All Classes and Interfaces

Object that represents a Linphone Account.
The object used to configure an account on a server via XML-RPC, see

An object to handle the responses callbacks for handling the AccountCreator
An object to handle the callbacks for the handling of Account objects.
Object that is used to set the different parameters of a Account.
Object that represents a parsed SIP address.
Object that represents an alert.
Object that represents a callback attached to an alert.
Entry point for accessing hardware cameras configuration.
Default: no front; rear=0; default=rear
Android cameras detection, using SDK superior or egal to 21.
Wrapper for Android Camera API.
Utility listener interface providing callback for Android events useful to Mediastreamer.
Object holding audio device information.
Object holding authentication information.
Enum describing the authentication methods.
Enum describing RTP AVPF activation modes.
The object representing a data buffer.
This object represents a call issued or received by the Core.
That class holds all the callbacks which are called by Call objects.
Object used to keep track of all calls initiated, received or missed.
An object containing various parameters of a Call.
This object carry various statistic informations regarding the quality of an
audio or video stream for a given Call.
An chat message is the object that is sent or received through a ChatRoom
An object to handle the callbacks for the handling a ChatMessage
A chat message reaction is an emoji sent by someone in the same chat room to
react to a specific ChatMessage.
A chat room is the place where ChatMessage are exchanged.
An object to handle the callbacks for the handling a ChatRoom objects.
Object defining parameters for a ChatRoom.
Codec priority policies.
A conference is the object that allow to make calls when there are 2 or more
Object defining all information related to a conference.
An object to handle the callbacks for the handling a Conference
Object defining parameters for a Conference.
Object used to create remote conferences and send ICS to notify participants.
An object to handle the callbacks of ConferenceScheduler object.
This object is used to manipulate a configuration file.
Describes the state of the remote configuring process of the Core
object, 'Skipped' when the feature is disabled.
Consolidated presence information: 'online' means the user is open for
communication, 'busy' means the user is open for communication but involved in
an other activity, 'do not disturb' means the user is not open for
communication, and 'offline' means that no presence information is available.
This object holds data that can be embedded in a signaling message.
Main object to instanciate and on which to keep a reference.
That class holds all the callbacks which are called by Core.
Represents a dial plan.
Object that represents key-value pair container.
The LinphoneDigestAuthenticationPolicy holds parameters relative to digest
authentication procedures.
Enum describing the result of the echo canceller calibration process.
Object representing full details about a signaling error or status.
Object representing an event state, which is subcribed or published.
An object to handle the callbacks for handling the LinphoneEvent operations.
Object that represents an event that must be stored in database.
The factory is a singleton object devoted to the creation of all the objects of
Liblinphone that cannot be created by Core itself.
This object is used to store a SIP address.
This object representing a list of Friend.
An object to handle the callbacks for Friend.
An object to handle the callbacks for Friend synchronization.
Object that represents a Friend's phone number.
Describes the global state of the Core object.
Object representing a chain of protocol headers.
Enum describing ICE states.
Policy to use to send/receive instant messaging composing/delivery/display
Object representing an informational message sent or received by the core.
Object that represents a Linphone Ldap.
Object that is used to set the different parameters of a Ldap.

Whether or not to keep a file with the logs.
Singleton class giving access to logging features.
Listener for LoggingService.
Verbosity levels of log messages.
A MagicSearch is used to do specifics searchs.
A MagicSearchListener is used to do specifics searchs.
Indicates for a given media the stream direction.
Enum describing type of media encryption types.
Media resource usage.
Policy to use to pass through NATs/firewalls.
Identifies a member of a Conference or ChatRoom.
This object represents a unique device for a member of a Conference or
This object is only used on server side for ChatRoom with {@link ChatRoom#Backend#FlexisipChat}
An object to handle the callbacks for the handling a ParticipantDevice
This object represents the delivery/display state of a given chat message for a
given participant.
Object defining all information related to a participant.
Object representing an RTP payload type.
Player interface.
An object to handle the callbacks for the handling a Player objects.
Presence activity type holding information about a presence activity.
Basic status as defined in section 4.1.4 of RFC 3863.
Presence model type holding information about the presence of a person.
Presence note type holding information about a presence note.
Presence person holding information about a presence person.
Presence service type holding information about a presence service.
Defines privacy policy to apply as described by rfc3323.
06/04/2020 Use Account object instead
Enum for publish states.
Object holding push notification config that will be set in the contact URI
parameters of the Contact header in the REGISTER, if the AccountParams
is configured to allow push notifications, see AccountParams.setPushNotificationAllowed(boolean)
Object holding chat message data received by a push notification on iOS
platform only.
Structure describing a range of integers.
Enum describing various failure reasons or contextual information for some
Object used to record the audio or video of a call.
Object containing various parameters of a Recorder.
Describes proxy registration states.
The LinphoneSearchResult object represents a result of a search.
Session Timers refresher.
Object to get signal (wifi/4G etc...) informations.
All signal units that a device can use.
All signal types that a device can use.
Enum describing type of SRTP encryption suite.
Enum describing the stream types.
Enum controlling behavior for incoming subscription request.
Enum for subscription direction (incoming or outgoing).
Enum for subscription states.

Enum listing frequent telephony tones.
SIP transports & ports configuration object.
Enum describing transport type for LinphoneAddress.
Linphone tunnel object.
Tunnel settings.
Enum describing uPnP states.
Object storing contact information using vCard 4.0 format.
Centralize version access and allow simulation of lower versions.
Enum describing the result of a version update check.
Object describing policy regarding video streams establishments.
This object represents a video definition, eg.
Object that is used to describe a video source.
Enum representing the type of a video source.
Enum describing the types of argument for LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.
The XmlRpcRequest object representing a XML-RPC request to be sent.
An object to handle the callbacks for handling the XmlRpcRequest
The XmlRpcSession object used to send XML-RPC requests and handle their
Enum describing the status of a LinphoneXmlRpcRequest.
Enum describing the ZRTP key exchange algorithns.
Enum describing the ZRTP SAS validation status of a peer URI.