_nb_services ( const LinphonePresenceModel model)

Gets the number of services included in the presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to get the number of services from.
The number of services included in the LinphonePresenceModel object.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_note()

LinphonePresenceNote* linphone_presence_model_get_note ( const LinphonePresenceModel model,
const char *  lang 

Gets the first note of a presence model (there is usually only one).

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to get the note from.
langThe language of the note to get. Can be NULL to get a note that has no language specified or to get the first note whatever language it is written into.
A pointer to a LinphonePresenceNote object if successful, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_nth_activity()

LinphonePresenceActivity* linphone_presence_model_get_nth_activity ( const LinphonePresenceModel model,
unsigned int  index 

Gets the nth activity of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to get the activity from.
indexThe index of the activity to get (the first activity having the index 0).
A pointer to a LinphonePresenceActivity object if successful, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_nth_person()

LinphonePresencePerson* linphone_presence_model_get_nth_person ( const LinphonePresenceModel model,
unsigned int  index 

Gets the nth person of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to get the person from.
indexThe index of the person to get (the first person having the index 0).
A pointer to a LinphonePresencePerson object if successful, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_nth_service()

LinphonePresenceService* linphone_presence_model_get_nth_service ( const LinphonePresenceModel model,
unsigned int  index 

Gets the nth service of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to get the service from.
indexThe index of the service to get (the first service having the index 0).
A pointer to a LinphonePresenceService object if successful, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_presentity()

const LinphoneAddress* linphone_presence_model_get_presentity ( const LinphonePresenceModel model)

Gets the presentity of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to get the contact from.
A pointer to a const LinphoneAddress, or NULL if no contact is found.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_timestamp()

time_t linphone_presence_model_get_timestamp ( const LinphonePresenceModel model)

Gets the timestamp of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object to get the timestamp from.
The timestamp of the LinphonePresenceModel object or -1 on error.

◆ linphone_presence_model_get_user_data()

void* linphone_presence_model_get_user_data ( const LinphonePresenceModel model)

Gets the user data of a LinphonePresenceModel object.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to get the user data.
A pointer to the user data.

◆ linphone_presence_model_has_capability()

bool_t linphone_presence_model_has_capability ( const LinphonePresenceModel model,
const LinphoneFriendCapability  capability 

Returns whether or not the LinphonePresenceModel object has a given capability.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to set the contact.
capabilityThe capability to test.
whether or not the LinphonePresenceModel object has a given capability.

◆ linphone_presence_model_has_capability_with_version()

bool_t linphone_presence_model_has_capability_with_version ( const LinphonePresenceModel model,
const LinphoneFriendCapability  capability,
float  version 

Returns whether or not the LinphonePresenceModel object has a given capability with a certain version.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to set the contact.
capabilityThe LinphoneFriendCapability to test.
versionThe wanted version to test.
whether or not the LinphonePresenceModel object has a given capability with a certain version.

◆ linphone_presence_model_has_capability_with_version_or_more()

bool_t linphone_presence_model_has_capability_with_version_or_more ( const LinphonePresenceModel model,
const LinphoneFriendCapability  capability,
float  version 

Returns whether or not the LinphonePresenceModel object has a given capability with a certain version or more.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to set the contact.
capabilityThe LinphoneFriendCapability to test.
versionThe wanted version to test.
whether or not the LinphonePresenceModel object has a given capability with a certain version or more.

◆ linphone_presence_model_is_online()

bool_t linphone_presence_model_is_online ( const LinphonePresenceModel model)

Tells whether a presence model is considered online.

It is any of theses cases:

  • basic status is'open' and no activities
  • explicit 'online' tag in the status
    modelLinphonePresenceModel object
    A boolean value telling whether the presence model is considered online or not.

◆ linphone_presence_model_new()

LinphonePresenceModel* linphone_presence_model_new ( void  )

Creates a default presence model.

The created presence model, NULL on error.
See also
linphone_presence_model_new_with_activity(), linphone_presence_model_new_with_activity_and_note()

The created presence model is considered 'offline'.

◆ linphone_presence_model_new_with_activity()

LinphonePresenceModel* linphone_presence_model_new_with_activity ( LinphonePresenceActivityType  activity,
const char *  description 

Creates a presence model specifying an activity.

activityThe LinphonePresenceActivityType to set for the created presence model.
descriptionAn additional description of the activity (mainly useful for the 'other' activity). Set it to NULL to not add a description.
The created LinphonePresenceModel, or NULL if an error occured.
See also
linphone_presence_model_new(), linphone_presence_model_new_with_activity_and_note()

The created presence model has the activity specified in the parameters.

◆ linphone_presence_model_new_with_activity_and_note()

LinphonePresenceModel* linphone_presence_model_new_with_activity_and_note ( LinphonePresenceActivityType  activity,
const char *  description,
const char *  note,
const char *  lang 

Creates a presence model specifying an activity and adding a note.

activityThe LinphonePresenceActivityType to set for the created presence model.
descriptionAn additional description of the activity (mainly useful for the 'other' activity). Set it to NULL to not add a description.
noteAn additional note giving additional information about the contact presence.
langThe language the note is written in. It can be set to NULL in order to not specify the language of the note.
The created LinphonePresenceModel, or NULL if an error occured.
See also
linphone_presence_model_new_with_activity(), linphone_presence_model_new_with_activity_and_note()

The created presence model has the activity and the note specified in the parameters.

◆ linphone_presence_model_ref()

LinphonePresenceModel* linphone_presence_model_ref ( LinphonePresenceModel model)

Increase the reference count of the LinphonePresenceModel object.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which the reference count is to be increased.
The LinphonePresenceModel object with the increased reference count.

◆ linphone_presence_model_set_activity()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_set_activity ( LinphonePresenceModel model,
LinphonePresenceActivityType  activity,
const char *  description 

Sets the activity of a presence model (limits to only one activity).

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to set the activity.
activityThe LinphonePresenceActivityType to set for the model.
descriptionAn additional description of the activity to set for the model. Can be NULL if no additional description is to be added.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

WARNING: This function will modify the basic status of the model according to the activity being set. If you don't want the basic status to be modified automatically, you can use the combination of linphone_presence_model_set_basic_status(), linphone_presence_model_clear_activities() and linphone_presence_model_add_activity().

◆ linphone_presence_model_set_basic_status()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_set_basic_status ( LinphonePresenceModel model,
LinphonePresenceBasicStatus  basic_status 

Sets the basic status of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to set the basic status.
basic_statusThe LinphonePresenceBasicStatus to set for the LinphonePresenceModel object.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_model_set_contact()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_set_contact ( LinphonePresenceModel model,
const char *  contact 

Sets the contact of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to set the contact.
contactThe contact string to set.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_model_set_presentity()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_model_set_presentity ( LinphonePresenceModel model,
const LinphoneAddress presentity 

Sets the presentity of a presence model.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to set the contact.
presentityThe presentity address to set (presentity is copied).
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_model_set_user_data()

void linphone_presence_model_set_user_data ( LinphonePresenceModel model,
void *  user_data 

Sets the user data of a LinphonePresenceModel object.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which to set the user data.
user_dataA pointer to the user data to set.

◆ linphone_presence_model_unref()

LinphonePresenceModel* linphone_presence_model_unref ( LinphonePresenceModel model)

Decrease the reference count of the LinphonePresenceModel object and destroy it if it reaches 0.

modelThe LinphonePresenceModel object for which the reference count is to be decreased.
The LinphonePresenceModel object if the reference count is still positive, NULL if the object has been destroyed.

◆ linphone_presence_note_get_content()

const char* linphone_presence_note_get_content ( const LinphonePresenceNote note)

Gets the content of a presence note.

noteA pointer to the LinphonePresenceNote for which to get the content.
A pointer to the content of the presence note.

◆ linphone_presence_note_get_lang()

const char* linphone_presence_note_get_lang ( const LinphonePresenceNote note)

Gets the language of a presence note.

noteA pointer to the LinphonePresenceNote for which to get the language.
A pointer to the language string of the presence note, or NULL if no language is specified.

◆ linphone_presence_note_get_user_data()

void* linphone_presence_note_get_user_data ( const LinphonePresenceNote note)

Gets the user data of a LinphonePresenceNote object.

noteThe LinphonePresenceNote object for which to get the user data.
A pointer to the user data.

◆ linphone_presence_note_new()

LinphonePresenceNote* linphone_presence_note_new ( const char *  content,
const char *  lang 

Creates a presence note.

contentThe content of the note to be created.
langThe language of the note to be created. Can be NULL if no language is to be specified for the note.
The created presence note, NULL on error.

◆ linphone_presence_note_ref()

LinphonePresenceNote* linphone_presence_note_ref ( LinphonePresenceNote note)

Increase the reference count of the LinphonePresenceNote object.

noteThe LinphonePresenceNote object for which the reference count is to be increased.
The LinphonePresenceNote object with the increased reference count.

◆ linphone_presence_note_set_content()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_note_set_content ( LinphonePresenceNote note,
const char *  content 

Sets the content of a presence note.

noteThe LinphonePresenceNote object for which to set the content.
contentThe content of the note.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_note_set_lang()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_note_set_lang ( LinphonePresenceNote note,
const char *  lang 

Sets the language of a presence note.

noteThe LinphonePresenceNote object for which to set the language.
langThe language of the note.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_note_set_user_data()

void linphone_presence_note_set_user_data ( LinphonePresenceNote note,
void *  user_data 

Sets the user data of a LinphonePresenceNote object.

noteThe LinphonePresenceNote object for which to set the user data.
user_dataA pointer to the user data to set.

◆ linphone_presence_note_unref()

LinphonePresenceNote* linphone_presence_note_unref ( LinphonePresenceNote note)

Decrease the reference count of the LinphonePresenceNote object and destroy it if it reaches 0.

noteThe LinphonePresenceNote object for which the reference count is to be decreased.
The LinphonePresenceNote object if the reference count is still positive, NULL if the object has been destroyed.

◆ linphone_presence_person_add_activities_note()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_add_activities_note ( LinphonePresencePerson person,
LinphonePresenceNote note 

Adds an activities note to a presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object for which to add an activities note.
noteThe LinphonePresenceNote object to add to the person.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_person_add_activity()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_add_activity ( LinphonePresencePerson person,
LinphonePresenceActivity activity 

Adds an activity to a presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object for which to add an activity.
activityThe LinphonePresenceActivity object to add to the person.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_person_add_note()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_add_note ( LinphonePresencePerson person,
LinphonePresenceNote note 

Adds a note to a presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object for which to add a note.
noteThe LinphonePresenceNote object to add to the person.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_person_clear_activities()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_clear_activities ( LinphonePresencePerson person)

Clears the activities of a presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object for which to clear the activities.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_person_clear_activities_notes()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_clear_activities_notes ( LinphonePresencePerson person)

Clears the activities notes of a presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object for which to clear the activities notes.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_person_clear_notes()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_clear_notes ( LinphonePresencePerson person)

Clears the notes of a presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object for which to clear the notes.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_person_get_id()

char* linphone_presence_person_get_id ( const LinphonePresencePerson person)

Gets the id of a presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object to get the id from.
A pointer to a dynamically allocated string containing the id, or NULL in case of error.

The returned string is to be freed by calling ms_free().

◆ linphone_presence_person_get_nb_activities()

unsigned int linphone_presence_person_get_nb_activities ( const LinphonePresencePerson person)

Gets the number of activities included in the presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object to get the number of activities from.
The number of activities included in the LinphonePresencePerson object.

◆ linphone_presence_person_get_nb_activities_notes()

unsigned int linphone_presence_person_get_nb_activities_notes ( const LinphonePresencePerson person)

Gets the number of activities notes included in the presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object to get the number of activities notes from.
The number of activities notes included in the LinphonePresencePerson object.

◆ linphone_presence_person_get_nb_notes()

unsigned int linphone_presence_person_get_nb_notes ( const LinphonePresencePerson person)

Gets the number of notes included in the presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object to get the number of notes from.
The number of notes included in the LinphonePresencePerson object.

◆ linphone_presence_person_get_nth_activities_note()

LinphonePresenceNote* linphone_presence_person_get_nth_activities_note ( const LinphonePresencePerson person,
unsigned int  index 

Gets the nth activities note of a presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object to get the activities note from.
indexThe index of the activities note to get (the first note having the index 0).
A pointer to a LinphonePresenceNote object if successful, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_presence_person_get_nth_activity()

LinphonePresenceActivity* linphone_presence_person_get_nth_activity ( const LinphonePresencePerson person,
unsigned int  index 

Gets the nth activity of a presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object to get the activity from.
indexThe index of the activity to get (the first activity having the index 0).
A pointer to a LinphonePresenceActivity object if successful, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_presence_person_get_nth_note()

LinphonePresenceNote* linphone_presence_person_get_nth_note ( const LinphonePresencePerson person,
unsigned int  index 

Gets the nth note of a presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object to get the note from.
indexThe index of the note to get (the first note having the index 0).
A pointer to a LinphonePresenceNote object if successful, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_presence_person_get_user_data()

void* linphone_presence_person_get_user_data ( const LinphonePresencePerson person)

Gets the user data of a LinphonePresencePerson object.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object for which to get the user data.
A pointer to the user data.

◆ linphone_presence_person_new()

LinphonePresencePerson* linphone_presence_person_new ( const char *  id)

Creates a presence person.

idThe id of the presence person to be created. Can be NULL to generate it automatically.
The created presence person, NULL on error.

◆ linphone_presence_person_ref()

LinphonePresencePerson* linphone_presence_person_ref ( LinphonePresencePerson person)

Increase the reference count of the LinphonePresencePerson object.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object for which the reference count is to be increased.
The LinphonePresencePerson object with the increased reference count.

◆ linphone_presence_person_set_id()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_person_set_id ( LinphonePresencePerson person,
const char *  id 

Sets the id of a presence person.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object for which to set the id.
idThe id string to set. Can be NULL to generate it automatically.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_person_set_user_data()

void linphone_presence_person_set_user_data ( LinphonePresencePerson person,
void *  user_data 

Sets the user data of a LinphonePresencePerson object.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object for which to set the user data.
user_dataA pointer to the user data to set.

◆ linphone_presence_person_unref()

LinphonePresencePerson* linphone_presence_person_unref ( LinphonePresencePerson person)

Decrease the reference count of the LinphonePresencePerson object and destroy it if it reaches 0.

personThe LinphonePresencePerson object for which the reference count is to be decreased.
The LinphonePresencePerson object if the reference count is still positive, NULL if the object has been destroyed.

◆ linphone_presence_service_add_note()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_service_add_note ( LinphonePresenceService service,
LinphonePresenceNote note 

Adds a note to a presence service.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object for which to add a note.
noteThe LinphonePresenceNote object to add to the service.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_service_clear_notes()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_service_clear_notes ( LinphonePresenceService service)

Clears the notes of a presence service.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object for which to clear the notes.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_service_get_basic_status()

LinphonePresenceBasicStatus linphone_presence_service_get_basic_status ( const LinphonePresenceService service)

Gets the basic status of a presence service.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object to get the basic status from.
The LinphonePresenceBasicStatus of the LinphonePresenceService object given as parameter.

◆ linphone_presence_service_get_contact()

char* linphone_presence_service_get_contact ( const LinphonePresenceService service)

Gets the contact of a presence service.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object to get the contact from.
A pointer to a dynamically allocated string containing the contact, or NULL if no contact is found.

The returned string is to be freed by calling ms_free().

◆ linphone_presence_service_get_id()

char* linphone_presence_service_get_id ( const LinphonePresenceService service)

Gets the id of a presence service.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object to get the id from.
A pointer to a dynamically allocated string containing the id, or NULL in case of error.

The returned string is to be freed by calling ms_free().

◆ linphone_presence_service_get_nb_notes()

unsigned int linphone_presence_service_get_nb_notes ( const LinphonePresenceService service)

Gets the number of notes included in the presence service.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object to get the number of notes from.
The number of notes included in the LinphonePresenceService object.

◆ linphone_presence_service_get_nth_note()

LinphonePresenceNote* linphone_presence_service_get_nth_note ( const LinphonePresenceService service,
unsigned int  index 

Gets the nth note of a presence service.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object to get the note from.
indexThe index of the note to get (the first note having the index 0).
A pointer to a LinphonePresenceNote object if successful, NULL otherwise.

◆ linphone_presence_service_get_service_descriptions()

bctbx_list_t* linphone_presence_service_get_service_descriptions ( const LinphonePresenceService service)

Gets the service descriptions of a presence service.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object to get the contact from.
A containing the services descriptions.

The returned string is to be freed.

◆ linphone_presence_service_get_user_data()

void* linphone_presence_service_get_user_data ( const LinphonePresenceService service)

Gets the user data of a LinphonePresenceService object.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object for which to get the user data.
A pointer to the user data.

◆ linphone_presence_service_new()

LinphonePresenceService* linphone_presence_service_new ( const char *  id,
LinphonePresenceBasicStatus  basic_status,
const char *  contact 

Creates a presence service.

idThe id of the presence service to be created. Can be NULL to generate it automatically.
basic_statusThe LinphonePresenceBasicStatus to set for the LinphonePresenceService object.
contactThe contact string to set.
The created presence service, NULL on error.

The created presence service has the basic status 'closed'.

◆ linphone_presence_service_ref()

LinphonePresenceService* linphone_presence_service_ref ( LinphonePresenceService service)

Increase the reference count of the LinphonePresenceService object.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object for which the reference count is to be increased.
The LinphonePresenceService object with the increased reference count.

◆ linphone_presence_service_set_basic_status()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_service_set_basic_status ( LinphonePresenceService service,
LinphonePresenceBasicStatus  basic_status 

Sets the basic status of a presence service.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object for which to set the basic status.
basic_statusThe LinphonePresenceBasicStatus to set for the LinphonePresenceService object.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_service_set_contact()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_service_set_contact ( LinphonePresenceService service,
const char *  contact 

Sets the contact of a presence service.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object for which to set the contact.
contactThe contact string to set.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_service_set_id()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_service_set_id ( LinphonePresenceService service,
const char *  id 

Sets the id of a presence service.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object for which to set the id.
idThe id string to set. Can be NULL to generate it automatically.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_service_set_service_descriptions()

LinphoneStatus linphone_presence_service_set_service_descriptions ( LinphonePresenceService service,
bctbx_list_t *  descriptions 

Sets the service descriptions of a presence service.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object for which to set the contact.
descriptionsThe service descriptions.
0 if successful, a value < 0 in case of error.

◆ linphone_presence_service_set_user_data()

void linphone_presence_service_set_user_data ( LinphonePresenceService service,
void *  user_data 

Sets the user data of a LinphonePresenceService object.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object for which to set the user data.
user_dataA pointer to the user data to set.

◆ linphone_presence_service_unref()

LinphonePresenceService* linphone_presence_service_unref ( LinphonePresenceService service)

Decrease the reference count of the LinphonePresenceService object and destroy it if it reaches 0.

serviceThe LinphonePresenceService object for which the reference count is to be decreased.
The LinphonePresenceService object if the reference count is still positive, NULL if the object has been destroyed.